May 14th, 2015 Archives

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Hello everybody, and welcome back to the MNO blog! Perhaps you’ve noticed that lately there hasn’t been a lot of new programs added to the MNO monitor. But what does that mean and why are the veteran professional admins holding back from launching new programs for such a long time? We all are perfectly aware that the HYIP industry has been running very slowly lately, but the same thing happened before and there were always a lot of new programs queuing up to replace them – after all every dip provides new opportunities for admins who try to pull the industry back to normal. Nowadays it feels more like something is actually preventing long-term admins from launching potentially successful programs and so the HYIP industry is now largely dominated by cheap low grade scams. That puts the industry into even deeper recession and supports the attitude of hit-n-runners who invest only within the first couple of days and withdraw their deposits as soon as they can and leave, thus making the general state of things even worse.

Have you ever wondered where all those true professionals have gone? Or whether we’ll ever see the likes those superb programs that dominated the HYIP industry before the closure of LibertyReserve two years ago again? Where are the professionals we’re missing now and why do we only see a handful of programs from them at the moment? Why are they sitting on the fence, waiting and waiting for the best time to re-enter the market? Interest from investors and demand for professionally made programs is clearly high, so the question why the big admins are stalling instead of getting back to work has puzzled me plus many of my readers who shared and expressed the same concerns either to me privately in emails or publicly on the MNO ShoutBox.

Before getting into more detail, I have to add that I’m really not interested in listing the cheap scams on MNO when I’ve been mostly dealing with great admins over the years and refuse to accept low-budget programs that can barely last a cycle. I’ve always preferred to deal with long-standing and established admins, even if their numbers have been shrinking significantly in recent months. This was puzzling me for some time until yesterday when I received an anonymous email from someone possibly working on big programs in the past in reference to some recent articles posted on the MNO blog. Perhaps this email which I’m re-posting below will help you understand that the big professional admins are still there and just working behind the scenes to bring us something truly spectacular soon. Read for yourself first and see what you think:

A word from a veteran.
You are right regarding your latest post, the change can come only from admins, but don’t think we’re afraid to take risks and just watching. We’re working for many months in complete silence because we believe it’s not a risk to launch now and only few know that it’s in fact an advantage.
The industry works in waves, kinda like credit cycles since the inception of the economy, the potential is always there. Admins are the wave starters, they are the key, the demand is there in the heart of every player, for the most part its actualized in a form of a wave. The higher and longer the wave is the more force is applied on the project foundation. Years of experience, insight and discipline helps to fight and sustain those natural forces but they must win eventually.
It’s just the ‘new blood’ of admins posses little knowledge & experience, it’ll evolve over time.
I hope that you and your readers will be satisfied soon, something big is coming.

So, do you agree with that statement? It’s most likely from someone who used to run some big and popular programs in the past and is now creating an opportunity to seize a stalling HYIP market? The HYIP industry does indeed operate in waves as our anonymous friend here says, that much is definitely true. And after a slight peak in activity earlier in the year it seems we are now at a low point. I don’t think any of us would deny this obvious fact. There are multiple reasons why this is the case, and I know that some experienced investors even left the industry for good (or at least temporarily, until the momentum returns). Around two thirds are still planing to stay and invest in the coming summer months as well (according to the preliminary results of the current poll you can vote in on the MNO TalkBack page).

And here we go with an opportunity presenting itself for ambitious admins to start programs at the lowest point of the wave and grow into something truly remarkable. The really experienced admins realize this and are working hard on building their new programs right now. I can share with you a secret that one admin of a really big program we saw earlier this year (I’m not going to mention any names for obvious reasons) is preparing a new project now that will be launched within the next couple of weeks and, obviously, it will come to MNO which has always been the best advertising resource for experienced admins with big budgets and ambitious plans. Most of my readers will probably agree that we should always concentrate on some promising programs that, along with the currently listed programs on MNO, should comprise the core of your investment portfolio. And only by encouraging the experienced admins to come and launch these programs that are destined to change the HYIP industry for the better. Things may have gone from bad to worse, but believe me, the good days are only coming back, and maybe sooner than you think. You should really bookmark the MNO blog and check it often to be kept up-to-date on this. Meanwhile, remember not to spend all your money on some low-budget scams and, if you’re not satisfied with the current choice of programs on the MNO monitor (or already invested in them and enjoying your profits) then I would suggest to wait and see what the future holds. A future that I firmly believe is going to be bright, or at least for those smart investors and experienced HYIP admins that see the light at the end of the tunnel. We will certainly see them on MNO soon and you will be the witnesses of that, guys. Let’s make history and get the HYIP industry back on track again soon!



