Aug 5th, 2015 Archives

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Beware! 4Finance has stopped paying! Do not invest there!

Hello everyone! I didn’t want to start today’s article with a note of self congratulation, but I have to say the policies of limiting the number of programs listed on the MNO monitor is really paying dividends now. OK, it’s been a while since there was any new programs listed, but it’s also been a while since I saw anything I was even remotely interested in monitoring. However this week alone has seen several new programs in the industry coming to my monitor, all of which are up to a very high standard. 4Finance is just one of them which is where I want to start today’s update. I think this is the ultimate validation of my policy of closing my monitor to low budget HYIPs. The end result of this for my readers has been an almost negligible amount of fast scams, and a vastly superior record compared to any other monitor you can name. The reality of the HYIP industry is that not every single program that comes along is going to be any good, so if you want the best you are simply going to have to wait for it. The alternative is to throw your money away of scams, so I hope you see the point I’m making. Today then I want to start a new series of reviews that will be done over the remainder of this week with a closer look at 4Finance, a brand new and very promising longer term program that doesn’t require a long term wait to see a profit. Straight away I can see a lot of interest in it from my readers as the feedback has been almost universally positive, proving that the appetite is always there for high quality programs.

There are three investment plans for you to look at in 4Finance, though in terms of affordability only one of them is going to be a realistic option. It’s called The Starter Plan and it’s where I want to begin. First of all you will need a minimum of $25 to join. A bit above the industry average perhaps, but affordable to most readers I think. The plan runs for a term of 90 business days (that’s 18 weeks, or approximately four and a half months) during which you can earn a fixed daily interest rate of 2.6%, paid Monday through Friday. By the end of the term that should add up to a grand total of 234% in interest payments alone, at which point 4Finance say they will return your principal. Depending on how you want to look at it then the return is 334% (personally I don’t look at that number as it’s my opinion that the principal was always your money to begin with so the more important number is the net profit). Of course you don’t need to wait anything close to the full term to see a profit on your investment as we shall see in the following example.

We’ll say that you want to invest $100 in this plan. OK, 4Finance will then pay you back $2.60 every business day, Monday to Friday, until you have gotten back $234 from them in total. Your own original hundred is then added to this, leaving you with $334. An arguably more important statistic however is what happens after 39 business days (eight calendar weeks approximately). Because this is the point where interest payments alone have covered the cost of your deposit, i.e. you just reached the break even point, so from this day on you can’t possibly be at a loss no matter what happens 4Finance and will only be collecting pure passive profit from now on. Fingers crossed you’ll get a good run! Maximum deposit is capped at $999 for this plan by the way.

For the wealthier, more aggressive players among you prepared to gamble with an investment starting from a $1,000 minimum up to a top value of $4,999 then 4Finance have The Ultimate Plan. The broader mechanics are more or less the same, that is to say it again runs for 90 business days with daily interest payments and principal back on expiry, and the only difference is the interest rate. Typical for online HYIPs, the admin tries to coax bigger and bigger deposits out of you with increased rates of interest. In this case the offer goes to 2.8% per day, paid Monday to Friday, giving 252% in net profits or 352% if you want to include your own principal being returned. Break even point is after 36 business days, after which there is no longer any personal risk to you.

If the sky if the limit for you and you have a particularly bulging wallet then you can look at The Aggressive Plan. Like the others it too runs for 90 business days, making interest payments from Monday to Friday as we go. The difference this time is that 4Finance offer a daily interest rate of 3%, but require a deposit of between $5,000 and $100,000 to get it. The HYIP industry may not be at the same peak it was a couple of years back, but nonetheless I would expect that a program of this high quality will still pick up a couple of big budget investors for this offer along the way. If that includes you then the final net profit is 270%, add your principal to that to make it 370%, and expect to break even on (business) day number 34 of the term.

