Jun 22nd, 2015 Archives

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Beware! BITCTradeLimited has stopped paying! Do not invest there!

Hi everyone! Hope you’re all keeping well after the weekend. To start off the new working week I want to take a more detailed look at a new short term program that joined my monitor’s Premium List called BITCTradeLimited. Mid to longer term programs are very much the flavor of the month in the HYIP industry at the moment, so it’s kinda nice to see a short term program of this quality appear. Especially if you’re looking to diversify your portfolios. I also have a couple of news stories I think you might be interested in, including a brand new addition to the MNO Premium List that I think you might like, so do keep reading. Anyway, when I described BITCTradeLimited as “new” it’s not entirely accurate. The website itself has in fact been online for a number of weeks, (starting in April I think it was), but was deliberately kept under the radar by the admin as a “sleeper” until the time was right to start getting a bit more serious. It’s a common enough tactic in the HYIP industry as I’m sure many of you will know – just to establish a name, a history, etc, but keep it out of view until the admin is ready to start promoting it. So let’s see what it’s all about and if you like your chances enough to sign up and make a deposit.
I’ll start with the investment plans. Regular industry players will recognize the style. There’s been a lot of HYIPs offering similar plans in the past that had a good run, under the circumstances. In the case of BITCTradeLimited the plans are somewhat more sustainable, so with a combination of careful management, tactical promotion, and a large helping of good old fashioned luck maybe they’ll do the same. There’s a good mix in there, some obviously more realistic than others, though something to suit any level of risk you’d care to take.

The first option put in front of you is measured in hours rather than days. BITCTradeLimited require a hefty $500 minimum to join, so clearly this won’t be for everyone. If you do join, then the term runs for 20 hours during which members are offered interest payments of 5.15% per hour. Your principal is already factored into the payments, so by the time it comes to an end the total return of 103% means you have your own money back plus 3% net profit.

BITCTradeLimited‘s next plan also makes hourly payments, but carries a $2,000 minimum investment so it’s only for the brave. The term is 16 hours, with payments by the hour of 6.5%. This rate applies to all deposits, with the maximum spend capped at $5,000. BITCTradeLimited include your principal with the payments which should add up to 104%, or 4% net profit, by the end.

An alternative option for members who don’t have quite so much to spend but still runs for a very short term, lasts for just 1 single day. It makes one interest payment on expiry, a payment that includes your principal. So join today and get paid tomorrow. The minimum cost of joining is just $10 and for anything up to a deposit of $1,000 BITCTradeLimited offer a return of 102.5%, or 2.5% profit. You may make a larger deposit if you can afford to, and expect a higher percentage in return. The rates are calculated as follows: Deposits of $1,001 to $2,000 will earn 103%, and from $2,001 to $5,000 will earn 104%. Check the BITCTradeLimited members area for information on larger investments if interested. The top rate is 120%.

BITCTradeLimited‘s fourth plan pays on expiry after a term of 6 calendar days and makes one single on expiry payment. It costs $10 to join. Your final payment will also include your principal and the return will be 116% on anything up to a maximum value of $1,000. If you’re feeling lucky and wish to take a bigger risk then BITCTradeLimited offer 120% on deposits from $1,001 to $2,000, and 127% on amounts from $2,001 to $5,000. Again check out your BITCTradeLimited members area to see what they offer to investments bigger than that. 250% is the maximum offer, though that would cost you $20,000 to see if it’s genuine.

Your fifth option is a plan that runs for a term of 18 calendar days and can again be joined to a $10 minimum. Payments to investors are made once on expiry, and for basic entry level deposits of anything up to $1,000 sees BITCTradeLimited offering 150% interest, principal included, on expiry. For bigger/braver investors the rate goes up to 170% on deposits between $1,001 and $2,000, and 195% on sums between $2,001 and $5,000. For anything bigger than that you can refer to your BITCTradeLimited account area for further details, where 850% is the highest possible return.

