May 2015 Archives

Place your banner here for $150/week or $500/month. Available NOW.
Place your banner here for $145/week or $480/month. Available NOW.
Place your banner here for $140/week or $460/month. Available NOW.
Place your banner here for $135/week or $440/month. Available NOW.


Hello guys, and welcome once again to the MNO blog where you can find all the biggest investment programs run by admins with big budgets. Remember that MNO is one site not ready to compromise on quality and prefers to deal with exclusively elite opportunities. I’m very sorry that there was a six-day gap between posting, probably the longest ever in the years I’ve been running this website, but the HYIP industry has been very stable (if also unusually quiet) recently and there hasn’t really been any major events worth reporting. All the programs on the MNO monitor are still paying fine, and I’m pleased to say that an admin of what’s very likely going to be the next big hit has just pre-paid for the Premium Listing plus a tower banner on the MNO blog (which doesn’t come cheap!) for a full month in advance. He tells me he’s just putting some finishing touches to the program and should be ready for an official launch in about a week or so. There’s no two ways about it, this is excellent news for everyone concerned in the HYIP industry, especially if you’re a fan of serious programs run by very experienced admins. Keep an eye on the MNO blog then as I’ll be announcing it very shortly as soon as I have more info, and who knows, maybe it will become the leader and driving force so badly needed in industry now (read my recent article on HYIP leadership issues here). I can even share one secret that according to my sources something even bigger is also brewing up which may even be exclusively listed on MNO and no other monitor within the next few weeks. So be prepared and put something aside to invest in another big program coming soon (read my article on that here). By the way, the poll currently running on the MNO TalkBack page will stay open for a few more days, so if you want to share your own thoughts on the leadership of the industry please click here – you can vote totally anonymously and it only takes a second.

As for my personal adventures, I must admit that I’m quite enjoying a stable HYIP industry for once and have been spending the last few days in Vienna, surely one of Europe’s and the world’s most beautiful and magnificent capitals. It also happened to be the venue for this year’s Eurovision Song Contest last night, so if you’re from Sweden then congratulations on winning it for the sixth time, while for my Australian readers the first time participation in sixty years was a great experience too (considering Australia really did well for its debut). Anyway, I’m writing today from the train to Prague where I’ll be spending the next few days before heading to Berlin, then Hamburg, before returning home. The trains are pretty comfortable here, so it’s always a nice work environment.

I must say that while planning to publish today I had a more controversial article in mind regarding one well known promoter’s collaboration with HYIP admins and the underhanded tricks they use to steal money from you, but since I have so much else to report on today I’ll save it for next time. Meanwhile, you can check the Premium List on MNO as we have a newcomer there in the form of Cryptoconomist. The admin just upgraded his listing on my monitor from Basic where it sat for over three weeks to Premium. That means Cryptoconomist will be reviewed on my blog in more detail next week while today I’ll just give a brief introduction. Actually if you do pay attention to the Basic List on MNO you’ll see another new short-term program was just listed a couple of days back where you might already have earned a profit if you joined early enough. In other news today I have some very positive updates and developments from two other big programs – InfinityFinanceCorp and PokerAutomatics. So let’s get started!


