Jun 4th, 2015 Archives

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Beware! EmpireFunds has stopped paying! Do not invest there!

Hello everyone! I’m reminded today about that old line about buses, you know, you wait all day for one and then three come along together at the same time? Likewise in the HYIP industry when we were so starved of good money-making opportunities for so long, and now several experienced admins are getting back in the game so to speak. So it’s being a busy week on MNO so far, which believe me is never something I would complain about. It’s just a relief to see a couple of good programs opening up around the same time that I would hope this creates the impetus, some kind of reverse domino effect if you will, to inspire both admins and investors alike to start taking risks again and get the industry back on its feet. Don’t get me wrong, there’s always been some fine programs out there, just look at the MNO monitor for evidence of that, they’ve just gotten that little bit harder to find of late. That appears to be changing now, hopefully it’s a trend and not just a blip, so I’m going to continue today with a closer look at EmpireFunds. This is another brand new program that’s just joined the MNO monitor’s Premium List. I suppose you could best describe EmpireFunds as a medium to long term program, and there’s a decent enough mix of plans with a balanced mix to make them as accessible to as many of you as possible.
So let’s talk about investment plans. EmpireFunds have three options open to you, starting with what’s known as The First Capital Plan. You can join this one for a minimum spend of $50 which is obviously well above the industry average. It could easily be reduced in the future, I really couldn’t tell you, but if $50 isn’t an obstacle to you then perhaps this might have the added benefit of keeping a lid on the program growing too fast and bring about more gradual, sustainable growth. The term runs for 15 business days, (that’s three weeks) with EmpireFunds offering 2% interest on your deposit per day, Monday to Friday. By the end of the term this comes to 30% in total, which becomes profit only when the admin returns your principal as promised. Maximum spend is capped at $499 for this plan.

If we take a simple example then of a $100 deposit, EmpireFunds are offering to pay you back $2 per day, Monday to Friday only, for the following three weeks. This comes to $30 in total payments, at which point your original $100 should then be added to that on top in a separate payment to give you $130 back on your investment. In HYIP terms I think this can be easily done and sustained for a good number of cycles, though as a word of caution you should also know that this depends very much on the admin having good intentions, the ability to maintain interest from the public, and naturally the participation of enough interested players. Easier said than done, I know, but if the EmpireFunds admin can make it happen then it could possibly be a nice little money spinner for a lot of you.

Stepping things up a gear now, next on the list is The Solid Partner Plan. This is aimed more at the bigger investors, carrying a minimum price tag of $500. The term stretches to 30 business days (that’s six calendar weeks) and sees EmpireFunds offering a somewhat more generous payment of 2.5% as a reward for your trust. Payments are of course only made between Monday and Friday. By the time the plan expires the total interest should amount to 75%, still not enough to put you in profit, which only happens when EmpireFunds return your principal as promised. So in total it’s a 175% return on your deposit, out of which 75% is net profit and the other 100% your own money to begin with. For this plan EmpireFunds allow a maximum spending limit of $4,999.

The third and final option, called The Trust Program Plan, opens for minimum deposits of $5,000. EmpireFunds have a stated maximum limit of $100,000 here, though it hardly matters as I imagine few would afford even the minimum $5K in the first place. The term runs for 60 business days (which is twelve weeks, or almost three months). During this period members of the program are offered a daily interest payment of 3% on their deposits, made Monday to Friday. This adds up to 180% in interest payments alone, which when added to your principal as EmpireFunds promise to return, gives a total of 280%. Personally I think a return like that in three months can be achieved by good HYIP admins, however I think it would be a lot more likely on much smaller deposits than what EmpireFunds require as a minimum. Still, like I said with a $5K minimum price tag it’s unlikely to get any takers, so the point is mostly theoretical.