As you can see the plans get more and more risky as the terms get longer. So it’s time to maybe start considering how realistic these figures are before getting too excited at the enormous rates available. But at least you can still join for a minimum spend of $10 and for BITCTradeLimited‘s sixth investment plan which runs for a 38 calendar day term that can supposedly earn you 370% interest, paid on expiry and principal included, if depositing up to $1,000. I’ll be impressed if the program runs that long, never mind actually come up with that money, however if you insist on taking the gamble I’d have to suggest this is a lot more achievable on a $10 deposit than a $1,000 one. But like I said, they’d be doing exceptionally well just to still be around by then at all. Beyond that the rates include 450% for $1,001 to $2,000, and 600% on amounts between $2,001 and $5,000. For information on larger deposits than that see the BITCTradeLimited members area (the absolute maximum to receive from this plan is capped at 1900%).

Next up is a plan that runs for 60 calendar days and pays once on expiry. This time the minimum deposit jumps to $100, and for anything up to $1,000 the rate being offered is 700%. Higher rates include 900% for $1,001 to $2,000, and 1300% for $2,000 to $5,000. And if all that doesn’t sound unlikely enough then check out the BITCTradeLimited members area for other figures. BITCTradeLimited‘s top offer in this plan is 3000%.

This is followed by a plan running for 25 calendar days, and is offering one single rate of 1,500% paid on expiry to all deposits from a $1,000 minimum to a $5,000 maximum. It’s unlikely to make a profit for anyone other than the BITCTradeLimited admin, I’m just including it for your information.

And finally the ninth plan on the list, and if I’m not mistaken the original one that was in place while BITCTradeLimited was still a sleeper, runs for 60 calendar days. There’s a complete change of direction here though, with the admin offering daily interest payments throughout the term. You will need a $300 minimum to join so it’s still for pretty big hitters, and for all deposits up to a maximum value of $1,000 BITCTradeLimited are offering you 2.5% interest per day. This adds up to 150% in total, which then becomes your net profit when the admin returns your principal in a separate transaction on expiry. This plan, I mean as a stand alone HYIP plan by itself, is actually OK (if not for the high minimum). Unfortunately I just have my doubts about its safety when you put it alongside so many short term plans where the majority of BITCTradeLimited‘s cash flow is going to be moving. It would probably be OK in any other longer term HYIP, I just don’t see that it has a place anymore in this particular program since the one-day and hourly plans were introduced

Payment options should you like any of those plans appeal to you enough to join are OK. Not exactly extensive, but pretty much what you would expect from a short term game like BITCTradeLimited, and up to a fair enough standard if you’re happy dealing with anonymous payment processors. As long as you know what you are getting yourself into with BITCTradeLimited then OK, you can use your choice of PerfectMoney, Payeer, BitCoin, and as of today OkPay as well. Withdrawal requests are handled manually by the admin and will have to be requested from within your BITCTradeLimited members account area. Strictly speaking, staying within the terms & conditions of the program, the admin has a maximum of 36 hours to complete all transactions. The reality is of course that shorter term games like this one need to be a whole lot faster than that. I mean you can’t seriously have a waiting time that runs longer than the actual plan you’ve joined, so in my own experience with it so far I have to say payments have always been really fast so far. But do keep the official waiting period in mind, because as the program grows and the admin’s schedule gets more crowded it might start take a bit longer.

Looking at the more technical, design, and security aspects of BITCTradeLimited now, everything checks out and is up to a decent standard. The hosting provider is one of the more respected names servicing the industry, with support and protection provided by DDoSGuard who have BITCTradeLimited on a dedicated server. The first thing most users might notice though is the script, instantly recognizable to most of the experienced players as GoldCoders. I can just confirm that it’s licensed. For an extra layer of protection the BITCTradeLimited website has an extended validation Green Bar Comodo supported SSL-certificate installed for safer transactions and secure browsing.

If you have any further questions for the admin that you think were missed in this review then there’s a couple of different ways to get in touch. The FAQ page should of course be the first thing you look at as most subjects seem adequately covered there, but for things like account issues you’ll need to go straight to support. For that you can either fill in your details on the online support form, or else write directly to the admin via the e-mail address listed. One of the major improvements made to BITCTradeLimited since the admin decided to bring it out of hibernation has been the introduction of Live Chat support. Where this feature has the edge over the competition however is not just the fact that it actually works (more of a rarity than you might think!) but also in the fact that it’s bi-lingual. You can write to them in either Russian or English, which ever you are stronger or more comfortable with. A UK postal address is included, something I would dismiss out-of-hand if I were you as unlikely to be more than a virtual, serviced office. On the other hand it also comes with two separate telephone numbers, one in English and the other in Russian, so you can speak with someone personally if you want. A short promotional video has been recorded as well and can be viewed on either the BITCTradeLimited website or the MNOVision page where I’ve also added it.

