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14/08/2015. Daily News from the HYIP Industry


Hello all, and welcome again to the MNO blog! This week didn’t pass without a couple of major letdowns and disappointing events, as RoyalTrust and RollNRich were both moved to Problem status on my monitor just a couple of hours ago. In today’s news update I have stories from other paying programs like 4Finance, USDBusinessLimited, PokerAutomatics and RoyalTrust and the news from Payza payment processor as well, so keep reading to find out more.


Yesterday USDBusinessLimited reached the #1 position on the MNO Premium List due to the program’s growing popularity (the new article on the Top Five will be posted on my blog on Sunday, so don’t miss it!). It appears that the top tower banner the admin of USDBusinessLimited recently prolonged for yet another month well in advance has brought some decent returns, providing new signups and cementing further growth in interest from the MNO readers in the long run. While the first investors of USDBusinessLimited (reviewed here) are yet to be in profit from the program’s 2.2%-3.5% for 70 business days investment plan (also promising the return of the initial deposit on expiry), the program seems to be growing gradually in line with its Alexa rating reaching the 20,000 most visited websites in the world in less than two months online. And I can understand why this is happening. USDBusinessLimited is a really great looking website offering instant payouts to Payza, PerfectMoney, Payeer, and BitCoin while accepting investments starting from just a $30 minimum. The admin is always responsive and easy to communicate with and there is a friendly live chat available to answer all your questions on business days. In the latest newsletter from USDBusinessLimited just issued a couple of hours ago you can read about the program’s progress and success over the first weeks online in more detail. And perhaps you might be interested in becoming one of the growing number of local representatives or receive a bonus for making a short video testimonial about your experience with USDBusinessLimited. Anyway, for more information on that please refer to the full newsletter published below:

USDBusinessLimited News
There are almost two month have passed since USDBusinessLimited offers favorable conditions for investors. Using all the possibilities of forming a successful and profitable business, long experience of searching and funding of successful startups and projects, we try to propose the best conditions for each of you. During the recent period of our active efforts to attract and increase turnaround actives, more than three thousand people have become clients of the company. Also, the growing popularity is clearly visible on the Alexa website where global traffic rank of our website is already more than 20,000.
Because our clients are spread all over the world is a very topical issue of attracting of regional representatives for consultation and information help service for novice investors. Today the company has already more than 140 partners in more than 40 countries. We believe that the presence of a representative of each country in the world will greatly facilitate the process of understanding the subtleties of USDBusinessLimited and its investment terms as well as strengthen the credibility of the company’s clients. Trust is one of the key components of our business and we are grateful to you for it.
We continue to look for competent and diligent partners. If you want to become a part of our team and get the job done, then we are waiting for your requests with contact information. With more details about the requirements and the process of obtaining the representative status as well as with list of active partners, you can familiarize yourself in the “Official representatives” section:
We also want to remind about a bonus of 10$, that you can get for your short video testimonial. All you need is just to open on your monitor, turn on the camera and share your opinions about the investment project of USDBusinessLimited project. We are waiting for your video as a file or YouTube link via email: The best videos will be added to our website and thousands visitors will see them. You can attach affiliate link to your video and attract new referrals in this way.
Regards, USDBusinessLimited Team


4Finance is a very new program only running for eleven days now, and one I’m pretty sure that with the diligent work and stable payouts will be on the MNO Top Five list sooner or later. For those of you unfamiliar with 4Finance‘s investment plans and main features I suggest to read the full review here. If you don’t have time you should simply know that 4Finance accepts deposits starting from a $25 minimum while paying you from 2.6% to 3% fixed interest (depending on how much you invest) over a period of 90 business days (Monday to Friday), principal back on expiry. Withdrawals are always instant and processed to your Payza, PerfectMoney, Payeer, and BitCoin accounts within seconds (Neteller withdrawals require manual confirmation by the admin though). Of course, instant payouts are seemingly the main attractive feature for current and future investors of 4Finance, but it would be no good without prompt customer support. It’s good that the admin realizes this fact while doing his best in expanding the services, by now also offering phone support. That was posted in the short newsletter issued yesterday and the new call center becomes yet another addition to satisfy the demands of the growing membership in alongside more traditional ways for a HYIP like email support and Live Chat. Here’s the email featuring the new support phone number:

