June 2015 Archives

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Beware! RoyalTrust has stopped paying! Do not invest there!

Hello everyone! So far, and we’re still only 19 days into it, June has been perhaps the best month for 2015 in the HYIP industry. It’s definitely the best in terms of new, high grade, and promising programs starting up for the first time anyway, so what better way to finish up the business week with a more detailed look at what could turn out to be one of the best. I’m talking about RoyalTrust, something a lot of experienced players are expecting some good things from according to the feedback I’ve been getting from readers so far. RoyalTrust doesn’t really follow the typical HYIP business model, it’s organized a bit differently than that. Then again, RoyalTrust is by no means unique either. A couple of other programs in the past have tried to do something similar, and in some cases with great success. I’ll explain how it all works as best I can below and you can decide for yourselves if you agree whether RoyalTrust deserves a place in your portfolios or not. There’s nothing too complicated going on here, it’s actually quite easy to understand, though there’s still a very professional level of planning and organization by the admin in getting everything about the program up to such a high standard. So let’s see what it’s all about.
First of all I guess we should start with the investment plan. There’s only one, so it’s a pretty easy choice for you to make – you either like it and you join, or you don’t like it and you pass. Simple as that. I wouldn’t really like to pigeon-hole RoyalTrust as the usual short, medium, or long term HYIP. I suppose if I had to then maybe I’d call it a long term program, but as we shall see RoyalTrust doesn’t really follow a fixed schedule in the traditional sense. Instead of a fixed term, the program has a particular earnings goal. The “term”, such as it is, expires when members reach the target return. Don’t worry if it sounds complicated now, I’ll spell it out for you in detail below.

You will need a $25 minimum to join RoyalTrust. After that you will receive a variable interest payment every calendar day until ultimately you have reached a total return of 180%. Your initial deposit is counted as part of the payments, and so will not be returned on expiry. The rates themselves will vary between 1% and 3.5% per day from Monday to Friday. Then, over the weekend, they are paid at a fixed rate of 1% per day for Saturday and Sunday. The maximum deposit is capped at $70,000, and all members will receive the same interest rate, what ever it happens to be on the day.

In more practical, monetary terms then let’s say you join RoyalTrust with a $100 investment. Every day from Monday to Friday they will pay you back a different amount. It won’t be less that $1, and it won’t be more than $3.50. Then over the weekend they will pay you $1 per day for Saturday and Sunday. So the bare minimum you can expect is $7, and a potential maximum of $19.50 within a calendar week.

How ever long it takes you to reach the final target of 180% will depend on the rising and falling fortunes of RoyalTrust and how the program performs from one day to the next. In the worst possible case scenario this would be 180 days (if the minimum was paid every single day) with 100 days to break even, and in the best case just 36 days to break even if the maximum was paid every day with 65 days required to reach the 180% target. I really doubt either extreme is going to be very likely, someplace in the middle might be a better guess, but to be honest for now RoyalTrust is simply too new to accurately state what might be an “average” or “typical” payment. From a business point of view however it’s an excellent strategy for the admin. It allows him tighter control over the program’s cash flow, removes him having to make financial commitments to members that he might struggle to meet in a month or two down the line if the programs has a slow couple of weeks, and will ultimately help keep RoyalTrust ticking over just that little bit longer in order to put more investors into profit.

If you like the investment plan then I can tell you the payment options are pretty good too. Good, but at the time of writing still not quite the finished article. I say this because the admin assures me that everything is in place to add SolidTrustPay, however the matter is now out of his hands as he awaits their approval. All their requests have been met, so for now it’s just a matter of waiting. This I know can be a slow and laborious process (for HYIP websites anyway) but as soon as RoyalTrust have their STP account added I’ll make sure you hear about it right here on MNO first.

Meanwhile you have a pretty good alternative in Payza, where RoyalTrust have been fully verified already. Or, if you still need to use anonymous payment processors then you can choose from PerfectMoney, Payeer, or BitCoin. No matter which one you opt for, I can confirm that all payments to members are made instantly. You will still need to log in to your RoyalTrust account area and place the request of course, but once done you should see the money in your preferred payment processor in just seconds. When you make a withdrawal request you will actually hear a beeping sound (similar to that which BitCoin users will be familiar with) notifying you of the completion of your withdrawal.

