May 2015 Archives

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Beware! Cryptoconomist has stopped paying! Do not invest there!

Hi everyone! Feels like a long time coming, but the first “new” review to be published on MNO for some weeks now is actually an old favorite of several readers already. I’m talking here about Cryptoconomist of course, a program that’s been featured on the MNO monitor’s Basic List for just over three weeks now. I think I’ve already mentioned on the ShoutBox that the admin’s stated intention was to roll things out nice and slow before eventually, once the Cryptoconomist name got better established, to move up to Premium Listing. So here we are! The name Cryptoconomist itself of course stretches back quite some time. As a website it was set up way back in the summer of 2014, though as a functioning HYIP in the form you see today it’s a lot more recent. Cryptoconomist has for most of its time online been what we would call a “sleeper” program, i.e. something kept deliberately low-key and not very attractive to anyone who might stumble across it by accident. All that changed back in March when the program had a complete overhaul, with both the website design getting more or less rebuilt from scratch and the investment plans being re-assessed as well. The real point here is that you shouldn’t really treat Cryptoconomist as the old, long running and paying program that it might look like at first glance. Yes, the program’s news section is quite proud of the fact that they’ve been over 300 days online (as accurately reported in a recent update also mentioned on MNO) but they haven’t been in their present form for nearly so long.

Let’s get started with the investment plans then, the main reason I suppose most of you are reading this. If I had to put one single label on Cryptoconomist then I guess it’s best described as a medium term HYIP. Plans are divided into two categories, either making daily interest payments or single payments made on expiry. There are in fact several longer term plans on offer, but realistically I think most experienced players won’t be looking past the first couple of shorter term options. In fact I also think it goes without saying that it’s with the daily payment plans that investors stand their only serious chance of making any money. As we shall see when I explain the figures below, most of you will probably agree that investments made to Cryptoconomist‘s on-expiry plans are unlikely to yield a profit for anyone other than the admin.
I’m going to start with Cryptoconomist‘s more achievable daily payment plans then. These start with a minimum deposit of $10 which gets you into a plan running for 20 calendar days. In return for your money – maximum spend here is $500 by the way – the Cryptoconomist admin is offering members 2.3% interest per day. These payments add up to 46% in total, obviously not enough by itself to put anyone even close to a profit, this happens only when Cryptoconomist return your principal as promised on expiry. So the total return of 146% is your own money back plus 46% net profit for yourself. At the time of writing the program has already completed this plan’s first cycle (since joining MNO that is) so some of you will already be able to confirm the first investor’s have indeed made a very respectable profit from this.

Bigger spenders prepared to play with a $501 minimum can look into Cryptoconomist‘s second daily payments plan, which runs for a term of 35 calendar days. Investors here are offered a somewhat more generous return of 2.5% per day, though like I just said above it’s going to cost you a lot more to see just how well the program is paying on this. All things going well, the final return should add up to 87.5% by the term’s end. At this point Cryptoconomist promise to return the investor’s principal, leaving you with a total return of 187.5%, or your own money back plus 87.5% net profit. Maximum spend for this plan is capped at an upper limit of $2,000.

You’ll notice a huge discrepancy between the previous plan and Cryptoconomist‘s third and final daily payments plan here, as it starts with a minimum price tag of $10,001. Too rich for most readers I suppose, but just in case you are interested in hearing about it anyway I can tell you the term runs for 55 calendar days with the Cryptoconomist admin offering interest payments of 2.8% per day. This should eventually add up to a grand total of 154%, which becomes net profit on return of your principal. Maximum spend is $20,000.

Next we move on to the payment-on-expiry plans, which to be honest I think most of the experienced investors reading this will probably avoid as being less realistic than the first group. They’re also a lot more expensive to join and require minimum deposits that few can afford, so in any case the decision to join or not is kinda taken for you anyway. But as it’s ultimately your own choice what to do with your money I’ll just go through the figures for you anyway. The first plan here runs for 45 business days (please note the difference, no further investment plans will be counted in calendar days anymore). I don’t really know why the admin thinks it necessary to count them in business days at all, given that payments are only made once on expiry anyway, but just for your information 45 business days is nine calendar weeks. The minimum cost of joining is $1,500, and the return which is promised you at the end is 1,500%, principal included. Maximum spend is $20,000.

