May 2015 Archives

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Place your banner here for $135/week or $440/month. Available NOW.


Hello everyone, and thanks once again for visiting MNO. I’m back to work after a few days off over the Bank Holiday weekend, mostly spent enjoying the sunshine and the great outdoors walking in the woods around Richmond and Wimbledon in London. Yesterday for instance, I saw a herd of wild deer roaming freely in the woods around Richmond Park and was even able to approach one at arms length without scaring him. I hope your own weekend went well, and you’re ready for all the updates from the biggest investment programs in the HYIP industry at the moment.

First off, I’m very pleased to say that all the programs from the MNO Top Five are still performing very well so if you’re on the lookout for the most professionally made HYIPs at the moment please refer to my recent article on those which will give you a good idea on what you’re going to be dealing with if you invest there. After all, I totally accept my own share of the responsibility when after checking the final results of the poll on the MNO TalkBack page I can see programs listed on MNO inspire more confidence in readers and makes them more likely to join (for at least 75% of them anyway). The full analysis of the poll results will be drawn in today’s news section on my blog, with a new poll added to the TalkBack page. To vote in the new poll you can visit the TalkBack page here. Also, in today’s news we’ll discuss the latest updates from InfinityFinanceCorp and PokerAutomatics, but of course, the most exciting news story for you today is the introduction of MNOVision, a new addition to the MNO Portal already consisting of the blog, monitor, forum, and TalkBack.


The beta-version of the MNOVision page is another innovative feature where you’ll be able to find educational videos from the programs listed on my monitor and endorsed payment processors. It is of course still very much a work in progress, but you can visit the page to find a few videos there that you can watch by simply clicking on the thumbnail. Simple and easy and will help explain the basic concepts behind some payment processors and the featured investment programs. Note that all the videos were hand-picked by myself after carefully watching and assessing their quality and usefulness. For the moment there are only six videos there grouped into two categories – Payment Processors and HYIPs (for now this is limited to just PokerAutomatics). There will be more videos and more categories created over time, and I’m sure that eventually it will build into an extensive and very useful database. For now MNOVision is still running in test mode, but I think you can see the potential for yourself and appreciate the benefits of practical video guides. I must say that it was hard for me to find proper English language versions of some videos where the information was up to a suitable standard. I’ve only added the best I could find, but would welcome any suggestions about the adding of other videos, possibly even made by you, on the MNOVision page, so email me with your video links if you wish. Perhaps I might even consider adding some Russian language videos as well if there’s sufficient demand for it. It’s just only the beginning of something new and I’m pretty excited regarding this new feature of MNO which will hopefully be of great interest to you and help me expand your knowledge of the HYIP industry.


Due to the addition of MNOVision I want to ask you a couple of questions regarding this. First off, I’m still thinking about adding more videos and categories, but as it stands MNOVision has already launched so I would like to ask for your general opinion on it. The first question then is this – “Do you like the idea of MNOVision in general?” It’s a simple straight forward choice between “yes” or “no”.

The second question is also about the newly launched MNOVision and focuses on other languages apart from English you might want to see in the future. So, the second question will be – “Do you wish videos in other languages available on MNOVision?
Possible answers are:
a) Yes, I would like to see videos in my native language too.
b) Makes no difference to me, but others might like it.
c) No, as I can understand everything in English.”

Thanks in advance for voting which is very important and will help me improve the entire MNO website over time. Moreover, articles for those who are just beginning their exciting journey in the HYIP world will be also posted over the coming weeks, possibly even accompanied by some videos if I find something suitable. I have further plans for expanding this section for newbies on MNO, but for now I would like to hear your honest opinion and suggestions on MNOVision. So, if you have some, do not hesitate to email me at or from the MNO Contact page and vote on the recent polls on MNO TalkBack.

To finish with the TalkBack topic, let’s have a closer look now at the results of the latest poll where 75% of my readers said they feel more confident about joining a program if they see it on MNO. I must say that my readers not only proved to be very loyal, but also showed their tenacity and experience in realizing that the HYIP industry is in pretty bad shape now. That’s of utmost importance for the benefit of your finances not to join every single program you see online, but rather trust those from experienced long-term admins who list on MNO because they know the advertising potential my site has to bring new visitors and investors. No wonder that MNO has already brought over a hundred referrals to the biggest programs listed on the Premium listing and the Alexa ratings have started growing again after a temporary dip. I really hope this is a good sign for an upcoming recovery in the HYIP industry, but now we only need one more thing – more quality programs from experienced admins with decent advertising budgets committed to hard work. MNO is certainly the main platform they should consider to get some decent exposure from bigger investors to make their programs a success in the long run. The fast scams plaguing other monitors are certainly not welcome here as MNO will always remain a place for elite HYIPs. My uncompromising approach on this is why 75% of my readers say they feel more confident if they see an investment program listed on MNO. A huge demand for such programs certainly exists, so now it’s just a matter of time before they start opening.