As the saying goes “imitation is the sincerest form of flattery“. I myself am perfectly aware of that fact when attempts at replicating the enormous success of MNO in the HYIP industry were tried but always failed. It looks like one of the best paying programs in the industry at the moment – InfinityFinanceCorp (reviewed here) – is suffering a similar issue when already the second site was reported by the admin as a direct copycat. I can see that the site named FavFund is yet another cheap fast scam where the admin is already listed on Problem status on many monitors and where some investors predictably lost their money. We should always be aware that a lack of imagination and simply copying a more successful project usually indicates bad intentions from such admins. The fast scam can be clearly seen in the case of another copycat which the admin of InfinityFinanceCorp has warned about in the latest update posted on the website:

Another Copycat Website Warning
Please beware of copycat websites. Another report has reached us and this this a company calling itself has copied our website design. Is this a sign that we are attracting attention and that is why these cheap copycats have started sprouting everywhere? Please beware and warn others. No originality means no credibility

For those who don’t know about the investment opportunity InfinityFinanceCorp offers investors, I’ll just briefly remind you that deposits start from a $10 minimum via SolidTrustPay, Payza, PerfectMoney, Payeer, BitCoin, Neteller, OkPay, and also (for larger investments) via direct bank wires, Western Union and MoneyGram transfers. The investment plan is quite simple and pays from 1.75% to 3.25% fixed daily interest (depending on the size of your deposit) over a period of 60 calendar days. The initial investment is promised to be returned on expiry, but InfinityFinanceCorp has been online for only a month so we’ll only see the first deposits returned and members in profit in a few weeks from now.


I’d say that PokerAutomatics can possibly be seen as a program which clearly indicates that the HYIP industry is still alive and that some good programs might well be running under the radar before eventually breaking into the mainstream. The program that has been first mentioned on investment forums last August (although officially claiming to have been online for four years now) is showing really great results, bringing moderate profits to investors. Allegedly it’s the work of automatic pokerbots, an ever increasing network of which is responsible for generating this. The last statement on the new page of the program just shares those stats from the pokerbot network and some future plans for expanding it further:

Pokerbot network upgrade
A number of poker bots in the network increased to 868.
Our future goals:
July 2015: 900-1000 active poker bot accounts
January 2016: 1200-1300 active poker bot accounts
July 2016: 1500-1600 active poker bot accounts
January 2017: 1900-2000 active poker bot accounts
The ultimate goal – 2000 active poker bot accounts.

To spread the word about PokerAutomatics even further on the local markets the administration is constantly hiring more regional representatives that act as customer support agents and help current and future downlines with understanding how everything works on a local level and in your own own language. Take for example the latest report from today shared the info on the new representative from Canada:

We have a new Representative
Serge Dun – Canada
You may contact him by email

But how much can you expect to get from investing in PokerAutomatics on a daily basis? Well, this depends on many different factors, all of which are explained in detail in my review of the program posted on the MNO blog here. But in a nutshell you should expect to get between a 40% to 80% share of PokerAutomatics‘ daily profits (which can vary but usually hover around the 1% mark) over a period from 30 to 180 calendar days with the principal returned on expiry. The latest daily profits from PokerAutomatics are given for your information below, but let me just remind you the minimum investment generally starts from $30 and the accepted payment methods include PerfectMoney, OkPay, Payeer, BitCoin, NixMoney, YandexMoney, AdvCash, Qiwi, and direct bank transfers from selected Russian banks. Plus, SolidTrustPay should be your preferred option there as PokerAutomatics has a fully verified account and payment button there that allows it to accept payments and process withdrawals to STP in automated mode:

PokerAutomatics Daily Results:
13.05.2015 – Total poker botnet Income: 0.84%

PokerAutomatics Daily Results:
14.05.2015 – Total poker botnet Income: 0.98%


Please note that one of the most popular and stable payment systems in the HYIP industry – SolidTrustPay – that operate according to a Canadian business schedule is going to have an extra day off next Monday. This was mentioned in the latest post on the official SolidTrustPay blog which you should really bookmark for future reference, provided you have an active account in STP and use it for investing in HYIPs (read more on the benefits of that in THIS article). As some of you might know, May 18th is a public holiday in Canada to mark Queen Victoria’s birthday, and therefore you should allow more time to have any deposits, withdrawals, and e-currency exchangers to be approved and processed. The advantages of SolidTrustPay over anonymous payment processors are numerous and include the option of having your own debit card, funding your account and withdrawing from it using direct bank wires and transfers, cheques and credit cards. The deposits in HYIPs via SolidTrustPay are usually more protected as the admins using it tend to pay STP members that little bit longer for fear of their accounts being blocked of frozen if they try to cheat. Anyway, the latest news on the extra holiday for SolidTrustPay‘s staff is in the post below:

Holiday Office Closure: Victoria Day, May 18, 2015
Please be advised that SolidTrust Pay’s offices will be closed on Monday, May 18th for Victoria Day. As this is a Canadian banking holiday, customers are reminded to add extra processing time for deposits, withdrawals, and e-currency exchanges.


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 48 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: –
From MNO Premium listRollNRichPokerAutomaticsAtrexTradeInfinityFinanceCorp.
From MNO Standard list: CompassBusiness.
From MNO Basic list: ForexShareOgdenOrganization, Cryptoconomist.

That’s everything I have for you today, guys. See you all on the MNO blog soon and remember to be on the lookout for some seriously big programs that will be launched sooner or later and then spark a revival in the HYIP industry. Meanwhile you can always subscribe to the MNO daily news by submitting and confirming your email address on the top right side of the blog and also please follow me on Facebook and Twitter for links to any important articles. See you soon, everyone!

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