June 2015 Archives

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Beware! USDBusinessLimited has stopped paying! Do not invest there!

Hello everybody! It really looks as if the entire HYIP industry is turning on its head these days. In almost every other year I’ve been playing it (with no more than one or two exceptions) I’d be saying things are going to start slowing down between around now and the autumn. You know, people are more interested in vacations, younger investors who prefer to work from their universities are also taking time out or finding temporary jobs, and so on. This summer it seems the complete opposite is true as the industry is now at its strongest and most active position for a long time. The number of really good high grade programs opening in June alone has been better that any other month this year, when normally it might have been one of the quieter times. Anyway, who am I to argue with the fates, and I’m definitely not complaining. The latest program which I think you’ll agree is up to a very good standard is called USDBusinessLimited. This is a brand new long term program which came straight to the MNO Premium List right from day one. You might remember I had a few brief words on the program by way of an introduction in my last blog post where I was reasonably positive. Now that I’ve had more time to examine USDBusinessLimited in more detail I want to discuss it further and try to explain what it’s all about. I also have several updates in the news section you might want to know about so keep reading for that too.
So, what about the investment plans? Well, that’s kinda simple and straight forward enough I think. It’s basically just one plan anyway, divided into three sub-sections depending on how much you are prepared to spend. As with most online HYIPs, USDBusinessLimited try to coax bigger and bigger deposits out of members by offering higher and higher interest rates. Entry level investments start at $30, a bit more than the industry average but hardly enough to bankrupt anyone. The term then runs for 70 business days (which is 14 calendar weeks) during which USDBusinessLimited will pay you a fixed rate of interest every day from Monday to Friday. For most investors that rate will be 2.2% per business day, as that is what applies to all deposits between the $30 minimum up to a $2,999 maximum. Interest payments alone add up to 154% which then becomes net profit once the USDBusinessLimited admin returns your principal as promised on expiry.

To see how that might work out in practical, monetary terms then let’s take a simple example of a $100 deposit. For this, you can expect USDBusinessLimited to pay you back $2.20 every day from Monday to Friday for the following 14 weeks. That comes to $11 per week, allowing you to break-even on the first day of week ten (that is to say you’ve earned back an amount equivalent to your initial investment and therefore cannot possibly be at a loss) which is 46 business days. By the time the final payment is made you will have amassed a total of $154 in interest payments, and then see your own original hundred added to that in a separate payment. To put it another way then $100 gets you back $254 – $100 of which is yours by right and $154 of which is profit.

Bigger investors can as I explained expect a more generous payment. The same basic terms and conditions still apply, i.e. the term is still 70 business days with your principal returned on expiry, it’s just the interest rate that goes up. So if you deposit from $3,000 to $9,999 the rate being offered is 2.7%, allowing for a final net profit of 189% and a break-even point of 38 business days.

Not that I’d expect many of you to actually do it, but just for your information anyone investing upwards of $10,000 (with no maximum upper limit) USDBusinessLimited are offering 3.5% per business day for the same 70 business day term. I suspect that may be a donation more than an investment, but it’ll cost you $10K to find out. In theory at least the final net profit should come to 245% before your principal is then added on top. The break-even point is 29 business days.

If you like the plans enough to join the program and make a deposit then the next thing you need to know is what are your payment options. The choice is pretty good, though you should first keep one important fact in mind – USDBusinessLimited have a minimum withdrawal rule of $1, so smaller investors please take note. If that’s OK with you then you can proceed with PerfectMoney and Payeer if you prefer using anonymous and untraceable processors, BitCoin if you favor crypto-currencies, or Payza if you like using verified processors that can pay you straight into your bank account without having to pay exchange fees. Whatever option you go for I can confirm now that I’ve received my own first withdrawal that USDBusinessLimited do indeed make instant payments as promised. You simply need to log in to your members account area as normal and submit a withdrawal request, after which you should see the money in your chosen payment processor in under a minute.

By the way, if you happen to like the option of compounding then USDBusinessLimited allow you to do so. While never a great fan of the practice myself (and that’s no reflection on the quality of the programs that do or don’t allow it) you are free to make adjustments to the rate whenever you like. There’s a handy little calculator already built-in to the investments page for you so you can play around a bit with the numbers when deciding.

