21/06/2015. Daily News from the HYIP Industry
Hello everyone! I hope you’re all having a great weekend as I am. Helping my referrals in the programs monitored on MNO is a duty I’ve always been happy to carry out. So I’m glad to report that yesterday those joined under me in LancorIncome could see the benefits of being in the MNO downline when, due to personal negotiations with the admin, they were able to receive their payments (in some cases I’m talking about hundreds of dollars, not just a couple of cents). Yes, surprise-surprise, the admin managed to pull through even after the site’s downtime, but some obstacles are still in the way which I’ll discuss in the news section. But I want to start with the introduction of a newly launched (after spending months as a sleeper) short-term program called BITCTradeLimited that joined the MNO Premium List on Friday. I’ve already received the first payments which now gives the program Paying Status on the MNO monitor. I also have news stories from other successfully paying programs like CompassBusiness and PokerAutomatics, plus quite an interesting new article from the SolidTrustPay official blog which I want to re-post.
It’s fair to say that BITCTradeLimited is perhaps the short-term program of the that summer many of us have been hoping to see on MNO. And it didn’t take long after the change of investment plans (about a week, actually) to see BITCTradeLimited joining the Premium List on the most famous monitor online. In theory the program has been officially online since the beginning of April, but the admin deliberately avoided any attention back then featuring neither appealing design nor plans, and established instead the reputation as a so-called “sleeper”. In its current incarnation BITCTradeLimited is quite a new program with still lots of potential to develop into something truly amazing in the future. As with a lot of other short-term programs you can profit very fast and be paid 102.5%-120% after 1 day (starting with a $10 minimum) and even on hourly plans offering 5.15% for 20 hours and 6.5% for 16 hours for higher minimums and more daring investors. The longer term offers by BITCTradeLimited include terms paying on expiry – 116%-250% after 6 days, 150%-850% after 18 days, 1500% after 25 days, 370%-1900% after 38 days, 700%-3000% after 60 days – and one remaining daily payments plan from the program’s “sleeper” past – 2.5% for 60 days (with principal back on expiry). And like so many other short-term programs, BITCTradeLimited is working exclusively with anonymous payment options like PerfectMoney, Payeer, and BitCoin (BitCoin deposits are added automatically after some confirmations). As a rule, you can invest in most of the plans for a $10 minimum. Manual withdrawal requests are then executed by the admin within a 36 hour maximum (although in reality they are paid much faster than that). As you can clearly see, the investment offers for BITCTradeLimited‘s investors provide a lot of choice, so it’s up to you to decide what kind of risk you are prepared to take. As a rule, shorter-term plans with smaller minimums are the preferred options, but I will be discussing more on all of them in the review of BITCTradeLimited on my blog by tomorrow.
The whole design and layout of BITCTradeLimited is quite impressive and judging by how much work the admin put in to making it more user-friendly and convenient makes me think he has some long running goals to make his program truly the biggest short term hit of the season. The recent improvements which the admin Hendrik revealed to investors include bi-lingual Live Chat and phone support in English and Russian, something that embraces the two most active investing communities at the moment. A short promotional video has been recorded as well and can be viewed on either the website of BITCTradeLimited, or you can visit the MNOVision page for that (you can see other videos from your favorite HYIPs and payment processors as well). The members’ area of the program will be familiar to most as it runs off a licensed version of GoldCoders script popular among both investors and admins. There’s an extended validation Green Bar Comodo supported SSL-certificate installed for safer transactions while the hosting and DDoS protection is provided by DDoSGuard who keep BITCTradeLimited on a dedicated server. Before tomorrow’s review I’ll just leave you with what the admin had to say about the latest improvements over the last few days:
Dear investors
With pride to inform you that exactly 70 days today from that moment when our program came with the investment offers in the Internet! During this time there have been a set of events in program’s life. We have installed an excellent design for our site, developed and strengthened relationship with our clients. We were able to earn the trust a great number of investors in this hard time. And the number of investors who trust us, grows day by day! It means that the program continues to develop fruitful and go forward. Taking an opportunity, we want to pay also attention of our investors to that fact that from now on you can use additional services which were created for improvement of interaction between BITCTradeLimited and each interested client. You can make a call to number specified on the BITCTradeLimited site and clarify any question interesting you concerning activity of BITCTradeLimited. The working hours operators are from 9.00 am to 17.00 pm BST.
Besides, there is an opportunity to ask any questions concerning activity of BITCTradeLimited in Live chat. The working hours operators are from 8.00 am to 01.00 am BST.
In both services support is available in English and Russian languages. As you can see, we do everything for development and improvement of work of BITCTradeLimited, for the purpose of achievement of the greatest efficiency of the work and receiving the maximum profit by each our investor.
