June 2015 Archives

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Hello, guys, and welcome again to the MNO blog where I try to cover only the biggest and most elite investment opportunities online. Don’t believe me? Then check out the advertising page to see the terms and conditions plus prices for monitoring that only long-term experienced admins with good intentions will agree to. That also goes to prove why the summer has so far been very successful for my readers who were able to scoop a nice profit not just from the programs from the Top Five positions on my list (read more about that here), but also doing well from such relative newcomers as Carbon7 (reviewed here), LancorIncome (reviewed here), and EmpireFunds (reviewed here). Today I want to introduce yet another promising new program called TaurusFinance which I’ll get to in a moment (a more detailed review will follow on Sunday) so you can think about whether you like it or not. Growing interest in the HYIP industry this summer has seen some experienced admins launching new programs and investors more willing to play high-quality HYIPs. In fact more than half of those who voted in the current poll on the MNO TalkBack page said they think the industry was on the way to recovery while another two thirds plan to invest more this summer. I think MNO can be your guide to the numerous investment opportunities and will bring you the best programs worth your attention this summer. So watch this space guys, the summer is going to be very hot.

Before getting to the important news events of the day, I just want to say I decided to postpone the MNOFridays article I had originally planned. It’s just that there was an unexpectedly high number of news stories worth discussing plus the new program on my monitor meant my priorities changed. But if you’re curious about what MNOFridays is all about you can read the latest article exposing a few of the malicious HYIP bloggers and their activities here.


I’ll start with by presenting the newest investment opportunity on MNO that joined my Standard List yesterday. It’s called TaurusFinance. MNO was honored to introduce it a few days after its official launch last Monday. I must say that the only thing I was confused about was the impossibility to invest via Payza despite being featured on TaurusFinance‘s website as an accepted payment processor. It appears, as often happens to Payza account holders some additional documentation was required. The admin is currently working on that and hopes to be finished soon. For the moment if you try to use Payza you’ll see a short message telling you it will be available again in 2-3 business days. Of course, I will report once they are back to normal on my blog, but I’m glad to see the issue didn’t prevent the admin paying anyone who already used Payza before this incident. Payments are instant by the way, perhaps,one of the main attractive features of the program. Apart from Payza, instant payments from TaurusFinance are also made via PerfectMoney, Payeer, and BitCoin. If at any time site maintenance or technical difficulties prevent instant withdrawals then you are asked to wait for up to 18 hours to be paid manually (the same rule applies to those who wish to invest via Neteller with both manually approved deposits and withdrawals).

What about the investment plans, you might ask? Well, TaurusFinance offers three plans all returning the initial deposits on expiry. The first plan starts at a $25 minimum and pays 2% Monday to Friday over a period of 11 business days. The second plan pays 2.75% for a 25-business day term, but to take advantage of these higher rates you need to invest at least a $500 minimum. And finally, for larger investors with $5K or more there’s a special rate paying 3.5% for a term of 50 business days. The website looks quite good with all the important questions answered and Live Chat to give a more personal feel. On the technical side of things, TaurusFinance is SSL-secured by Comodo and hosted on a dedicated server provided by DdoSGuard. Familiar to the vast majority of investors, it runs off a licensed script by GoldCoders. I don’t think you’ll have any problems understanding the website should you join before the upcoming review on MNO, so you can already invest today and test the instant withdrawals for yourselves. As for the first official greeting from the admin, this was posted after TaurusFinance‘s official launch earlier this week:

With great honor and respect, today we are pleased to announce the anticipated launch of worldwide accessible TaurusFinance.
Please feel free to explore our site, read about our history and the lucrative plans we have to offer.
We are here to make a change for the better, as we wish you will achieve financial success together with us, and find our services to your full satisfaction.


EmpireFunds (reviewed here) has been deliberately kept slow over the first investment cycle and the admin only broke his silence during the first two weeks online once two days ago when he issued a short update regarding deposits made via BitCoin not being credited automatically to members’ accounts. Issues with BlockChain API were widely discussed earlier this week and many programs seem to have had problems with this. The update re-posted below was aimed at calming anyone affected, so if you encountered this issue and your BitCoin deposit was not showing in your EmpireFunds‘ account immediately please be patient and allow some time to sort this out as requested by the admin:

Regarding Bitcoin Deposits
Hello, We would like to issue an update on the current Bitcoin deposits status.
They are not being credited to your account automatically because of Blockchain’s API problems. Once they fix these issues, your deposit will be reflected to your EmpireFunds ASAP.
Thank you for understanding.