Looking at the more technical aspects of RoyalTrust, design, security, and the like, everything looks pretty solid. What might surprise even the longer term industry players however is the script. It’s under license from GoldCoders which you might have thought would be instantly recognizable, except in this case it’s been completely overhauled and customized just for RoyalTrust. It doesn’t lose any of the trademark easy-to-navigate qualities though, despite the customization job. For a hosting provider the admin has also gone for a dependable name in DDoSGuard. They are keeping RoyalTrust on a dedicated server with what ever technical assistance and protection from malicious DDoS attacks as required. For an extra layer of security you will also notice a superior Green Bar SSL encrypted connection by Comodo for safer browsing and more secure transactions.

Among the other features I like about RoyalTrust is the actual website content. It’s not often you find anything in an online HYIP that’s genuinely useful, but that’s not the case here. For anyone new to the industry for example or joining a HYIP for the first time, RoyalTrust have an easy to read step-by-step guide to getting started, with a detailed explanation on how to open an account with them, make a deposit, make a withdrawal, and just generally how to manage your investment with them. Something else that will be of practical value whether you’re a HYIP industry veteran or again a first timer is RoyalTrust‘s Exchangers page. This is a very useful and quite extensive list of e-currency exchange service providers, the currencies they deal with, the languages they operate in, etc. Even for me there was a couple of new names on that list, but from the ones I do recognize I can confirm there are some very dependable options available to you there if needed. It’s just the little extra things like this that can really add a touch of class to the website, not to mention giving the impression that you might for once be dealing with someone who knows what he’s doing in this business. There is also a useful short video presentation of the program available on the main page which I have already added to the MNOVision as well.

If you have any further questions for the admin or account related issues you need to have dealt with then there’s several channels of communication open to you. You can either write directly to the e-mail address listed on the website’s support page, or else fill in your details on the online support form and submit. A postal address is included, and while I would suggest you ignore this as unlikely to be anything other than a virtual serviced office it does at least come with a telephone number so you can try that if you want. Perhaps the first thing you should check however is RoyalTrust‘s Live Chat feature. As far as I can tell it’s a 24 hour service (I mean I can’t sit in front of it for 24 consecutive hours to confirm that, I just believe that it is!) and you can open it by clicking the box at the bottom right hand corner of the page. It’s a very useful feature, and after seeing so many other websites include Live Chat but never bother to open it, something I’m pleased to tell you actually works for a change.

Fans of social networking sites will be pleased to link up with RoyalTrust on their profiles on Facebook, Twitter, and Google+. Given that the program is still brand new there’s been next to no activity on those profiles just yet, but I imagine if the admin has any real experience then he’ll know the value of them and make more efficient use of them in the future. By the way, you’ll notice a tab marked “blog” on top of the RoyalTrust website. This will not take you to traditional blog, but rather the website’s news section.

One last form of communication you might enjoy is the ChatBox, something a bit similar to my own ShoutBox you can see on my blog and monitor. Please note that this feature is open to members only, as you have to log in to your RoyalTrust account area to view it. As it’s open to all members then it won’t be just the admin or the support operators using it, you can chat with your fellow investors as well. RoyalTrust will also shortly be rolling out a regional representative scheme for customer support operators to work in their own local markets. Some of you will probably have done this before, so if your interested in taking part you should contact the admin for details about what will be required of you.

As for any claims about the business activities supporting the payments to investors, regular readers will know my thoughts on this but for the record RoyalTrust claim to be involved in ForEx trading. They’ve even went so far as to have RoyalTrust incorporated as a company in the UK and have a certificate displayed to prove it. I can tell you it’s entirely genuine, and I can also tell you anyone can do this perfectly legally over the net without any real questions. It only costs a couple of dollars, but maybe some people appreciate the effort and it gives them more confidence to play. For myself I just think that even if any of this was true then it still doesn’t give you any degree of protection or a guarantee of profitability. No business can, so I certainly wouldn’t start looking for it in the online HYIP industry of all places. So just remember to be sensible. Keep your expectations realistic, and set yourself a modest spending limit that you can comfortably afford to lose should things not work out. And if you do decide to join RoyalTrust then try to keep them as a smaller part of a wider more diverse portfolio.



