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09/05/2015. Daily News from the HYIP Industry


Hi everyone! I hope the weekend is going well for you so far. There’s a couple of news stories to catch up with since I posted last, and unfortunately it’s not all good. The single biggest program currently running in the HYIP industry, StartupExchange, has come to an end. There’s more positive news from InfinityFinanceCorp and PokerAutomatics I’m glad to say, plus a customer survey that account holders with SolidTrustPay are invited to participate in to help them improve their services. So let’s get started then, shall we?


It’s rather unfortunate that I have to start the weekend with some very disappointing news, especially as it concerns what has beyond a doubt been the best program of the year. StartupExchange has, by the admin’s own admission, come to an end. The reasons behind the closure were already outlined on the program’s website which I’ll include for you below if you haven’t already seen it. However there aren’t exactly any earth-shattering revelations in there, StartupExchange simply went the same inevitable way as every other online HYIP. Everyone who wanted to join has already done so, meaning there isn’t anymore new members or money coming in to support the payments for existing investors. Simple as that, but obviously no comfort whatsoever to anyone trying to make a little money out of it. StartupExchange ran successfully for 52 days, coming in just short of five complete cycles of their 11 day investment plan. Given that members were also given the option to leave the program any time they wanted before the 11 days were completed, pretty much being free to jump in and out at will, I have to say you had ample opportunities to make a seriously substantial profit from them. But, as we all know, even the best programs eventually have to run their course and StartupExchange has been no exception. In this case I’m at least pleased to say that the admin is bowing out with some honor and credibility, because it’s also worth noting that the deposit button has been disabled. Therefore if anyone doesn’t know the program is finished and goes there to make an investment, the money will not be accepted. Most admins simply leave their websites online as long as the hosting fee is paid in advance in the hope of gathering more and more money from anyone who doesn’t know it’s a scam, so kudos to StartupExchange for at least being honest about the situation and not trying to deliberately steal from you. The admin concludes by saying he’ll be back again with another program within the next couple of weeks, possibly late May to early June. This is something I’d reserve judgment on however, as I’m not convinced it’s entirely a good idea (for investors). Members of StartupExchange with an active deposit are to be informed of this when it happens and invited to join. I trust that experienced readers will not be so naive as to believe that these tactics, or should I say tricks, are for the benefit of you rather than the admin. I mean obviously I can’t possibly attack a program that hasn’t even been launched yet, I’m just saying when it happens don’t jump right in with the expectation that the enormous success enjoyed by StartupExchange is going to be replicated. Anyway, time will tell. Meanwhile here’s the update from the StartupExchange website breaking the sad but inevitable news of the program’s closure, however please be aware that this message was only displayed for a couple of hours before being taken down and replaced with something irrelevant. Therefore it’s hard to see exactly what the admin is up to here (I doubt it’s good!) so be warned. StartupExchange is finished so do not attempt any further deposits there:

StartupExchange is closed…
Due to the catastrophic lack of new deposits and the reinvestment of the old deposits for May holidays – the total ticket emptied completely. All insured deposits will be paid or already paid from the insurance fund.
The entire project team working at maximum capacity for 52 days. We are honest with you and above all, ourselves. In this project we have not earned a single dollar in his pocket, leaving only a small amount to the cost of the future project. We expected to survive the holidays in May and continue working for a long time, but… did not happen.
For 52 days the investor earned a total of about one million dollars. It passed almost 5 investment circles. Participate in the project 8320 persons. Quite a large proportion of investors remained in a good plus. Total interest outcome for 52 days (even without compounding) amounted to 332% and in case of reinvestment of profits earned investors disproportionately. Many investors, who worked with us from the beginning – to increase its capital several times, even with active deposits to date.
We apologize to those who did not make the first time invested in the project in May. But this HYIP industry. There are always losers.
The next project will be open around the end of May – beginning of June. All active investors StartupExchange will receive invitations by email or Skype.