Next up for a minimum spend of $500 there’s a plan running for 60 business days, which is 12 calendar weeks. Cryptoconomist offer one single payment on expiry of an even more unrealistic 3,000% on all deposits up to a maximum of $20,000.

This is followed by a so called VIP plan running for 12 business days, slightly longer than two calendar weeks, on which Cryptoconomist offer a 1,600% return on any deposits between $10,000 and $20,000, so again we see just like the other on-expiry plans the only one who will possibly see any money whatsoever from this is the admin.

The next option, again called a VIP plan, expires after 25 business days (five calendar weeks) with a rate of 1,500% being offered to anyone prepared to give the Cryptoconomist admin a deposit between a $7,000 minimum and a $20,000 maximum.

And finally Cryptoconomist‘s eighth and final plan runs for 100 business days, or 20 calendar weeks. The minimum to invest is a somewhat more affordable $200, however the return being offered is no more realistic or achievable at 7,000% on expiry. Maximum spend is $5,000.

If any of that is of interest to you and you’d like to join, then the next thing we need to look at are what are your payment options. The processors Cryptoconomist are currently dealing with are limited to entirely anonymous and unverifiable methods so remember, all transactions are final and there will not be any refunds under any circumstances. You can use either PerfectMoney or Payeer if you favor the more traditional style payment processors, or BitCoin if you want to use a more modern digital e-currency. There’s nothing wrong with any of them, mind, but it does limit the number of participants and the possible future growth of the program. All withdrawal requests are handled manually by the admin and therefore need to be submitted from within your Cryptoconomist member’s account area. Once done the admin asks you allow him a further 30 hour waiting period to ensure all transactions are completed.

Moving on then to the more technical aspects of the Cryptoconomist website such as design and security, the first item of note is the secure SSL encrypted connection by Comodo to allow for safer browsing and more secure transactions. They have the above average Green Bar version, which is superior and a bit more expensive than standard. Hosting is on a dedicated server with support and protection provided by Koddos, an old an well known name in the HYIP industry, but to be honest one we rarely hear about anymore. As for the script, I think a lot of regular players will probably recognize the style here as being from GoldCoders which will give the Cryptoconomist website a familiar easy-to-navigate feel, but just in case you don’t I can just confirm for you that it is under license.

If you have any further questions for the admin that you don’t think were explained here, or indeed have any reason to contact him with any account related issues then there are several channels of communication open to you. The first thing you should probably check is the Live Chat, where, assuming you find an operator online, you might be able to get any minor issues cleared up in real time. For direct contact with the Cryptoconomist admin you can either e-mail him directly at the address listed, or else simply fill in your details on the online support form and submit it via the contacts page. Cryptoconomist list two postal addresses which are of course a lot more likely to be simply virtual hosted offices and not where you would find anyone connected with running Cryptoconomist physically located were you to pay a visit. This is however accompanied by a telephone number, so you can always give that a go if you think someone might answer. Probably more useful for many readers though is that Cryptoconomist have made themselves available on social media networks, maintaining profiles on both Facebook and Twitter. It’s also nice to see Cryptoconomist making use of other promotional tools, specifically some recorded videos which you can now watch on the MNOVision page here.

As for any business activities members are told supposedly back all of this up, allegedly Cryptoconomist are involved in Forex and crypto-currency trading. Though with little to no evidence to support this claim that you can check out and independently verify for yourselves then you should just treat it as a regular online HYIP with all the associated risks and pitfalls. Even if it was genuine, that still doesn’t guarantee anyone’s profit. As with any form of gambling, losers are inevitably needed if payments to the winners are going to be financed. And as there’s no way to predict what group you might fall into, you need to behave responsibly and protect yourself first and foremost. That starts with establishing a sensible spending limit that you will adhere to strictly and can comfortably afford to lose, and if joining Cryptoconomist at all then try to use them as a smaller part of a wider more diverse portfolio.