Payment options are excellent, and by including Payza right from day one the admin does a lot to help the credibility of his program as well as making it more welcoming to the bigger investors that every program wants to see coming through the door. Other options include BitCoin, PerfectMoney, and Payeer which are all widespread in the industry, but the one I’m more pleased to see is Neteller. This is hardly the time or the place to go on about it, I’ll just say that anyone who already uses Neteller on a regular basis will know why, and be equally pleased to see it in use. Good news for investors with no patience (from experience that’s most of you!) is that 4Finance offer instant payouts on all withdrawals below $500. I can personally confirm that this is indeed the case. Just log in to your 4Finance members area, make the payment request, and you should have the money in under a minute. Anything larger than $500 and all withdrawals to Neteller will be done manually in a time not exceeding 48 hours.

So if you’re happy enough with all of that, let’s move on to the more technical, design, and security aspects of 4Finance which I have to say look surprisingly good. Not so much because of the design, that much is clearly very professional and looks to be of a very high standard, is meticulous, and pays careful attention to detail. I say “surprising” because of the script. It’s actually under license from GoldCoders which as you’ll know is very much the dominant force in that particular market, however it’s barely recognizable as such. 4Finance have had it completely remodeled and customized to meet their own individual needs. One noticeable change for instance is that unlike traditional GoldCoders based programs, new members will not be allowed to choose their own usernames. This is assigned to you automatically when you sign up. It still keeps the trademark user-friendly and easy-to-navigate qualities one expects from GoldCoders of course, so even less experienced investors will encounter few if any problems finding their way around the 4Finance accounts area. As an overall package though there’s very little not to like about anything here, something that by itself will draw in even more members over time, and does much to indicate the expense, planning, and base work that went into building the program and that the admin is most likely determined to keep this one running as long as possible. Exactly how long that is is something on one knows, but at least with 4Finance I’m sure it’s run by someone who knows this business well and will be a good professional.

For hosting by the way the 4Finance admin has opted for another dependable name in the industry, keeping his program on a dedicated server with the support and protection from DDoS attacks provided by DDoSGuard. So not many problems can be expected there, either. For an added layer of security the 4Finance members accounts are also protected SSL encryption, the superior Green Bar version, by Comodo. Perhaps of less actual practical use to you the investor is the fact that the 4Finance domain is registered for ten years. I mean we all know it’s not going to be around that long (doesn’t cost that much keep a domain registered anyway) but I just think it’s a nice touch, looks good if nothing else, and really I suppose it’s more of an indicator of the admin’s personal attention to detail and taking care of issues like this right from the start. You know, do it once and do it properly, and not be distracted from the main issue of paying your customers by having to come back to this.

If you have any further questions about 4Finance or any account related issues you need to have dealt with then there’s a couple of ways to get in touch. The first stop for a lot of you will probably be the program’s Live Chat feature where you can get your questions answered in real time. If that doesn’t suit you there are numerous alternatives, such as telephone support, filling in your details on the e-mail support form and submitting it online, or else just write directly to the 4Finance admin at the address listed. In addition to the phone number by the way you’ll also notice a postal address included for the program in the UK, however that’s something better dismissed as a virtual hosted office for correspondence and not necessarily where you would find anyone connected with 4Finance physically located. Fans of social networking sites will be able to find 4Finance keeping profiles on the likes of Twitter and Facebook as well. Not much activity on either platform to report just yet, but give them time, 4Finance is still brand new remember, and I hope the admin will make good use of them in the coming weeks and months.

The final word? Well, anything can happen in the HYIP industry and there are simply too many variables for anyone to offer you concrete guarantees, but if things go they way I’m sure the admin is working for then 4Finance could very well be a top contender over the coming months. It has a lot going for it and a lot of work was put in, and certainly I don’t see any deliberate intention for it to be a fast scam. Other factors remain outside the direct control of 4Finance of course, so that’s why you still need to be careful at all times. Officially the line of business supposedly financing the payments to members is ForEx and Crypto-Currency trading. There’s not much evidence of this that you can check out for yourself, and even if it was true you do know this doesn’t guarantee a profit anyway. No business can do that. So if you do join 4Finance then remember the most important two rules for online investors – set yourself a sensible spending limit that you can comfortably afford to lose and will stay under at all times, and try to keep 4Finance as a smaller part of a wider more diverse portfolio.



