Jun 10th, 2015 Archives

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Hello everyone, and welcome again to the MNO blog where you will find only elite programs run by experienced admins. It seems that after the initial buzz created by some of the more promising new programs that were already reviewed on MNO – including Carbon7 (reviewed here), EmpireFunds (reviewed here), and LancorIncome (reviewed here) – things have calmed down a bit and this week. On the other hand the week is also notable for a fantastic performance by all the programs monitored on MNO which is exactly what the HYIP industry needs this summer – stability. I’m glad to report that the first investors of perhaps the most popular program among readers for several months – Carbon7 – are earning nicely from the 110% after 7 days plan, and the program can really take off even more when the first investors from the 7% for 22 business days plan are hopefully in profit by next week. By the way, remember I was talking about something big that was coming soon in this article? Well, I just got an update from the admin who told me that preparations will take another few weeks, but once the program is launched it’s will accept SolidTrustPay, Payza, and direct bank wires and will be featured exclusively on the MNO monitor only. So don’t miss this opportunity which has a good chance to be the next leader of the industry given that so much preparations are being put into place by a professional team. And who knows? Maybe the return of such experienced admins who know what to do and where best to advertise to make their programs succeed will mark an upturn in the HYIP industry which is already showing the first signs of recovery. I’m judging by the increased interest and participation of MNO readers in the new programs featured on my monitor, as well as on the preliminary results of the polls currently running on the MNO TalkBack page. At the moment, 53% say that the HYIP industry is recovering for sure, and 67% say that they are going to invest more this summer compared to earlier in the year. Still, a few programs survived that time, and some even launched last year. So today I believe it’s high time to remember the more stable programs that earned their place at the top by processing stable payouts. I’m talking, of course, about the Top Five Popular Programs on MNO which I want to look at today, followed by any recent news from them.

Starting with RollNRich which currently occupies the #1 spot on the MNO Premium list, it’s been paying for nearly five months now although I still have some concerns about. You see, lately RollNRich started delaying payouts beyond the promised 48-hour timeframe which caused it to be moved to Waiting status on the MNO monitor for a second time in the last seven days. Yes, RollNRich eventually pulled through and paid the pendings, but the admin’s rather casual attitude to his responsibilities makes me wonder if RollNRich is a priority for him and for how much longer he’s interested in running it. To be fair RollNRich is already quite candid about the fact that it’s just a game which is a very rare thing in the HYIP industry nowadays. The admin gives a fair chance to profit of up to 10% on every business day (Monday to Friday) during a 300-day gaming period. The only thing you need to do is to throw some dice on a kind of board game area that looks a bit like monopoly. On some occasions you might win nothing, but a JackPot and the doubling of your initial investment are also on the table in this exciting game. RollNRich accepts deposits, or better say bets, starting from $10 via PerfectMoney, Payeer, and BitCoin, so despite its open gaming nature the admin still prefers dealing with anonymous payment processors that are limiting the program’s growth and doesn’t allow it to be presented on some local markets. Anyway, being online for about five months is already a fine achievement by itself for a program like this, and my only wish would be that the admin of RollNRich will start treating it more seriously. If that doesn’t affect your desire to play this thrilling game I suggest reading the rules first in the detailed review posted here.


PokerAutomatics (reviewed here) comes in at a close second in the race for the #1 spot on my list and this is very well deserved. Starting back in August 2014 (officially it’s been online for even longer, but it’s only ten months since the first mention of the program on investment forums), PokerAutomatics added SolidTrustPay first before coming to MNO almost one hundred days ago. That decision paid off for sure, as my readers were particularly interested in using STP with PokerAutomatics and showed great interest in this program. Plans pay variable interest over a period of 30 to 180 calendar days while returning the initial investment on expiry. Over the almost 100-day listing on MNO many of my readers took this opportunity and invested in PokerAutomatics with the required $30 minimum via SolidTrustPay, PerfectMoney, BitCoin, Payeer, NixMoney, AdvCash, Qiwi, YandexMoney, OkPay, or bank wire. Remember that by joining PokerAutomatics you should not expect astronomical profits, as for the shortest term of 30 days you get approximately 0.4% per day which is a 40% share of the variable daily profits which usually revolve around the 1% mark and will result in approximately a 12% monthly profit for you. The general rule for PokerAutomatics‘ members is the bigger your investment and the longer the term, then the higher your share of the profits. This can be from 40% to 80% on the program’s reported daily profits. Just to give you an idea on what the profits can be please check out the latest payment reports for the last five days by PokerAutomatics and the last weekly statement below:

PokerAutomatics Daily Results:
06.06.2015 – Total poker botnet Income: 0.91%

PokerAutomatics Daily Results:
07.06.2015 – Total poker botnet Income: 1.01%

PokerAutomatics Daily Results:
08.06.2015 – Total poker botnet Income: 0.93%

PokerAutomatics Daily Results:
09.06.2015 – Total poker botnet Income: 1.08%

PokerAutomaticsDaily Results:
10.06.2015 – Total poker botnet Income: 1.06%

PokerAutomatics Weekly Statement:
Paying Days: 1,500
Total investors: 26,522
Investment capital: $ 2,428,135
Own capital: $401,328
Total Income: $192,121 (6,79%)
Share of Expenses: $69,663 (2,46%)
Profit: $122,458 (4,33%)
Total withdraw: $4,273,681
TOP-1 Investor: $98,254
TOP-1 Affiliate: 1,372 referrals
Total pokerbot accounts: 896

By joining PokerAutomatics, you also participate in a weekly held lottery with a chance to win VIP status that brings many privileges. For more information you should refer to this page and see for yourself. The winner is then announced every week as seen below:

Lottery Results 07.06.2015:
The winner of this week is KatanaPL.
You get VIP status as a prize.

PokerAutomatics has perhaps the most expansive network of official representatives to help promote the program in local markets and contribute to the program’s constant growth in exchange for increased ref commissions for themselves. As you see, it’s a win-win co-operation between interested promoters and the program’s administration and has proved to be very fruitful. To find a full list of representatives along with their contact details please refer to this page and for the latest announcement on the latest member representing the program in the US please see below:

We have a new Representative
Yevgen Podzolkov – United States
You may contact him by skype, facebook and twitter

Some of the program’s best video reviews can be seen on the MNOVision page and the latest short video testimonial from a happy investor from the UK can be found under the link below:

PokerAutomatics Video Testimonial and Review from Jack (United Kingdom)

PokerAutomatics is known for constantly working on increasing the capacities of their servers to provide a better experience for the ever growing membership and the latest short report on that can be seen below:

New dedicated servers were added.
We have purchased 2 new dedicated servers for our pokerbot network.

And finally, last but not least from PokerAutomatics is the ongoing situation with Blockchain which many of us experienced over the weekend and was posted on the official Blockchain Twitter account. Now everything should be working smoothly with Blockchain again, so any deposits via BitCoin should be credited instantly. It’s interesting that from all the programs on MNO, these BitCoin issues were only the subject of PokerAutomatics‘ agenda and were discussed there. I believe that explains the scope of participation of hundreds of investors in PokerAutomatics compared to other websites the admins of which didn’t even bother to address such issues in their updates. Just for your information, here is what the admin of PokerAutomatics had to tell about it:

Bitcoin deposits on Sundays-Mondays
Almost every week we have the same situation:
Usually Blockchain processes Bitcoin deposits after 24 hours on these days.
We don’t process bitcoin deposits manually.
All bitcoin deposits are automatic.
Please wait at least 24 hours after deposit on Sunday-Monday.
Or if you don’t want to wait then please make deposits in other days.
Usually it takes a couple of minutes.

Official message from Blockchain about pending deposits
We’re investigating latency with our Receive Payments API at the moment. We apologize for any inconvenience this may be causing.
Their reply to our ticket:
Jade (Blockchain)
Jun 9, 10:21
Hello, Sorry for any delays you may be experiencing with the receive payments API. The funds will eventually forward, but I cannot provide an exact ETA as to when this will happen. Thank you for your patience while we resolve this issue.
Jade | Blockchain.info Support


I believe the next few days will be a good survivability test for InfinityFinanceCorp, currently ranked at the #3 on MNO, as the first investors will have reached the point when their deposits have to be returned from the program’s 1.75%-3.25% for 60 calendar days plan. It appears the admin has taken his time paying withdrawals over the last few days as they kind of slowed down, but still are processed within the promised 48 hour term. If you’re looking at InfinityFinanceCorp and thinking of investing there, I would recommend waiting for a couple of days to see how well the first deposits are returned to members and exactly what new features the admin is going to bring to the table as announced in the newsletter from yesterday. By the way, if you do want to invest in InfinityFinanceCorp I’ll remind that deposits start from $10 and all the major payment processors are accepted including SolidTrustPay, Payza, Neteller, PerfectMoney, BitCoin, Payeer, OkPay, and even Western Union, MoneyGram, and direct bank wires. Here’s the latest from InfinityFinanceCorp while the full review of the program can be found here:

Updates From InfinityFinanceCorp
Greetings! As we head towards the maturity of the first day deposits, we would like everyone to know that we have started developing some new features for our website. These upcoming features should enable everyone in our system to enjoy a more convenient interface, as well as utilize the new features to their advantage.
We will be announcing these new features as they are launched. We are going to start accepting Global Agents for our company by next week. Expect to receive another e-mail and a news entry posted once we are ready to start accepting applications.
Just to give you a short recap of today’s activities, we would like to first apologize for a short delay in processing of the withdrawal requests. This was due to the simple reason that we were not inside the office to process the withdrawals, most of the day. We were busy closing new deals for our company.
If you have any suggestions or comments, please do not hesitate to contact us. Than you!
Much Regards, InfinityFinanceCorp Ltd.


Staying at #4 is perhaps the longest running program from the Premium list, AtrexTrade. The program astounded everyone with its fantastic performance during the first six months online. AtrexTrade is one of the very few programs that managed to survive EgoPay’s collapse and continued paying instantly as usual to PerfectMoney, Payeer, and BitCoin on deposits starting from $10. Variable daily returns are posted on the website on the day after the trading day and are credited to members’ accounts then available for immediate withdrawal. There’s no fixed investment term and your principal is tied for the first 25 business days only while you can request its release by contacting the admin anytime after that. As with PokerAutomatics, you receive a share of the program’s daily profits with a guaranteed minimum of 0.35% per business day. Depending on the size of your investment with AtrexTrade you can expect from 59% to 75% of the reported amount. I’m sure that it might sound way too complicated at first glance, but believe me you will feel much better and comfortable about them if you read my detailed review posted here.


Coming in at the #5 on the MNO Premium list is Cryptoconomist. The program was first seen back in July 2014, meaning that it’s been running for almost a year now. The motto of the admin is gradual advertising and he originally started on the Basic list on MNO before upgrading to Premium. A detailed review can be read here. Basically, with Cryptoconomist we have a few investment plans paying on expiry and requiring higher minimums to invest via PerfectMoney, Payeer, or BitCoin which should be avoided (600% after 12 business days, 1500% after 25-45 business days, 3000% after 60 business days, 7000% after 100 business days) and daily paying plans with principal returned on expiry which you can try from a $10 minimum (2.3% for 20 days, 2.5% for 35 days, 2.8% for 55 days). Apparently, the admin’s goal here was to establish a reputation gradually and get as many people as possible into the on expiry paying plans where your chances to earn anything at all are close to zero. Fortunately, he hasn’t reached that goal yet and the payments on the daily paying plans are still processed quite fast with lots of satisfied members onboard. Cryptoconomist deserves some attention while showing brilliant results and setting an example of how to run a program for such a long time.


Remember that the current list of the Top Five is subject to change, so always check the MNO monitor to make sure what you’re about to invest in is on good Paying status. The HYIP industry can be quite unpredictable and is constantly changing and evolving. It’s great to be a part of this evolution and I’m sure summer will bring us all many more investment opportunities the best of which you will find on MNO for sure. So stay tuned for that, guys, and check MNO frequently for new additions, including the next big program in the industry I was talking about at the start of today’s article!


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 84 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: –
From MNO Premium listRollNRich, PokerAutomatics, InfinityFinanceCorpAtrexTrade,  Cryptoconomist, EmpireFunds.
From MNO Standard list: Carbon7, CompassBusinessLancorIncome.
From MNO Basic list: EternalGet, SystemTradingGold.

That’s all for today, guys. I hope you enjoyed reading and receive some good returns from the programs monitored here. I’m currently working on another article for the MNOFridays series which I’m planning to publish (guess when?) this Friday as the previous article on bloggers collaborating with HYIP admins published here proved so popular. Remember that MNO is the most transparent blog which doesn’t hide anything from readers and will keep delivering the most up-to-date stats on all programs some of which, like Carbon7, are exclusively officially monitored on MNO with more big programs to come later this summer. Please continue voting on the MNO TalkBack and be more active on the ShoutBox and I’ll see you all again soon. Bye for now!

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