May 2015 Archives

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Hello everyone! Hope you’re all doing well and enjoying the early summer so far. Personally I’ve just spent a wonderful day in the woods around Wimbledon Common where everything seems to be blossoming and full with people enjoying basking in the sunshine while feeding the ducks and geese in the lakes. Spending my free time outdoors surely pays off and I feel quite relaxed and ready to cover all the main news events for you.

Things in the HYIP industry have not been quite so rosy lately, with experienced admins still sitting on the sidelines preferring to watch how the situation develops instead of launching their programs and taking a risk. Overall, so far this year we haven’t seen too many truly big programs like we usually do by this time time. There were many reasons for that and they were all widely discussed on the MNO blog many times, connected with the recent EgoPay scam and the disappointment and departure of hundreds of investors due to so many fast scams. You can clearly see that the list of the programs advertised on MNO has significantly shrunk and that is further evidence that all we have in the HYIP industry nowadays is mostly doom and gloom. That doesn’t mean, however, that the situation is not going to improve at some point in the future, but for that we need lots of professional admins knowing how to run successful programs to come out from hiding and show us all how the business can be run while pushing out the newbies and the amateurs running fast cheap scams out. Only then can we enjoy the thrill of earning money from constant flow of new quality programs that you will certainly be able to find on MNO. Meanwhile, I’ll keep my fingers crossed. I’m also deliberately keeping the high prices as they deter cheap scams from listing here and maintaining a high standard of monitored programs. For now let’s just stay on the topic of the currently listed programs and see what news we have for today. We’ll also see the results of the current polls on the MNO TalkBack and adding a new questions for you to consider.


Business as usual for InfinityFinanceCorp even on Mother’s Day last Sunday when the admin sent best wishes to anyone celebrating that holiday in the US. I imagine the core of investors for InfinityFinanceCorp would be those American and European investors who really miss the golden times when all serious programs in the HYIP industry used to accept both Payza and SolidTrustPay which you can see very rarely now. Actually, InfinityFinanceCorp is perhaps the most versatile program at the moment and accepts all the main verifiable payment options like Payza, SolidTrustPay, and OkPay, and popular anonymous processors like PerfectMoney, Payeer, and BitCoin. The investments in the programs 1.75%-3.25% for 60 days (with principal back on expiry) are accepted from $10. InfinityFinanceCorp will also gladly take larger investments via direct Bank wires, MoneyGram and Western Union transfers – just contact the admin for more info on that if interested. The program which was first reviewed on the MNO blog here has been paying fine since it first appeared on the Premium List about three weeks ago, and I can’t honestly say one bad word about it yet. Just a small remark – Mother’s Day is celebrated in most other countries in March, so maybe things like holidays with different dates should be considered by the admin when saying best wishes in the future. For now I’ll just repost the email from InfinityFinanceCorp and share his best wishes to all the mothers, regardless of whether they celebrated on Sunday or not:

Mothers’ Day Greetings From InfinityFinanceCorp
We would like to greet all the moms out there a very happy mothers’ day! Please enjoy your day with your family and friends. Everyone has a mother and we all know all the hardships and sacrifices that each and every mom in the world has done for their children.
Wishing all the moms out there the best on this very special day for them.
Much Regards,
InfinityFinanceCorp Ltd.


PokerAutomatics remains one of the most stable performers in the HYIP industry, paying promptly since August 2014. Well, actually on the website it’s stated that PokerAutomatics has been online for four years already, but judging by the fact that nobody heard anything about them before that I find it highly unlikely. Anyway, now that the program is well-established and the fact that it accepts SolidTrustPay (along with many others like PerfectMoney, OkPay, Payeer, BitCoin, YandexMoney, NixMoney, AdvCash, Qiwi, and bank transfers from selected Russian banks) attracted a lot of bigger spending investors over the last few weeks. PokerAutomatics is allegedly making money from an extensive network of pokerbots and offers a conservative level of returns. This might be hard to prove (and for some to digest), but PokerAutomatics has obviously done everything possible to capitalize on it and attracts thousands of investors from seemingly every corner of the world. The chain of regional representatives is also expanding all the time following the growing international interest in PokerAutomatics and two more (from Switzerland and Germany) just joined the network within the last four days as reported in the frequently updated news section of the website:

We have a new Representative
Sara Romei – Switzerland
You may contact her by email, skype and phone

We have a new Representative
Frank – Germany
You may contact him by email

More people participating in PokerAutomatics leads to more promoters and more promotional videos being made. To see some selected ones you can head over to the MNOVision page and choose the HYIPs section. The daily trading results are also posted on the PokerAutomatics website quite frequently and since the results are variable you can always check the latest of them on the news page. Below I’ll re-post just some of them preceded by the weekly statement giving you an idea of the program’s constant growth:

PokerAutomatics Weekly Statement:
Paying Days: 1,472
Total investors: 23,778
Investment capital: $ 2,161,908
Own capital: $ 392,197
Total Income: $ 169,082 (6,62%)
Share of Expenses: $ 64,572 (2,53%)
Profit: $ 104,509 (4,09%)
Total withdraw: $ 4,113,062
TOP-1 Investor: $ 91,612
TOP-1 Affiliate: 1,302 referrals
Total pokerbot accounts: 859

PokerAutomatics Daily Results:
10.05.2015 – Total poker botnet Income: 1.06%

PokerAutomatics Daily Results:
11.05.2015 – Total poker botnet Income: 1.09%

PokerAutomatics Daily Results:
12.05.2015 – Total poker botnet Income: 1.12%

If you’re interested in joining PokerAutomatics you should be perfectly aware though that the daily results posted on the program’s news page is not what you actually get credited to your account, but rather represents a share of 40% to 80% which you pocket every day. This in turn depends on the size of your deposit and the investment plan chosen with the duration of 30 to 180 calendar days on expiry of which your principal is returned. To better understand how PokerAutomatics functions I would really recommend you read the detailed review posted on my blog here. I promise it will make things a lot more clear for you.


