May 2015 Archives

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Hello everyone! I hope you all enjoyed your weekend, whatever you were getting up to, and are all refreshed and looking forward to the new business week ahead. Mind you, as far as the HYIP industry is concerned it can be hard to tell the difference anymore. It kind of occurs to me that in previous years the industry traditionally moved in cycles. Much like the changing seasons of the year, January into spring time was always a very prosperous time in the industry. A bit later on and investors/admins were a bit more interested in their summer vacations, especially true for younger players with the universities and colleges closing up for extended periods. Come September/October again and boom! An explosion of great opportunities was always practically guaranteed to come again which would last right up until the end of November. Then, at the first mention of Christmas, things would take a massive dip once more, with investors having far better things to blow their money on than gambling with HYIPs and admins more interested in scams for much the same reason.

How different things are this year! Summer is more or less here, and while there has undeniably been several really good programs so far in 2015, overall the year has been somewhat of a disappointment. I mean kudos to those admins who made a real success out of their own individual programs, you can ask no more of them than that, the bigger picture for the HYIP industry has been a lot less impressive. The biggest thing that strikes me however is not so much that the industry is so quiet now, that’s happened in the past and will happen again, it’s the fact that there hasn’t really been any obvious “industry leaders”. You know, really big giant programs that act like locomotives pulling the entire industry behind them and benefiting other programs, investors, admins and the like indirectly as well as their own. Depending on how long you’ve been in the industry I suppose most of you will know some of the names from previous years, now of almost legendary status such as GeniusFunds, GoldNuggetInvest, more recently Royalty7 I suppose, RockwellPartners last year as well, but all part of history now. The benefit programs such as these (among so many others) was that their success was so enormous it really boosted the confidence of investors, and in profiting from them it also gave them the means by way of an extra couple of dollars to perhaps take a chance and spread that money out among other investments in smaller programs.

The case of GoldNuggetInvest is however the most curious. They were by some considerable distance the biggest program in the industry, something achieved with an almost total lack of advertising, monitoring, and a very sharp and hostile campaign against them on one of the main forums. MNO was their only official monitor and the only website where they ever paid for advertising (sure, there might have been others, but they were generally placed for free to display the members ref link). Despite that, they still proved capable of running the single biggest HYIP I have ever seen, either before or since. My point? Leadership. Pure and simple. GNI was, (as was GeniusFunds and the other programs I mentioned) almost like an online money making factory. Admins with a clear vision of what they wanted to achieve and how to go about doing it. So many other programs also flourished, though to a far lesser degree, while the real leaders carried the rest of the industry along with their own momentum. Very often this was down to the practice of “piggybacking”, that is to say one HYIP investing their members money in bigger HYIPs, thus financing payments for a whole host of other investors. But without a clear leader the rest of the industry is something like a ship without a captain. And it’s without a clear leader that the weakness of the rest of the industry has now been exposed over and over again this year – low grade scams with no operating budget and unqualified admins taking over. So many new programs these days are either set up with the deliberate intention to be a fast scam, or else perhaps their intentions are better but the admin simply doesn’t have the skills/ knowledge/ experience/ to make it happen.

The point I’m getting at here is that the success of the HYIP industry as a whole is a collage of many other factors. Good payment processors, program scripts, hosting providers, etc are all essential to the industry, but the glue that holds it all together is the investment programs themselves. Without them, and their investors, there is no HYIP industry. So in many ways a small group of really strong programs, it doesn’t even have to be more than two or three, is really essential for the success of everyone else, regardless of whether you actually join all of them or not.

At the current time in the industry, again with all due respect to the admins trying their best to run good programs, there isn’t really a “must have” HYIP out there that every investor wants at the top of their portfolios right now. And I for one believe this is a massive opportunity for someone. Recent experience shows that there is a clear appetite out there for good quality programs. There always has been, it just looks worse than it is because the demand is not being met. It’s sort of a “catch 22” situation, with admins not going to huge expense on new programs for fear nobody will join, and investors not spending big money because they don’t see any admins making a serious effort. Well, someone’s gotta go first guys! To paraphrase the old Kevin Costner movie, “build it and they will come”.

