Apr 29th, 2015 Archives

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Hello, guys. Thanks for stopping by at the MNO blog – a leading investment portal dealing exclusively with high-budget HYIPs run by experienced admins.

The last two days were really bad for the HYIP industry and resulted in the collapse of quite a few popular programs due to the unannounced and unscheduled downtime from the leading payment processor responsible for the majority of financial transactions carried out in the industry – PerfectMoney. Problems with PerfectMoney were first noted on Monday night, and while some were able to access the PM site most of the time, others (including myself) were struggling to access their account areas. It appears that the API of PerfectMoney was not working properly either which resulted in many programs (mainly running off GoldCoders scripts and paying instantly) suspended instant payments until PerfectMoney was back to normal. Unfortunately the inability of some investors to make any additional deposits via PerfectMoney did affect some program’s cash flow, while the withdrawals pending to PerfectMoney created an unnecessary panic among investors who were still able to access their accounts in PM but were totally unaware of the ongoing issues mostly due to the silence of the payment processor itself. I must say that although PerfectMoney is seemingly out of trouble for now and loading well for everyone while the API seems to be back to normal too (for how long?) the attitude shown by the PerfectMoney administration towards their clients is far from perfect (not in conjunction with its name, lol). In my opinion, is totally unacceptable to leave your clients in the dark like that and endanger their investments made in HYIPs – the main industry whose needs PerfectMoney are serving. Its dominant position in the market and the obvious inability to deal with certain problems fast enough really hurt an already fragile HYIP industry and endangered many well-made programs that might have been able to run longer otherwise. Something must be done about that and the healthy competition to PerfectMoney is an absolute 100% necessity to both HYIP investors and HYIP admins now. Without it this situation is only going to keep happening time after time after time. In my opinion the quicker everyone wakes up to this the better.


The recent downtime from PerfectMoney was definitely one of the contributing factors to the sooner-than-expected demise of CryptoGenesis after eight days online thus making the program a total and utter failure with hundreds of investors losing money there. For a short period of time after the first problem with PerfectMoney automatic withdrawals became known CryptoGenesis still paid to members via Payeer and BitCoin. Just a few hours later and all instant withdrawals to everyone had been switched off. The admin’s silence regarding the whole issue and ignoring my emails made everything clear – CryptoGenesis confirmed its status of one of the worst run programs over the last few months. It’s been a huge blow for everyone as many people expected it was from a more experienced admin and thus invested big money from the very start. This may also have been a factor, proving too much of a temptation to just bail out at the first hint of trouble rather than try and recover and carry on. Whatever the real reasons, CryptoGenesis has been a huge disappointment to everyone including myself. Note that CryptoGenesis is not paying anymore while the site is still online and accepting new deposits. Nothing can be done about that and we should just accept the losses that sometimes happen and move on. Sorry for those who lost money in CryptoGenesis but again, I can only remind you never to invest amounts you can’t afford to lose. I noticed quite a few big deposits in the program that could as I said very well have tempted the admin to scam fast instead of repairing the damage like many other admins successfully did. We therefore can’t exclude the possibility that CryptoGenesis was aimed to become a fast scam from the beginning and that the admin never planned to put even its first investors into profits. Unfortunately these things happen, although less frequently than before, but they still happen, so please always remember this and never invest what you can’t afford to lose, even if the program looks fantastic and has very positive reviews – if the admin behind such a program intends to scam fast he will do so and nobody will be able to stop this. The program has stopped paying now, so do not make any deposit any longer, guys!


Good admins paying instantly, on the contrary, should always update members about any problems with payment processors and so avoid any panic. The admin of StartupExchange is at least one who seems to be perfectly aware of that. Although StartupExchange was largely unaffected by the problems at PerfectMoney and for the most part continued to pay instantly to everyone, a message was still sent out warning members about potential issues with both PerfectMoney and Payeer. This was replaced on the news page later this morning with another update announcing both payment systems were back to normal once again:

PerfectMoney is not available in some regions of the world
In some regions of the world PerfectMoney is not available, automatic payments are normally. Looking forward to restore the correct operation of the payment system.

