Jun 1st, 2015 Archives

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Place your banner here for $145/week or $480/month. Available NOW.
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Hello, guys, and welcome to the MNO blog – a place to find the biggest investment opportunities online. Today is officially regarded by many the first day of summer and after a disastrous spring time for those investors who refused to follow MNO and (losing lots of money in fast scams as a consequence) this season can’t possibly be worse. However you can expect some really promising investment programs to be featured on my monitor and reviewed on my blog in the coming weeks so I hope you’ll all be looking forward to that.

I’m sorry to skip posting over the weekend while enjoying the delights of Berlin and Hamburg, but it’s quite hard to stay concentrated on work then. However I have started working on the revival of the MNOFridays section of my site, so expect some more controversial tell-all articles coming on Friday. The older MNOFridays articles will also be edited and posted as a separate folder on my site for easier access. More to come on MNO soon and I hope you enjoy it if you follow me and join the programs featured on my site.


Carbon7 has actually a very good chance to become the next big thing in the HYIP industry even though it’s only listed on the Standard section of the MNO monitor as of today. I’m glad to report that MNO has become the first and for the moment only official monitor for Carbon7 as I’m guessing the admin possibly opted for more gradual growth. He’s clearly a highly experienced player in this field by the way, and I wouldn’t be surprised if he was behind the hugely successful Royalty7 which you might ran from November 2011 to July 2012. Obviously I can’t say this for sure, but honestly, I wouldn’t rule it out. The very same investment plans, similar script and lots of major payment processors accepted starting from the same $25 minimum also hints at it, though maybe it’s all just coincidence. Of course, no program can run purely on its past glories, and you should always remember this even if you like Carbon7 very much, still invest only what you can afford to lose.

So, what is so special about Carbon7? Well, first of all (and it’s very rare nowadays) even at its launch the program accepts both SolidTrustPay and Payza payment processors with fully verified accounts and automatic deposits. Besides that you can also make investments via PerfectMoney, Payeer, BitCoin, and even direct bank wires. We can easily say that we are spoilt for choice there so all the investors’ demands will be satisfied in Carbon7. The script the program is running off is a complete state of art product, totally customized and something I don’t believe I’ve seen before (I said I saw something similar, but not the same). Lots of interesting features are included such as a second code you need to use while contacting support for identification purposes, and the option to compound by reinvesting from your balance. You’ll be able to read more about all of that in the upcoming review. Judging by so much effort that has been taken by the admin I can actually believe that Carbon7 has been in the planning and preparation stages for months until it was completely flawless and ready to be presented to the general public. You can read more about the development stages of Carbon7 in their news section or below:

Development of Carbon7
We have begun by assembling a developers team who will split the project tasks into 2 divisions. The 1st one will be responsible for the innovative design that will accurately portray the nature of the enterprise activities. The 2nd division will build the script functionality (engine) that empowers all the dynamics of the site in the back. The goal was to create an online “digital funds” platform with the best properties of carbon which is stiff (stable), light (fast brows-ability) and universally acknowledged (easy-to-use). We have spent over 10 months to build it using the latest code technology, backed up by a powerful hardware and 24/7 specialist to keep the site available. We have reached a degree of highest stability, Carbon7 platform can host at-least 270,000 members without adding more servers (next upgrade estimations ~10 months after launch).

What about the investment plans you might ask? Well, for the $25 minimum you have a choice between the two plans – first, paying 7% for 30 calendar days with the interest only credited Monday to Friday, and second, paying 110% after 7 calendar days. Although in my opinion, the first investment plan might have been explained better than this as the admin probably meant 7% for 22 business days which gives you a decent return of 54% profit on expiry of your investment, as the principal is already included in the daily payments. You see also that the two investment plans are perfectly balanced and will allow you earn faster but smaller profits after just a week, or risk your principal for a longer period of time in exchange for bigger overall profits in the end. Anyway, that very model allowed Carbon7‘s predecessor Royalty7 to last for about nine months, becoming one of the biggest projects of its time – a fate that will hopefully be shared by Carbon7. Note that the withdrawals are processed within 48 business hours (Monday to Friday), which is longer than the majority of HYIPs promise – so bear this in mind when investing.