Let’s get back to the paying programs now, like InfinityFinanceCorp for instance. The program has been an excellent choice for investments from day one and by now the admin proved to be a hard working and diligent individual constantly improving his website and adding more payment options. After just four weeks online InfinityFinanceCorp has been transformed into its current form, accepting all payment options possible and is very convenient to use for US investors as well with their SolidTrustPay, Payza, and OkPay accounts all fully verified and approved. Apart from that, you can invest in InfinityFinanceCorp starting from a $10 minimum via PerfectMoney, Payeer, BitCoin, Neteller, and for bigger investors there are also such options as direct bank wires, or money transfers from WesternUnion and MoneyGram. Of course the main test for the program’s credibility is yet to be passed as the first deposits on the 1.75% to 3.25% for 60 calendar days available investment plans are only scheduled to be returned in a few weeks from now, so that’s when I believe we’ll see some real increase in membership. The admin claims that such an increase has already happened with more big investors coming to the program at the moment, which might not be entirely accurate judging by the still low level of activity in the HYIP industry is at the moment. Anyway, over the last few days a few updates were posted on the InfinityFinanceCorp website regarding the upcoming agents (or regional representatives) directory that will be available shortly. Also covered was the online calculator being adjusted and all the errors fixed. You can use the calculator to see just how much you can earn with InfinityFinanceCorp. Alternatively you can always check out the full review of the program published on the MNO blog here and containing a more detailed analysis of InfinityFinanceCorp‘s investment plans and other features. For all the latest updates from the program issued over the last few days please read below:

Agents Directory Coming Soon
We are currently working on creating a directory of all our agents from around the globe. We will be accepting applications soon for these positions. Although this is not an employment opportunity, this will be a great thing for those who would like to be recognised and authorised by our company as legitimate and approved agents.
Agents’ job is to learn how our website works and our company too. More details will be discussed soon.
Thank you for being part of our company. We have more surprises coming your way so stay tuned.
Much Regards,
InfinityFinanceCorp Ltd

Profit Calculator Under Maintenance
Please be patient while we update our profits calculator on our homepage. It should be back to working state within the next several hours. We are just waiting for our programmer to complete the updates and fixes for it. We appreciate your patience. Thank you so much.

Calculator is Back Online
Great news to all of our investors and future investors. Our calculator is back to working condition and we have fixed some bugs which made it erroneous at times. Please try the calculator now. We are also working on some updates on the website for a better experience. Please check back regularly.

News For Today – InfinityFinanceCorp
Good day to everyone. We are just letting everyone know that we are revamping our online profit calculator. Once our programmer has finished working on it, we will send another e-mail about it.
News have also been posted on the website about this. Read more at
Today, we have started to receive bigger deposits from our investors. This just goes to show how our company is doing. In short, our company is doing great.
We would also like to let new investors know that we have been approved and verified by top processors like Solidtrustpay, Payza and OKPay as a legitimate company doing a legitimate business and with genuine intentions.
Your options to make a deposit to us are not limited to the above processors.
InfinityFinanceCorp Ltd. accepts PerfectMoney, Neteller, Bitcoin, Payeer, Solidtrustpay, Payza, Okpay, Bank wire, Money Gram and Western Union! We accept such a wide array of payment methods.
InfinityFinanceCorp Ltd. is continuously marketing its services through several fora. Please check the Forums and Ratings page for an updated list of monitors and forums.
Thank you for reading.
Much Regards,
InfinityFinanceCorp Ltd


Another program that accepts SolidTrustPay while also being included in their merchants category is PokerAutomatics (reviewed here). That fact alone which happened over two months ago sparked further interest from both US and larger investors in general, and allowed the program to expand into new markets. Premium listing on MNO also helped with that. Of course, apart from the written reviews you should not ignore the video guides for PokerAutomatics that you will find on the HYIP section of the newly launched MNOVision. There were three videos available before today, when I added yet another one recorded in English by one of the PokerAutomatics representatives to explain the benefits of compounding and its role in increasing your possible earnings there. So if you want to know more about the compounding process in general and to show how to do so with PokerAutomatics please click here to see the video on MNOVision or alternatively, go to the YouTube link provided by the admin in one of the latest updates posted in the news section:

PokerAutomatics Compound Effect (Video Guide) – Trevor Miller

If you wish to know about the investment plans offered by PokerAutomatics without referring to any review, I’ll just remind you. Despite them being pretty complicated to say the least I’ll try to be brief. You can join the program for a $30 minimum via PerfectMoney, BitCoin, Payeer, OkPay, SolidTristPay, AdvCash, YandexMoney, NixMoney, Qiwi, and direct transfers from some Russian banks. Then you can choose your own investment term from 30 to 180 calendar days and then you get from a 40% to 80% share of PokerAutomatics‘ daily profits for the duration. Your initial investment is available to withdraw on expiry. The daily profit from the program is usually around 1% but can fluctuate up or down from one day to the next. With you taking from 40% to 80% of that (depending on the chosen investment plan) you’re entitled to approximately 0.4% to 0.8% return on your investment. The daily results are posted every calendar day, the latest of which I’ll re-post below just for your information:

