June 2015 Archives

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Beware! Carbon7 has stopped paying! Do not invest there!

Hi everyone! It’s the final day of my spring vacation today, and I’m leaving Germany to return home. And it looks as if I couldn’t possibly have picked a better day for it, as I have a lot of work to do on MNO for the remainder of the week. It’s no secret that this hasn’t exactly been the most successful year in the HYIP industry for a variety of reasons that don’t need to be repeated here, but I also know that this situation can’t continue. Reason being that while activity in the industry has been low, the actual individuals that were involved there haven’t gone anywhere. The appetite for high grade, quality programs hasn’t gone away either, and it looks as if now that the winter and the spring give way to summer and become just an unpleasant memory, we are finally starting to turn a corner. There are some really excellent programs up to a very high professional standard beginning to emerge now, long overdue I know you’ll agree, and arguably at the forefront of this revival is Carbon7. That’s a brand new short to medium term program, hot-off-the-presses if you like, that I think is going to cause something of a sensation in a recently ailing industry. Whether Carbon7 by itself is enough to drag the rest of the industry up out of the slump behind them is unclear, I just know it can’t hurt, and with a small but promising group of programs also emerging then the future for HYIP investors looks brighter than it has at anytime in the last year.
But let’s just focus on Carbon7 for now. What’s it all about, and why do I think it’s a potential hit? Well, for the moment the admin has opted for a minimal roll-out and advertising. You may well see the program listed on other monitors (if you do, then the admin isn’t paying for it) but the only “official” paid monitor for now is MNO. I expect this will probably change soon enough (not that I know the admin’s longer term strategy), but I wonder how much will be necessary. After all, the program only needs to be listed on MNO before other promoters will climb on board for free, listing it on their own websites (to include their ref links) and adding it to their forum signatures. All at precisely no extra cost to the admin, thus saving him a bundle in otherwise useless advertising fees that he can now pass on to investors. I just mention this because it puts me in a better position as exclusive monitor to tell you about the level of interest among investors in Carbon7 since I introduced it on MNO yesterday. And guess what? It’s already proving enormously popular with readers, feedback has been universally positive, and a lot of you seem very eager to get on board with Carbon7 even before this review is published.

So, what better way to begin our more detailed look at the program than to discuss their investment plans. There’s a pretty simple choice to make with Carbon7, as they only offer two. But then again how many do you need as long as you like the ones being put in front of you, right? I’ll try and explain them both for you as best I can here, though personally I can’t say I have a much stronger preference for one over the other. There’s a shorter term option that carries less of a risk but also less of a profit. This is then accompanied by a medium term plan, quite a bit more profitable, but as one would expect in the HYIP industry also carrying a higher risk. I’ll go through them both for you here, but would suggest you at least keep at the back of your mind that you are free to split your investment between both plans in Carbon7 if it’s the case that you like them both.

So anyway, there’s only two plans for you to look at. One of which called The Weekly Plan is short term and runs for 7 calendar days with one single payment made on expiry. The other (called The C7 Plan) is more medium term running for 22 business days (please note the difference there, that’s just longer than four weeks, but is technically measured at 30 calendar days) with payments made from Monday to Friday only.

And The C7 Plan is the one I’ll start with as it’s the one I think the Carbon7 website could probably explained a bit better. Not to worry, it’s not actually all that complicated anyway. The plan can be joined for a minimum deposit of $25, an amount slightly above industry average but hardly enough to exactly bankrupt most of you. The plan runs for 30 calendar days like I just said above, but make sure you understand that during these 30 days Carbon7 will only pay you on business days, Monday through Friday. The interest rate is 7% per business day and will apply to all deposits regardless of how much you’ve deposited. During the 30 calendar day term you should have 22 payment days, which means by the time of expiry your total payments should add up to 154%. That will mean your net profit is 54% as Carbon7 include your principal in the payments. Maximum spend is $250,000 by the way.