All payments systems operate in the normal mode
After an evening of failures, payment systems PerfectMoney and Payeer operate normally.

The admin of StartupExchange was also very excited about his program reaching and maintaining the #1 spot on the MNO monitor, rushing to share the good news with members. In the process he also linked to my blog and mentioned his growing Alexa rating which reached 74,000 (at the time of writing it already been in the 65,000 most popular sites in the world) and keeps growing. Here’s the announcement I found on the website’s news section regarding this:

StartupExchange came to the first place on MNO
Famous overseas MNO monitoring highly profitable projects in their ranking moved StartupExchange in the first place. In other ratings, our service also holds a leading position. In particular, the famous ranking sites Alexa Rank assigns us 74000 position. This suggests that our site is included in the top 100,000 of all sites on the Internet.

You might ask what made StartupExchange so popular among my readers to put it into the top position after just three weeks on MNO and six weeks online in total. Well, there’s a combination of factors contributing to their ongoing success I think. Of course, one of the most loved features in StartupExchange will be the option to just make an investment, starting from a $10 minimum via PerfectMoney, BitCoin, or Payeer, and then “forget” about it. You get paid your interest automatically without the need for any requests to the e-currency you joined with for a duration of 11 days. Your initial investment with the potential 71.5% pure profit is also returned without need to access your StartupExchange‘s account anymore. Needless to say StartupExchange is using its own custom-made script to accommodate such a unique feature and satisfy lots of investors many of which were able to complete three full cycles since the program first came online six week ago. Another fantastic feature of StartupExchange is that you don’t need to wait the entire 11 days. Your principal is only locked in for the first 24 hours, and once your first automated payment is processed the deposit becomes available for withdrawal without any fees. But that’s not all – for those who are more loyal to the program and prefer to wait for a bit longer and not to withdraw their initial investment there is a sort of loyalty system in place rewarding investors with active deposits with a 0.5% increase in interest every day you stay a member. So on the first day you will get paid 4% interest, on the second day it gets up to 4.5%, on the third day – 5%, and so on, until you reach the maximum of 9% daily return on day eleven. After that it automatically expires and gets paid to your preferred e-currency. Still sounds confusing? Don’t worry, it’s explained much better in a more detailed review published here. Please read before investing to fully understand the terms and conditions of this wonderful program.


InfinityFinanceCorp (reviewed here) is probably the best program to consider joining if you like a multiple choice of payment systems. Over the last two days OkPay and Payza have been added as two extra payment options, thus bringing the number of payment processors to ten (including SolidTrustPay, Payeer, PerfectMoney, BitCoin, Neteller, MoneyGram, WesternUnion, and even direct bank wires). Such an amazing level of versatility in the payments field should definitely attract more people to InfinityFinanceCorp, people who might otherwise have left the HYIP industry disappointed with the amount of cheap programs and fast scams all around. Of course, the addition of OkPay will probably not getting much flow of investors while Payza‘s addition will certainly helps as, in my opinion, it’s only getting more and popular day after day. Overall, you should be able to use verifiable payment options in the HYIP industry to maximize your chances for success (read the full article explaining why in more detail here) and InfiinityFinanceCorp, contrary to many other programs, is giving you this opportunity. The investment plan requires at least a $10 minimum (bigger for some payment options) and depending on its size you get from 1.75% to 3.25% interest over the next 60 calendar days. Principal is returned on expiry. So don’t expect fast returns from InfinityFinanceCorp as the program is definitely aimed at the longer term, but I guess high quality and sustainable programs like this is what the industry needs right now. By joining InfinityFinanceCorp please be aware of the 72-hour withdrawals policy, so don’t panic when your payments are not processed within just a few hours. This is all properly explained in the program’s extensive FAQ page, by the way. I believe that rule is actually necessary when you remember what just happened with PerfectMoney when the admin was unable to make withdrawals for almost two days. In that event the admin posted an update on the program’s news page yesterday when PerfectMoney was down for many people around the world. Although for now this is not relevant any longer (due to PM getting back to normal), I will still re-post it along with the other news on the addition of OkPay and Payza payment processors (so, if you have been waiting for Payza before that now is your chance to invest in InfinityFinanceCorp if you don’t want to miss the possible next big thing in the industry):