How often have you encountered an online HYIP running for eleven months recently? My guess is not much, but it’s possible in some cases when a program deliberately keeps a low profile while establishing a reputation before upgrading its design and plans and begins a huge advertising campaign. It’s all about stable and gradual growth here, and I believe that is what we are seeing now in how Cryptoconomist has been developing. It’s a prime example of the so-called “sleeper”. Starting back in July 2014, Cryptoconomist was paying fine until March 2015 when it underwent some major changes, introducing a more appealing new design and some extra investment plans. Subsequently bigger exposure on major monitors like MNO was needed. In the case of Cryptoconomist, despite its long life and proven track record, we still need to be on alert and invest what you can afford to lose as in every other HYIP. Plus you need to forget about investment plans paying on expiry as they are designed with one simple aim in mind – make money for the admin and not regular investors, mostly at the expense of newbies. These plans, unlike the daily paying options offered by Cryptoconomist, are best ignored, but for the sake of precision I will describe them too – 600% after 12 business days, 1500% after 25-45 business days, 3000% after 60 business days, 7000% after 100 business days. As much as it sounds very tempting to invest there, you shouldn’t really go for them and better stick with the daily paying plans all of which will return your initial investment on expiry – 2.3% for 20 days, 2.5% for 35 days, and 2.8% for 55 days. The first two of these are pretty affordable for most as the minimum starts from $10 and $501 respectively. Others are a lot more prohibitive to the average investor. Sadly the payment options in Cryptoconomist are a bit limited as well, as the admin seems to prefer dealing with anonymous currencies like BitCoin, PerfectMoney, and Payeer. There’s nothing wrong with them, mind, but it does limit the number of participants and the possible future growth of the program (read more on why it’s safer for an average to invest with verifiable payment processors like STP or Payza in this article). That doesn’t mean though that it’s impossible to profit from Cryptoconomist if you’re playing by the rules and follow my advice. Quite the opposite – the program is growing and attracting new investors every day. There is a certain buzz about the stable payouts from Cryptoconomist and all the heavy advertising artillery is already included in its promotion which is vital for spreading the word and keeping growth at a consistent level. The upcoming review on the MNO blog should really help to attract more participants and will feature more info on the investment plans too, so stay tuned for that.

Today I just want to highlight some of the main features if you intend joining before the review is posted. The program features a nice design with everything explained pretty well and lots of information in an easy to find and user-friendly interface. Withdrawals are expected to be processed within a 30 hour maximum, but are usually much faster. Cryptoconomist is running off a standard licensed version of a GoldCoders script and hosted on a dedicated server with DDoS protection by Koddos. The site is SSL-secured by the more expensive Green Bar encryption by Comodo with extended validation, so it’s going to be pretty safe to browse and make investments via the site. All the recent site statistics are posted, but as most of you are aware these are easily doctored so don’t pay much attention to them (just to mention an alleged $15 million invested in Cryptoconomist is enough, I suppose). There are two promotional professionally-made videos available in English which I’ve re-posted on the MNOVision page. You van see the videos here and here. The company behind Cryptoconomist is allegedly involved in Forex and Cryptocurrency trading, though with little to no evidence backing this up you should just treat it as a regular HYIP with all the associated risks and pitfalls. The admin is not very talkative, by the way, and prefers to make some substantial improvements on the site first before publicly announcing them. For instance, the latest major update was posted 25 days ago and I believe the next one will follow soon. I’ll just let you read the last update from Cryptoconomist to finish with the program for today and allow you to check it for yourself if you haven’t done so yet:

300 Days Online with Cryptoconomist
Hello, we have already passed 300 Days of successful work,
So, I am really pleased to issue our news update for our clients and guests. In the past 300 days, Cryptoconomist has seen tremendous growth for which we are thankful for our clients to staying with us.
Within a next week we will add an international phone support and live chat for convenience of our clients. I would like to inform that we accept majority of e-payment processors which include Perfect Money, Payeer and Bitcoin. We are looking ahead to find more ways to be a closer to our clients. As you can see, we are gradually applying our member’s suggestions and improvements to make our Company more customers oriented. If you have good ideas, don’t hesitate to contact us, we are very pleased to implement our client’s suggestions.
Also, I would like to say few words about our statistic data so for now we have:
More than 12 thousands investors from all the world and this potential still increase quickly,
More than 10 mln. Total Deposited funds,
More than 3 mln. Total Withdraw funds.
We are looking to find a best ways for our partners who want to earn additional money with referral commission so for now we start Multi Level referral commission with rate 2%-1%-0.5% so you will get 2% of the deposits of your personally introduced referrals, 1% of the deposits made by you second-line referrals (the people invited by your first-line referrals) and 0.5% of the deposits of your third-line referrals (the people invited by your second-line referrals)
But it’s not an all, another advantage is that you will get 3% “Extra Bonus” additionally to referral commission for any new deposits made by your direct referrals with amount more than $2,000
So, this is challenging opportunity to make additional profit with Cryptoconomist for a long term period.
We have a good feedback in popular monitors so we are really happy that we can meet your expectations. We are committed to serving you with professionalism, integrity, and sensitivity.
We will do our best to make a really good opportunity for online investing.
Thank you for staying with us


