Apr 16th, 2015 Archives

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Hi everyone, and welcome again to the MNO blog – the only blog and monitor in the HYIP industry that prefers not to deal with cheap scams and tries to deliver exclusively top-notch investment opportunities from experienced HYIP admins. Several people asked me already why I prefer not to be accepting the majority of new programs opening these days. Well, it’s for a good reason – the abundance of fast scams was seriously hurting the HYIP industry as a whole while putting the good clientele off even looking for more professional programs from admins with better intentions. No wonder the preliminary results of the poll currently running on the MNO TalkBack page says over 59% of the votes cast so far say too many fast and cheap scams are the main reason behind the fact that the HYIP industry is in decline. Since MNO first started back in 2007 I myself have learned many valuable lessons from the HYIP industry – even more about the possible traps and bumps, tips and tricks utilized by some HYIP admins and survived the collapse of many payment processors over years (by the way, problems with payment processors were named as the second most popular reason for the HYIP industry decline with over 25% of the votes). That helped me develop a unique and innovative approach for MNO and has helped me surpass all the other blogs and monitors and eventually became the most popular site in the HYIP industry.

Some HYIP admins and even some readers were asking me why I’m keeping the advertising prices so high and don’t adjust them in line with the clearly changing market conditions. After all, the industry is in a slump. There are various reasons for this that I will try to explain before getting to the news. You see, over the last number of years in the HYIP business I have, to be blunt, done quite well from it. I’ve earned an amount that’s let’s just say comfortable to cover my personal needs and allows me to continue with a lifestyle that I’ve always wanted without having to work again. But this also puts me in a position of holding a much higher value on my free time. At some point a couple of years back, totally overloaded with work related to my website, I realized that serving all manner of cheap scams was not the reason why I originally started MNO. I remembered that what I really wanted was to help investors by sharing my knowledge and experience for them to earn some decent profits on their investments in the HYIP world. Besides, working 16 hour days for 29/30 days a month was also not what I intended, so I decided that MNO should not be something that takes up so much of my personal life given that I had already secured financial security for myself as a result of the work I had already done. At the same time this should not clash with my genuine desire to monitor only the best programs and avoid the fast scams as much as possible. This idea took its final shape after the LR collapse in 2013 and instead of lowering my prices in line with the approximately 50% of the funds that were wiped out from the HYIP industry overnight I decided otherwise. In fact not only would I not lower the advertising and listing fees on MNO, I would eventually increase them. That decision alone helped me significantly to cope with the rising number of programs wanting to be covered on MNO and allow me to concentrate on the best. This policy was a complete success, and resulted in what you now see – a handful of high quality programs that, unlike the other fast scams you’ll find on other cheap HYIP blogs and monitors, might be able to bring investors a profit. I noticed that trend even back in autumn 2014 and since then it’s only strengthened. It helped MNO and the readers following me to almost fully get rid of the fast scams in their portfolios and put their hard earned money in some truly remarkable investment opportunities which are much harder to find these days. In such a harsh climate in the industry at the moment it would be extremely stupid and economically inefficient for any HYIP admin deliberately planning to run a fast scam and rob people’s money (and you know, 90% of the programs are exactly like that now) to list their programs on MNO, while a green light is given to admins who want to put their best efforts into developing something truly big the prime examples of which we saw a few years back with programs like GNI and GeniusFunds. Such admins are now truly needed in a declining HYIP industry. These admins will be the only ones accommodated by MNO and that is why there will be fewer programs listed on my site than there used to be, but they will be better programs. MNO will therefore keep prices high (as I’m personally not in need of the money) and expensive for fast scammers, staying a safe harbor for readers to find only the most elite investment opportunities out there. I hope this has now been clarified for everyone, and I will stay my ground and accept only the best programs here.


And speaking of the best looking programs in the HYIP industry right now, I can’t help but mention StartupExchange. The program was added to the MNO Premium list just nine days ago, and despite the lack of payment options (only PerfectMoney and Payeer were originally accepted) it’s become one of the most popular programs among readers climbing to the #3 spot. Now that it was officially announced that StartupExchange is using BitCoin the future seems to be even brighter for them. The short message about the accepting BitCoin which the admin was planning from the beginning was posted in the site’s news section yesterday:

We accept BitCoin
The site added a new payment system – BitCoin and we updated calculator.

The very first investors of StartupExchange already managed to complete up to three investment cycles and possibly earn them up to 71.5% for each of them which is eleven calendar days long. Although the investment plan already pays you from 4% on the first day to 9% of the eleventh day by increasing by 0.5% increments every day, you’re still in more control of your account than you might think at first. The thing is with StartupExchange you only commit your initial deposit (that can start from $10) for a period of 24 hours. No withdrawal requests are required as all daily payouts are automatic (to PerfectMoney, Payeer, and BitCoin) and you’re then able to release your principal any time you want. That level of flexibility along with the automatic and instant payouts provided by StartupExchange operated by the unique custom-made script has attracted hundreds of investors and is making waves in the HYIP industry. StartupExchange is certainly one of the hottest programs on the market right now, so to read more about them please refer to the detailed review posted on the MNO blog here.