So if we take a simple example of let’s say $100 invested in this plan, Carbon7 will pay you $7 per day from Monday to Friday until such a time as you have earned $154 in total. $100 was your own to begin with, and $54 is the reward for investing should everything be successful. Perhaps a more important statistic is when you reach the break-even point, in other words when do you earn back an amount equivalent to your initial deposit, therefore making it impossible to lose any of your own money. At 7% per day this should happen with the 15th of your 22 payments, that is three weeks into the term. After that you cannot possibly lose anything, so everything else is a bonus.

The second Weekly Plan is a bit less profitable but does have the advantage of paying you that profit a whole lot faster. It runs for a term of 7 calendar days. The minimum cost of joining is still $25 and the return being offered by Carbon7 is 110% on expiry. This payment will also include your principal, leaving you with a clear 10% net profit. Pretty good when you consider it’s only for a week, totally achievable by HYIP standards, and in the hands of the right admin this has proved easily sustainable for a good number of cycles in the past.

Consider then the same $100 sample investment made to this plan and it’s really very simple – invest today and Carbon7 pay you back $110 a week later, or your own money plus 10% clear profit. Maximum spend here is cut to $10,000, though I imagine that’s probably a moot point for most of you as you won’t be spending anything even close to that.

In the event that you do wish to spend a bit more however, there’s an easy way to get around that. You see, there’s seven “investment slots” open to you inside Carbon7 at any one time. Rather than just making bigger and bigger investments however, this feature is a lot more useful if you wish to take my suggestion and split your deposit between the different plans. It’s also handy if you want to just test the water so to speak, and start with a small deposit to see just how things work before continuing with a more serious amount of money but don’t want to wait so long for the test spend to expire. This inclusion of individual investment slots can also be taken as a form of compounding. From inside your account with Carbon7 you see you will notice the option to make both internal and external deposits. External deposits refer to the traditional method of depositing money via one of the regular payment processors (more about those in a moment), whereas internal deposits refer to money you have earned from interest payments and wish to re-deposit in another slot. If you’re trying to build up your principal(s) by doing this then remember that the same rule of $25 minimums apply, so smaller investors take note.

On the subject of payment options then, this is one area where Carbon7 really distinguish themselves. In fact it makes me wonder how difficult can it really be for an admin to get these things right before opening a program. It’s always an encouraging sign when an admin takes care of this before the launch, and really shows a professional attitude that looks towards long term success when he has all the popular processors in place right from day one. Carbon7 are taking both SolidTrustPay and Payza, where all accounts have been fully verified and approved for an automatic payments button. A rare enough feat in the industry these days to have both of those processors on board, but if the Carbon7 admin is capable of it then I don’t see why others can’t do the same if they were only prepared to make the effort. The presence of both of these will inspire a lot of confidence in bigger spending investors and do a lot to open the program up to a wider and more serious audience. Otherwise Carbon7 will also accept deposits via the more regular anonymous service providers such as PerfectMoney, Payeer, and BitCoin. Bank drafts are also available so contact the admin for information on that if it’s something you want to use, just be aware that the minimum transaction goes up significantly if you do. Payouts to members made using online processors that most of you will be using will have to be requested from inside your Carbon7 account area. Payments are made manually and you are asked to allow a maximum of 48 hours (business days only) for the payment to be completed. Please note, especially for smaller investors, that the minimum withdrawal must be at least $2.50.