Also we pay your attention to a release of new video about the program soon. It will be interesting! Watch for our announcements in a next news!
Best Regards, Hendrik Menes
BITCTradeLimited – All the Best for You!”
Dear investors!
We know that many of you with impatience expected emergence of a promo video about our program. And today we are pleased to inform you that you can watch the first video presentation on our site, as well as in FaceBook at the address https://www.facebook.com/BITCTradeLimited
We don’t stop our hard work! We only move forward and we strengthen its positions in the online-investment of market!
Your opportunities will become much more fruitful and real together with BITCTradeLimited!
In the future you are waited by a lot more various innovations from BITCTradeLimited. Watch for updates on our website and in the FaceBook.
Best Regards, Hendrik Menes
BITCTradeLimited – All the Best for You!”
The situation with LancorIncome is still far from certain, however I was really pleased to see the admin make such an enormous effort to get things back on track. This of course is despite the best efforts of some people who for some bizarre reason almost seem to want the program to close and want to see investors lose money. It’s an attitude I really don’t understand, people inventing problems when one doesn’t exist, but there you go. All the responsible monitors have returned LancorIncome to Paying status, except of course for one amateur determined to destroy the program at the expense of investors. As we all know, the HYIP industry can be very fragile at times, and it often takes no more than rumor and misinformation to bring good programs down. This could very well be the case with LancorIncome with the actions of one monitor which has been continually telling people to avoid this program for around ten days or so now despite the fact that everyone was getting paid all the time. Well, I guess it’s a bit like a leaking water pipe, isn’t it? The effect of this just builds up and up until eventually the damage just can’t be undone anymore.
It really would be a shame if this is how LancorIncome (reviewed here) was to end, because the admin has made such a genuine effort to pay as many of the investors as possible. The thing is he’s not a magician either, so if new investors are frightened off by speculation and bad information he’s not going to pull that money out of thin air. I was very happy though to be able to help several of my referrals get paid over the last couple of days by intervening with the LancorIncome on their behalf. So if you’re in the program under my downline and are having problems getting paid, please contact me with your account details and I will try (as I always do for my referrals) to see if I can help. So far the admin does seem to have made a priority out of making sure MNO referrals get paid first so that’s encouraging. For anybody else, you will need to contact whatever monitor or upline you joined under and ask them to do the same. We’ll see how things progress from here, but honestly no matter what happens next in LancorIncome I still have to say I believe this is the type of admin we need to see more of in the industry.
Problems then emerged with the program’s Payza account after the LancorIncome website went offline for some maintenance work. Unfortunately a couple of people were too fast in jumping to the wrong conclusion over this, and filed disputes with Payza. Therefore when LancorIncome came back online and attempted to resume payments to Payza customers, they were unable to do so due to their account being suspended. Payments to all other payment processors have continued as normal, it’s only Payza that has the problem. I know the admin made moves to get the account unlocked so he can get back to paying those members as well, it’s just that this is now out of his hands completely while Payza make sure everything is OK. Unfortunately the timing of this isn’t helping, happening as it did on a weekend. There’s very little you, me, the admin, or anyone else can do about it now, the matter is entirely in the hands of Payza. As soon as something happens there worth reporting you can be sure that MNO will be the first place you’ll hear about it.
On a side note, and I don’t want to drift too far off the topic of LancorIncome here but I do believe this is relevant, I want to tell readers who may not be aware of it about how good monitors should work. As you can probably imagine, one thing we have always been short off in the HYIP industry is facts. So, how do you think a monitor is supposed to react when a user contacts them to report a problem? Well, this is what I do – I check the facts. The monitor needs to access the member’s account, and verify that there is indeed a problem with the payments. Once this has been established, you then contact the admin to inform him. Sometimes this can genuinely be down to a technical error which he wasn’t aware of, so you don’t start making threats. Instead you allow the admin a reasonable space of time to explain the situation, and complete your referral’s payment. If this doesn’t happen, then the program goes to Problem Status.
So far I don’t think anyone would think that’s unreasonable, would they? But what happens if I don’t check the facts? What happens if I just issue a warning to everyone to stay away from the program without any further investigation? All you get then is the likes of referral cheats, who deserve to be kicked out of the program anyway, hijacking monitors to destroy programs. Likewise with rival admins who don’t like to see too much money going to their competitor, and paid posters who don’t even have accounts with the programs they are attacking. And that I’m afraid is what has been allowed by one monitor, moving LancorIncome to Scam Status based on the word of he doesn’t know who. By all means, it is your right to complain to your upline if a HYIP isn’t paying you (in fact I encourage you to do it, no matter who your upline is) but for the safety of genuine investors you simply MUST investigate the complaints and try to discuss them with the admin. If you don’t do this you merely accept rumors and lies with equal credibility to facts, and contribute to good programs closing faster than they should have.
