29/05/2015. Daily News from the HYIP Industry
Hello, guys, and welcome again to the MNO blog. This is no place for cheap scams and only the biggest investment programs are listed. As usual coming into summer we see less new investment programs emerging as most of the HYIP admins and investors are more interested in vacations. However some experienced admins know that summers can bring some really good opportunities and with consistent payments which come autumn they can capitalize on a proven payment record to attract those returning to look for more established programs. That could be a wise strategy as the last couple of weeks witnessed another huge wave of fast scams (on other monitors that is, not on MNO listed programs) where many investors lost hundreds and thousands of dollars. It seems that the HYIP industry is still blighted by fast scams, but if you follow MNO you won’t find such programs here. I would advise you to be patient and, if you already invested in all the programs from the MNO monitor, but would like to diversify, you shouldn’t really rush into every single program flashing on other monitors or blogs. Save your money for much better programs where you will have an ample opportunity to earn a profit instead of losing it. Such opportunities will present themselves soon enough, and I’m pleased to say that, according to the information received from the admin, he had been waiting only for SolidTrustPay and Payza to give the green light for a new high grade program to launch. When this happens you’ll find it first on MNO as this admin has already pre-paid for the Premium listing and a month long banner on the blog which will surely be taken positively by experienced investors and will provide stable growth throughout the summer.
When everything seems to be falling apart on other sites MNO readers that stick with the programs on MNO are still profiting during these turbulent times and escaping the fast scams that seem to dominate other monitors and blogs whose only real contribution to the problem is to make it worse. This will be discussed in a future article on the MNO blog over the weekend and will expose some nasty truths about how things work in the HYIP industry sometimes. I’m also planning another article on the Top Five Popular Programs on MNO which will hopefully be published next week, so stay tuned for that. Remember you can subscribe to the daily updates by email or check out my blog more often so as not to miss anything important.
I’ll start today’s news with two important updates from InfinityFinanceCorp, the admin of which is doing everything possible to expand into new markets and attract new audiences. Over its first month online he managed to build a program that accepts possibly all the major payment methods including verifiable methods like SolidTrustPay, Payza, OkPay, and Neteller, and anonymous ones favored by many others like PerfectMoney, Payeer, and BitCoin. Deposits start from a $10 minimum in a 1.75%-3.25% for 60 calendar days plan with the initial investment returned on expiry. If you fancy investing via direct bank wires, or more unorthodox options like Western Union and MoneyGram you should contact the admin for instructions, though for obvious reasons, the minimum spending limits in this case will be higher.
Over the last two days I haven’t spoken about infinityFinanceCorp, the admin managed to add a Spanish translation of the site which can be accessed by clicking the flags on top of the page. Versions now include English, Spanish, or Russian translations. The Russian version was added just a few days ago is still being corrected as we speak so the final copy will hopefully be much better than what’s there now. As for the recently added Spanish translation, I can’t really comment as I don’t speak a word of it myself. The admin however promises that more translations are coming, so read about all that below:
“Spanish Version of InfinityFinanceCorp Website Available
We are very pleased to announce that we have a SPANISH version of our website now. This is a better translated website compared to our Russian translation but we are also working on correcting most of the Russian translations over the week or next week.
To switch to the Spanish version, please click here.
You can switch between languages by clicking the flag icons on the top most section of our webpages. We are adding more versions in different languages soon. Suggest a language for a large audience through our support e-mail. Please send an e-mail if you want us to translate our website to a specific language which you think will have a lot of guests can find useful.
Much Regards, InfinityFinanceCorp Ltd.”
Just last night, the admin of InfinityFinanceCorp shared more great news about the addition of a Skype Chatroom and also introduced a special button that opens a Skype application and launches the chat. Hopefully,this new means of communication will contribute to the program’s already astonishing growth and make them the summer hit which it deserves. Remember that if you’re interested in joining InfinityFinanceCorp you can always find more information on its plans and other features in the detailed review published here. As for the Skype Chat, further details can be found below:
“Skype Chat Open, Link Added
You may join our Skype Chatroom by clicking on the link on the top of our website. Discuss in real-time with your fellow investors. Our staff is also available on the chatroom most of the time.
Click the button above to join the chat room now.”