Moving on to the more technical aspects of Carbon7 now such as the security features and the design, I suppose I should start with a few words on the script and the process of getting started with the program. First of all it’s a unique product developed especially for Carbon7. That means you’re not going to see it used by other programs unless perhaps the admin himself is using it. It’s quite secure, but also despite being unique is very user-friendly and easy-to-navigate. As most of you will be more accustomed to the more generic models I just want to describe how everything works, starting with account registration once you’ve decided that you actually want to join Carbon7. Reason being there are some extra security features you should know about in advance. First of all you will need to set your own username and password as usual, though hear you will notice a small, virtual on-screen keyboard for typing in your details. You don’t have to use it if you don’t want to, though it will protect your password from being stolen by keylogging spyware programs and viruses. In addition to that you will have to enter a withdrawal code (set by yourself) which is needed to take any money out of your Carbon7 account. Obviously I cannot stress this enough – it’s hugely important that you keep this safe, both on your computer and written down offline in a safe place. It can be anything from a memorable date, word, or any random collection of letters and numbers, just be sure to keep track of it. One rather odd feature I don’t remember seeing before is a support PIN. Again, this is set by yourself when registering with Carbon7 for the first time and can be absolutely anything you like. This PIN will then be used for identity purposes when/if you need to contact the program’s customer support. I guess this might be useful in preventing anyone impersonating you, or if someone did manage to access your account without your knowledge they couldn’t for example write to support asking for a password change.

Other features you might like to know about include the fact that the Carbon7 website has a secure SSL encrypted connection by Comodo for safer browsing and more secure transactions. It’s the superior Green Bar version by the way, much stronger than what you see on a lot of other sites. The hosting and DDoS protection is also very good, even if this part is a little bit trickier for me to explain. Basically there are different parts of the Carbon7 website hosted in different locations by different providers. I won’t waste your time by pretending to be some kind of technical expert here, I’ll just tell you the basics that you need to know which is that Carbon7 (whatever section, public or private back-office) is on a dedicated protected server handled between BlockDos and CloudFlare.

If you have any further questions for the Carbon7 admin or any account related issues you might need some help with then there’s a couple of ways to get in touch. From the public area for non-members you will see a customer support form where you can just fill in your details and submit. Inside the account area if you’re already a member there’s a slightly more elaborate version of this, but basically it still does the same thing. This is where you will also see the admin’s e-mail address so you can write directly to him there if you prefer. The script comes with a built-in Live Chat function, though this isn’t actually operational yet. I imagine it will be soon as Carbon7 continues to grow.

Overall I would have to agree with what many readers have already expressed to me privately that Carbon7 has a very good chance to become the next big thing in the HYIP industry. There’s a lot to like about it, but in purely business terms I like how the two investment plans are perfectly balanced against each other. One to give a faster but smaller profit, and the other that risks your principal for a longer period but for a bigger payment in the end. Judging by the effort that’s clearly been put into it all by the admin I can easily imagine Carbon7 was in the planning and preparation stages for months until it was good enough to be presented in its current form, so let’s hope it was worth it. I know the investors have been waiting for something this good for a long time as well.

Officially by the way, just as a side note the program claims to be in the business of “Carbon Reselling & Logistics, like reselling of coal and carbon-fiber reinforced plastics to high demand areas that lack in supply“. Quite a mouthful there, but as with most (actually, all) HYIPs there’s very little evidence to support this that you can research for yourself. At least it’s original I guess, but not something to take too seriously. Experienced players already know this well, I just find the need to keep repeating it for the benefit of those new to the world of online HYIPs. Treat everything you see as a form of high risk gambling, don’t look for, expect, or believe guarantees, and behave accordingly from there. That means setting yourself a sensible and affordable spending limit that it won’t bother you to lose if things don’t work out, and if you do decide to join Carbon7 then try to keep them as a smaller part of a wider more diverse portfolio.



Another promising program EmpireFunds was launched on Monday by the former admin of a huge hit monitored earlier this year on MNO (I’m not going to mention any names, but experienced players will see the similarities). That particular admin was actually so satisfied with MNO in monitoring his program that he pre-paid for Premium listing on my site and a large banner on the blog for one month several weeks in advance. This was also announced on my ShoutBox in due course and led to a string of rumors and speculation about what it might look like. Now everything is ready and you can see the completed version of the EmpireFunds website after a long period of trial and testing. The admin David even specially mentioned this in the news section:

The website is being tested
We are testing the functions of our website to ensure a smooth and stable operation for our clients. The best IT specialists are working day and night to finalize the project as soon as possible.
Best Regards David Leighton (Director)
EmpireFunds Business Limited

Then, in the news section we can see a welcome message from the admin telling everyone that his program has been launched successfully and telling the usual story about traders allegedly making money for the program – something that needs to be dismissed if you wish to make profits in any HYIP:

Welcome to EmpireFunds Business Limited!
It is a great and pleasing day for all of us at EmpireFunds Business Limited! Today, June the 1st, 2015., we are moving our investment ventures online! EmpireFunds – it’s a group of highly successful traders grouped together with the most advanced IT specialists with one aim – to provide the best online investing experience!
Please navigate through our website to get familiar with our services offered. We are here for you 24/7 – feel free to get in touch with us via phone, e-mail or live chat!
Best Regards David Leighton (Director)
EmpireFunds Business Limited

Anyway, let’s judge EmpireFunds on its own merits, as a successful performance in the past is no guarantee it will be repeated. It’s basically for this reason that I prefer not disclose the admin’s former program so as not to influence your decision to join or not. By the way, if you were pleased to see SolidTrustPay as one of the accepted payment processors by EmpireFunds I have to disappoint you as I’ve just discovered the STP account has yet to be approved. This is subject to strict checks by STP’s, so we should hopefully expect them to be added within the coming days or weeks (read more on the advantages of investing in HYIPs via STP in this article). On a more positive note it’s already clear that their Payza account has been fully approved, so the fans of that payment processor will be able to invest and get their account credited with new funds instantly. The minimum to invest is quite high though and for the shortest investment plan paying 2% for 15 business days while returning the initial investment on expiry it is set at $50. For the two longer-term plans paying 2.5% for 30 business days and 3% for 60 business days (both with the principal back on expiry as well) the minimums are even higher. Although some might say that high minimums in EmpireFunds are compensated for by the addition of instant payouts (offered on anything below a $500 threshold, while everything above that is paid manually within 48 hours). I can confirm already that payouts to all payment processors accepted by EmpireFunds – which apart from Payza also include BitCoin, Payeer, and PerfectMoney – are processed in instantly, so you don’t have to wait long. As you know, that in order to maintain safe instant payouts a site should be properly secured from outside attacks, and in that matter EmpireFunds ticks all the boxes. For example, the site is running off a nicely modified GoldCoders script. Modifications include your username being assigned to you automatically on sign-up and a four-digit code via a virtual keyboard is required as a secondary password. More on that will be in the upcoming review. An SSL-certificate is provided by Comodo for safe browsing and DDoS-protection is handled by DDoSGuard who keep EmpireFunds on a dedicated server. And did I tell you that the site has a very friendly Live support too? Well, you can go and check all that for yourself now or wait for the more detailed review on my blog tomorrow.


LancorIncome has also just been added to Standard listing on MNO following its 200+ day successful run online as a sleeper that has a very experienced admin at the wheel. Let’s say his previous program was a huge hit among readers back in 2014, but then he was absent for some time while keeping LancorIncome deliberately off the radar with a different set of plans. Just a few days ago he has finally made the decision to offer his new investment to members joining and depositing starting from May 28th. These plans are highly competitive for the current HYIP market and will certainly increase interest in a program already heating up after LancorIncome upgraded its advertising campaign by joining popular investment resources like MNO. Anyway, without further ado let’s have the first look at the new investment plans. Just remember I’ll be going over them in more detail in the upcoming review coming this weekend.