Taking into consideration the growing interest in InfinityFinanceCorp from the Russian speaking HYIP community (which has always been very active, I must admit), the admin wisely took this opportunity to appeal to them by introducing a Russian version of the website earlier this week. Before that, it was widely advertised that work was in the pipeline with the final result, I must say, wasn’t exactly perfect. In any case, whoever made this translation into Russian possible should be thanked for bringing InfinityFinanceCorp to a wider audience. You can now switch between languages by clicking the UK or Russian flags on top of the page or by simply clicking the link in the following update:

Russian Version Available – InfinityFinanceCorp
We are very pleased to announce that we have a Russian Version of our website today of our website. To all our Russian investors, and those interested to become investors, please check this link. It is the same website and URL only the site will become Russian when you click it.
When you want to go back to the English version, click
This is still in BETA testing phase and we will appreciate it if you can help us properly translate our website to Russian by sending as an e-mail and pointing out which words or phrases are incorrectly translated.
We will be adding tomorrow (latest) the English and Russian flag buttons on our website. We are just waiting for our web designer to add these flags for us.
Thank you for being part of our company.
Much Regards, InfinityFinanceCorp Ltd.

Russian Version Available Now
Click here to activate Russian version of our website. We are adding flag buttons tomorrow on our website for easier transition and choosing between Russian and English versions. To our Russian investors try it out and please help us correct any incorrect Russian translations we did. Thank you.

InfinityFinanceCorp (first reviewed here) is now in its sixth week online with the first investors are still waiting for their profits to materialize from the 1.75% to 3.25% for 60 calendar days investment plan. Needless to say, no one has yet received their principals back on expiry of the investment term, but judging by the time and effort the admin has put into the development of his program I tend to believe he has some very serious and long-term intentions. Just to mention that InfinityFinanceCorp has a fully verified and approved corporate account in such verifiable payment systems as SolidTrustPay, Payza, and OkPay which you are advised to use if investing there (along with Neteller – read more on the advantages of investing via verifiable currencies in this article). Apart from that, InfinityFinanceCorp will also take deposits from a $10 minimum via other e-currencies like BitCoin, Payeer, and PerfectMoney while for larger investors there is even an opportunity to invest via WesternUnion, MoneyGram, or direct bank wire transfers (please contact the admin for further information on that). As InfinityFinanceCorp took the Premium listing on MNO straight from the beginning I myself didn’t notice the admin’s attempt to buy any additional banner spaces, however, in one of the latest updates he claimed to have done so on other cheaper monitors which he bought recently to increase exposure. Please read more on that and on the program’s growth after 35 days online, including the Alexa ratings in the following two updates below:

35 Days Online and Counting
We are very happy to announce that we have opened our doors to our investors online 35 days ago. This is not a feat in itself but it is a sign that we are doing the right things. The future looks bright to everyone who invested in our company. If you take a look at our traffic rankings on the traffic ranking websites like, you will notice how popular our website is becoming. Thank you to all of you.

Advertising Campaign Level Up
We just sent a newsletter today about our social network account page links. We also spoiled some news which were supposed to be surprises in the upcoming weeks. We are working on creating different language versions of our website. First in our list is the Russian version which we are looking at completing within at least 1 to 2 weeks but hopefully sooner.
Aside from this, we are working on getting more languages up as soon as we possibly can. We have renewed, purchased and tried new places to advertise.

And finally fans of social networks will be able to find more information on the program on Twitter, Facebook, and Google+ including all the latest updates while also sharing your experience and payment proofs with other investors to help to maintain the program’s growth on the major investment forums. Please be more active and reward the admin of InfinityFinanceCorp for his commitment to running this wonderful program by voting on the MNO monitor too and use the links given by him in one of the updates issued earlier this week:

Official Social Network Links and other news
Today, we are sending you links to our social network accounts so that you may have an additional venue for reaching us for support or any other queries you may have in mind.
Let me start with Facebook. Our official Facebook page is on this link:
Then we have Twitter, you may follow us at:
We are still learning on how to manage our Google Page at :
Additionally try the forums here:
And for Russian members:
We are currently working on a Russian version of our website. We will also be opening different language versions of our website soon. We are working on these.
Thank you for spending time in reading this short newsletter. All is well and should remain well.
Thank you for being part of our company.
Much Regards,
InfinityFinanceCorp Ltd.