Moving on to the more technical, design, and security related aspects of the USDBusinessLimited website, there are several excellent features you may not find on other HYIP websites, though I suppose the first thing most people might notice is the script. It’s under license from GoldCoders as I’m sure most experienced readers will notice, so it gives a very familiar feel to USDBusinessLimited and makes the website quite easy to navigate. For hosting, the USDBusinessLimited website is kept on a dedicated server with the support and protection of DDoSGuard, a dependable name who I guess have probably taken over as the number one provider prepared to deal with the HYIP industry now. For an added layer of protection the USDBusinessLimited website has the superior Green Bar version of SSL encryption, giving more secure transactions and safer browsing. The USDBusinessLimited domain name is also registered for ten years, something that experienced players will know offers precisely zero guarantee of the program’s long term survival but does at least indicate an admin who takes things seriously and is probably genuine in his intentions to keep it running for as long as realistically possible.

Other features you might like on the USDBusinessLimited website include something I myself think is genuinely of real practical use to investors regardless of whether you actually join the program or not – a guide to online exchangers dealing with the various payment processors accepted. And I don’t mean exchangers that the admin wishes to advertise, I mean officially approved exchangers as recommended by the actual payment processors themselves. You’ll also find a short five minute promotional video which I’ve also uploaded to the MNOVision page, so you can watch it there too if you want. In terms of information you can find a comprehensive step-by-step guide to the entire investment process, something that’s useful for everyone and not just the newbies, and an extensive FAQ section that covers pretty much any area you might want to ask about.

If there’s anything you do need to contact the admin about for further clarification, account issues, etc, then there’s a couple of ways you can get in touch. The first point of contact for most will be to fill in the online support form on the support page and submit it. Otherwise USDBusinessLimited include a UK postal address, which is of course something I suggest you dismiss as these are available for anyone to “rent” over the internet as virtual serviced offices without ever needing to be physically located there. Something more useful is the telephone number, so you can try your luck there if you think someone will answer. There’s a huge variety of social media profiles being maintained by USDBusinessLimited, including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, and VK (curiously that last one is generally intended for Russian speakers who make up such a big part of the HYIP world, however USDBusinessLimited have opted to keep it entirely in English).

Despite the program being brand new, almost overnight there seems to have been an army of regional representatives springing up. Then again, USDBusinessLimited do offer quite a generous ref commission rate for successful applicants. If this is something your interested in doing yourself then get in touch with the admin, or else to see if there’s a support operator in your own area just visit the relevant section on the website.

Overall I have to say USDBusinessLimited is an impressive website, very eye-catching, has huge potential, and something the admin didn’t spare much time, effort, or expense in creating. On the business side of things they claim (somewhat vaguely) to be involved with “venture capital”. Nothing you can do to independently research and verify any of that of course so it’s best left alone, and anyway, even were it to be true it still wouldn’t guarantee either a profit or the security of your principal. No business can do that, really the online HYIP industry is the last place you should go looking for it. But as far as online HYIPs go, I guess this could eventually turn out to be a good one. There’s a lot of work to do for the admin between now and the day where the first investors reach the break-even point, even more to do before the first principals are returned, so all I can say for now is a good start has been made. Let’s hope it continues. Just remember as always to treat USDBusinessLimited like any form of gambling and stay within a sensible spending parameter. That means not spending more than you can comfortably afford to lose, and if you do join USDBusinessLimited then try to keep them as a smaller part of a wider more diverse portfolio.



From its first days online the admin of USDBusinessLimited Gary has been really active in promoting his program on different investment forums and monitors, including the big ones like MNO. So no wonder the main subject of his newsletter issued just earlier today was to focus on the social networking promotion like the official Facebook group that’s been started and the newly launched regional representatives program. I’ve already mentioned that in the above review, and the first names are already available on a special page and can be contacted using the details posted there. The admin also invited any other potential support agents to help promote the company by becoming an official representatives and earn increased referral commissions in return. You can read more in the following newsletter from USDBusinessLimited re-posted below:

USDBusinessLimited News
We are pleased to inform you that the official Facebook group of USDBusinessLimited has been recently registered and now it is open to every one of you. Join our public group and share your impressions and personal opinions about our company. If you have already become our active investor, so why do not you tell us about it? Thus, you will help novice investors to take right decision, get rid of doubts and start to earn. We would be glad if you tell Facebook readers about your experience of investing and share information about payments which you have already received from our company in the form of daily accruals or referral bonuses. In the first place, all our clients are our partners, so the Facebook group will be great open place for communication, discussions and exchange of experience.
As we have stated previously USDBusinessLimited is an international company and is oriented to the participation of people from all over the world. That is why the very first day of its operation, the company started to cooperate with partners from a dozen countries. More than 15 regional representatives are ready to advise you, provide the necessary support and maximum information and of course answer any your questions. The list of our local partners in your country can be found in the “Official representatives” section.
We have the plan to expand our presence in other countries and we offer favorable conditions on a permanent basis for active participants and regional representatives. If you are an experienced investor and are willing to increase your personal income, we are waiting for your request to get the status of official representative of the company. With USDBusinessLimited you will always have great prospects of development and profits. Use the maximum capacity for that!
Best Regards, Gary


I’m very glad to report that once again the admin of RollNRich managed to prove me wrong and paid in full to my referral, therefore taking his program back not only to the Paying Status on the MNO monitor, but also to the #1 position on the program ratings. Longer term readers will know that the well-being of my referrals in any program is the cornerstone of my work as a monitor, therefore I took the complaint sent to my referral in RollNRich a couple of days ago extremely seriously, especially as he’d been waiting for his withdrawal to be processed for over 72 hours when the terms and conditions on the site gives 48 hours as the maximum timeframe. The admin was then contacted by myself and within less than 12 hours the pending withdrawal was paid to my referral’s PerfectMoney account, which was then confirmed and put RollNRich on its way back to Paying Status. Anyway, just to remind you how this program that’s been on MNO for 160 days now operates, you invest any amount starting from $10 via PerfectMoney, Payeer, or BitCoin. Then you’re given a chance to play a game for exactly 300 times for a chance to win up to 10% daily interest. You can only roll dice on the so-called RnR-board – a sort of monopoly style board game – from Monday to Friday. The opportunity is given every 24 hours server time. It can also happen that get no profits for some days if you’re unlucky, but at the same time you can win a jackpot too or even double your deposit. So, RollNRich is not hiding or denying the gambling nature of the program, so it’s unique in that way compared to most other regular HYIPs. If you wish to know more about RollNRich please refer to my detailed review of the program published here.


Apparently, the admin of BITCTradeLimited was so pleased with the quality of the review of his program on my blog that he couldn’t help but share the link to it in the last newsletter to members sent yesterday. In it the introduction of yet another payment processor – NixMoney – was made, joining the four existing processors of PerfectMoney, Payeer, BitCoin, and OkPay. Although I don’t recall NixMoney being a particularly popular e-currency, the extra choice is always good, and by doing so BITCTradeLimited is trying hard to meet all the investors’ demands. I remind you that you can invest in the program starting with only $10 in various investment plans paying you 102.5%-120% after 1 day, 116%-250% after 6 days, 150%-850% after 18 days, 1500% after 25 days, 370%-1900% after 38 days, 700%-3000% after 60 days, 6.5% for 16 hours, 5.15% for 20 hours, 2.5% for 60 days (the last plan also returns your principal). To read more about the investment plans you can check out my review here and also don’t forget to read the latest news from BITCTradeLimited below:

Dear investors!
As was reported earlier, we continue forward development of our investment program. And in confirmation of the words, we announce the addition on the site of the program of new electronic payment https://www.nixmoney.com system. Thus we can to diversify financial burden onto other payment systems, and also to give even more ample investment opportunities for clients of BITCTradeLimited.
Besides, for all who watches closely for development of our program, we have good news about the growth information and strengthening of the rating of BITCTradeLimited. In particular, the review of the program has been placed on the popular and ranking MNO BLOG which you can read, having followed the link:
Continue to watch our announcements and news.
Sincerely, administration of BITC Trade Limited.
Best Regards,
Hendrik Menes
BITCTradeLimited – All the Best for You!