If you’ve somehow managed to miss Carbon7, let me remind you that this is currently the fastest growing program in the HYIP industry and until yesterday had only one paid official monitor – MNO. That did the admin really well as all other monitors simply couldn’t resist the temptation of not having such a great program with enormous potential on their monitors and added it for free, thus saving the admin tons of cash. In keeping with the admin’s aim of slower more progressive growth, a small number of other reliable monitors are now starting to be added. Even only after 18 days on MNO, Carbon7 is the clear leader on my Standard List and the review on MNO published here raised even more interest in the program on two original plans – 7% for 22 business days and 110% after 7 calendar days. Even though the daily paying plan is still only taking some investors to their break-even points Carbon7 seems to be gaining in popularity with speedy rates surpassing all my expectations. The admin definitely knows how to make his program a success and keep people talking about possibly the next leader of the HYIP industry which Carbon7 has every chance of doing once the first investment cycle is completed. This obvious fact would be supported by the abundance of payment options accepted by the program and including both verifiable – SolidTrustPay and Payza – and anonymous – PerfectMoney, Payeer, and BitCoin – accepted from a $25 minimum, or even direct bank wires if you wish to invest bigger amounts.

Yesterday the admin of Carbon7 again showed some class when he identified and repaired reported technical issues in less than an hour, so only a few people even only noticed anything was going on. Since I have an extensive downline in Carbon7 I was contacted by a couple of my referrals who had issues with both interest withdrawals and accounts being credited with daily earnings. I sent this to the admin who reacted lightning fast and fixed everything within literally minutes, leaving me with an open mouth, as with this type of service and professionalism investors may sleep well at night knowing that even the smallest glitch will be fixed in minutes if necessary. Here’s the reply from the Carbon7 admin after the issue was fixed who also promised me to share some really good news with my readers as soon as he’s ready to report it, so watch this space for more as investors are definitely in good hands here:

Hi Paul,
Yes it was already resolved.
Actually the issue was that our front end server hosted by a different company has changed their default time zone and that created a window of 1 hour difference with the backend where the mysql is at.
Our dedicated day shift sys admin have figured this out and fixed the gap, everything is back to normal now so if they will ask you for an update please tell them to simply check their account again now.
Thanks for keeping in touch.
If you need anything I’m here.
Sincerely, Thank you, and best regards.
C7 Admin, Martin E Connard. Carbon7 Support


The admin of TaurusFinance has taken another step to improve his website, something he does quite regularly by the way. This time it was forums and ratings page that was updated while including links to the biggest investment resources for your reference. That was actually the subject of another short newsletter from TaurusFinance issued last night and re-posted below for your information:

Forum & Ratings Section Update
We are pleased to announce that we added a section where you will be able to see a list of Forums / Discussion thread and monitors links where investors talk about TaurusFinance. Communicating with fellow investors will be easier for everyone.
Visit the monitors and forums page here.
Thank you

Despite of its Standard List position and an incomplete first investment cycle, TaurusFinance (reviewed here) still remains relatively popular among readers. As the recent issues with Payza seem to have been fully resolved, now the program continues paying instantly on Payza, PerfectMoney, Payeer, and BitCoin, while processing payments to another accepted payment method – Neteller – in manual mode. I remind you that the minimum to invest in TaurusFinance is $25 and the investment plans (all with principal returned on expiry) include 2% for 11 business days, 2.75% for 25 business days, and 3.5% for 50 business days.


It appears some people really enjoy the misfortune of others. They do their very best to destroy good paying programs by spreading all types of rumors and lies, and shout “scam” without any viable reason. Despite all the efforts by the admin of LancorIncome who paid deposits back to the first investors in its 5% for 5 days plan, that wasn’t enough to keep the program going and the damage done by some irresponsible blogs and monitors proved irreparable. LancorIncome which had been a perfectly paying program for over seven months wasn’t able to sustain the pressure. The latest attempt to offer a new plan paying 130% after 3 days on deposits starting from $100 coupled with the sudden increase of the payout timeframe from 24 to 72 hours pretty much says it all. Just yesterday I was in contact with the admin who promised to process payments to all my referrals which to his credit he did his best to do. Under those unfortunate circumstances I would say about as many of my referrals were paid as was possible, however the money eventually runs out and that’s just the way things work. Every program comes to an end as we all know. In this case the process was just encouraged by one monitor’s malicious actions in persistently attacking the program resulting in one thing – investors, some of which include his own readers, losing money.

