June 2015 Archives

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Beware! Cryptoconomist has stopped paying! Do not invest there!

Hello everybody! A slight break from the regular news today, there’ll be more on that in tomorrow’s update. Instead I have an interview just received a couple of hours ago with Eller, the admin of Cryptoconomist. The program has technically been online for quite some time now, however most of that was as a “sleeper”, without very much actually going on there. Some big changes were made later by the admin until Cryptoconomist developed into its current form and was ready to be mass marketed. In fact even in the time it’s been listed on MNO things have rolled out slowly for them, with Cryptoconomist starting on my monitor’s Basic List before upgrading to Premium later. Before we hear from Eller let me just remind you that the program offers terms of 2.3% for 20 days, 2.5% for 35 days, 2.8% for 55 days, principal back, 600% after 12 business days, 1500% after 25-45 business days, 3000% after 60 business days, 7000% after 100 business days. If you like what the admin has to say and would like further information then Cryptoconomist was first reviewed on MNO here.

1. Hi Eller, please introduce yourself to the readers of MNO and tell us about your own involvement in Cryptoconomist. What is your role in the day to day running of the program?

Hello Paul and our Readers,

I am really glad to answer your questions for the interview.

I will try to provide exhaustive information about our Program and our Team.

My name is Eller Otte, I am 31 years old, with our team we have a great experience in such area as results you can see Cryptoconomist Limited Company. And Yes, I am main Administrator and CEO of Cryptoconomist Limited Company.

We have been working very hard to provide profitable strategy for long term operation. So, we have prepared a really good Company who still operate for a more than 345 days online.

2. Can you give us some background information on Cryptoconomist? How many others are involved with the program or are you operating alone? How long have you been online? A lot has changed from the original version of Cryptoconomist and the program we see today. Tell us why that is, and what was going on during this time.

We have great experience in the HYIP market with long term programs so it’s a good opportunity for investors to choose genuine Company with professional management.

Cryptoconomist is one of the best investment opportunities on the web.

Our team consists of 14 persons, each of us is an expert of the business so we work smoothly and efficiently.

3. Explain the investment plans in detail to us. What ROIs are on offer. What are the minimum and maximum amounts to invest? What payment options are you currently accepting?

We have many compensation packages so Investors can choose from a variety of investment packages to invest their funds for different periods of time and receive the best revenue at low risks. We firmly believe that “every client is unique & every investment plan has to be unique”.

There are three investment plans with daily basis percentage and start from $10 with “Standard Daily Plan” where you can get 2.3% Daily within a 20 days (Initial capital will back at the end of investment term) and up to Expert Daily Plan where you can get 2.8% Daily within a 55 Days (Initial capital will back at the end of investment term)

Also we have investment plans with better percentage where percentage of your earnings is depending from the amount of deposit, They are calling Cryptocumulation Plans where you can get from 1500% After 45 Days up to 7000% After 100 Business Days (Your initial capital is include to your profit)

We don’t forget about our VIP investors who want to invest a large amount of deposit.

Our first VIP Plan where you can get 600% After 12 Business Days and second VIP plan where you can get 1500% After 25 Business Days. It’s really great opportunity where you can get a good profit with minimal risk.

You can use our profit calculator for calculate your profit.

4. In my review of your program I said I was quite skeptical about your “payment on expiry” plans. I’ve been playing the HYIP industry for the last ten years now, but I have never once in that time seen so much as one program come even close to successfully paying some of the rates you are offering. In your own words please explain why I or any other experienced investor should believe why Cryptoconomist is going to be any different.

We have had a great experience in this area since 2009, and for my team it’s a good opportunity to show their professionalism and provide excellent services to investors for a long time.

5. How secure is the Cryptoconomist website? What are you doing to protect it and members’ accounts from hackers? Are you on a dedicated server? Who is your host? What kind of anti-DDoS protection do you have?

As you know we have great experience in the Hyip market, so we have a few strategies for long term operation. For protecting our investors from unauthorized access and hackers we are using a Koddos dedicated server for many years, also we know that Instant payouts are more risky, so we don’t use instant withdrawals for  security reasons.

Every withdrawal request will be analyzed by our operator so we will check any changes in Email or User’s ewallet information.

We will try to provide a really safe system for our investors.

6. What kind of script is Cryptoconomist off? Where did you get it, how safe is it, and why do you think this one is most beneficial for you as an admin and your members?

As you know we have great experience in the Hyip market, so we have a few strategies for long term operation.  For protecting our investors from unauthorized access and hackers we are using a Koddos dedicated server for many years, also we know that Instant payouts are more risky, so we don’t use instant withdrawals for  security reasons.

Every withdrawal request will be analyzed by our operator so we will check any changes in Email or User’s ewallet information.

We will try to provide a really safe system for our investors.

7. Can we see any statistics regarding Cryptoconomist? How many members have joined since the beginning and how many are active at the moment? Are you pleased with the support from the members so far? How important a role do they play in bringing in new members?