All in all, it might just be a case of the right time and the right place for BITCTradeLimited. Hardly a coincidence though, like I pointed out it’s been online for a while now as a sleeper so it’s a deliberate and conscious decision by the admin that now is the time he wants to start promoting it in it’s finished state. It’s bit of a stretch for anyone to really believe BITCTradeLimited to be even remotely related to a real investment company of course, readers here wouldn’t be that naive, but as far as online HYIPs go I guess it isn’t bad. We’ve seen countless programs in the past that were organized along more or less the same business model, many of which were hugely popular and successful for at least a good portion of their investors. Whether BITCTradeLimited can emulate those programs or not remains to be seen, all I can add is that they’ve gotten of to an excellent start and there’s definitely an appetite out there for it. I thing you know the rest by now, by continuing with BITCTradeLimited you should be comfortable with the fact that you are taking a gamble and you should act as such. Some people will definitely make a lot of money from this, indeed a lot of people already have, but whether you get to be one of them or not is the chance you take. So try and “keep a foot in both camps” as they say, by establishing a sensible spending limit that you can afford to lose, and if you do join BITCTradeLimited then try and keep it as a smaller part of a wider more diverse portfolio.



While I was working on the review of BITCTradeLimited it became clear to me that another payment processor was added, joining PerfectMoney, BitCoin, and Payeer which were available from day one – OkPay. I wouldn’t say this addition will get more new members to BITCTradeLimited as the appeal of that particular payment method is quite limited. In fact I can’t say I know anyone using OkPay for investments. Then again any variety is good I suppose, and BITCTradeLimited will still attract new investors, although in my own honest opinion, it would have been much better for the program’s wellbeing if much more popular processors like Payza or STP were added. Anyway, here’s the latest update from BITCTradeLimited regarding the OkPay addition:

Payment system has been added
Dear investors!
By following the strategic plan for a long-term development of the program, we report to you about the addition to the admissible to investment list of electronic payment systems of one more payment system: https://www.okpay.com. It has been done for more flexible redirection of investment streams in the program and granting there are more opportunities for investment and receiving stable and worthy profit for each our investor.
Sincerely, administration of the BITCTradeLimited program.


PokerAutomatics in this instance is one of the few programs (another one from my monitor being Carbon7) to accept SolidTrustPay in automated mode following the long approval process required to be able to use their payment buttons. It worked pretty well for PokerAutomatics who have dozens of referrals from my monitor, mostly attracted by the availability of STP which usually indicates the admins is pretty serious about what he’s doing (read more on the advantages of using STP for your investment activities in this article). After about four months listed on MNO, PokerAutomatics recently took the number one position and I like to think it will hold it for some time judging by the number of interested investors. And it’s entirely justified, as PokerAutomatics can boast nothing other than a fantastically stable performance over almost a year online. Don’t let the very conservative returns offered by the program put you off, it’s greatly compensated for by strong growth in membership and very stable payouts processed on business days only, although with accounts credited on calendar days. So, by investing in PokerAutomatics at least $30 (via STP, PerfectMoney, Payeer, OkPay, BitCoin, and a few other methods) you’ll be paid a variable return of about 0.4%-0.8% (which represents a 40% to 80% share of the company profits which are usually around 1% daily) over a period of 30 to 180 calendar days with the initial investment back on expiry. If that description sounds a bit vague then please read my detailed review of PokerAutomatics where you’ll be able to grasp even the most complicated points about the program. For an even better understanding please watch the best selected videos explaining the whole investment process by entering “PokerAutomatics” on the MNOVision page. As for today’s updates from the program please take note on the latest daily results and weekly statement:

PokerAutomatics Daily Results:
22.06.2015 – Total poker botnet Income: 1.16%

PokerAutomatics Weekly Statement:
Paying Days: 1,514
Total investors: 28,153
Investment capital: $2,549,307
Own capital: $405,196
Total Income: $201,202 (6,81%)
Share of Expenses: $87,563 (2,96%)
Profit: $113,639 (3,85%)
Total withdraw: $4,417,229
TOP-1 Investor: $102,188
TOP-1 Affiliate: 1,397 referrals
Total pokerbot accounts: 918


Two programs from my list had to be moved to Problem status as of tonight. They are RollNRich and LancorIncome, so please do not invest there. Let’s discuss why they were moved to Problem status in the first place.