As for PokerAutomatics (reviewed here), the latest news from the program touched on the subject of the pokerbot network and their server upgrade to accommodate growing traffic and investor numbers. The latest daily results were of course also included. I just need to mention that the 1.03% result reported for yesterday doesn’t mean you get credited with that amount. Rather with PokerAutomatics you will get from a 40% to 80% share of that amount depending on the investment plan chosen and the term which can be between 30 to 180 calendar days with the initial investment returned on expiry. In order to invest in PokerAutomatics, you have to have at least a $30 minimum with an excellent choice of options compared to other programs including SolidTrustPay, PerfectMoney, OkPay, Payeer, BitCoin, and many others. For all the latest news from PokerAutomatics please read below:
“Pokerbot network upgrade
A number of poker bots in the network increased to 883.
Our future goals:
July 2015: 900-1000 active poker bot accounts
January 2016: 1200-1300 active poker bot accounts
July 2016: 1500-1600 active poker bot accounts
January 2017: 1900-2000 active poker bot accounts
The ultimate goal – 2000 active poker bot accounts.”
“PokerAutomatics Daily Results:
28.05.2015 – Total poker botnet Income: 1.03%
“PokerAutomatics Daily Results:
29.05.2015 – Total poker botnet Income: 1.16%
“Server Upgrade
We’ve upgraded our Poker Automatics Dedicated server in connection with the increasing number of clients.
Server capacity was doubled”.
CompassBusiness (first reviewed here) have once again changed their investment plans and introduced a complicated system of business vouchers. In my opinion, the constant changes won’t make the program more appealing to investors and I myself can’t see any interest from readers. With the new changes the only viable investment option requires a whopping $5,000 minimum to invest which is even more laughable if you consider the program accepts only PerfectMoney and NixMoney where, pretty sure of this, no one sane is going to keep such enormous money. Anyway, if you have any suicidal tendencies when it comes to your money then you might want to know that the new plan offers 1.7% for a duration of 130 business days, principal included. The investment term on other daily paying plans where you can invest from $10 is significantly increased and you will possibly be paid 0.8% for 130 business days with NO principal back (meaning your real profit will be a measly 4% at the end of such a long term). If you have at least $100 in your PerfectMoney account then you will be paid 0.8% for 260 business days with no principal back (doubling your money within a year). For even larger investors there’s 1% for 260 business days available (for $5,000 and bigger deposits), and if you have $50K to throw away that you can get 1.1% for 130 business days (in this last case the admin even promises to return your $50,000 deposit at the end of the term, lol). I’m not sure I need to go into further details with these plans, but the main thing is clear to me – the admin is hunting for larger investors and totally neglecting the interests of smaller players that are the only ones who invest via PerfectMoney (as the interest is tiny and is very risky I wouldn’t recommend investing there at all unless you join with a small amount). I suspect there will be no takers from reasonable investors on these plans which represent quite a mean attempt to use the reputation the program has been earning all this time to attract bigger deposits via totally untraceable payment methods.
From other new features on the site I can see the video presentation of CompassBusiness is also available now, so I’ve added it to the HYIP section of the MNOVision page which you can watch there now if interested. In the second news addition for CompassBusiness regarding the so-called business vouchers, I’m not even going to comment on it, and simply consider it totally unnecessary and a confusing system for new and existing investors. Despite the stable payments from CompassBusiness for several months when a project has been featured on MNO I can’t see any interest from readers, and with the current changes and the extension of the investment plans I can only see declining interest now. The latest newsletters from CompassBusiness can be read below:
“The first steps towards the development of a large project
Dear participants, we introduced you to the exchange, which will allow you to make quicker, and especially active it will make a very prosperous. But that’s not all, not all…
These are the first steps towards the development of a large project. Now we want to inform you about the next balancing our investment plan designed to make the project work more smoothly and stable. This will allow us to fully develop a new financial instrument. And you, our members, get more flexible and convenient system. In the new plan, we tried to consider all your wishes. You can review them and start investing today.
Stay with us, we are waiting for many more positive changes!
C SW. Nicholas, a fund manager CompassBusiness”.
“Dear participants and partners are pleased to introduce our long-awaited exchange
Business Voucher!
Good day, dear partners!
Let me introduce to you our new financial instrument – Business Voucher and exchange controlled by members of the offices.
Market need for the purchase or sale of perpetual financial instruments called Business Voucher (BV) among the project participants for the purpose of financial gain and to generate the course. At the moment there are two ways: earnings growth rate for Business Voucher (BV) and to receive dividends once a week on Saturdays. A separate registration is not required, it is necessary to use an existing personal account (account) in the project CompassBusiness.