PerfectMoney Website is Down
Due to the fact that the PerfectMoney website is down, we are unable to process the withdrawals through this payment processor. As soon as their website becomes available again, then all pending withdrawals shall be processed fast. Apologies for this delay. Please wait for their website to get back online again before expecting your payouts from this processor.

OKPAY is now accepted by InfinityFinanceCorp
Let us start this week right!
Great news everyone! We just got approval by OKPay to start using their payment processor to process the payments and deposits on our website! This is another great news that we have lined up for this week. You can add your OKPay account in your profiles starting now.
For your information, we are using a verified account with OKPay and we have prior approval before we activated the deposit button on our website. Take advantage of all the payment processors we accept.
You can actually make deposits through any or through many of our accepted payment methods. Thank you!
We have also added our website to several new monitors. Kindly check the Forums & Ratings page on our website to check.
Thank you for being part of our company.
Much Regards, InfinityFinanceCorp Ltd.

Payza is Accepted at InfinityFinanceCorp
Good day. As part of our continuous development and innovation, we are pleased to inform everyone that we have started to accept Payza as another means of payment on our company. Payza has approved our website and our corporate account is verified by them.
As you are probably aware, Payza is like Solidtrustpay and OKPay. These processors are very strict in letting merchants use their processors. We have successfully passed all the stringent requirements.
You may add your Payza account in your profiles now. Make sure you enter it correctly as you can only do this once. You will need support to assist you to modify your account if ever you entered an incorrect account.
Please share this news.
Thank you for being part of our company.
Much Regards, InfinityFinanceCorp Ltd.

Just as I was about to publish today’s post I have received yet another newsletter from InfinityFinanceCorp reminding potential investors that they are perhaps the only ones in the HYIP industry that has all corporate accounts approved by both Payza and SolidTrustPay and even OkPay. In addition to that, the admin also reminds us the PM issue is over and pending withdrawals there have all been cleared up by now. Here’s the email for your information:

Solidtrustpay, Payza and OKPay Approved
We are able to resume payouts through PerfectMoney today because their website is back online.
For the information of everyone, we are approved and verified with corporate accounts on major payment processors we accept like Solidtrustpay, Payza and OKPay. These payment processors have confirmed and verified our business thoroughly so you, as investors can feel confident that you are dealing with a legitimate corporation through InfinityFinanceCorp Ltd.
Thank you for being part of our company.
Much Regards, InfinityFinanceCorp Ltd


PokerAutomatics is yet another program that was fully approved by SolidTrustPay and was even included in the payment processor’s merchant directory which happens quite rarely nowadays with only a couple of programs having been managed to prove their corporate identity and have an account there with the automated payment button enabled. Apart from STP, you can also invest in PokerAutomatics starting from $30 minimum via several other payment methods including PerfectMoney, Payeer, BitCoin, AdvCash, OkPay, YandexMoney, NixMoney, and some Russian banks transfers. Regarding one of the less common payment methods also accepted by PokerAutomatics – QIWI – there was an update recently posted on the news page of the site stating that now the vouchers can be used to make payments from your wallet to make your investment activities even more anonymous (without any connection to your wallet’s registered mobile phone number). More details on that please read below:

QIWI Wallet Vouchers – More Security
We start to work with QIWI Wallet using QIWI Vouchers.
You don’t need to enter your phone number. It’s absolutely anonymous for you.
When you create “Add funds” operation you can see all payment instructions.
To receive QIWI payouts just add your email in payment details and you’ll get your QIWI Vouchers into your email box.