As for the EmpireFunds‘ overall performance over the first eleven days on MNO I have nothing but praise as the withdrawals are always processed instantly to all payment processors including Payza, PerfectMoney, Payeer, and BitCoin. While deposits via STP are still not available, hopefully, the admin will get his account fully approved soon and we’ll see SolidTrustPay on board too. For now you can invest in EmpireFunds starting from a $50 minimum in three investment plans, all of which return principal on expiry – 2% for 15 business days, 2.5% for 30 business days, 3% for 60 business days. As EmpireFunds is still at an early stage of its development, it’s hard to judge its true potential before the end of the first investment cycle, but I can clearly see a lot of interest so hopefully it will materialize into something big and will allow EmpireFunds to truly take off with time.


InfinityFinanceCorp (reviewed here) is officially two months online now meaning that the first deposits should be returned to the first investors on expiry of the 1.75%-3.25% for 60 calendar days plan in a matter of days. The admin is obviously aware of this and posted it in the news section of the InfinityFinanceCorp website. The return will really serve to test the program’s survivability and the fact that the admin is practically advertising the fact leads me to believe he’s serious about it:

Near the 60th day mark
We are very glad that we are almost at our 60th day online. This marks the completion of our first investment cycles. Those who deposited on the first day of launching online will have their deposits matured by the time. Please be advised that the principal is returned upon maturity of the initial deposit. You will have the option to re-deposit from account balance or withdraw your principal. Thank you and have a great day.

Anyway, only time will tell how successful a program InfinityFinanceCorp will be, but for now I’d like to remind you that the admin changed the rules about the procedure for withdrawing amounts larger than $100 per day. This will not require signing any documents anymore as stated in my review. The admin of InfinityFinanceCorp actually discussed this step in the latest short newsletter sent out last night, so hopefully those whose principal is due to be returned will be able to receive the money without any hassle:

Withdrawal Limit Lifted
This is a quick e-mail to notify everyone that the daily withdrawal limit has been lifted. There is no longer a limit to the amount of withdrawal you can request.
Thank you and good day.
Much Regards, InfinityFinanceCorp Ltd.

Possibly the best thing about InfinityFinanceCorp is the abundance of payment options available from a $10 minimum. They include SolidTrustPay, Payza, Neteller, OkPay, Payeer, PerfectMoney, BitCoin, MoneyGram, Western Union, and even direct Bank wires. Withdrawals are usually processed within 48 hours, so I believe by the time my next news update is published on Sunday we’ll have seen the first deposit returned. Anyway, I truly hope that will be the case and that InfinityFinanceCorp goes to the next level then.


Over the last seven months online LancorIncome has been noted for changing its investment plans, something that’s happened at least twice from what I can gather. Yesterday the admin announced the opening of a new plan paying 5% for 5 calendar days and the initial investment returned on expiry to give a profit of 25% by the end of the term. This new plan is available for deposits in the range of $50 to $5,000 via all payment options including SolidTrustPay which are taken in manual mode (going against STP’s terms and conditions I might add, but which the admin nevertheless added for manual transactions pending the approval of STP, as he told me). This new investment plan, especially as it’s only valid for the next five days and can be discontinued even earlier than that, will raise some eyebrows I’m sure. Really, why would an admin pay anyone on expiry if he could simply collect the deposits and pay the maximum of 25% of the principal and close on the fifth day, when it’s time to return initial deposits? Well, that might be true, and you think so then I would suggest to hold off joining LancorIncome until June 16th when the offer expires. As far as I’m concerned, the previous program ran by the same admin also used a promo plan and afterwards managed to continue without any problems for quite some time. But we can’t expect the same result from every program, so it’s best to just wait and see. If the new investment plan offered now by LancorIncome is not so appealing to you, or if the minimum to invest in it is too high then have a closer look at the two other plans available from the $5 minimum (2%-3% for 10 days with the principal returned on expiry and 20%-30% pure profit by the end of the term) and for a $25 minimum (paying 3%-4% for 15 days with principal returned and a projected profit of 45% to 60%). When it comes to payment options only deposits via Payza, PerfectMoney, Payeer, OkPay, and BitCoin are processed in automated mode, while those wishing to use SolidTrustPay, Neteller, Skrill, or bank wires must do so with higher minimum and with the account credited after the admin’s manual approval. In the latest long newsletter issued yesterday, along with introduction of the new limited investment plan the admin also reported some site security upgrades and boasted of the increased advertising efforts to attract larger audiences including giving the link to the review of LancorIncome on MNO which you can read by clicking here while also introducing plans for the future. Here’s the newsletter in full:

LancorIncome Summer NEWS
Dear Investors,
Summer is here and LancorIncome is surely happy to see you! We trust that you’ve enjoyed your holidays, surrounded by a warm and pleasant atmosphere. To set things off, we’ve started summer season with high hopes, new energy and fresh ideas on how to improve our services persistently.
It’s been more than 200 since you’ve been walking the road of success. Hopefully, you’re as excited as we are! As usual, to celebrate our achievements; we always present an opportunity to earn a little extra with us. For this period the opportunity is presented in the form of a “Summer Lot” – it’s genuine summer opportunity for anyone to have such loyal investor base as we do. However, bear in mind that we reserve the right to discontinue this offer at any time, in order to stay within the budget.
Below are the Highlights so far:
– As a team, we decided to keep a tradition of representing fresh investment opportunities to our investors with a limited plan which will be in effect for a short period. The new limited plan, called the “Summer Lot”. It offers 5% daily for 5 days with the principal back on maturity. However, come June 16th, this plan will no longer exist.
LancorIncome is opening doors to endless possibilities. Now you can make deposits using additional payment options; such as, are Payza, SolidTrustPay, Neteller, Skrill, OkPay and BankWire. Just follow the simple steps to make deposits for all processors
– login to your Account Panel and click “Make a Deposit”. The new payment processors allowed us to extend our market position and achieve our plans to make LancorIncome more popular and easier to use, for the benefit of all.
– We have started our new advertising campaign on monitors, forums, as well as social media promotions.
– Our security has been upgraded with new Comodo EV SSL SGC Certificate which provides the highest level of trust with an extended-validation. SGC technology upgrades older browsers so they can connect at full 128- or 256-bit encryption levels.
LancorIncome was reviewed by the most popular bloggers in the high yield investment industry:
Further plans:
– Add explanation video about LancorIncome
– Regional Representative opportunity
– Referral contest
– Website translation to Chinese, Russian, Spanish, German languages
We would like to express our gratitude for continuous support and wish you a great Summer!
Best Regards, LancorIncome Team


PokerAutomatics (reviewed here) deservedly remains one of the leaders of the HYIP industry, successfully running from August 2014 and paying daily moderate returns for terms running 30 to 180 calendar days with principal back on expiry. The trick is that your account in PokerAutomatics won’t get credited with the announced daily profit which hovers around the 1% mark, but from a 40% to 80% share of the program’s profit from their activities. You may invest in PokerAutomatics starting from a $30 minimum via multiple payment processors including SolidTrustPay (with fully verified and approved account and automated deposits), PerfectMoney, Payeer, OkPay, BitCoin, AdvCash, YandexMoney, NixMoney, Qiwi, and directly from some Russian based banks. Below is the program’s latest report on the pokerbot network upgrade and the daily results for today and yesterday:

PokerAutomatics Daily Results:
11.06.2015 – Total poker botnet Income: 0.87%

PokerAutomatics Daily Results:
12.06.2015 – Total poker botnet Income: 0.92%

Pokerbot network upgrade
A number of poker bots in the network increased to 907.
Our future goals:
July 2015: 950-1000 active poker bot accounts
January 2016: 1200-1300 active poker bot accounts
July 2016: 1500-1600 active poker bot accounts
January 2017: 1900-2000 active poker bot accounts
July 2017 and further: 2000 active poker bot accounts
The ultimate goal – 2000 active poker bot accounts.
For security reasons we won’t increase our botnet above 2000 active poker bot accounts.

To improve confidence in the longer term goals for PokerAutomatics (we should all accept that nothing lasts forever in the HYIP industry) the administration came up with the idea of extending the domain names owned by them until 2030 (!). Does anyone actually believe that the program will last for the next 15 years? Domain name extension itself is not that expensive, it only costs a couple of dollars, but can be a signal for many investors to come on board and start investing bigger amounts. In my opinion, fifteen years is a bit much to expect PokerAutomatics to still be around, but who knows, maybe fifteen months is a better more achievable target. Why not, after all I can remember several examples from past experience on MNO. So, let’s keep our fingers crossed and support PokerAutomatics for its brilliant performance so far:

Our domains update
Now our domains pokeram.com and PokerAutomatics.com are registered till 2030.
Registrar Registration Expiration Date: 2030-01-22 T12:59:59Z
Registrar Registration Expiration Date: 2030-03-27 T03:55:43Z


Payza remains a popular payment processors among readers and is accepted by four programs from my monitor – InfinityFinanceCorp, Carbon7, LancorIncome, EmpireFunds and will soon be restored in TaurusFinance – while offering multiple direct banking and card funding and withdrawal methods with the possibility of chargebacks. As a very creative and competitive business they are always trying to improve services for a demanding and always evolving market. As a Canadian based business it stands to reason then that this may start with Canadian based customers. They’re the ones who will find the following update from Payza of most practical use and interest, however I would also like to add that even if this does not affect you directly it’s still encouraging to see Payza growing and developing as they are. The update announces the introduction of the Interac Checkout which is explained to you in detail below:

Interac Payments Now Available: Payza Introduces Interac Checkout
At Payza we’re always looking for ways to improve your experience. Whether you shop online, send or receive money locally or internationally, or run an online business, we want to make your experience as fast, secure, and convenient as possible.
As online shoppers, we know you want the safest, easiest way possible to pay, with added protection in case you don’t get exactly what you expected in return. As online business owners, we know you’re looking to convert the most customers as possible, and that means not losing a customer because they couldn’t complete your checkout quickly or easily enough.
Today, Payza is happy to announce another new checkout payment option: Interac Checkout.
Interac is a Canadian debit network that works with most Canadian ATM cards, so this new feature gives millions of Canadians one of the most practical ways to pay online. With a free Payza Business Account, online stores are now able to offer their Canadian customers this convenient option alongside other great checkout options like Credit Card, e-wallet, or even Bitcoin Checkout!
Being able to offer a wide variety of checkout options is great. Being able to offer a wide variety of options thanks to a free Payza Business Account that never charges monthly or yearly fees and integrates easily with many third party shopping carts is even better!
If you don’t already have a Payza Business Account sign up today to get started, or contact our Business Development team for more information about Payza’s online payment solutions.


Finishing up for today I want to draw the results of the latest polls on the MNO TalkBack as well as post a new question which will be available for another week or so. The very positive attitude shown by the majority of investors this summer followed by some experienced admins returning from hiatus with new competitive investment products is clearly reflected in the results of the polls which we will analyze below.

As spring brought us all mostly a bad experience with HYIPs with fast scams and short-run disappointments, summer is definitely showing some signs of recovery for 58% of the vote in the first poll. Another 26% say that it’s too early to judge on the possible recovery in the HYIP industry the first signs of which can be seen this summer. And only 16% took a more pessimistic attitude and do not believe that the recovery is permanent, saying it’s just temporary and the bad cycle will continue.

The second question asked you if you intended to invest more money this summer compared to recently. 64% of you will be opening their wallets and to seize the opportunity presented by some promising programs launching this summer. Another 21% are thinking about investing sizable amounts, but reckon that can change quickly and will depend on their changing personal circumstances. And only 14% plan to stay away from the HYIP industry altogether and will look for better opportunities in the autumn.

Well, I believe that the programs the new launching this summer stand a decent chance to get established over the coming vacation period and get a totally new stream of investors in autumn – traditionally a fruitful season for both investors and HYIP admins. You see, as EgoPay spoiled the picture in January and stole thousands of dollars from investors and exchangers alike which caused a sharp downturn in the industry with the prevailing hit-n-run strategies from both HYIP admins and investors and all kind of fast and cheap scams. I’m glad that MNO managed to escape the fate of promoting such fast scams largely due to my stance on cheap scammers and inexperienced admins by keeping my advertising prices high, thus allowing only the admins with long-term intentions in mind to be featured on this elite monitor. So, the results of those polls clearly show a positive attitude towards investing more actively this summer will inspire HYIP admins to bring more quality programs to the table and encourage investors still sitting on the fence to participate more actively in order to become the biggest winners in the HYIP industry recovery.

Today’s question was inspired by the decision of LancorIncome‘s admin to again offer a new investment plan. Many other programs that were quite successful in the past modified their investment plans, added new ones, or removed old ones. At the same time, there are also plenty others where new investment plans warned of a pending scam. So I thought to myself – why not ask the readers and see what they think of changing investment plans by HYIPs in general. The new question asks:
Is introducing new investment plans in a program necessarily a red flag for you?

Possible answers include the following:
1) Yes, it’s always a bad sign and means the program may scam soon.
2) Not necessarily, admins sometimes need to change things to stay competitive.
3) No, I welcome new plans and think it shows innovation and growth.

Thanks in advance to everyone who votes. It only takes a few seconds and is totally anonymous. Results will be drawn next week so stay tuned for that.


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 48 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: –
From MNO Premium listRollNRich, PokerAutomatics, InfinityFinanceCorpAtrexTrade,  Cryptoconomist, EmpireFunds.
From MNO Standard list: Carbon7, CompassBusinessLancorIncome, TaurusFinance (the first instant payments received).
From MNO Basic list: EternalGet, SystemTradingGold.

That’s all for now, guys. I’ll be talking a day off tomorrow but will be back on Sunday with detailed look at TaurusFinance and analysis of any important news events affecting your favorite programs. Have a good weekend, and see you all then!

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