I guess some HYIP admins have nothing better to do but try to hijack good paying websites by copying their texts and designs and hoping for the best, or that it won’t ever be discovered. Fortunately the PokerAutomatics team are always on the lookout for such obvious scams and over the last couple of days they issued a warning about one website launched recently by a low-life scammer without either conscience or the ability to create something original. Stealing the texts and design of a truly successful program is nothing new in the HYIP industry, but at the same time it makes the attempts of such low grade admins almost laughable if it wasn’t so lay and dishonest:

Attention! SCAM website jddforex.com! Be careful! It’s a fake!
They made a copy of our website and all texts.
Don’t send them any money or personal information!

I believe PokerAutomatics partially owes its gradual growth to word of mouth and lots of people working tirelessly on promoting the project in their local markets. The newest addition is from the Czech Republic so if you’re interested in communicating with him please check out the representatives page on the website as covered in the following update:

We have a new Representative
Pavel – Czech Republic
You may contact him by email

The daily profit results from PokerAutomatics vary from day to day, but generally they hover around the 1% mark as you can see posted on the website. Note that investors only get a 40% to 80% share of those profits depending on the size of the investment and the term chosen. This can be from 30 to 180 calendar days with the principal returned on expiry. You can start investing in PokerAutomatics from as low as $30 with plenty of choice for payment methods. These include SolidTrustPay, PerfectMoney, OkPay, BitCoin, Payeer, NixMoney, AdvCash, Qiwi, YandexMoney, and bank wires. More on PokerAutomatics can be found in this review on MNO and for a better visual understanding please watch the video reviews on the MNOVision page. Below are the latest profit reports for the last two days:

PokerAutomatics Daily Results:
23.06.2015 – Total poker botnet Income: 1.09%

PokerAutomatics Daily Results:
24.06.2015 – Total poker botnet Income: 0.93%


Payza has long been one of the most used payment processors in the HYIP industry, and seems to be getting better every day. The latest development that’s mostly of interest to their Canadian customers is being able to use Interac Checkout Option. I know this was covered on my blog in an earlier post, but now there’s a handy list of step-by-step instructions given on the official Payza blog. I’m just re-posting it below for your convenience:

Pay with Interac Online: Using Payza’s Interac Checkout Option
Payza is committed to bringing our members the best online payment experience. It’s why we now offer Bitcoin Checkout for the majority of our customers, and why we’ve introduced Interac Checkout for Canadian members.
In Canada, Interac is the ATM card network, so now you can use most Canadian debit cards to pay for products and services sold by Payza merchants. We’re working to bring similar options for other countries as well, so watch for even more Payza solutions tailored to your specific needs.
If you have an Interac card and you’d like to use it to pay online with Payza, here’s how to use the new Interac Checkout feature:
On the checkout screen, indicate whether you are an existing Payza member or select the “Join Payza and Pay” option. Fill in the required information and proceed.
On the next screen, select the Interac Online payment option and click “Continue”:
Next, enter your Payza Transaction PIN and click “Make Payment”. That completes the payment from Payza’s end, but you will still need to confirm the transaction with your bank. To finish the transaction you must enter your card information on your bank’s secure web-banking page to confirm the purchase.
Once you’ve confirmed your purchase on your bank’s online portal, you’ll be brought back to the Payza checkout page for final confirmation.
It’s that simple. With Interac checkout you now have another convenient way to pay at Payza merchants alongside other convenient options like Bitcoin Checkout and Credit Card payment.


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 36 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: –
From MNO Premium list: RollNRichPokerAutomaticsCryptoconomist, AtrexTradeBITCTradeLimited, RoyalTrust, USDBusinessLimited (the first instant payments received).
From MNO Standard list: Carbon7, CompassBusinessTaurusFinance.
From MNO Basic list: –

To wrap things up for today I just want to give a brief word of caution about EmpireFunds. One of my referrals pointed out that the instant withdrawals to PerfectMoney have been switched off for some reason, while payments to Payza and other payment processors are processed instantly. I’ve contacted the admin of EmpireFunds already, but to tell you the truth, delayed withdrawals to PerfectMoney have happened a number of times before, but until he answers I have to keep the program on Waiting Status on MNO for the moment, just for the safety of my readers. I’ll update you on the program’s status on my blog tomorrow, plus I’ll have an updated Top Five Popular Programs on MNO article featuring the best programs in the HYIP industry at the moment. Thanks for reading, everyone, and see you all tomorrow!

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