Of course, in many ways it’s better that more and more investors are waking up to the fact that no, they don’t have to put up with any garbage that’s handed to them simply because there’s nothing better around. They are less likely to be taken in by the obvious scams and are staying away, and there’s nothing wrong with that. For my own part I try to help the process along by only welcoming professional admins with the highest standards on MNO. Lazy admins just out for a fast buck at someone else’s expense and not prepared to do any real work to earn it can look elsewhere (and there’s no shortage of options for them, by the way!). Investors of course can also play their own part and help revive the HYIP industry (many already do so) by simply avoiding the more obvious scams and not making it worth the admin’s time and effort.

Currently there is no definite leader in the HYIP industry, so the place is up for grabs. Smart admins are fast coming to a realization of that fact and should be rolling up their sleeves now to pull out all the stops to put this to rights. Smart people who know how to make money will tell you, every problem/ crisis/ challenge/ obstacle is an opportunity. I sincerely believe that very shortly we will begin to see some of the better admins taking those opportunities. And you know, it doesn’t have to be as difficult as you might think. For example, when the HYIP industry was at its absolute pinnacle a few years back GoldNuggetInvest (the single biggest program in a golden age for HYIPs) only ever bought advertising and monitoring on one single website. This actually had the affect of making the program even stronger, saving countless thousands of dollars that would otherwise have been wasted on resources that would otherwise never have paid for themselves or justified the expense by bringing sufficient returns. Can such an industry flagship be far away? My belief is no, things are going to change soon enough. I mean it could be years before we see the HYIP world back to pre LibertyReserve days, but with the right admins taking leadership of the industry again then at least a massive revival is easily possible. In many ways it can be a bit like the construction and property business – sometimes when things are at an absolute low is when you find the best opportunities for the highest possible and longest term profit if you have the courage and skill to take it.

To give you a personal example, I could if I had wanted to, made a lot of money from the waves of scams that have blighted the industry this year. How? I simply needed to accept them for monitoring, that’s all. But I didn’t. I mean in the long term what would it have achieved? An easy couple of bucks at the expense of standards, business ethics, and reputation that took years to establish. No, I think those are too valuable to sacrifice for the benefit of scam admins who don’t care about the damage their actions do to the wider HYIP industry in the longer term. So I’d rather not monitor them at all and in doing so preserve the name of MNO as only being associated with high quality programs where members stand a definite chance of making money. The risk will always be there, we all know that, but I think the best programs will always be on MNO, and I strongly believe more of them are coming sooner than you think, even if not everyone recognizes them immediately.

Incidentally, before we move on I just want to say that I’d really like to hear your own opinions on what you have just read above. Agree or disagree, I’d love to know what you think and why. Contact me by e-mail if you want, or to share it publicly with your fellow investors you can say it on my ShoutBox. I have also opened a new opinion poll about this on the MNO TalkBack page, which I’ll tell you about later in today’s news section, so please vote in that as well.



Have you thought that the possible HYIP industry leaders are already among us, but most investors haven’t yet spotted them? One really promising program that is yet to soar might well be InfinityFinanceCorp – a long-term program that started about five weeks ago and since gained recognition from investors who still remember better times in the industry when it was possible to find many good programs that would make you rich within months. Anyway, InfinityFinanceCorp reminded me of such times, mostly with its wide choice of payment processors such as verifiable accounts with SolidTrustPay and Payza, and also PerfectMoney, Payeer, Neteller, BitCoin, and OkPay. Investments start from a $10 minimum. For larger investors looking to participate, but not wanting to pay high fees to payment processors, InfinityFinanceCorp also have a choice between direct bank wire transfers, Western Union, and MoneyGram. Contact the admin directly for any further information. As for the investment plans on offer, InfinityFinanceCorp pays a fixed daily interest of 1.75% to 3.25% (depending on the size of your deposit) for a duration of 60 calendar days while returning your initial investment on expiry. As InfinityFinanceCorp is yet to finish its fist investment cycle (due in a few weeks) it’s way too early to judge if we’re dealing with a possible industry leader just yet, but I believe it stands a decent chance to become something exciting if the admin continues the way he’s going. Anyway, the stable growth was one of the main subjects in the latest newsletter from InfinityFinanceCorp which suggests it might well happen judging by the increased interest from investors. Over two thousand members reported in the newsletter will surely double and even triple once the first investors reach break-even point. Please read the latest news from the program below and for the full review of InfinityFinanceCorp please click here:

Updates From InfinityFinanceCorp
Good day to all of you. I would like to wish everyone a great weekend. The weekend in our office has been a busy one. And being busy in business is a very positive sign. Busy means we are taking care of so many things in our business which equates to meaning having to handle a lot of transactions and deals.
Over the past 33 days, our website has grown into a very popular one. I say “very” because this is what our traffic statistics show. The traffic stats is justified and made stronger by the fact that our investors are very happy with the way we handle our company.
We have not noticed that we have ran for 33 days today. It feels like it was just a few days ago when we opened our doors online. With over 2,100 investors as of the moment, we are expecting more to register and invest with us because we have leveled up with our strategies in advertising our company.
During this 33 days of being online. We have encountered and seen 2 websites who have blatantly copied our website. For more information, kindly check the news section on our website. Please be sure to avoid copycat websites for your safety.
Thank you for your time in reading this newsletter. We do have a lot of surprises to come your way as soon as we complete the necessary work. Thank you once again.
Much Regards,
InfinityFinanceCorp Ltd.


Another big program reminiscent of the golden age in the HYIP industry is without a doubt PokerAutomatics (reviewed here). While not promising a rainbow, the program has taken a different path by creating a believable background story of investing in an extensive network of pokerbots which allegedly help them raise income for themselves and an ever growing membership that has been expanding since August 2014 when PokerAutomatics first came to prominence (the program itself claims to be running for four years, but it’s unlikely to be true). Over all these months online, PokerAutomatics won hundreds of fans by paying a 40% to 80% share of the program’s daily profits, usually around the 1% mark over a period of 30 to 180 calendar days with the principal back on expiry. Today I myself finished the second investment cycle with PokerAutomatics and can clearly see why so many people are very happy with them. No wonder it’s growing at such a tremendous rate, especially considering an otherwise sluggish HYIP economy. The biggest reason behind PokerAutomatics‘ popularity among US and European investors is their acceptance of deposits via SolidTrustPay – a well established payment processor, but too tough for many admins to swallow due to its strict anti-money laundering policies and the necessary verification and payment button pre-approval requirements. Due to this fact STP is not really popular among inexperienced HYIP admins, but for many investors the fact that a program accepts investments via SolidTrustPay is a very positive sigh that makes the decision on where to invest much easier (read this article on why it’s beneficial for regular investors to use STP). The minimum to invest in PokerAutomatics is $30 and apart from SolidTrustPay there are plenty other payment options to consider as deposits are also accepted via PerfectMoney, Payeer, BitCoin, OkPay, NixMoney, and some others. Regular stats from PokerAutomatics are always posted on the website, and for the latest updates for a weekly statement and daily profits please read below:

PokerAutomatics Weekly Statement:
Paying Days: 1,479
Total investors: 24,419
Investment capital: $ 2,254,129
Own capital: $ 394,514
Total Income: $ 184,875 (6,98%)
Share of Expenses: $ 66,795 (2,52%)
Profit: $ 118,080 (4,46%)
Total withdraw: $ 4,172,886
TOP-1 Investor: $ 94,407
TOP-1 Affiliate: 1,326 referrals
Total pokerbot accounts: 868