In a nutshell, you can invest in either of the two investment plans both of which will pay you on every calendar day and then return your initial investment on expiry – 2%-3% for 10 days and 3%-4% for 15 days. Remember that the daily interest is fixed and will depend on the size of your deposit. This can be from $5 to $1,000 for the 10-day plan and from $25 to $10,000 for the 15-day plan. As you can see, the sums are quite reasonable, so the admin of LancorIncome actually does not expect anyone looking to invest over $10K in his program. Perhaps he will allow this in the future, as the abundance of the payment options which you can use is simply astonishing. I believe I would only recommend adding SolidTrustPay to the list, but even without it you can join via Payza, PerfectMoney, Payeer, BitCoin in automated mode from the $5 minimum, manually via Neteller, Skrill, and OkPay starting from $50, and even directly via bank wires for a $500 minimum. Withdrawals have to be requested from your account to be processed by the admin manually within a 24-hour maximum timeframe. The LancorIncome website is running off a licensed version of GoldCoders script, so should be familiar to basically everyone with pretty straightforward deposit and withdrawal options. SSL-security is provided by Comodo with DDoSGuard assigned as a hosting provider keeping LancorIncome on a dedicated server and defending against possible malicious attacks. I believe everything else should be clear for you and for more information on LancorIncome and its investment plans please refer to the upcoming review on MNO soon.


With so many new programs coming onboard nowadays we shouldn’t forget the stable ones like AtrexTrade that have already become pillars of the HYIP industry and a solid foundation for future contenders. I believe that now, after six months since the program’s launch back in December 2014, the first investors should be receiving their first profits might be doing slightly better. could have done even better off. Straight from the very first look at AtrexTrade I suspected exactly who the admin might be and what he was capable of. And I was not mistaken. AtrexTrade (first reviewed here) keeps delivering stable results for variable daily investment plans which are credited to members’ accounts from Tuesday to Saturday (for the previous “trading” day results) and are paid instantly on request to PerfectMoney, Payeer, or BitCoin accounts. The minimum to invest in AtrexTrade starts from $10 and by default the compounding level is set to 100%, so, if you’re still considering giving it a go, you should remember that and change it to a level of your liking. And also take into consideration that AtrexTrade utilizes the same model already observed working so well in another successful program PokerAutomatics, i.e. paying you from a 50% to 75% share of the announced profits depending on the balance maintained in your account. The average daily results can always be seen on the AtrexTrade website, with recent figures typically around 1.2% on average per trading day, which makes your share from 0.6% to 0.9% approximately for an indefinite term or until you decide to leave. This is allowed if you contact the admin manually at any time after the first 25 business days and pay an exit fee.

The only news posted on the website at the moment (mostly, due to the program’s stable performance over six months) are the announcement of some extra days off every month and, for the current month, for instance, next Monday will be taken as a holiday. This means that on the following Tuesday you won’t see your regular earnings, so don’t be worried (consider Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday as your days without earnings). Advance warning is given on the official announcement from AtrexTrade re-posted below:

List of holidays/non-working days in June
Dear investors,
We would like to inform you that interest will not be added to your deposits on June 8 due to official holidays.
Deposits and withdrawals will be fully available.
Thank you for your attention.


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 48 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: –
From MNO Premium listRollNRichInfinityFinanceCorpPokerAutomaticsAtrexTrade,  Cryptoconomist, EmpireFunds (the first instant payments received).
From MNO Standard list: CompassBusiness, Carbon7 (the first payments received), LancorIncome (the first payments received).
From MNO Basic list: ForexShareEternalGet.

That’s all I have for today, guys. I hope you’re all aware that with the summer we’ve already got quite a few promising new investment opportunities within the HYIP industry which is now clearly once more on the rise. Remember if you want to join absolutely the best programs with huge potential to grow and run by experienced admins with big advertising budgets then the MNO monitor is the only way to go. Remember to bookmark my site for future reference, and it’ll be even better if you join thousands of subscribers to receive all the news direct to your email address. You will thank me later when the profits start rolling in and you save money from the fast scams you will avoid. In any case, this week I expect to be posting on the blog every day, so I’m fully expecting this week to be hectic for myself. Do not miss the new issue on the MNOFridays this very Friday and stay tuned for the full review of EmpireFunds accompanied with the latest news and updates from your favorite investment programs and payment processors. See you tomorrow, guys!

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