01/05/2015. Top Five Popular Programs on MNO
Hello everyone, and thanks for stopping by on this celebratory first day of May. I hope you haven’t got too carried away with the celebrations yet and are ready to take a closer look of what’s been going on in the HYIP industry over the last couple of days. Truth be told there wasn’t anything urgent to talk about as the industry is still very much in hibernation with fewer admins currently listing their programs on the Premium List, probably to cut down on costs, which allows me to concentrate more on the really big ones. Still, I look forward to what the future brings us, which fingers crossed will hopefully be promising new programs the best of which you will definitely find here on the MNO blog and monitor. For today I would like to talk about the latest version of the Top Five Popular Programs on MNO instead of writing any news on them, as all of them are quite with no complains and many people already making profits from them.
But first, getting back to the May Day celebrations this weekend. I know some countries strictly observe the holiday on the very first day of the month, while others wait until whenever the first Monday comes to make a three day weekend out of it. But did you know some interesting facts about what people from different nationalities celebrate on this day? Well, the admin of the biggest program in the HYIP industry at the moment – StartupExchange – made something of an effort to explain some aspects of the first of May and shared his thoughts in the latest newsletter given over entirely to this bright spring holiday:
“Congratulations on May 1st!
Dear participants StartupExchange, congratulations on May 1st!
Our investors, partners and startups from around the world, feast of May 1 – all called differently.
Labor Day, Springday, Spring and Labour Day (in Russia), International Workers Day – is celebrated in many countries and territories on May 1 or the first Monday on May.
As well as celebrating May 1st:
Hawaii: Lei Day – celebration of Hawaiian dances.
Kazakhstan: Day of Unity of Peoples of Kazakhstan.
Canada: Saskatchewan Day gopher.
US: Day of loyalty; Day of children’s health; Rights Day.
France: Day lily of the valley.”
StartupExchange is the first program from the current Top Five we’re going to talk about in more detail. And deservedly so, as it occupies the #1 position on my list. Were you aware of the fact that since the program officially launched on March, 18 this year it has now been online for 44 days. The reason this should interest you is that StartupExchange has now officially passed its fourth investment cycle. If you read my review of the program published here, you’ll know that StartupExchange invites you to invest for a full term of 11 calendar days with the possibility of reaching 71.5% pure profit by the end when your principal is automatically paid back to your PerfectMoney, BitCoin, or Payeer account. And that’s officially what made StartupExchange a true phenomena in the HYIP industry this year, as with reinvestment of your principal every 11 days being with the program since day one you could have possibly earned 286% (!!!) pure profit. Of course, we saw programs that offered such astronomical profits before, but how many of them could actually boast about delivering them in such quantities to hundreds of happy investors and only in a 44-day lifetime? StartupExchange has managed to achieve it and thus surpassed the most daring expectations to prove all the skeptics totally wrong. And regardless of how much longer StartupExchange is going to last I believe it will stay in people’s memory as one of the best highlights of this year. Of course, since I can still see huge interest in the program from my readers it might just pass a few more investment cycles, and especially considering you don’t need to wait for the full 11-day cycle to end in order to profit. You can start investing with as little as $10 on your balance in BitCoin, Payeer, or PerfectMoney accounts and get paid every day directly there, without any need to make a withdrawal request. So, you make an investment in StartupExchange and get paid your first 4% daily profit after a period of 24 hours, and then it gets interesting. After that happens you’re free to do whatever you wish with your money and can withdraw your principal and get paid instantly anytime you like between the 24 hour lock-in and the final 11 days. So theoretically you may just collect the 4% after day one and leave the program for good. However, if you decide to stay, then you will be rewarded with an extra 0.5% on which your daily profit in StartupExchange increases every day. So, on day two you will get 4.5% profit, on day three – 5%, on day four – 5.5%, and so on, until you reach the maximum 9% daily profit on day eleven, after which your principal is automatically returned whether you ask for it or not. This level of flexibility allowed by the custom-made script perhaps made StartupExchange so popular among investors over the last weeks to maintain a healthy cashflow which even recent issues with PerfectMoney couldn’t hinder. So we can clearly say that StartupExchange stood the test of time, and hope to see many more of you profit for days and weeks to come. We desperately need more like them to get the HYIP industry back on track sooner rather than later!
If you have told me that a program like RollNRich would reach #2 on the MNO Premium List just a year ago I would have never believed you. And yet, RollNRich which is a pure game where you roll dice every business day 300 times to give a result from 0% to 10% maximum per day got there after working for 107 days now. RollNRich first came to MNO on day one and the program was reviewed here. I didn’t believe myself the project would work for three and a half months and wouldn’t expect so many people to have made such good profits on investments starting from a $10 minimum via PerfectMoney, Payeer, and BitCoin. Theoretically you may have earned almost nothing or you may have doubled your deposit by now, as the gaming process in RollNRich is purely a game of chance and you may even get your deposit back and have it doubled if you are lucky enough for the dice to fall right. And although I suspect that there is less chance given to RollNRich players and more of a well-calculated script available at play, you still can’t blame anyone for your bad luck, as you sign up for a game with sometimes unpredictable results. So keep it in mind that RollNRich is still a game, played from Monday to Friday and paying within 48 hours of receiving your withdrawal request. If you want to try it out I wish you the best of luck, because that is exactly what will predetermine your success or failure in this truly original program!