After three weeks online InfinityFinanceCorp managed to leave a significant mark on the HYIP world having become the only program in the industry to have their accounts verified in all three major verifiable payment systems – SolidTrustPay, Payza, and OkPay. Apart from that InfinityFinanceCorp accepts deposits starting from $10 via Neteller and several anonymous currencies like Payeer, PerfectMoney, and BitCoin, and for larger deposits they also use direct Bank wires, MoneyGram and WesternUnion. In addition to the abundance of payment processors you should be aware of the investment plan InfinityFinanceCorp is offering with an opportunity to earn from 1.75% to 3.25% on your investment over a period of 60 calendar days with the principal is then returned. More on InfinityFinanceCorp can be read in my detailed review published here.

In fact, the huge popularity the program obtained over the first weeks online resulted in others wanting to exploit its fame for their own benefit by simply copying the website and its content. As mentioned in the most recent newsletter XeronBank was one such ugly copy-cats the admin of which had nothing else to do but to copy everything including the original design and texts. Needless to say that investments in such copy-cats are not recommended and even can be quite dangerous in the first place, so better stay with the original InfinityFinanceCorp with its constant improvements like the new promo banners for those looking to earn some extra commissions for promoting the program. I believe more advertising is coming soon, as InfinityFinanceCorp certainly needs more exposure to spread the word about the availability of so many payment systems. Speaking of which, you should be aware of the difference of transferring money via Neteller as the deposits are processed in manual mode by the admin who needs a special confirmation from you when making the deposit. More on the whole process was written in a separate update I’ll re-post straight after the main newsletter from the admin of InfinityFinanceCorp sent last night (more info on Neteller itself you can find in this video on the MNOVision page):

Updates From InfinityFinanceCorp
Good day to all of you. I would like to express my sincere thanks for your patronage of our company. Our launch since 3 weeks ago has been very successful so far and very fruitful. Let me take this opportunity to update you about what has happened and what has been updated this week.
Let me start by informing everyone that we have updated our banners and included a new 160×600 vertical banner for our marketers to use. To check the banners, please login to your account and click on “Promotional Materials” button on your member navigation panel to the left. All information on how to use the banners is included on that page.
We have also listed InfinityFinanceCorp Ltd. on new popular monitoring companies over the past several days. We will be rearranging the monitors page over the course of the week according to the significance and effectiveness of each monitor company on that page.
Visit the monitors and forums page on this link.
It has come to our attention that a certain “XeronBank” website has stolen our website’s design to the extent that even the text on our pages was stolen by this website. Please beware of copycat websites, if they steal a design then they can easily steal your money. Do not join these types of websites. It is a no-brainer that one should avoid this site mentioned. I will not include the link to this website, but when you see it, you will definitely know that it was a stolen design.
I would also like to inform everyone that we allow multiple deposits from any payment processors you want to use. You can have multiple deposits in Solidtrustpay and then other deposits as well in other payment processors like Payza, OKpay, Perfectmoney, Neteller, Bitcoin and Payeer.
For those wanting to deposit via Bank Wire, Money Gram and Western Union, just contact our support team for instructions.
Thank you for being part of our company. We have more surprises coming your way so stay tuned.
Much Regards, InfinityFinanceCorp

Neteller Deposits Quick Information
We see that there are members who were confused as to what the “Transaction Reference ID” was on the Neteller deposit page. Many thought that was it was their Neteller Secure ID, which they should enter here. This is the transaction reference number of your Neteller transfer to our account. This will be the proof that you have transferred the amount you wanted to deposit to our account before you submit that Neteller deposit request page. Again, you will need to manually transfer the funds by logging into your account at Neteller and then transferring the amount to our account as instructed on that page. Thank you!