So, if any of the plans sound like they might be worth a shot then let’s talk about payment options. They’re OK, a bit misleading, could be improved on (will be improved I think) but nothing that can’t be fixed. The real sticking point is what at first glance looks to be the inclusion of SolidTrustPay, something that by itself would go a long way towards bringing quite a bit of extra income/cash flow for EmpireFunds. However on closer inspection we see that they are still awaiting approval from STP, so even if you try to make a deposit from STP you will not be allowed. Hopefully it’s only a matter of time before the EmpireFunds admin manages to straighten this out, however it does remain a decision that’s out of his hands. I would imagine though that the very fact that STP has been written into the EmpireFunds website would indicate that work on getting their accounts approved has at least started. Meanwhile on a more positive note I can confirm that the EmpireFunds Payza account has definitely been approved and verified, and they’re not a bad alternative to STP so that’s encouraging. Otherwise you can choose between PerfectMoney, Payeer, and BitCoin, so yes, overall the choice is indeed very good if not a bit misleading because of the confusion with STP. This is easily forgiven when you consider that EmpireFunds offer instant payouts. Just log into your account as usual, submit your request from your member’s area, and you should have the money in your payment processor account in under a minute. This only applies to withdrawals of $500 and less. Anything above that takes 48 hours and will be done on business days only. You may well be wondering just how big a deposit you would need to have an interest payment of $500 (a big one!) but in reality this is of more relevance when you go to ask for your principal back. Early withdrawal of your principal is not allowed, so make sure you are committed to the full term if joining one of the longer plans, and compounding is allowed in multiples of 25%. That is to say you may set a compounding rate at 25%, 50%, 75%, or 100%. Mind you, my personal recommendation is that you keep it at 0%, but the choice is there for you if you want it. Minimum withdrawals are a dollar, by the way.

Looking at the more technical and design related aspects of EmpireFunds now, I can see the website is powered off a script under license from GoldCoders. This, as you’ve probably come to expect from GoldCoders, is as usual very easy to navigate and customer friendly. It has however been nicely modified to suit the individual requirements of the admin. Some of the more noticeable modifications for example include your username being assigned to you automatically on sign-up, and a four digit code that needs to be entered via a virtual keyboard being required as a secondary password. It all helps keep things that little bit more secure, as does the SSL certificate from Comodo for safer browsing and more secure transactions. For hosting the admin has opted for DDoSGuard, quite a dependable name in the industry these days, who are keeping EmpireFunds on a dedicated server with their support and protection. Any further questions or account related issues can be sent directly to the EmpireFunds admin by e-mailing him directly at the address listed. Other channels include the online support form where you can just fill in your details and submit, or else try the phone and fax numbers included on the EmpireFunds contacts page if you expect a response there. I can tell you that the website does have a functioning Live Chat support, but it’s not a 24/7 service. Still, it’s worth your while having a quick look there first to see if you find an operator before composing any lengthy emails. Finally EmpireFunds list a postal address, something that from all the points of contact would be the first one I would dismiss. Not that the address itself would not be genuine, it’s that you are highly unlikely to find anyone connected with running the program working from there. Actually this was kind of amusing, I looked at the photograph of their alleged office building before putting the address into Google street-view. Let’s just say the reality was a lot less glamorous than the image they put forward on the website and so suitable for a business calling itself “EmpireFunds”. Anyway, no big deal, common practice in the HYIP industry to try and look more professional, and experienced readers already know to ignore it.

Before we finish up I want to just briefly comment on some of the rumors being floated around some of the HYIP related forums about the program. Ordinarily I wouldn’t waste my time on something as pointless and trivial as this, but it’s already been put out there by others, so there’s nothing you can do to “unsay” what ever’s been said, no matter how silly. Basically when the EmpireFunds website was still being developed (and this is the designer now, someone who is self employed and 100% independent of the admin who has simply hired him to do a job) an early draft version was seen. This draft included, just as a template, some texts from the designer’s other websites before EmpireFunds was properly ready to work. Some people, and people who really should know better, jumped to the immediate conclusion that if one website has any similarities with another website then there’s absolutely no other possibilities than them having the same admin. In a word, this is rubbish. The online HYIP world is a small community in terms of numbers and companies who are willing to serve it. It’s no coincidence that it’s always the same small group of names over and over again that provide services like hosting, DDoS protection, script, payment handling, etc. Likewise there’s only a limited number of programmers, designers, and copy writers out there prepared to work with HYIPs as well. Therefore anyone concluding that the admin of EmpireFunds is the same individual who ran X, Y, or Z program in the past based purely on there being technical similarities is mistaken. In fact if anything these incidents are unavoidable so I’m surprised it doesn’t happen more often. My own feeling about the admin by the way (again, something I would have preferred to keep to myself, but hey, we’ve started now) is that he has actually been responsible for some outstanding programs in the past. But I’m not suggesting you let either version of events affect your judgment about joining or not. Just let EmpireFunds try to achieve what they set out to, and judge the program based on performance.