Quite an intriguing update was sent from CompassBusiness last night, which saw the administration promise some changes to be implemented soon in order to make the program more appealing to both current and future investors. However he went without actually saying what these changes are going to be. Well, you can judge for yourself by the cryptic nature of the email I’m reposting below for your convenience:

The output of the project to a new level of investment!
Our team has long dreamed of own financial instruments that would not be influenced by market indices, will have an independent growth and yield
good projected profit for the same have high liquidity among the participants of the project …
In the near future our project to a new level of investment and will give participants and partners, a completely new functionality, unprecedented for the project and we have not been previously used.
The new direction will give you a choice, will not only passively wait for the rate of profit, receive bonuses and gifts to attract new members, but actively to increase the size of their profits positively interacting with colleagues.
Follow the news of your CompassBusiness.
C SW. Nicholas, a fund manager CompassBusiness

The program has been a wonderful performer on my Standard listing for six and a half months now, though largely flying under the radar and not generally noticed by readers. The latest is especially true when you consider the lack of payment choices CompassBusiness is working with, limited only to PerfectMoney and the totally unknown NixMoney payment systems. The minimum required to join the program’s main investment plan is quite high at $1,000 which will get you 1.9% for 110 business days, principal included (so you get more than double your money and break-even on your investment in under eleven weeks). That plan is quite risky though and I believe the majority of investors in CompassBusiness prefer dealing with alternative options (with a minimum to invest starting at $10 and returning the original investment on expiry) – 0.8% for 30 business days, 0.9% for 50 business days, 1% for 70 business days, 1.1% for 90 business days. Again, these plans pay only moderate returns and perhaps are not attracting many new investors either. In any case, some changes are coming to CompassBusiness (reviewed here) and, fingers crossed, they will be of a positive nature. I’ll let you know about them when they happen and keep you posted on the MNO blog in due course, so stay tuned!


For the final item of today’s news update now, I want to talk about the last couple of opinion polls that ran on the MNO TalkBack page. I’ll also be adding a new question, but I’ll get to that in a few moments. First though the results of the last poll, which as you may remember about the brand new MNOVision section of my website. This is a new area on MNO focusing on instructional videos related to various aspects of the HYIP industry. These include, but are not just limited to, individual HYIP programs, plus practical user guides to working efficiently with payment processors. I’m the first to agree that this section is still a bit raw, but it’s also a work in progress. As such, I think it can become a very useful tool that both new and experienced investors can find interesting. More videos will be added over time, if and when I find material that I consider up to a high enough standard (there’s no shortage of videos out there, but frankly a lot of them are garbage!), and also that might be of genuine interest and relevance to my readers.

So what do you think about all that? Well, most of you seem to think it’s a good idea, certainly it can’t hurt, anyway. The exact question I put to readers was “Do you like the idea of MNOVision in general?” and was met with a largely positive response. 55% of those who voted said “yes”, while the remaining 45% of you find less use for such a service and replied “no”. But I think that’s a sufficient enough majority to make it worthwhile keeping, and anyway as I said, the feature will be improved and expanded over time.

The second question was more on the specifics of the material included on the MNOVision page, more specifically the language of the videos posted there. MNO has always done its business in English, the same as the majority of the HYIP industry and international online business in general, so I have decided to include only English language videos. English language videos would be the only ones I could consistently assess and evaluate and judge to be up to a suitably high standard or not. But I also wanted the opinion of readers, so asked the question “Do you wish videos in other languages available on MNOVision?”. The biggest answer was “no, I can understand everything in English” as expressed by 42% of the voters. 33% of you took a more neutral view, saying “makes no difference to me, but others might like it”. The remaining 25% voted “yes, I would like see videos in my native language too.” I’m guessing the fact that so few of you voted for that option reflects the fact that the majority of MNO readers are either native or at least very strong English speakers, so things will remain as they are for the time being.

For the next poll then, as I’m currently thinking about my summer vacation, I wanted to ask about your own plans in the HYIP industry for the coming months. I imagine a lot of you are also planning a vacation over the coming months, but are you intending to take a break from the HYIP industry during the summer? Possible answers include:
a) Definitely yes, I’ll stop playing with HYIPs for a while.
b) No, I’ll continue playing to some extent.
c) Undecided, I’ll think about it as my circumstances change.

Thanks in advance to everyone who votes, (to share your thoughts please visit the MNO TalkBack page here) and remember it only takes a second and is totally anonymous. The poll will stay in place for a minimum of the next week to ten days, so anyone interested in voting will have ample opportunity to do so.


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 72 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: –
From MNO Premium listRollNRichPokerAutomaticsAtrexTradeInfinityFinanceCorp.
From MNO Standard list: CompassBusiness.
From MNO Basic list: ForexShareOgdenOrganization, Cryptoconomist.

That’s it for today, guys. Thanks as always for for reading and I hope you found something useful in there for you. Remember if you like what you see and would like to be kept informed and up-to-date, then you can follow MNO on Twitter and Facebook, and subscribe to receive all my articles sent directly to your inbox when you subscribe. See you all later in the week, everyone!

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