PokerAutomatics Daily Results:
06.05.2015 – Total poker botnet Income: 0.89%

PokerAutomatics Daily Results:
07.05.2015 – Total poker botnet Income: 1.16%

PokerAutomatics Daily Results:
08.05.2015 – Total poker botnet Income: 0.97%

PokerAutomatics Daily Results:
09.05.2015 – Total poker botnet Income: 0.91%

The daily profits offered by PokerAutomatics are allegedly from an extensive network of pokerbots that do all the effort of earning money for the admin while he re-distributes the profits among the investors as he’s been successfully doing since August 2014. Of course, even though PokerAutomatics is running off a stunningly beautiful custom-made script some glitches still happen from time to time. The latest one was spotted in the middle of the week but since then everything has been rectified and I see no further issues with account crediting. Still, just to keep you updated I’ll re-post the message so if for some reason you noticed anything wrong in your account please contact the admin:

Server upgrade and accrual issues.
We’ve upgraded our main server.
If you have any errors with accruals in your accounts please wait till tomorrow and if it will not being automatically fixed we’ll process it manually.

By the way, with the extensive network of local representatives you might as well contact one of them in your own language to receive general support. The representatives page is often updated by PokerAutomatics with new names added every week. To contact the most recent hiring, a Russian speaker named Mihail, please check out the page as specified in this short update:

We have a new Representative
Mihail – Russia
You may contact him by email

Finally, more technical updates on the addition of new dedicated servers and more pokerbots (although totally unverifiable) can be found below to conclude the news from PokerAutomatics for today, guys:

New dedicated servers were added.
We have purchased 3 new dedicated servers for our pokerbot network.

Pokerbot network upgrade
A number of poker bots in the network increased to 859.
Our future goals:
July 2015: 900-1000 active poker bot accounts
January 2016: 1200-1300 active poker bot accounts
July 2016: 1500-1600 active poker bot accounts
January 2017: 1900-2000 active poker bot accounts
The ultimate goal – 2000 active poker bot accounts.


If you still haven’t participated in the customer survey featured on the STP official blog you can do so here. It will take only a couple of minutes of your time but will provide SolidTrustPay‘s support with ideas to improve their customer support. I must say that over a few years of dealing with SolidTrustPay and having my personal and business accounts there, the payment processor provided me with the best customer support I’ve seen in the HYIP industry for any of the payment processors I’ve been dealing with throughout my many years here. These days SolidTrustPay is not so widely accepted by HYIPs due to highly tightened verification conditions on accepting new merchants. The admins not put off by that and made an effort to get payment buttons approved are reaping the benefits of their actions now with a rapid surge in numbers of new investors coming from all over the world (I’m talking here mostly about PokerAutomatics and InfinityFinanceCorp featured on the MNO Premium listing). The benefits of using SolidTrustPay for investing in HYIPs are multiple and they are featured in my article on the subject you can read here. You should know that SolidTrustPay still provides very convenient direct bank and card funding and withdrawing methods from your account for verified members. And as for the new Debit card update I want to say that there was some confusion recently but that it’s all cleared up now. Basically it had been intended to replace the old card provider, a company called PaySpark (you’ll know them if you have an STP debit card) with a new one. Without going into unnecessary details I’ll just say that this changeover is not now going to happen, and PaySpark will continue as the card provider. So if you already have a PaySpark card, then it’s still valid. Anyway, it’s all good now, so you can fill in the survey and start using SolidTrustPay because it’s definitely worth it. Here is the latest update containing the link to the survey and other communication channels you can use to stay in touch with STP including their accounts on Facebook and Twitter, and the specially dedicated site providing customer support and answering all your questions regarding the use of this wonderful payment method. I think it will be useful for you to bookmark those pages for future reference after completing the survey:

Don’t forget to fill out our Customer Service Survey!
In the effort to better serve you and improve our services, please take a moment of your time to fill out our survey by clicking on the following link:
Check out all of our social media sites for access to new surveys and updates:
Thank you for being a vital part of the SolidTrustPay community.
Kind regards, SolidTrustPay


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 96 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: –
From MNO Premium listRollNRichPokerAutomaticsAtrexTradeInfinityFinanceCorp.
From MNO Standard list: CompassBusiness.
From MNO Basic listOgdenOrganization, Cryptoconomist.

That’s all for this Saturday, guys. Enjoy the rest of your weekend, and see you back on the MNO blog sometime next week. I’ll be grateful if meanwhile you can share your opinion on the latest addition to the MNO portal – MNOVision – by voting and expressing your opinion or wish to see videos in other languages on the MNO TalkBack page. MNOVision is growing and new videos will be added regularly, so please check these out from time to time. More pleasant surprises from MNO are on the way, so I hope you’ll like it. More to be announced soon, but for now thanks for reading and see you soon, folks!

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