Lionery (reviewed here) is another program gaining momentum in the HYIP industry for quite a few weeks now, paying variable returns of 1% to 5% on every calendar day until you reach 150% of your investment. It’s also among the growing number of professionally made programs where the admins see the importance of using verifiable payment options like Payza and Neteller (read my article on the advantages of using such processors here) along with the more traditional anonymous currencies like PerfectMoney, Payeer, and BitCoin. Investments in Lionery start from a $10 minimum and the best thing is that withdrawals (except those for Neteller) are always processed instantly. The first investors in Lionery are already in good profit from the program with the first cycle almost due for completion. In the latest newsletter issued by the admin it was reminded about the benefits of the regional representatives program Lionery is currently running. For more information on this please read below:

Reminder to join representatives program!
Hello everyone,
Just a reminder for those who have deposited $100 or more are welcome to join our regional representatives program. You will be able to earn high affiliate commission, starting from 7%. Invite your fiends and family and get financially awarded.
More information here: https://lionery.com/regional-representatives
Charles Castillo. Main Redactor


As usual the news page of PokerAutomatics is filled with various updates on events happening over the last two days. Of course the most important update involved a then temporary problem with WebMoney, which was then followed by the announcement that PokerAutomatics is dropping them completely. So, if you have any deposits in PokerAutomatics made via WebMoney please contact their support service at the email address below for an alternative. Remember that PokerAutomatics also use PerfectMoney, SolidTrustPay, Payeer, BitCoin, OkPay, Qiwi, NixMoney, YandexMoney, AdvCash or directly some Russian-based banks:

We temporarily don’t accept new deposits through WebMoney.
Dear clients,
For security reasons, Poker Automatics temporarily doesn’t accept new Deposits through Webmoney.
There are no restrictions for current Webmoney Deposits.

We will no further work with WebMoney
Dear clients,
For security reasons, we will no further work with Webmoney
Everyone who made a deposit via this payment system can choose any other payment system and we’ll convert all your Deposits.
Please choose your payment system and send your request to accounts@pokeram.com
PokerAutomatics Team

If you haven’t read the full review of PokerAutomatics published on MNO here, I would like to remind you that the program accepts investments starting from a $30 minimum for a period of 30 to 180 calendar days and the principal returned on expiry. As allegedly PokerAutomatics is earning from an extensive network of pokerbots, the daily interest is announced every day and can be different, but tends to consistently float around the 1% mark. The announced profit is not however the percentage you will see in your account as, depending on the size of your investment and the investment period, you receiving between a 40% to 80% share of that profit. That makes PokerAutomatics one of the most moderately paying investment programs on the HYIP market, at the same time making it one of the longer-running and most sustainable. The program has been successfully running for eight full months already, delivering good profits for thousands of lucky investors. In the latest report posted below you will see the typical daily returns, a report on the pokerbot network upgrade, and the expansion of their promotional social networking efforts incorporating the popular Russian network Odnoklassniki into the supported areas with the link provided:

PokerAutomatics Daily Results:
15.04.2015 – Total poker botnet Income: 1.06%

PokerAutomatics Daily Results:
16.04.2015 – Total poker botnet Income: 1.13%

Pokerbot network upgrade
A number of poker bots in the network increased to 836.
Our future goals:
July 2015: 900-1000 active poker bot accounts
January 2016: 1200-1300 active poker bot accounts
July 2016: 1500-1600 active poker bot accounts
January 2017: 1900-2000 active poker bot accounts
The ultimate goal – 2000 active poker bot accounts.

Odnoklassniki (OK.ru) Social Network was added
PokerAutomatics Official OK Group


If you don’t mind giving your opinion on the latest experiences with the SolidTrustPay customer support that is now available 24/7 in Live Chat, you’re invited to participate in a short survey. The results will help to further improve the service STP provides members. More on that with a link to the survey in the latest STP blog post is included below (for more information on the advantages of using SolidTrustPay as your payment processor of choice when investing in HYIPs please refer to this article on MNO):

New Customer Support Survey!
In the effort to better serve you and improve our services, please take a moment of your time to fill out our survey by clicking on the following link: http://goo.gl/forms/N7vKyPQaYT
While you’re at it, check out our other social media sites where we update new surveys and information frequently:
Thank you for being a vital part of the SolidTrust Pay community.
Kind regards, SolidTrust Pay


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 60 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: –
From MNO Premium listLioneryRollNRich, StartupExchange, SilveksUnitedMicroCredit, AtrexTradePokerAutomatics,
From MNO Standard list: CompassBusiness.
From MNO Basic list: ForexShareOgdenOrganization.

That’s it for tonight, guys. Hope you enjoy reading MNO on a regular basis, and if so make sure you bookmark my site so as not to miss any promising newcomers to the HYIP industry. For the biggest investment programs currently available please take a look at the list provided here. Follow MNO on Facebook and Twitter and subscribe to the daily news delivered directly to your email address (it’s very easy by using the form on the top right corner of the MNO blog and you can unsubscribe at any point in the future). See you very soon with more news everyone!

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