How to insert (withdraw) money on the stock exchange and the essence of the exchange.
To begin to recharge by one of the proposed payment system balance in your account and change the balance on the additional currency Compass Point (face value = $ 1). Then for Compass Point, you can buy and sell Business Voucher (BV) in the project. You will receive dividends as at Compass Point, you can change any of the proposed electronic currencies in your account and order the payment or investment plans to invest in the fund CompassBusiness.
In addition, you can put the application for purchase / sale of BV among project participants through the menu of your personal account. Applications you will see on the page http://voucher.compass-business.org.
When buying a participant under our warranty with you will be charged 3% of the purchase price, but you can negotiate with the holder of Business Voucher and make it a translation of any payment system or by credit card.
If you sell BV – use the button “party pass” (do not put your money if you are not sure of the intentions of the seller, it is desirable to work through our representatives or members of those who trust). In this case, you translate BV party without charging% of our guarantor. In the absence on an exchange Business Voucher, please contact our representatives listed under “contacts”.
There is a current value of BV, below which it is not recommended to sell, a, in general, price is free, as will be released a limited amount of the asset.
We wish you prosperity and prosperity!
Your guide to the world of investments – CompassBusiness!
C SW. Nicholas, a fund manager CompassBusiness”.
I don’t remember exactly when it was first announced, but I’m pleased to say that after so much work and planning Payza have finally managed to get BitCoin fully integrated within their own system. I have to say this is great news, and not just for HYIP investors or any HYIP related activities either but for all Payza members regardless of what you use this payment processor for. BitCoin can be handy for a lot of things and very versatile. Indeed just last week in Prague I saw for the first time (myself) a BitCoin ATM, just like a regular bank card cash withdrawal machine. I would love to have used it just to be able to report on the experience of withdrawing cash from BitCoin, but unfortunately I don’t really store money in online accounts and had very little use for Czech currency (Crowns) at the time. But still, the fact that such a thing exits downtown in a major European capital is noteworthy by itself. But there are of course other limitations with BitCoin. For example, you can’t withdraw it to your credit card because of restrictions imposed on it by the likes of MasterCard (to combat chargebacks, money laundering, etc). This is what makes Payza‘s integration of BitCoin so exciting, and throws up so many more possibilities for either currency. Because you see you can have Payza linked directly to your bank account, (I do this myself, withdrawing all payments and fees received by MNO via Payza straight into my bank without any third party exchangers), you can now send BitCoin funds to Payza, and from Payza straight to your bank. And from your bank, well, as you already know that’s cash in your pocket.
There’s a lot more to it than just that of course, I’m just giving an admittedly over simplified version of one possible benefit to HYIP investors. In actual fact it opens up a raft of extra options for Payza merchants and even adds a certain degree of payment protection if spending BitCoin via Payza that you would not receive if just using BitCoin by itself. I’ve already discussed the many benefits to HYIP investors of choosing more accountable payment processors such as Payza and SolidTrustPay over the less scrupulous anonymous providers in an article on MNO published here, and this just adds to the list. You can read all the details in the following update from Payza, including an explanation on how to go about buying and selling with BitCoin funds through your Payza account:
“Payza Now Lets You Buy And Sell With Bitcoin!
Bitcoin checkout has arrived! Payza is happy to announce that Payza members can now use Bitcoins from their purchases at any Payza merchant. The “Pay with Bitcoin” option will soon be available with guest checkout as well, meaning Payza merchants will be able to process Bitcoin payments from just about anyone it the world!
If you sell with Payza, you are now able to accept Bitcoin payments, the option has been automatically enabled for all of our merchants, you don’t need to make any changes. Even better, the payments will be sent in the currency of your choice straight to your e-wallet, just like always, so the only thing that changes is that you can now reach more customers.
For buyers, using Payza to pay with Bitcoin has advantages over traditional Bitcoin transactions. If you make a purchase with Bitcoin from a Payza merchant, you will still benefit from Payza’s Buyer Protection, meaning if there’s a problem with the product or service you received, you can request a refund or file a transaction dispute, just like with every Payza transaction. You can buy with confidence knowing that all your Bitcoin purchases are protected by Payza the same as any other Payza payment.
For more details about paying with Bictoin, check out this post: How to Buy with Bitcoin Using Payza.”