As I already said, Carbon7 is running off a totally unique script, the SSL-security by Comodo comes with an extended validation Green Bar, the program is hosted on a dedicated server by OVH, however on the website itself the admin states that the security was provided by BlockDos (the same company MNO is hosted with), so I’ve contacted him for clarification on that and hope to get an answer by the time the review is published on Wednesday. For now I wish everyone who decides to invest in Carbon7 good profits and am hopeful it will be a success. Let me finish the introduction with a welcome word from the admin announcing the official launch of his program today:

Carbon7 Grand Launch!
With great honor and respect, today on the 1/6/15 we are pleased to announce the anticipated launch of worldwide accessible ?Carbon7 digital funds platform.
Please feel free to explore our site, read about our history and the lucrative plans we have to offer, we hope you’d find our unique carbon theme to your liking.
We are here to make a change for the better, as we wish you will achieve financial success together with us, and find our services to your full satisfaction.


After eleven months online most of which saw Cryptoconomist functioning in “sleeper” mode, the program is now blossoming and seemingly becoming one of the most stable investment projects around at the moment. Over the last month online the admin has upgraded his listing on MNO from Basic to Premium which entitled him to get a detailed review of Cryptoconomist which was published here (an interview is coming soon too, so watch out for further announcements if you’re interested). The gradual growth seems to be the main strategy behind Cryptoconomist and the admin does his best not to overwhelm members with lots of unnecessary updates, while at the same time is working hard behind the scenes to bring new features and innovations step-by-step. In the last newsletter for instance, it was announced about the increase of the multi-level referral commissions twice, so on the first level promoters will now earn 4% instead of 2%. Such a decision should definitely drive monitors and investors alike to spread the word about the program even more willingly than they do now. Realizing the huge level of popularity for Cryptoconomist in Russian speaking countries the admin also introduced Live Chat available in Russian from now on and also included a phone support number you can use if you want to speak directly with English language support. By the way, as the deposits and membership in Cryptoconomist have been constantly rising, the admin is also considering asking the best supporters to provide assistance on a local level by introducing an institute of regional representatives soon, as this has been in the pipeline for a while. Moreover, a physical office for Cryptoconomist has been opened in Panama with an address given in the newsletter, so if you’re in the area please don’t hesitate to visit and let us know what you find (if anything). More international offices are promised in due course. More news can be read in the full version of the newsletter I’m re-posting below, but before that let me remind you about the investment plans in Cryptoconomist. I would always recommend investing only in the daily paying 2.3% for 20 days, 2.5% for 35 days, and 2.8% for 55 days which all return the initial investment on expiry. You should avoid all investment plans paying on expiry due to the higher minimums and the general level of risk not worth taking. Such plans include 600% after 12 business days, 1500% after 25-45 business days, 3000% after 60 business days, 7000% after 100 business days. The minimum to invest in Cryptoconomist generally starts from $10 and the payment processors accepted are limited to anonymous providers like PerfectMoney, BitCoin, and Payeer. Unfortunately the admin seems not to realize the massive potential verifiable payment options like SolidTrustPay and Payza can bring to the table, as no announcement about diversification of these has been made in any of the newsletters yet, including the most recent one below:

Cryptoconomist is Growing Up
We have already passed 330 Days of successful work. As you know we aim to provide our costumers with the best possible service. In order to do this I would like to inform that we have updated our referral system from 2%-1%-0.5% to 4%-1.5%-1% Multi-Level referral commission from every deposit of your direct referral – an investor whom you have invited personally through your personal referral link. So, you will get 4% of the deposits of your personally introduced referrals, 1.5% of the deposits made by you second-line referrals (the people invited by your first-line referrals) and 1% of the deposits of your third-line referrals (the people invited by your second-line referrals)
We are looking ahead to find more ways to be a closer to our clients. As you can see, we are gradually applying our member’s suggestions and improvements to make our Company more customers oriented so the second updates that we have added Live Chat in Russian Language for our Russian speakers clients, it not a secret that we have a lot of clients from Russian Federation, Ukraine, Belarus, Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania, Kazakhstan, Georgia and many others countries where people can understand Russian much better that English.
Please don’t forget that you can make a call to our Call Center via +44 203 5142722 (8:00AM – 7:00PM GMT+1) available in English.
Also, I would like to say few words about our statistic data so for now we have:
More than 14 thousands investors from all the world and this potential still increase quickly,
More than 20 mln. Total Deposited funds,
More than 7 mln. Total Withdraw funds.
From 25th of May we have opened our Panama office which located is 8 Trump Ocean Club Office Tower, 4th Floor, Cryptoconomist Limited, Punta Colon, Punta Pacífica, Panama City, Panamá
We are going to introduce more offices worldwide in June.
Also, I would like to say that our regional representative program will be available very soon, so it’s will be a good opportunity for our partners who want to be an our representative in their Country.
Cryptoconomist is staying the best investment opportunity in the web.
If you have any further questions please don’t hesitate to contact us,
We look forward to hearing from you your feedbacks and suggestions via our Facebook and Contact us form.
Best Wishes, Eller Otte
Cryptoconomist – Better way to make money