While yesterday’s announcement by the admin of 4Finance about Payza deposits being temporarily unavailable due to their own business approval procedure might raise some eyebrows, I don’t personally think there’s anything to worry about. Judge for yourself – withdrawals to Payza are still processed instantly as usual and, from previous experience, such stunts from Payza are commonplace. Deposits should be back to normal within the next few days and MNO will report on this when it happens. For now when you try to deposit via Payza you will see a message that they are not available, so you can’t make them even by mistake. Here’s the message that was sent to all the members of 4Finance yesterday about this:

4Finance Payza Deposits Temporary Unavailable
We would like to inform our members that we are currently following Payza’s business approval procedure.
Once it has been completed, Payza deposits will be available again. You will be notified via e-mail once this process is completed.
We are sorry for the inconvenience caused.
Thank you for understanding, 4Finance Limited


Yet another new program I need to introduce MNO this week is BitMinerals the admin of which added it to my Premium List immediately after the official launch yesterday. Note that Paying Status for the program displayed on the MNO monitor is for the first referral commission payments, not the first interest payment from the shortest investment plan which is only due after three days. In this regard BitMinerals is kind of different from other similar short term programs that usually pay after one day. With BitMinerals the shortest available plan offers you 109%-116% after 3 days (depending on the size of your principal) and then follows with 130%-160% after 7 days and 180%-250% after 15 calendar days. Then the things become even more unrealistic with other plans offering unsustainable returns perhaps better to be avoided – 350%-650% after 30 days, 800%-1500% after 60 days, 2000%-6000% after 120 days. Anyway, experienced HYIP investors probably should know by now how to play such games like BitMinerals, but I just want to repeat to everyone – invest only what you can afford to lose. Investments start from a quite affordable $10 and only three anonymous payment options are available – PerfectMoney, Payeer, and BitCoin. Note that withdrawals are not processed instantly, so allow up to 24 hours to be paid to your e-currency account. Overall, the program looks like a solid and quality venture with an SSL-enabled GreenBar from Comodo, hosting on a dedicated server by a quality provider BlackLotus with its superb protection against possible DDoS-attacks. There are some company registration certificates from the UK (cheap and anonymously obtained – enough to be ignored), phone support to be called on, and some accounts on social networks which you can follow to stay in touch. More or less, there is not much to read in the news section of BitMinerals site as of yet except for the short official update, but I’m sure it will be updated with more news after the first payouts are processed:

Welcome to BitMinerals, We are launched officially
Hello,everyone,welcome to BitMinerals,we are launched officially!

The review on the MNO monitor will be published after the first payments from the shortest 3-day long plan are processed by BitMinerals to evaluate the seriousness of the admin’s intentions, so check out my blog for the more info review sometime on Friday-Saturday. Stay tuned for that!


The official launch of ElegantTrading last night which is currently exclusively listed on MNO only seems to have impressed many other site owners as well, some of which predictably added it for free, and will really help the admin save on advertising fees and keep the project afloat for longer. Why pay useless monitors when they’ll add you for free of you wait long enough, eh? ElegantTrading is definitely a potential future leader of the HYIP industry run by a very experienced person who was behind one of the most popular programs of 2014 that made thousands in profits for many happy investors. The impact of that previous program on the HYIP industry was so profound and the MNO role in the promotion of it so significant, that it’s no wonder for me that the admin decided to repeat the experience and pre-paid for Premium Listing last week before officially starting last night. The gradual advertising strategy should really bring some good results and cut the costs of running in the earlier stages – the same policy undertaken by Carbon7 which is now the biggest hit of the summer. Even the first post on the news page of ElegantTrading already boasts that the program accepts SolidTrustPay right from the very beginning after having their payment button approved. Not an easy thing to do you know, with 99% of admins failing, so it’s obvious this admin can brag about it as a major achievement:

SolidTrustPay is now accepted
Great news for everyone using SolidTrustPay. We are now accepting SolidTrustPay as a deposit method.