At the time of writing the LancorIncome website has returned after a few hours downtime, but I do not realistically see a chance for recovery now. I know the admin to be an utmost professional who always tries to run his programs as long as possible with the maximum profit for as many of his investors is possible. He would be right to feel very betrayed by some people to whom he paid money to provide a service, not realizing that he was only digging his own program’s grave. I mean judging by the fact that the first investors from the 5-day plan were all paid in full and there was much evidence to confirm that posted on the MNO ShoutBox yesterday, I would say that under this enormous pressure the admin has done everything he could. I do sympathize with those who lost money, however you must also realize that it wasn’t a deliberate scam. With the plan only paying once on expiry and only being available for five days to begin with, if it was a scam then surely he would have simply stolen everything from everyone. He started paying back as many members as he could, unfortunately some monitors didn’t seem to like this very much and the campaign against LancorIncome (the only actual victims to suffer under being you the investors of course) continued.

I only hope that some good comes out of this and the admin learns his lesson about paying to be listed on monitors out to destroy you for personal amusement. I would like you to refer to the latest article from the MNOFridays series (click here to read) how such amateur and badly conceived websites can be dangerous. Ask yourself then if it was possible for LancorIncome to continue paying if it didn’t have to put up with such unfair treatment. When so many users of that monitor won’t have reached their break-even point yet, sending out warnings against a program that was paying and allowing all sorts of personal attacks from people who just think it’s funny is extremely irresponsible.

I knew exactly that the admin of LancorIncome was capable of delivering much better results than that, but some people and circumstances got in his way and he was unable to fulfill all his ambitions. Let’s hope his next attempt will be better. For now, LancorIncome has been moved to Problem status on the MNO monitor due to selective payouts, stalling tactics, and introducing a very suspicious new plan when not being able to pay on the previous ones. Please do not invest there even if you’re still getting paid for some reason!


In light of what has happened to LancorIncome, it’s really interesting to see the final results of the poll which ran on the MNO TalkBack page over the last week or so. It asked about adding and modifying new investment plans in a program. Opinions were divided and I can see no clear winner. 53% of MNO readers believe that introducing new plans by a HYIP is not necessarily a red flag, but sometimes just an indication of the program’s need to stay competitive against the competition. 41% of the voters were more negative, saying that introducing new investment plans is a surefire sign of an upcoming scam, possibly indicating cash flow issues. Only 6% believe that new investment plans should always be welcome as they show innovation and growth. OK, opinions are split, but there’s enough of a negative reaction towards new plans to make HYIP admins pay attention. They should always remember it may have a negative impact on their program, and not only from investors but also some monitors and bloggers too. Even if an admin has the best intentions when introducing new investment plans his program might still go south due to negative perceptions. He must be careful and make a balanced decision that weighs all the positive and negative factors against each other.

This new question for the MNO TalkBack page is really good I think. I believe that many readers are really satisfied with the level of genuine information they get from MNO, especially when it comes to my reviews (where I never claim a HYIP is really involved in any investment activities and is more like a form of gambling). There’s also MNOFridays, the next edition of which can be read here.

So the question will be: How truthful do you think MNO is with its readers?
Possible answers are the following:
1) MNO gives accurate info and I consider it the most honest blog online.
2) MNO might be more truthful by helping to expose known scams.
3) MNO lies about most things and rarely tells the truth.

I would appreciate if you voted honestly in the poll, and if your vote is negative then I would ask you to contact me and make a suggestion about how I can change this. The full results will be drawn next Friday.


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 36 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: –
From MNO Premium listRollNRich, PokerAutomaticsCryptoconomistAtrexTradeEmpireFunds, RoyalTrust.
From MNO Standard list: Carbon7, CompassBusinessTaurusFinance.
From MNO Basic list: ForexShareEternalGet.

That’s all the news for today. I hope you have enjoyed reading and I hope you enjoy the weekend with your family and friends. Just don’t forget to check MNO from time to time if you’re into HYIPs because you’ll see only the biggest investment opportunities here. Follow MNO on Twitter, like MNO on Facebook, and subscribe to the MNO daily news if you to receive the latest info regularly to your mailbox. See you all in a couple of days, guys!

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