On the business side of things by the way, just as a matter of interest the claim is that EmpireFunds are working with “trade in financial markets”. Texts are vague to say the least and do very little to explain what even that means, let alone offer any real evidence that you can independently verify for yourself. There is a certificate of incorporation for the business, which is in the UK where these things, perfectly legal and perfectly genuine, are sold very cheaply online without any questions. Again, no big deal for the experienced players reading this, you guys already know this is common practice in the HYIP industry. I’m pleased that the EmpireFunds admin made the extra effort to look organized and professional, it certainly won’t hurt his program, but again the experienced readers know where to draw the line. For the sake of the newbies then I repeat the same words of cautious advice that apply to all online HYIPs – treat it as a game, not an important source of income that you will suffer without. Keep your spending limits well under a sensible amount that you can easily afford to lose, and if you do join EmpireFunds then try to keep them as a smaller part of a wider more diverse portfolio.



Investors of InfinityFinanceCorp were pretty worried earlier today when the site stopped loading and only a blank page appeared instead of the website’s content. The admin was contacted by me immediately on hearing the news, to which he replied that he was aware of the situation and was working with the hosting provider on a solution. A few hours later and I was pleased to see InfinityFinanceCorp back online and I can only commend the admin on being so communicative all the time. After things settled down and InfinityFinanceCorp resumed the admin then issued a newsletter confirming that everything was fixed and promised to process all the pending withdrawals as soon as everything is tested properly. Here’s the update:

InfinityFinanceCorp is online
Good day to all of you. Over the past hours, our website was unavailable or the website loaded but the page is blank. This has now been fixed and we traced the issue to a failure in one of the server hardware and this as well has been rectified.
You may smoothly load the website now and do your transactions. We are checking to make sure that everything is in order prior to processing the requests on file.
Thank you and have a great day ahead.
Much Regards, InfinityFinanceCorp Ltd.

At the time of writing, withdrawals have been processed already as promised and the InfinityFinanceCorp website is working stable as usual. In just a week from now it will be two months since the program first came online, meaning that the first investment cycle is going to be completed and the first principals to be released back to the first investors who made a deposit in the program’s 1.75%-3.25% for 60 calendar days plan. That will certainly be the first big achievement for InfinityFinanceCorp after which we’ll be better able to judge if they can really take off and get to the next level of more established programs where investors make profits. So far, InfinityFinanceCorp has been a really stable performer that already reached the #3 position on the MNO Premium List and is moving up every day. The program is widely known for accepting almost every possible payment method. Starting for a $10 minimum these include PerfectMoney, BitCoin, OkPay, SolidTrustPay, Payza, Payeer, Neteller, Western Union, MoneyGram, and Bank wires. For more information on InfinityFinanceCorp please refer to the detailed review here.