“How to Buy with Bitcoin Using Payza
Bitcoin Checkout has arrived letting you pay Payza merchants in Bitcoin for all your purchases, so now the big question is, how does it work?
Using Bitcoin Checkout is simple and fast, whether you already have a Payza account or not. Here’s how it works for existing Payza members. If you don’t already have a Payza account, the process is almost exactly the same, but you’ll need to use the Guest Checkout option to sign up and pay in one easy step.
On the checkout screen, like with any Payza payment, start by entering your Payza account email and password. Next, when selecting the payment method, you will now see a Bitcoin option along with the standard Payza e-wallet and Credit Card options. Select the Bitcoin payment method, then on the next screen review the details, enter your Transaction PIN and click “MAKE PAYMENT”.
You’re almost done, with Bitcoin payments there’s just one extra step to complete. After you confirm the purchase, you will need to manually send your bitcoins to the merchant in order to complete payment. Here’s a look at the instruction page you’ll see when completing a Bitcoin payment:
You can use the handy QR code or enter the Bitcoin Address manually to complete your payment. Send the exact amount of bitcoins to the one-time use address listed within 60 minutes to complete payment.
Note that you must keep the Payza payment page open until the payment has been confirmed. Once payment has been received you will be given confirmation on that page that your order has been completed.”
A lot of the more experienced readers here as well as more experienced HYIP players in general still favor SolidTrustPay as their first choice payment processor. Even if it’s no longer as widespread in the HYIP industry as it once was, it’s still by far and away the safest most dependable option, particularly for bigger spending investors. It is of course their more rigorous verification and background checks carried out by STP on potential HYIP admin customers. Good news for investors, but less so for deliberate scam artists who find it a lot more difficult to steal from STP account holders. Anyway, as already mentioned above the various benefits of using the likes of SolidTrustPay and Payza for playing the HYIP industry over the other anonymous payment processors have been explained in an earlier article you can read on MNO here.
Getting to the most recent news from STP, if, like me, you are a regular user who rates them highly as a service provider and enjoy their services, then why not help them improve things a bit? After all, it’s there for the benefit of the customers. The STP Customer Support team, always highly efficient and friendly whenever I’ve needed to deal with them by the way, are currently running a satisfaction survey. It only takes a few minutes to complete, but in the longer term will help them provide a better service. All you need to do is tell them what you like, what you don’t like, what could be done better, etc, and it will all be taken on board to deliver a better overall customer experience for all account holders. Remember if you do have an account with STP then your opinion is as valid and as important as the next guy, so use your voice, don’t lose it! The survey is coming to an end today so I’m including the following update as a reminder to anyone who hasn’t taken part in it yet that this is your last chance to do so if you want a chance to help improve the services that are being offered to you:
“There are only a few more days left to fill out our Customer Support Survey!
Don’t miss out on the opportunity to provide us with some of your feedback! The Customer Support Survey will only be up until Friday, May 29th. All of your opinions and feedback is greatly appreciated.
In the effort to better serve you and improve our services, please take a moment of your time to fill out our survey by clicking on the following link: http://goo.gl/forms/N7vKyPQaYT
While you’re at it, check out our social media sites where we update new surveys and information frequently:
Thank you for being a vital part of the SolidTrustPay community.
Kind regards, SolidTrustPay Verifications Dept”
In other news it was also reported that the SolidTrustPay customer support website, a completely separate entity to the actual account website, was offline for maintenance. I can confirm that the support centre is once again up and running properly now, though if you were trying to reach them earlier and experienced any difficulties then this was the reason:
“Site Maintenance
Please be advised that our support center https://stpay.info/ is currently undergoing updates to improve our online support experience and will be unavailable for the next couple of hours. Please check back periodically. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.
Thank you for your patience and understanding.
Sincerely, SolidTrustPay”
Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 48 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: –
From MNO Premium list: RollNRich, PokerAutomatics, AtrexTrade, InfinityFinanceCorp, Cryptoconomist.
From MNO Standard list: CompassBusiness.
From MNO Basic list: ForexShare, OgdenOrganization, EternalGet.
That’s it for today guys. Thanks for reading, and I hope you found something useful in there. Remember to tune in again over the weekend for more updates from the industry, and the article I promised you about the role certain scam collaborators play in making sure they are the only ones who will ever make money from your “investments”. See you all soon, everyone, and enjoy your weekend where ever you are and what ever you are doing!
Filed under Daily News by on May 29th, 2015.