As I’m travelling across Germany on the train from Berlin to Hamburg at the time I’m writing this, I was kind of surprised by the coincidence of PokerAutomatics introducing their new official representative from Germany. His name is Reimund Siewert and you can find his contact details if you need to get in touch with him using the credentials posted on the representatives page of PokerAutomatics site the link to which can be found below:

We have a new Representative
Reimund Siewert – Germany
You may contact him by email, skype and phone

Yet another representative was added today and is from the US. His name is Tyler, though I’m not sure how beneficial this is to anyone as the official language of PokerAutomatics is already English. In any case, I believe Tyler will perhaps be more helpful for you when deciding what payment processor use to join PokerAutomatics (considering PerfectMoney is not allowed to be used by the US residents)

We have a new Representative
Tyler – United States
You may contact him by email

If you want to know how PokerAutomatics really works with lots of examples you will find them in my detailed review posted here. Just for sake of getting you more acquainted with this definitely huge program I’ll just briefly explain that the daily results posted on the website which represent the company’s daily profits usually hover around the 1% mark. It can go up as well as down, but 1% is generally about right. Allegedly this is earned from a network of pokerbots used for online gambling. The daily results for the last three days can be found below just so you have a rough idea along with the regular weekly statement for previous week:

PokerAutomatics Daily Results:
30.05.2015 – Total poker botnet Income: 0.94%

PokerAutomatics Daily Results:
31.05.2015 – Total poker botnet Income: 1.02%

PokerAutomatics Daily Results:
01.06.2015 – Total poker botnet Income: 1.07%

PokerAutomatics Weekly Statement:
Paying Days: 1,493
Total investors: 25,873
Investment capital: $2,376,051
Own capital: $397,217
Total Income: $191,910 (6,92%)
Share of Expenses: $72,369 (2,61%)
Profit: $ 119,541 (4,31%)
Total withdraw: $4,244,708
TOP-1 Investor: $96,371
TOP-1 Affiliate: 1,363 referrals
Total pokerbot accounts: 883

However if you think that this is the figure the investors should see credited to their accounts then you’re mistaken. Your share of this will depend on your level of participation and the investment term which is fixed and can be from 30 to 180 calendar days (on expiry of which you will get your principal back). So, for that period you should expect to receive from a 40% to 80% share of profits, or approximately from 0.4% to 0.8% on a daily basis. Here I also need to mention that the minimum to invest in PokerAutomatics starts from $30 and SolidTrustPay is accepted along with OkPay for those preferring to deal with verifiable payment options. Those favoring anonymous payment processors like PerfectMoney, Payeer, and BitCoin will find them included, alongside some others not that widely used outside of Russia. Remember that you can also check out the weekly reviews of PokerAutomatics on the MNOVision page as only the best selected videos in English are available in the HYIP section there. By the way, on the news page of the program which has been paying since August 2014 you can also find links to some videos made by their members and promoters, and for yet another video explaining the process of investing please click on the link below:

PokerAutomatics Video-Review – Passive Income 24/7. Daily payouts!


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 72 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: –
From MNO Premium listRollNRichPokerAutomaticsAtrexTradeInfinityFinanceCorpCryptoconomist.
From MNO Standard list: CompassBusiness.
From MNO Basic list: EternalGet.

That’s about it for today I think. Thanks for staying with my blog, guys, even during these slow times in the industry which is dearly appreciated. I’ll be back with you on Wednesday with a more detailed look at this very promising new program, Carbon7, as you will definitely need to hear more about that to make the most of your investment. In order not to miss anything don’t forget to subscribe to the daily news from my blog to be delivered straight to your email address, and follow me on Facebook and Twitter. You can also still vote in the poll on the MNO TalkBack page where the preliminary results show more than a half of my readers believe that the next big thing in the HYIP industry might be exclusively listed on MNO and still become huge, as happened with GoldNuggetInvest a few years back. The upcoming summer will surely bring you more interesting opportunities to invest with, just remember to follow the right blogs and monitors for a better chance to succeed. See you all on Wednesday, folks!

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