If you haven’t read my full review of PokerAutomatics yet (or you might want to click here to do so) I will briefly remind you that by investing money there you get into the the investment pool where the funds invested into the pokerbot network that will allegedly make the program about 1% profit every single day. During the investment period which can vary from 30 to 180 calendar days you will get paid from 40% to 80% share of that return until your investment term expires on which you will be handed your initial investment back. As you see the return offered by PokerAutomatics is very moderate compared to many similar HYIPs, but at the same time it makes the program more sustainable. So, if you like such type of returns that allowed the program stably work since August 2014 I would be able to heartily recommend you trying PokerAutomatics out. The daily returns are, by the way, posted on the site quite regularly and just to give you an idea here are the two last daily reports of the profits received by the program:

PokerAutomatics Daily Results:
28.04.2015 – Total poker botnet Income: 1.05%

PokerAutomatics Daily Results:
29.04.2015 – Total poker botnet Income: 0.87%

In addition to the daily returns you can win a VIP status that will give you some certain privileges in PokerAutomatics in the weekly lottery the latest results of which were also the subject on one more short update where the winner of the previous week’s lottery was named and praised (my congratulations to the winner!):

Lottery Results 26.04.2015:
The winner of this week is prada99.
You get VIP status as a prize.

And finally, for those willing to earn more referral commissions from PokerAutomatics and never minding to dedicate some free time to educate new potential investors on your local market you can apply for the position of regional representative in the program. The list of such representatives are constantly growing and the most recent addition to that list was Trevor Miller from the UK. The admin of PokerAutomatics greeted him in the latest update while also sharing the link to the page where one can find the full list of representatives and possibly contact one of them for any additional information and ask questions you might have:

We have a new Representative
Trevor Miller – United Kingdom
You may contact him by email, skype and phone


AtrexTrade (reviewed here) has been a model of stability, with all payouts processed instantly to members’ PerfectMoney, Payeer and BitCoin accounts for nearly five months already that I have absolutely no reason to post anything new about the program. Judging by the level of returns I believe that we will see the first investors in profit from it in the next couple of weeks. However, remember that your investment term has no limits and you will be paid a daily percentage for as long as you stay a member. A similar concept of profit sharing to that of PokerAutomatics, AtrexTrade members get from a 50% to 75% share of the company’s profits depending on the performance. Results are posted on the AtrexTrade website and you can then withdraw your profits on the following day. Since AtrexTrade generally only “trade” on business days (Monday to Friday) you will get paid from Tuesday to Saturday and will get a share from program’s profits 0.35% to 2% until you’re ready to withdraw your principal which can be done by contacting the admin manually after a lock-in period of 5 weeks. In addition to the regular two days off per week AtrexTrade also posts any upcoming holidays when interest is not paid well in advance. For the month of May this will be May 1st and May 25th meaning you won’t get paid for two Thursdays of the month following the extra holiday Wednesdays. Please take it into consideration as per the extra information posted by AtrexTrade (remember that you can join this wonderful program for a $10 minimum deposit):

List of holidays/non-working days in May
Dear investors,
We would like to inform you that interest will not be added to your deposits on May 1 and 25 due to official holidays.
Deposits and withdrawals will be fully available.
Thank you for your attention.


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 60 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: –
From MNO Premium listStartupExchange, RollNRichPokerAutomaticsSilveksAtrexTradeInfinityFinanceCorp.
From MNO Standard list: CompassBusiness.
From MNO Basic list: ForexShareOgdenOrganization.

That’s it for tonight, guys. I just want to remind you that for now Silveks is on Waiting status on my monitor due to the admin for some reason ignoring my pending withdrawal to Payeer, though PerfectMoney withdrawals were all paid. I contacted him today and if I don’t get a response by tomorrow I’ll have to move Silveks to Problem Status. It won’t be the first time by the way, so for now obviously I wouldn’t recommend investing there. I’ll keep you updated on that so remember to always check the MNO monitor before investing. The situation with payouts may change quickly and it would be a pity if you make an investment without consulting the MNO monitor first which in most cases has a more accurate status before any others. Always be careful and invest only what you can afford to lose! Good luck with your investments and see you all soon.

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