Anyway, back to LancorIncome. The following was the admin’s last update which was sent following the maintenance work on the website. Please note that the waiting time for withdrawals has been extended to 48 hours – never a good sign in itself but still, at the time of writing they are at least still being made as far as I am aware if at a slower pace – and the new three day plan has been extended until June 23. The new plan pays 130% after 3 days and available for deposits starting from $100 (with two other investment plans still remaining at 2%-3% for 10 days and 3%-4% for 15 days – both with the initial principal return). Hard to say what to think about the new plan, but at the end of the day it’s entirely your money we’re talking about here so it’s up to you to draw your own conclusions. Here’s the update:
Dear Investors,
Our website had been unavailable due to some technical issues. We had been working hard on fixing this issue and now our website got back to normal. If you still can’t reach our website, please clear your browser’s cookie and cache. Do not worry about your pending withdrawals, you will get paid within 24-48 business hours. Since our website was unavailable, many investors couldn’t take advantage of our “Summer Hot” plan which we was provided only for 3 days. To reward our clients for your kind support and patience, we decided to extend this plan for 3 days more, which will expire June 23.
We apologize for any inconvenience and thank you for your patience. This week we’ve been working on translating our website on three languages will be available next week: chinese, spanish, russian.
Best Regards, LancorIncome Team”
PokerAutomatics (reviewed here) takes the #1 spot on the MNO Premium List today, and deservedly so. The program has been paying for nearly a year and with the level of members’ confidence at a high point I believe PokerAutomatics could help initiate a more positive trend in the industry and make the low-return programs fashionable again. The program accepts many major e-currencies starting from $30 with the most reliable option possibly being SolidTrustPay, but also including PerfectMoney, Payeer, BitCoin, OkPay, YandexMoney, NixMoney, Qiwi, AdvCash and some other payment gateways. The investment plans pay you a from 40% to 80% share of the total profits. This does change from day to day depending on the program’s performance, but usually hover somewhere around the 1% mark. The various terms run from 30 to 180 calendar days, and on expiry your principal can either be returned or re-invested as you see fit. PokerAutomatics is constantly improving with the latest account interface updates aimed at providing a better service to customers. Another regional representative, this time from Bulgaria, has also been added to the already extensive support chain, and an interesting review from my fellow blogger Trevor Miller from the UK added on the reviews page. This is also available to view on the MNOVision page (enter PokerAutomatics in the search area to find the best videos on the program there). And finally, the latest profit reports for the last four days are included for your information:
“PokerAutomatics Accounts Interface Update
We continue to improve the performance and usability of Poker Automatics.
We’ve updated our Poker Automatics Accounts interface in connection with the increasing number of clients.
“My Balance” page is loading much faster now. Heavy and slow Personal Statistics were moved to the separate page (“My Statistics”).”
“We have a new Representative
Iliyan Vuchev – Bulgaria
You may contact him by email, skype and phone”
“PokerAutomatics Proof of Getting Paid – Trevor Miller
“PokerAutomatics Daily Results:
18.06.2015 – Total poker botnet Income: 0.98%
“PokerAutomatics Daily Results:
19.06.2015 – Total poker botnet Income: 1.04%
“PokerAutomatics Daily Results:
20.06.2015 – Total poker botnet Income: 0.86%
“PokerAutomatics Daily Results:
21.06.2015 – Total poker botnet Income: 0.88%
It’s quite clear to me that the admin of CompassBusiness is now trying to lure investors who would otherwise not otherwise find the current plan all that appealing. It offers 20% for 6 weeks and is available only for a limited time for a whopping $1,000 minimum accepted via PerfectMoney and NixMoney. So he’s adding an additional 2% weekly return to the original offer and making it 22% for 6 weeks. It will be still available for investors from $1,000 and only until the first day of July as planned. Other investment plans available for CompassBusiness‘ investors at the moment are quite different from the ones discussed in my original review of the program (published here) and include 1.7% for 130 business days, 0.8% for 260 business days, 1% for 260 business days, 1.1% for 130 business days (with the initial investment returned on expiry of the last plan only). With the minimum deposit recently increasing from $10 to $100 and the even higher amounts on the majority of investment plans combined with the lack of investment options I believe that the appeal to new investors is very limited. But anyway, apart from that CompassBusiness has been paying fine for all these months on MNO and whether you want to take or leave this new plan is totally up to you. Here’s the news about the increased weekly rate offer on the so-called Sunrise Development plan:
“Sunrise development will be available for investment by 07.01.2015
Dear members and partners of our fund business went better than expected, so we give you a + 2% on the investment plan sunrise development.