Well, I already said yesterday that RollNRich had some questionable delays in withdrawals, but that happened many times before so I decided to give the admin the benefit of the doubt and kept the program on Waiting status on my monitor for some time. That issue then seems to have been resolved then as the admin paid the pending withdrawals to me and a few of my referrals. So I again moved RollNRich back to Paying status on the MNO monitor only to return it to Waiting status and then to Problem status following another verified complaint from a referral with two unpaid withdrawals since June 19. That looks like RollNRich might be paying selectively now, which MNO never tolerates, especially when it comes to my referrals, so downgrading RollNRich to Problem status (hopefully, just temporary) and contacting the admin is all I can do at the moment. You’ll be updated if RollNRich pays to my referral and returned to Paying Status on my monitor, but for now please avoid investing there until further notice.

As for LancorIncome, a sustained attack from one of the monitoring sites brought LancorIncome to the stage when the admin can’t pay the members anymore. The recent Payza account suspension and the rumors and speculation didn’t help matters either. Perhaps person who contributed most to the downfall of an amazing program that was paying for over seven months feels victorious now. Unfortunately the same thing can’t be said about his referrals though, who are entitled to feel betrayed by the lack of any genuine assistance they should have expected but didn’t receive. Unlike MNO referrals, for whom I fought for till the very end, and successfully managed to negotiate the return of over $700 in total to my referrals. That was money others would have expected to receive from LancorIncome as well, if they were my referrals and contacted me while the program was still paying. To tell you the truth I did receive complaints from a couple of other people, but since they joined under another monitor’s referral links there isn’t much I could do for them. I could only tell them to contact their preferred monitor and ask for their help, which basically meant they lost their money. I hope next time such people will choose better.

That is the main reason I keep the prices for advertising on MNO so high is because my main interest is having only the biggest programs featured on my site. That means I can be sure that the majority of my referrals will be in profit, also save myself from wasting my precious time monitoring obvious scams. Smart investors know my approach and follow MNO for advice and insight in the stormy sea of the HYIP industry as, being online for so long, I know the whole process inside out and am not scared to share my experience with my readers for free. However, MNO is and always has been a commercial business (like every other HYIP monitor), but unlike others, I’m not afraid to admit that. You’re welcome to read my articles and reviews totally free of charge, but when it comes to receiving personal assistance (which can be quite useful, since I managed to help get so much money returned to my referrals in LancorIncome) I’m afraid you need to contact your preferred upline. Sorry, but I have a business to run, and I simply don’t have the time, the interest, not the inclination to get involved when you are supposed to be complaining to the monitor you preferred to join under. Remember that MNO is aimed at helping my referrals above all else (as in any case, 100% of the members can never be in profit with HYIPs).

Unfortunately with LancorIncome, the game is over now, especially considering the new 130% after 1 day plan is introduced and the ongoing Payza issue. I wouldn’t bet on its recovery, but I’m still very grateful to its admin for his efforts in paying to my referrals for much longer, especially considering nobody joined under me for the last few days anyway. I believe that such admins determined to fight their corner when so many others would have quit will be able to change the HYIP industry for the better. If you lost money then I quite understand why you might not feel that way right now, but that is I’m afraid the way things go.