PokerAutomatics Daily Results:
15.05.2015 – Total poker botnet Income: 1.01%

PokerAutomatics Daily Results:
16.05.2015 – Total poker botnet Income: 0.88%

PokerAutomatics Daily Results:
17.05.2015 – Total poker botnet Income: 1.07%


The latest update from CompassBusiness (first reviewed here) was very short and to the point. The admin reminded members to add payment processor details in the account area for anyone forgetful enough not to have done so on registration. You can also contact the admin if you fail to do so, at the contact details presented below:

Check whether you have entered the payment wallets
Good day, dear participants!
Please check whether you have entered the payment wallets in their offices during the registration, if you do not have, you yourself will not be able to do this and make payments accordingly we will also fail because they do not know where. Who such a situation, write your login, PerfectMoney and \ or NixMoney wallets mail manager or Vkontakte We hope for your understanding.
C SW. Nicholas, a fund manager CompassBusiness.

You should know that CompassBusiness is very selective when it comes to accepting payment processors from its members and currently the program only works with PerfectMoney and its lesser known counterpart NixMoney for a minimum investment of $10. The main investment plan though where you can actually double your money requires at least a $1,000 minimum investment and will pay you 1.9% interest for the duration of 110 business days (Monday to Friday) with no principal back at the end. Other investment plans will return your principal on expiry and include 0.8% for 30 business days, 0.9% for 50 business days, 1% for 70 business days, 1.1% for 90 business days. Despite of its apparently limited appeal to MNO readers CompassBusiness remains one of the most stable performers on my monitor and has been listed in Standard section for 200 days now. The big improvements of which the administration discussed previously are apparently still in the pipeline as I haven’t noticed any changes myself when checking their site the last time, but if anything worth reporting happens the MNO readers will, of course, be the first to know.


It’s time now to take a closer look at the final results of last week’s poll regarding your summertime plans and their connection to HYIPs. I’m glad to see that 70% of my readers actually see the potential that summer holds as a starting point for new promising programs, as they answered they will continue investing in HYIPs, at least, to some extent. Another 10% of the voters are just considering participating in HYIPs this coming summer subject to their own personal circumstances. And finally, only 20% of those voting on the MNO TalkBack poll said that they would stop playing HYIPs during summer and possibly return only in autumn. Well, such results just reflect that interest in new upcoming programs is still very much alive, and any admins wishing to capitalize on that interest should not delay, and possibly even become the next leader of the HYIP industry as discussed earlier in today’s post.

So, I was wondering about your take, guys, on the possible leadership in the HYIP world. For that purpose I’ve prepared another question for you on the MNO TalkBack page. The new poll asks:
What is your opinion on HYIP industry leaders?
1) HYIP industry already has its leaders, but they are not clearly visible yet.
2) All big leaders were in the past and we won’t see them again.
3) New leaders will definitely come with time, maybe within the next year.

Remember that the voting is very simple, anonymous, and will only take a few seconds. But it still makes a big contribution to the further development of the HYIP industry. Thanks in advance for your input and we will draw the final results of the poll in a week to ten days or so.


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 96 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: –
From MNO Premium listRollNRichPokerAutomaticsAtrexTradeInfinityFinanceCorp.
From MNO Standard list: CompassBusiness.
From MNO Basic list: ForexShareOgdenOrganization, Cryptoconomist.

That’s all for today, guys. Thanks for reading and for voting in my poll. I’ll be back to you later in the week, either when a new big program launches and gets listed on MNO, or on Sunday when I’ll be in Vienna. I’m actually going there on Wednesday for a two-week trip north to Hamburg before returning home. I hope you all make the most of summertime, but at the same time don’t forget to keep an eye on MNO for the most important programs in the HYIP industry that are destined to become the next leaders. Remember that summer is widely expected to be a slow season as usual, but I’m pretty sure that we will witness the birth of something truly extraordinary as noted in this article on my blog. So, stay with MNO and enjoy your week, guys!

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