Sure, you can see our Live Statistics in main page.
• Started:Jul 4, 2014
• Running days:346
• Total accounts:16115
• Total deposited:$ 34263540.18
• Total withdraw:$ 14012958.21
• Visitors online:1402
• Newest Member:Peter_V
• Last deposit:$ 167.83 (zenota)
• Last withdraw:$ 14000.00 (sademi)
• Last update:Jun 15, 2015

Also we have “Investors Last 10” page here https://cryptoconomist.biz/?a=last10
and “Paid Out” page here: https://cryptoconomist.biz/?a=paidout

8. How can members contact you if they have any questions or support related issues? Also tell us about your Live Chat feature, such as what times is it operational, and what languages are available? Exactly how much are the operators there able to do for members beyond simply answering any general information enquiries. Do you participate in it yourself?

First of all we just added international phone support for our England office, so you can make a call to our call center via +44 203 5142722 (8:00AM – 7:00PM GMT), Also do not forget that we have Live Chat system for our clients (Available 24 hours per day)

Another good way to contact us via Facebook, you can see that we have a lot of followers and active investors who have joined us from Facebook.

You are able to find our representative in your Country or who can talk in your Language.


Be sure that Cryptoconomist become popular so it’s a good step to make our Company closer to clients.

9. What have been the most common questions and problems you’ve had to deal with so far? Is there anything you wish to say here so that members can avoid having to contact you later?

Many of our investors still asking us: “How can we work with such percentages for a really long time?”

It’s a really good question because we are still working within a more than 345 Days Online.

Running for a really long time it’s our main goal.

Our great experience and smoothly work the main advantages for such cooperation.

Most of the top specialists have worked with the Company since inception, our own analytics who are employs a team of financial experts, so it is able to maintain the quality of analytics and reduce the time of data processing.

10. You’ve recently started a regional representative scheme I see. I know this is still new, but how much initial interest has there been for this? What are the requirements that successful applicants need to have? What experience is needed, and what are the duties they need to carry out? How are they rewarded for their efforts?

This is challenging opportunity with one of the most respected Companies in the market. A knowledge in online investing is desirable, but not essential.

What are the responsibilities of the regional representative?
consulting clients on the services of the company;
attracting new customers to the company;
holding regional advertising campaigns;
organizing training seminars (optional).

You should to provide next information:
Your Country:
Your Name:
Your Username in our Program:
Your E-mail:
Your Language Spoken:
Your Skype:
Your Facebook:
Your Tel. Number if it available:
Just send us a request at partners@cryptoconomist.biz and we will contact you within a few days to discuss the opportunity of our further cooperation.

11. How have you been promoting Cryptoconomist so far? What advertising strategy have you been using? How are you getting new members to join?

Cryptoconomist has a huge name in the market nowadays supported by popular forums as well as monitors, we have never missed a single withdrawal request or any enquiry.

Our future plans consist in developing the platform, we may add a new support options, new referral system and many others updates will be.

All that’s going to change tomorrow because we have quite a bit to catch up on now.

Also we have actively part in social networks.

The main opportunity it’s positive feedbacks from our clients.

12. How effective have you found the likes of Twitter, Facebook, etc? Have they been used as marketing tools (and if so, have they brought in a lot of members do you think?) or do you see them more for communication with your investors?

Yes, you can contact us via Facebook and Twitter.

Here is our official Facebook Group, you are welcome to join us:

Also you can find our Facebook page here:

13. What exactly are you doing with investors money? How are you investing it and how are you generating the profits being made to members?

The main objective of Cryptoconomist team is to get the highest profits possible from trading on the foreign exchange (Forex) and crypto-currency exchange markets. According to its investment policy Fund invests in securities of companies from different industries, hedge funds, trust management programs at the exchange markets. Skilled analysts of the Company monitor the situation in the world economy closely and select the most promising fields, mostly from innovative IT development. Cryptoconomist doesn’t limit the structure of its assets. We are always in search of innovative information technologies, which can assure the highest income to our investors.

14. And finally is there anything else you wish to say not covered in this interview? Also please feel free to comment on the review of your program published on MNO. If there was anything you felt was unfair, mistaken, or in any way in need of clarification then you are welcome to explain this in your own words here.

Don’t hesitate to contact us with your proposals for developing our Company. Let’s make Cryptoconomist better together.

Best wishes to all investors.

And that’s where we’ll leave it for tonight, folks. Thanks a lot to Eller for answering my questions, and I hope you find it useful in deciding whether or not you find Cryptoconomist suitable for your portfolios. Good luck to anyone who does decide to get involved, I sincerely hope you do well from the experience.

I’ll be back tomorrow with a regular news update from the industry which I can already tell is going to be both good and bad. The bad news is that it looks as if InfinityFinanceCorp has come to an end. There’s way too many reports coming in now about missing and overdue payments so unfortunately the prognosis isn’t good. Some members may still be getting paid to STP and Payza, though that will only be because this money is a lot harder for the admin to steal. If you’re lucky enough to still be getting paid then I expect this will dry up very soon once those accounts are empty, so please do not make any re-investments there. Better news came from TaurusFinance which was just reviewed yesterday (click here to see that). They had a minor complication with Payza and needed to submit some extra documentation for their account to be fully verified. This has now been completed, and TaurusFinance once again accept automatic Payza deposits. More on all of this plus any other stories you need to hear about will be covered in MNO tomorrow, so stay tuned for that and see you all then, guys!

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