As usual, the profits earned by PokerAutomatics from their extensive network of pokerbots (at least that’s how the admin explains the long and stable performance over so many months now) are still hovering around the 1% mark. Stability is the important factor here, with modest but sustainable returns consistently paid to investors. Just to give you an idea of just how stable PokerAutomatics is, I’ll give you the latest daily results for the week below:

PokerAutomatics Daily Results:
18.05.2015 – Total poker botnet Income: 1.03%

PokerAutomatics Daily Results:
19.05.2015 – Total poker botnet Income: 0.93%

PokerAutomatics Daily Results:
20.05.2015 – Total poker botnet Income: 0.86%

PokerAutomatics Daily Results:
21.05.2015 – Total poker botnet Income: 0.88%

PokerAutomatics Daily Results:
22.05.2015 – Total poker botnet Income: 1.05%

PokerAutomatics Daily Results:
23.05.2015 – Total poker botnet Income: 0.92%

PokerAutomatics Daily Results:
24.05.2015 – Total poker botnet Income: 0.89%

Please note that the profits from PokerAutomatics are not just variable, but are also not exactly what the investor receives. Profits represent what the program itself makes, not the share paid out to members. That will be 40% to 80% of the figure announced, depending on the size of your deposit (the minimum is $30) and the investment term which can be from 30 to 180 calendar days. Your principal is returned to your account and is available either for re-investing or withdrawal. To fully understand the investment plan I strongly suggest you read my detailed review of the program posted here. Over the last couple of months when PokerAutomatics was first featured on MNO it gained significant attention among readers, mostly due to the fact that it started working with SolidTrustPay (read more on all the advantages of using STP for investments in this article).

PokerAutomatics is also well known for its frequent updates published on the website’s news section. From those posted over the last few days, you can learn about the new representatives that will help promote the program among investors in Russia and Italy, a short but interesting video testimonial by one satisfied customer in Australia (you can also check other popular videos on the MNOVision page), the announcement of the weekly lottery winner, updates on the ever growing pokerbot network, and the addition of the new dedicated servers:

New dedicated servers were added.
We have purchased 4 new dedicated servers for our pokerbot network.

PokerAutomatics Video Testimonial and Review from Phil (Australia)

We have a new Representative
Bahtier – Russia
You may contact him by email

We have a new Representative
Hilde – Italy
You may contact her by email

Lottery Results 17.05.2015:
The winner of this week is Juggernaut.
You get VIP status as a prize.

Pokerbot network upgrade
A number of poker bots in the network increased to 874.
Our future goals:
July 2015: 900-1000 active poker bot accounts
January 2016: 1200-1300 active poker bot accounts
July 2016: 1500-1600 active poker bot accounts
January 2017: 1900-2000 active poker bot accounts
The ultimate goal – 2000 active poker bot accounts.


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 144 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: –
From MNO Premium listRollNRichPokerAutomaticsAtrexTradeInfinityFinanceCorpCryptoconomist.
From MNO Standard list: CompassBusiness.
From MNO Basic list: ForexShareOgdenOrganization, EternalGet (the first payments received).

That’s all the news for for today, guys. Thanks for reading and in order not to miss any future updates I suggest bookmarking my blog in your browser and subscribing to the daily news. This is delivered to your email address which you enter in the submission form on the top right hand corner of the blog. You really don’t want to miss any of the future giants in the HYIP industry when they launch over the next few weeks, as MNO deals exclusively with high-budget programs. Even the Basic Listing on MNO can only be taken by long term admins with lots of experience and funds to spare and so offer you ample opportunity to profit. MNO has always been very strict in its policy of only accepting the highest quality programs and many experienced investors already benefited greatly from this. I also suggest you follow MNO on Twitter and Facebook to always be on alert to start earning from the best investment opportunities online. See you next time guys, with a more detailed look at Cryptoconomist and any other industry news worth reporting. Bye for now!

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