Apparently Cryptoconomist managed to grow so big over the first eleven months online that the admin decided to go ahead with the introduction of their own regional representative program – something promised in the previous newsletter. Exactly what criteria a successful candidate must meet and what duties need to be fulfilled are all discussed in the latest newsletter which you can read below:

Representative Program of Cryptoconomist
I would like to say that we have started our regional representative program.
To be a Regional Representative of Cryptoconomist Limited is a privilege and an opportunity to become a partner in the ready business, improve it and let it grow in your geographic region and also be part of a worldwide network of Cryptoconomist Limited regional representative program. It is a high revenue share that is discussed individually. It is an additional bonuses like referral commission, special bonuses for good clients for referral commission, etc.
What are the responsibilities of the regional representative?
consulting clients on the services of the company;
attracting new customers to the company;
holding regional advertising campaigns;
organizing training seminars (optional).
This is challenging opportunity with one of the most respected Companies in the market.
A knowledge in online investing is desirable, but not essential.
Interested in becoming a Cryptoconomist Limited regional representative?
You should to provide next information:
– Your Country: – Your Name: – Your Username in our Program: – E-mail: – Your Language Spoken: – Your Skype: – Your Facebook: – Your Tel. Number if it available:
Just send us a request at partners@cryptoconomist.biz , and we will contact you within few days to discuss the opportunity of our further cooperation.
Thank you for staying with us,
Cryptoconomist Limited will be greatest opportunity in the industry.
Best Wishes, Eller Otte
Cryptoconomist – Better way to make money

Cryptoconomist has been on Basic listing on MNO for a few weeks before the admin decided to upgrade to Premium and be reviewed in detail (click here to read the full review). By now Cryptoconomist has been monitored on MNO for five weeks which allowed many investors to profit quite well on the daily paying plans paying 2.3% for 20 days, 2.5% for 35 days, 2.8% for 55 days (all with principal back on expiry). At the same time, the admin offers other on expiry plans which only became available a few weeks back when the program changed design and launched a more aggressive advertising campaign. Such plans paying once on expiry with higher minimums are not recommended as the chance to profit from them are close to zero. They include 600% after 12 business days, 1500% after 25-45 business days, 3000% after 60 business days, 7000% after 100 business days. At the same time, I believe that one can still make a good profit from Cryptoconomist‘s daily paying plans which can be joined from as low as $10 via PerfectMoney, BitCoin, or Payeer. The admin will probably be answering questions for an interview on MNO soon, so stay tuned, as it will be announced in due course.


SolidTrustPay has remained the major payment processor in the HYIP industry, now exclusively working with all the biggest programs run by the most experienced and forward-thinking admins. As we all know they are setting the type of restrictions and demanding business verification documents to make it simply impossible for most of the cheap scams to use anymore. Very few programs are actually able to accept STP funds in automatic mode anymore, thus making every new program (like Carbon7, for example) that does accept them an event in itself worth reporting. Almost an online sensation some might think. There’s no doubt SolidTrustPay is also one of the safest payment systems online with a very strong security system in place which constantly monitors suspicious logins and flags any possibly fraudulent transactions for the STP administration. So even in the unlikely event that your SolidTrustPay account is somehow compromised and any money stolen you can still be sure that it’s going to be traced and recovered by the support team and any malicious accounts will be suspended. Most long term STP users are well aware of that and have peace of mind for the safety of their funds. Money can be funded or withdrawn via various direct methods including Bank wires, Credit cards, and their own STP debit card provided by PaySpark. Constant improvements are always made on security, so recently some advice was offered on the official STP blog to clients regarding the important issue of creating and maintaining safe and secure account credentials. This includes your password and secondary password which you need to approve every transaction you make. I believe the post I’m sharing below is also relevant when we talk about HYIPs and financial services that have lesser protection against hacking than STP. So read carefully and try to follow this helpful advice for the sake of your own safety and security everywhere online:

How To Properly Choose A Password
Choosing a secure password is one of the most important security measures you can take when working with anything online. It will help keep your personal information and identity safe and secure.
First, let’s talk about passwords that would be easily hacked. Choosing a simple 8 character password can take less than half a second for a computer to hack. You should never choose one or two dictionary word passwords. These are very simple and not secure. Spelling words wrong, or writing out numbers does not make a password more secure. For example, passwords like qwerty, onetwothreefour, and passwerd are very simple and easy to crack. You should always avoid using passwords containing personal information. Birthdates, names and addresses would be easily determined by someone who may know you. Even combining common words and numbers (ex Michaeliscool2015) does not mean your password is more secure.
Here is a more thorough list of things you should NOT choose for your password.
Your name in any form (first, middle, last, maiden, spelled backwards, nicknames, initials)
Your address, phone number, birthday, or anniversary
Parts of your username
Your friend, relative, or pets name
Anything strictly numerical
Places or things
A single word with a digit, punctuation mark, and/or number
Any single dictionary word (even if used with lowercase and uppercase letters)
There are many different ways to come up with a secure password. A great tip is to choose a passphrase with a mixture of words and numbers/punctuation. For example “MyCatLikes2SleepAndEatAllDay”. To secure your passphrase even further, choose a phrase or statement that is not true. For example, “MyCatL!kes2GoDancingAtCityHall” or “MyMotherSunTansInTheSnow4Fun:)”.
If you are using a site that requires that your password to be relatively short, try this method. Choose a phrase, take the first letter of each word, and add numbers/punctuation where possible.
For example
Phrase – I drink orange juice at the sea in my pajamas
First Letters – idojatsimp
Password – 1dOJ@tCimPJs
Phrase – Let’s go to the market at nine for breakfast
Letters- lgttmanfb
Password – Lg2tM@94B
It is important to remember that you should always use a different password for each site. Never use the same password twice. There are many secure password managers that can help to keep your passwords organized.
A secure and complex password/passphrase can save your identity and sensitive information.


Are you aware of the fact that by using Neteller for investing in HYIPs you can possibly get a cheap MasterCard and fund and withdraw directly from your account without incurring any fees? Plus, there are no transaction fees involved if you send or receive money from other Neteller members. The only payments I’m aware of where fees are levied is when you fund or withdraw directly from your bank account which is also possible. Taking all of this into consideration and the gambling sites Neteller is mostly serving I wonder why so few HYIP admins are accepting Neteller and why so few investors are even aware of its existence. In any case, if you are a member of Neteller you might know that the company, which is by the way legally registered, has a physical address, and demands verification of accounts from its users, frequently have promotions to encourage members use of Neteller wallets on a more common basis. In the last promotion received by email a couple of days ago I was pleased to learn that I stand a chance entering a draw for big cash prizes.Rules can be read in the newsletter below (and don’t forget to read more on the advantages of using verifiable payment options for HYIP investors in this article):

Cash Drop Promotion: Win up to $20,000
4 CASH PRIZES TO WIN Sign In https://member.neteller.com/?lang=en
In our exciting new Cash Drop Promotion the prizes get BIGGER every week! We’re giving away $20,000 in 4 weekly giveaways.
You could walk away with one prize or all of them. So, make sure you’ve registered for your chance to win.
Sign in and visit the Rewards page now!
You’ll earn:
20 entries for every $1,000 transferred to any of your favourite sites
10 entries for every $100 transferred to a site featured on Showcase
10 entries for every $100 deposited in to your NETELLER Account
5 entries when you apply for a Net+ Prepaid MasterCard®
5 entries for each time you use your Net+ Prepaid MasterCard® (both plastic and virtual cards apply)
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1 entry for opting in to our Loyalty Program
Shop, play and transfer funds with NETELLER to earn entries and boost your chances of winning.
Check out this month’s special offers from some of our merchants: http://showcase.neteller.com


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 36 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: –
From MNO Premium listPokerAutomaticsInfinityFinanceCorpAtrexTrade,  Cryptoconomist, EmpireFunds.
From MNO Standard list: CompassBusiness, Carbon7, LancorIncome.
From MNO Basic list: ForexShareEternalGet, SystemTradingGold (the first payment received).

That’s it for tonight, guys. I hope you’re ready for some controversy now as tomorrow I want to resurrect the formerly popular series of MNOFridays articles, and you won’t want to miss it. See you all then, but meanwhile, don’t miss your last chance to vote in the poll on the MNO TalkBack page asking if you think exclusive listing on my monitor is enough to make a program an industry wide hit. Results will be drawn tomorrow. If you like MNO please follow me on Facebook and Twitter and subscribe to the daily news from my blog. See you all tomorrow, folks!

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