As usual, PokerAutomatics has been fastidious with their updates. Publishing them every day on the news page has helped members understand the exact profit rate they can expect every day. You possibly know from my review of the program, published here, that PokerAutomatics offers an opportunity to earn a variable percentage return for a duration from 30 to 180 calendar days with principal back on expiry. Almost always the profit is something about 1%, but from this rate the investor gets a share from 40% to 80%, so approximately you can expect your daily return to be from 0.4% to 0.8% which is quite moderate for HYIP standards. At the same time, such relatively low returns have given PokerAutomatics a longer that average lifetime, with the program paying successfully since August 2014. And although the program claims to be online for over 4 years now, nobody heard of it before last summer, so it should only be treated as online since then. Remember that a few video reviews of the program are available on the MNOVision page, so they will be a good supplement for the review if you wish to have a look. PokerAutomatics is available to join from $30 and you can invest via SolidTrustPay, PerfectMoney, BitCoin, Payeer, OkPay, YandexMoney, NixMoney, Qiwi, and AdvCash. More daily and weekly results from PokerAutomatics along with the announcement of another weekly lottery winner can be found below:

PokerAutomatics Daily Results:
25.05.2015 – Total poker botnet Income: 1.09%

PokerAutomatics Daily Results:
26.05.2015 – Total poker botnet Income: 0.84%

PokerAutomatics Daily Results:
27.05.2015 – Total poker botnet Income: 0.97%

PokerAutomatics Weekly Statement:
Paying Days: 1,486
Total investors: 25,281
Investment capital: $ 2,309,794
Own capital: $395,328
Total Income: $ 182,325 (6,74%)
Share of Expenses: $ 64,871 (2,40%)
Profit: $ 117,454 (4,34%)
Total withdraw: $4,203,416
TOP-1 Investor: $ 97,228
TOP-1 Affiliate: 1,341 referrals
Total pokerbot accounts: 874

Lottery Results 24.05.2015:
The winner of this week is boxed.
You get VIP status as a prize.


It’s time now to have a look at the results of the new poll on the MNO TalkBack page and add a new question for you to consider. Following my article on the current lack of leadership in the HYIP industry and the temporary departure of many professional long-term admins (click here to read more) I asked the question – What is your opinion on HYIP industry leaders? There was three available answers with the winner proving to be “New leaders will definitely come with time, maybe within the next year” which was favored by 41% of readers. Quite close in second place was “HYIP industry already has its leaders, but they are not clearly visible yet” as supported by 37% of the voters. And finally, propping up the board with 22% was “All big leaders were in the past and we won’t see them again”. You should remember of course that there are no right or wrong answers in the poll, it’s just about opinions. I wouldn’t over-dramatize the current state of things though as another big program is coming over the next few days, and the admin has already pre-paid for Premium listing and a big tower banner on the MNO blog for one month, so this might be just an answer to the prayers of those waiting for something good. So, stay tuned for any further announcements on MNO so as not to miss anything big!

Someone may still remember the times when a few years back a simple program called GoldNuggetInvest managed to become the biggest and most talked about program in the HYIP industry while being exclusively monitored only by MNO. Back then my site was not the most popular monitor in the industry like now, but despite that MNO was chosen to represent GNI and helped it grow into something tremendously popular. Who knows? Maybe we will see another program in the making right now to be exclusively listed on MNO again to help take the HYIP industry back to its former glory. So for the next question on the MNO TalkBack page I would like to ask you about that. Would it be possible to become the next leader in the HYIP industry by being exclusively listed on MNO? Possible answers are:
1) It’s definitely possible as it will bring gradual growth.
2) It’s maybe possible if they accept STP and Payza.
3) It’s not possible as the situation in the industry has changed too much.

Thanks in advance for voting as it will only take a few seconds of your time. And who knows? Maybe we’ll see such a program soon. After all, the time is just right.


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 72 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: –
From MNO Premium listRollNRichPokerAutomaticsAtrexTradeInfinityFinanceCorpCryptoconomist.
From MNO Standard list: CompassBusiness.
From MNO Basic list: ForexShareOgdenOrganization, EternalGet.

That’s all for today, guys. Hope you enjoyed reading MNO and see you all later this week.

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