It’s hard to believe that PokerAutomatics (reviewed here) celebrated its fourth year anniversary last week. Well, nobody actually heard anything about the program from the time it first appeared online until turning up on investment forums in August 2014, but according to the program’s own statement they were online during that time and so are entitled to some celebrations. Let’s not deprive them of it, because if not four years online PokerAutomatics can still boast the longest lifetime in sleeper mode (for over three years). So even for that it deserves some appreciation as the admin was certainly patient and is now reaping the benefits of that approach with PokerAutomatics being an absolute hit all around the world with lots of people expressing their gratitude for totally passive profits from the program earned over the last nine months. I’ve already added a couple of videos for PokerAutomatics on the MNOVision page and will possibly add a couple more with time, when the page is improved. For now you can read the message dedicated to the program’s alleged four year long lifetime and see a couple of videos from an ecstatic PokerAutomatics‘ fan from Australia and a short promo video on the anniversary:

PokerAutomatics – 4 YEARS ONLINE!
29.04.2011 – 29.04.2015
Congratulations to all of our clients!
Just for you, we have invented a system that has being working flawlessly for 4 years!
4 years in a row it has being bringing YOU daily PASSIVE income!
4 years in a row it has being changing the rules of the game in your favor!
The system with which YOU make a profit without being at a gambling table!
24 hours a day 7 days a week!
PokerAutomatics. No skills! No risk!

PokerAutomatics Video Testimonial and Review from Michelle (Australia)

New PokerAutomatics Promo Video – 4 YEARS ONLINE!

By the way, PokerAutomatics is also known for its SolidTrustPay account being fully approved, so all the deposits starting from a $30 minimum are accepted by STP in automated mode with the payment button fully approved and the program even included on the STP official merchant directory. That’s actually a very hard thing to do nowadays, and I believe that PokerAutomatics would also benefit from the addition of Payza which will hopefully happen soon. For now, you can also join PokerAutomatics using PerfectMoney, Payeer, BitCoin, OkPay, NixMoney, YandexMoney, AdvCash, Qiwi, and bank wires. You can expect from 40% to 80% of the program’s daily profit share which usually hovers around the 1% mark and, in addition to that, your initial principal is returned on expiry of a 30 to 180-day investment term. Just to give you a general idea of how much profit you could expect from PokerAutomatics I’ll re-post below the latest daily, weekly, and monthly statements where you see the company’s profits below:

PokerAutomatics Daily Results:
30.04.2015 – Total poker botnet Income: 1.03%

PokerAutomatics Daily Results:
01.05.2015 – Total poker botnet Income: 0.93%

PokerAutomatics Daily Results:
02.05.2015 – Total poker botnet Income: 1.11%

PokerAutomatics Daily Results:
03.05.2015 – Total poker botnet Income: 0.82%

PokerAutomatics Daily Results:
04.05.2015 – Total poker botnet Income: 1.04%

PokerAutomatics Daily Results:
05.05.2015 – Total poker botnet Income: 0.83%

PokerAutomatics Weekly Statement:
Paying Days: 1,465
Total investors: 22,956
Investment capital: $ 2,088,615
Own capital: $ 391,286
Total Income: $ 177,313 (7,15%)
Share of Expenses: $ 73,762 (2,97%)
Profit: $ 103,551 (4,18%)
Total withdraw: $ 4,068,143
TOP-1 Investor: $ 87,572
TOP-1 Affiliate: 1,273 referrals
Total pokerbot accounts: 852

PokerAutomatics Monthly Statement:
Total Income: 29,59%
Share of Expenses: 11,51%
Profit: 28,08%

PokerAutomatics also regularly upgrade the pokerbots network in order to maintain their flawless performance in a constantly growing level of investments. You can read the latest report on that below. You’ll find information on the newest program local representative from Taiwan, see the winner of the weekly lottery held regularly with VIP status as a prize, and see some positive development in the referral stats system that will enable you to manage your downline in the program more efficiently:

Pokerbot network upgrade
A number of poker bots in the network increased to 852.
Our future goals:
July 2015: 900-1000 active poker bot accounts
January 2016: 1200-1300 active poker bot accounts
July 2016: 1500-1600 active poker bot accounts
January 2017: 1900-2000 active poker bot accounts
The ultimate goal – 2000 active poker bot accounts.

Referral System – New functions were added:
Sort by E-mail and Referral Search.

We have a new Representative
WayneHuang – Taiwan
You may contact him by email

Lottery Results 03.05.2015:
The winner of this week is pilisi.
You get VIP status as a prize.


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 144 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: –
From MNO Premium listStartupExchange, RollNRichPokerAutomaticsAtrexTradeInfinityFinanceCorp.
From MNO Standard list: CompassBusiness.
From MNO Basic list: ForexShareOgdenOrganization, Cryptoconomist (the first payments received).

That’s all for today, guys. Don’t forget to check the MNOVision new page filled with useful videos and share your opinion on it in the new polls on the MNO TalkBack page. You can make any suggestions you have about the MNOVision page on my ShoutBox and email me if you have any other ideas to make MNO better for you. Thanks in advance for your contribution and see you all later in the week!

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