Anyway, I already tested SolidTrustPay deposits and they work fine for me, so it shouldn’t be any issue for you to deposit there without any issues either (read more on the advantages of using SolidTrustPay when investing in HYIPs in this article). Apart from SolidTrustPay, you can invest in ElegantTrading with Payza, PerfectMoney, BitCoin, or Payeer, so all the major investment options are covered. The minimum to invest starts from $20 and the more you invest the more daily profit you will get. The least you should expect is 1.6% per calendar day and the maximum daily profit for larger investors set to 3.1%. A few other options are in between which I will further discuss in the upcoming review of ElegantTrading by Monday. The best thing about the plan though is the absolute flexibility in regards to the investment term, as you can withdraw your principal at any time you like without any fees. Whether it’s a couple of days, weeks, or months is just up to you to decide, plus you can use any level of compounding to boost your earnings if you do not wish to withdraw daily. Note that all the withdrawals from ElegantTrading will be processed manually by the admin which may take up to 48 hours before you receive it to your e-currency account.

As with all the best programs ElegantTrading is running off a totally custom-made and unique script which will allow the admin to fix any issues and add new features without involving any third parties to make his program more secure. Hosting is also the best available with the admin purchasing anti-DDoS protection from BlockDos who keep ElegantTrading on a dedicated server. And of course, the extended validation seal from Comodo that provides SSL for the website completes the picture. And of course, the UK company registration with a virtual office address comes as standard, which I suggest to dismiss and simply treat ElegantTrading as an online HYIP, although a very well made one and possibly capable of attracting huge numbers of deposits. If you wish to check out the program even before the review on MNO is published please click here, meanwhile read the introductory message from the program’s admin below:

ElegantTrading grand launch
We are very excited to present you the launch of our investing platform ElegantTrading. We want to make you confident that all our efforts, experience and due diligence acquired for years will give good results in vast ocean of internet projects. Please feel free to read about the investment plans we have to offer you, and explore our website unique features.


For the next opinion poll to run for the next week to ten days I want to take the opportunity to see how my readers evaluate the newly added programs on my Premium List over the last couple of days and what programs they consider most promising. Taking part in the survey will be 4Finance, BitMinerals, ElegantTrading, and Rubles, and the exact question will say:
Which new program on MNO do you think you will be most profitable?

Thanks a lot for taking the time to vote, it only takes a second and is completely anonymous.

Let’s have a look now at the results of the last poll that ran on the TalkBack page for the last week or so. MNO recently launched the InfoCenter page where I will collect all the best articles from the previous years on MNO. As I’ve been very busy with the blog over the last couple of days I’ve had to delay the addition of more articles, but I have to say that the eagerness with which my readers voted in favor of including all the reviews of the currently Paying programs on MNO on one convenient location on the Info Center page made me ask my programmer to work on this feature. All the reviews will soon be added on a specially allocated page there with any interviews to follow as well. The review and interview section on the MNO Info Center will be updated frequently so to make sure you won’t join any scam by mistake, but to have all the articles from the MNO blog in the most convenient place to read on the Info Page was actually supported by no less than 67% of the voters. 24% didn’t really mind the interviews and reviews to be included there, but didn’t find this feature to be essential either, and only 9% didn’t think it was a good idea at all. I’ll keep working on adding more articles and improving the MNO Info Center page according to your wishes, and thanks for everyone who helped by voicing their opinions and make MNO better. Remember that I work for my readers and try to do my best to keep MNO on top. Please keep your votes coming for the new poll on the MNO TalkBack page as well!


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 24 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: –
From MNO Premium list: PokerAutomaticsCryptoconomistUSDBusinessLimited, RoyalTrust4Finance, Rubles (the first payments received), BitMinerals (the first payments received).
From MNO Standard list: Carbon7.
From MNO Basic list: –

That’s all for today, guys. Just a word of caution regarding Cryptoconomist before wrapping things up. I see that some people are claiming the program is delaying payouts to them, however, I don’t have any proof of that and no complaints received from my referrals who are supposedly still paid fine as far as I know. I’m keeping Cryptoconomist on Paying status on the MNO monitor for now, but if your payout is delayed for some reason please let me know and I will be able to change the status then. Please follow MNO on Facebook and Twitter for links to all the reviews and interviews and subscribe to get the daily news posted from the MNO blog straight to your mailbox so not to miss anything! See you all tomorrow for the most comprehensive review of Rubles you’ll see anywhere online, so stay tuned for that. Of course, any important news from the most elite programs in the HYIP industry will be featured as well, so keep checking the MNO blog for more info, guys.

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