And I would like to finish the news section for tonight by introducing a brand-new program called USDBusinessLimited that just launched earlier today and came straight to Premium Listing on the MNO monitor “hot off the press” as they say. The program offers automated and instant deposits and withdrawals (I can confirm that myself when I move USDBusinessLimited to Paying status on my monitor) to PerfectMoney, Payeer, BitCoin, and even Payza. The minimum to deposit starts from $30 and the withdrawal minimum shouldn’t be less than $1. Investment plans offered by USDBusinessLimited promise to pay from 2.2% to 3.5% fixed interest (depending on the size of your deposit) over a period of 70 business days (Monday to Friday for ten calendar weeks) and principal returned on expiry. This leave you with 154% to 245% net profit in approximately two and a half months. If you wish to earn even more, compounding is also available in your account with USDBusinessLimited, so you can modify it to your liking anytime. The USDBusinessLimited website looks superb with many impressive features which I will be able to discuss in the upcoming review on Wednesday. However if you’re too impatient to wait please check their 5 minute video presentation which you will also be able to find on the MNOVision page from tomorrow. The program runs off a licensed GoldCoders script, is SSL-secured by Comodo featuring the Extended Validation Green Bar, is hosted on a dedicated server from the current leaders in the HYIP industry DDoSGuard, and even its domain name (which is hard to remember, by the way) is registered until 2025. If we add a comprehensive step-by-step guide to the investment process, detailed FAQ containing answers to all your questions, lots of social media accounts and regional representatives program already launched, some incorporation documents from the UK, handy calculator, official payment processor exchanger page, and multiple level affiliate program with higher level of commissions for representatives we can see that the administration team behind USDBusinessLimited did not spare any time, money or effort in create something special and eye-catching with huge potential. Just don’t lose sight of the fact that USDBusinessLimited is a regular HYIP with all the risks as well as rewards to go with it. As long as you invest only what you can afford to lose, I believe USDBusinessLimited might be a popular choice. By the way, the very first newsletter just released on its launch by the program’s admin and can be read in its entirety below:

Welcome to USDBusinessLimited
Over the last five years, we were constantly involved in the development in the field of startups and actively supported modern and forward-looking business directions. Among our permanent partners are not only ambitious entrepreneurs with innovative ideas, but also a lot of financial institutions, companies, private funds and sponsors, investors from around the globe. Many people trust us because we rarely make mistakes when choosing a one or another project and because we constantly have multiple projects enhancing diversification. Making a lot of money on the basis of the ideas requires skills which are directly proportional to years of experience. It also needs a certain professional knowledge in various fields of economy and social life.
After the company passed the long way of elaboration and practice, we are ready to continue the movement. That’s why we have decided to launch a system of integrated management of investments and financial assets. Successful and promising areas are in constant competition. In our business, the only succeeds one who is able to realize the idea financially. The higher turnover, the faster it goes to the point of profitability.
Now we announce partnership which will be opened to all. From now on, anyone can become our partner as an investor and trust us to manage his money, be co-owner of all of our startups. To do this you only need to pass through registration on our website and accept our investment proposal. Within just 70 business days you have the opportunity to earn from 154% to 245% of net income. In addition, you certainly will get your deposit back in full. No additional or hidden fees, no any taxes. As an officially registered company and legal entity, USDBusinessLimited ensures payment of all taxes in accordance with the laws of the United Kingdom, thereby freeing you from additional tax burden. To best protect your investments and make them anonymous, we use a few systems of electronic money transfers. You can invest through popular payment methods such as PerfectMoney, Payeer, Payza or Bitcoin. Security operations and reducing the impact of human factors is provided by a fully automated platform which allows you to send payments, make deposits and get daily income without human intervention. This means that all transactions are processed instantly. You only need to become our active investor and receive guaranteed daily profits during the term of your deposit.
Our offer of cooperation is valid on a permanent basis. You can become a part of our business today. As well we also have lucrative affiliate offer of favorable conditions for partners. USDBusinessLimited needs highly motivated and purposeful regional representatives regardless of their country of residence. Three-tier system of affiliate reward will be great incentive to take part in the promotion of our investment project.
Today we are beginning to accept deposits and we wish all the high profits and satisfaction on investment!
Regards, USDBusinessLimited Team


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 36 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: –
From MNO Premium listPokerAutomaticsCryptoconomist, BITCTradeLimitedEmpireFunds, RoyalTrust.
From MNO Standard list: Carbon7, CompassBusinessTaurusFinance.
From MNO Basic list: –

Thanks for reading, guys. Please note that from now on the MNO ShoutBox will be open exclusively to my referrals only, so on creation of a new account please contact me for manual approval. All the old members’ ShoutBox accounts will remain intact, but in the interests of blocking spam and paid posters, new membership will be moderated. I hope you understand that it’s done in the interests of the current members of the MNO ShoutBox, as the recent experience with people coming and claiming not to be paid by LancorIncome without being able to provide any evidence and thus damaging the chances of my readers to profit from the program is simply unacceptable. Such behavior will therefore not be tolerated any longer. My main interest is protecting my referrals’ deposits and possible profits, so for maximizing their chances in doing so I will do my best. That’s all for today, and see you on Wednesday with a detailed review of USDBusinessLimited. See you all then!

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