This rate will be available for investment by 07.01.2015 inclusive. Just do not forget about the prizes from Panama on contributions from $ 2,000.
Always with you, CompassBusiness
C SW. Nicholas, a fund manager CompassBusiness.”
The most well established payment processor offering multiple direct funding and withdrawal options to bank accounts and cards – SolidTrustPay – is perhaps also the most secure. Even if a hacker gets access to your account it’s not just a simple matter of moving funds from A to B and then stealing them due to the sophisticated protection system in place. Many people know about that and use SolidTrustPay successfully for their own benefit for years now when investing in the best HYIPs around (on MNO that includes such respected programs as Carbon7 and PokerAutomatics). Anyway, the matter of security is of utmost importance not only when using payment processors when investing in HYIPs, but should apply to all your online activities. So, the latest post on the official STP blog shouldn’t go unnoticed and investors should take advantage of this advice for improving their online security. I’m including the entire article for your information below:
“Protecting Your Identity
Identity Theft and Credit Card Fraud are crimes that affect millions of individuals annually. Protecting your identity is one of the most important precautions you can take to prevent fraudsters from targeting you.
In this article, we will discuss various precautions you can take in order to protect your personal information and Identity.
Make sure that you connect to official Wi-Fi networks only.
Fraudsters can disguise their own person Wi-Fi hotspot to mimic free Wi-Fi businesses such as coffee shops, malls, and restaurant. This is a tactic used to trick individuals into connecting to the fraudsters hotspot (which may contain malware), so that they can gain access to your information. To prevent this from happening, ensure that you ONLY connect to a business’s official Wi-Fi Network.
Stay safe online
Make sure that you use Secure Passwords with any site you use online. Never enable your browsers to ‘remember’ your passwords. Its also important to log out whenever you are finished using the site, especially on public computers. Changing your password regularly (every month) is also an effective tool. Also be alert for phishing (when fraudsters mimic banks and businesses with spam or pop-ups in order to gather your personal information) and always verify sites that you are on to ensure they are legitimate. NEVER click links through emails or sites that you are unsure about.
Social Media
There are many different ways that fraudsters can steal your personal information via online social media sites. When using various social media sites, make sure that you understand what each security setting on a given site does, and enable all protective measures available to you. Be cautious when ‘adding’ people who will have access to your personal information, places you’ve been, and things you ‘Like’. If a fraudster gains access to this kind of information, there are many ways that they can use it to scam you. For example, if a fraudster sees that you had previously ‘checked in’ to a restaurant, he could call you pretending to be the restaurant, tell you they have over charged you, and then ask for your credit card information in order to ‘refund’ you. This is just one of many ways that someone could use your personal information gathered from social media to scam you or steal your identity.
Never give out your Credit Card information unless you are sure of the legitimacy
Fraudsters have many different ways to try and trick you. Have you ever gotten a phone call stating that you have won a free cruise and “all you have to do is enter your credit card information”? Chances are these types of offers are a scam. Whether you are speaking to someone in person, over the phone, or on the internet, do no give you credit card information out unless you have verified the business/person first.
Monitor your information and accounts
Monitor your bank and credit card statements to ensure there are no purchases or withdraws that you did not make. This should be done as often as every week. Be sure to keep important documents that contain your personal information safe, and shred documents that you no longer need.
Remember, Identity/Credit Card fraud is a serious crime that can affect anyone. Protect your personal information before fraud affects you.”
Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 36 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: –
From MNO Premium list: PokerAutomatics, Cryptoconomist, AtrexTrade, EmpireFunds, RoyalTrust, BITCTradeLimited (the first payments received).
From MNO Standard list: Carbon7, LancorIncome, CompassBusiness, TaurusFinance.
From MNO Basic list: ForexShare, EternalGet.
Before I finish I just want to say that I had to move RollNRich to Waiting status on the MNO monitor due to my withdrawals pending for over 60 hours now. The maximum waiting time is supposed to be 48 hours, but, as it happened more than once before, I’ll give the admin the benefit of the doubt and will not move it to Problem until tomorrow when everything should be clear. Still, I would not advise investing there and would recommend waiting for my update tomorrow if you’re not sure.
I’ll see you again tomorrow with the latest news from the HYIP industry and the full review of BITCTradeLimited. Don’t forget to vote on the level of honesty on MNO TalkBack page as I would really like to know your opinion of my work for the benefit of my downlines! Follow MNO on Twitter, like me on Facebook, and subscribe to the daily news not to miss any of the biggest online investment opportunities from the MNO monitor. Enjoy the rest of your weekend and see you all tomorrow!
Filed under Daily News by on Jun 21st, 2015.
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