Getting to #3 now, that spot belongs to PokerAutomatics. The program reminds me of the golden age in the HYIP industry a few years back, when we had great profit making opportunities from such giants as GNI, GeniusFunds, and several others. That was a time when the industry was not dominated by short-term low-quality scams, but seriously professional and long-running programs that were able to run for months and months bringing huge profits to investors. PokerAutomatics brings you back to those glory days, online since August last year, very moderate but stable payouts, and an abundance of payment processors including SolidTrustPay (other methods include PerfectMoney, Payeer, BitCoin, OkPay, YandexMoney, NixMoney, AdvCash, Qiwi, and bank wires). The minimum to invest in PokerAutomatics starts with quite an affordable $30 and for that you get the opportunity to earn a 40% to 80% share of the program’s profits that are updated on a daily basis. Usually the profit (allegedly earned from an extensive network of automatic pokerbots) hovers around the 1% daily mark, from which you respectively get from 0.4% to 0.8% for a period of 30 to 180 calendar days (depending on the size of your investment and the chosen plan). On expiry PokerAutomatics return your principal within a five day maximum. You can be pretty sure that it’s not a trick as so many investors already managed to make a decent profit from the program over its many months online. Don’t get too distracted though, as the risks are still there even with moderately paying programs, so invest only what you can afford to lose! For more information on this truly amazing program please refer to my detailed review posted here.
Ranked at #4 AtrexTrade (reviewed here) is another program destined for long-term success. Well, at least we hope that’s the case judging by the same admin’s previous record with another hugely successful program RemiTrade that ran for about two years. If the success is to be repeated than we should assume that AtrexTrade is still in its infancy having been online for barely five months and yet to bring the first profits to investors, unless they asked for a manual principal withdrawal which is available after an initial 5-week long lock-in period. As a monitor naturally I’m not doing that myself, so continue enjoying a daily profit after breaking even (referral commissions included) just recently. For AtrexTrade this is certainly a well-deserved and overdue spot, as, contrary to so many cheap and fast scams, one can clearly see a touch of class when dealing with them. You’ll see a perfectly running advanced script that offers instant payouts to PerfectMoney, Payeer, and BitCoin on investments starting from a very affordable $10 minimum. As with PokerAutomatics, you won’t be paid a fixed rate on every business day while you have an active deposit in AtrexTrade, but rather it will represent a share of the program’s trading results which are usually credited to your account and available for withdrawal on the following day (so, if the program trades from Monday to Friday you will see the profits credited from Tuesday to Saturday). That’s also how it works over the announced extra holidays, like today’s MayDay celebration. The interest paid today was credited from yesterday’s profits, and so on. The share of the trading profits can be from 50% to 75% calculated depending on the size of your investment from the company’s 0.35% to 2% daily profits, so the returns are also very moderate. If you are a fan of long-term quality programs like AtrexTrade you should really consider trying them out, but just remember one interesting feature – by default, the level of compounding is set in your account to 100%, so do not forget to change it to 0% (or your desired level) to be able to make daily withdrawals.
And finally, quite a new addition to the MNO Premium listing and already at #5 is InfinityFinanceCorp (reviewed here). The program currently offers by far the best choice of payment methods in the HYIP industry, with fully approved corporate accounts in OkPay, SolidTrustPay, and Payza as well as accepting deposits in manual mode via Neteller and in automated mode by popular anonymous currencies like PerfectMoney, Payeer, and BitCoin. The minimum to invest in InfinityFinanceCorp via these payment methods is only $10, while using direct bank wires, MoneyGram or WesternUnion systems requires you to part with bigger amounts (please refer to the website for more information on that). Depending on the size of your principal you can earn from 1.75% to 3.25% over a period of 60 calendar days. On expiry your original deposit is returned, so even on smaller paying plans you should more than double your money by the end. As InfinityFinanceCorp is still a very new program we should hopefully see the first members in profit with the next month or so, but for now I recommend at least considering them as part of a well diversified investment portfolio, as I can clearly see lots of passion that the admin puts into it. Hope that the current and future investors will appreciate his constant improvements and will reward InfinityFinanceCorp with larger investments to allow this remarkable program to survive for a long time to come, and, of course, get higher in the MNO Top Five rankings.
Please remember to always check the status of any program on the MNO monitor before making any investments, as the situation can change quickly. The latest example of that is Silveks, moved to Problem status today due to apparent selective payouts. For all the new programs please also go there and check out the stats as I fully expect some new promising programs to be added after the May holidays.
Thanks for reading, guys. Enjoy the holiday weekend and see you all soon! In the next post I’ll have the new MNO Vision page the finishing touches of which are currently made by my programmer, and we will also see the final results of the latest poll you will still be able to vote for on the MNO TalkBack page over the next couple of days. Stay tuned and see you soon, everyone!
Filed under Top Five by on May 1st, 2015.