4Finance – Call Center Opened! Call us now +44 1444 39 0344
We have just opened our call center which is available upon your request 24/7!
You can reach our customer service via a very special number +44 1444 39 0344
Please do not hesitate to contact our customer service department via e-mail, live chat or by phone if you have any questions.
You might also find it useful to read our FAQ if you have any questions:
Sincerely Yours,
John T. Newham (President of 4Finance Limited)


PokerAutomatics (reviewed here) further strengthened its leading position in the HYIP world by reaching another milestone and reaching the 9,000 most visited sites in the world according to Alexa of which the admin proudly reported in the short message in the news section:

PokerAutomatics website is one of 9,000 most visited websites in the world!

The thing that even after the first year online PokerAutomatics still keeps growing and expanding seems to raise no doubts in people’s minds. The program already has over 170 regional representatives in almost every corner of the world and it looks like they do their job well keeping the promotion on a high level. Here’s yet another report of the newest representative from Bulgaria, while you can find a lot more of them on the specially allocated page the link to which is given in the news section too:

We have a new Representative
Velislav Valkov – Bulgaria
You may contact him by email, skype and phone
170+ Representatives!

Although nobody can verify PokerAutomatics‘ alleged income source from pokerbots, the administration seems to believe in them (like people in aliens, I suppose!) and they also keep issuing regular updates about increasing their servers capacity and so on. Here’s the last two messages about that:

New dedicated servers were added.
We have purchased 3 new dedicated servers for our pokerbot network.

Pokerbot network upgrade
A number of poker bots in the network increased to 994.
Our future goals:
January 2016: 1200-1300 active poker bot accounts
July 2016: 1500-1600 active poker bot accounts
January 2017: 1900-2000 active poker bot accounts
July 2017 and further: 2000 active poker bot accounts
The ultimate goal – 2000 active poker bot accounts.
For security reasons we won’t increase our botnet above 2000 active poker bot accounts.

So, how does PokerAutomatics work you might ask? Well, in a nutshell, if you want to start earning real money with them (and not the Virtual Bonus $1,000 that is given to you on signup which is rather confusing), you need to invest at least $30 via SolidTrustPay, PerfectMoney, Payeer, BitCoin, OkPay or many other lesser known payment options accepted by the website. Then you may sit back and relax with your profits sent to your account and available for withdrawal. You should expect to see moderate profits only (compared to other HYIPs, not to offline banks I mean), and this may start from around 12% monthly. The profits will be higher if you invest bigger amounts for longer periods of time as the investment term for PokerAutomatics varies from 30 to 180 calendar days on expiry of which you are given your principal back. Every calendar day your account is credited with a share of 40% to 80% of the company’s profits as announced on the website every single day and usually float around the 1% mark. To give you an example of such profits (note, you will earn only 40% to 80% share of the stated rate) I’ll just quote the profits for the last three days below. You can visit the PokerAutomatics website yourself and see a historical graphic record if you’re interested:

PokerAutomatics Daily Results:
12.08.2015 – Total poker botnet Income: 1.16%

PokerAutomatics Daily Results:
13.08.2015 – Total poker botnet Income: 1.02%

PokerAutomatics Daily Results:
14.08.2015 – Total poker botnet Income: 0.95%


One of the biggest and most popular payment processors serving the HYIP industry Payza is now becoming more mobile-friendly. Really, with so many people having all types of smartphones, tablets and phablets nowadays it’s hard to remain an up-to-date payment system in step with the rest of the world without your own application for mobile devices. Well, seems like Payza is making inroads by offering an app for devices powered by Android operational system. It’s available for download in Google Play. As I can see, the app is so new and possibly even raw as it was installed only by a dozen people at the moment before receiving mixed reviews from them. Well, I guess there is always ground for improvement and I’m sure that the Payza developers will take all suggestions on board and fix any bugs in subsequent versions in the future. For the moment only Android users can take advantage of the PayzaConnect app though I imagine they are surely working on another version for the Apple Store to make using Payza accounts more convenient for iPhone and iPad users as well. On the official blog of Payza you can now familiarize yourself with all the main features that the Payza Connect app will give to you and try downloading it for yourself to see the difference. Here is the official message regarding the Android app release:

The Payza Connect Mobile App is Now Available on Android
Android users now have a way to take Payza with them everywhere they go thanks to our new mobile app, Payza Connect! Payza’s new mobile app gives you all of Payza’s most popular features in a convenient mobile package. On top of that, with the mobile app you’ll also have access to some new features, like the ability to send money instantly to anyone in your phone’s address book. You won’t even need their email, a phone number will do!
Here’s a look at some of the features Payza Connect has to offer:
Sign Up
New to Payza? With Payza Connect you can sign up for your own Payza account immediately. No need to visit our full website anymore, you can do it all from your phone or any Android device.
View your account activity in a glance
Once you sign in to your Payza account on Payza Connect, you’ll see all of your recent account activity and your balances laid out neatly for you on your phone. You can also tap on your recent transactions to view more details.
Add a Credit Card, Add Funds
Payza Connect gives you the option to connect your credit card to your Payza account quickly and easily. Once you’ve connected a credit card, you can instantly load your Payza account right from your Payza Connect app.
Send Funds to anyone on your contact list
With Payza Connect you can send funds to another member’s Payza account by entering their email address, just like you would on our desktop site, but you can also send money to anyone in your address book using their mobile phone number. Your recipient will receive an SMS message letting them know they’ve received money on Payza and instructing them to sign up for an account if they don’t already have one.
Even if someone isn’t in your contact list, you can still send them money using their mobile number. Simply click on “Send Funds” and punch in the phone number, including the country code, in the search bar. Then enter the amount and send. It’s that easy!
If you have an Android device, you can download Payza Connect today in the Google Play Store.


Almost two months RoyalTrust worked for its investors well and the payments were processed instantly at all times to the full satisfaction of its members. Today the instant payments finally stopped to all payment processors and I’m grateful to the readers on my ShoutBox who brought this matter to my immediate attention. Of course I took measures for further loss prevention and moved RoyalTrust first to Waiting status on my monitor which was subsequently followed by Problem status where the program currently sits pending the yet unanswered email query sent to the admin. The usually helpful Live Support on the RoyalTrust website seems to be not that live anymore as it stopped replying, which further fueled suspicions that the program might be over. While the very first investors of RoyalTrust failed to reach the promised 180% target they still were in good profits as the program came to MNO almost immediately and was listed on Premium status since the start. Those who invested in the later added Freedom plan that offered a greater deal of flexibility on necessary profit levels set up by investors themselves, so over the last few weeks with increased daily profits many people could make a decent profit from that plan too. Of course, we cannot say that RoyalTrust was an incredible program, but at least the admin gave everyone a decent chance to earn on their investments, unlike so many others. As with all HYIPs in the industry there were winners and losers in RoyalTrust, but I believe it was run fairly enough while it was paying. I cannot yet comment on the reason for instant withdrawals being switched off, but can only imagine the worst possible scenario – RoyalTrust has closed and there will be no payments processed anymore, so please do not invest there if you don’t want to lose money.


It might sound truly ridiculous, if not for the fact that I keep moving RollNRich between Paying, Waiting, Problem, and even Scam statuses on the MNO monitor for many weeks now. And for good reason – as the admin pays people with huge delays and almost never sticks to his own 48-hour timeframe specified on his own website. It looks like he’s now neglecting the RollNRich site once again and not paying to anyone for over four days now. It’s hard for me to comprehend just how the program is still afloat with constant payout delays and status changes on MNO, but the admin proves me wrong over and over again when he resumed payouts and miraculously escaped Scam status. No one knows if that’s going to happen again and if RollNRich will finally process all the pending withdrawals after another period of hibernation. We can only sit and wait and I’ll update the status on the MNO monitor for RollNRich if anything changes. However, at the moment it’s going to Problem due to delayed payouts and no further deposits are recommended until further notice.


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 48 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: –
From MNO Premium listUSDBusinessLimitedPokerAutomaticsElegantTradingBitMinerals4Finance.
From MNO Standard list: Carbon7.
From MNO Basic list: –

That’s all for today, guys. I hope you’re looking forward to the weekend and also to the new business week when possibly some new programs will be added to my monitor. Although the week was so-so in terms of some awful fast scams that came and went, all remaining more established programs on the MNO Premium List keep paying and getting stronger day after day. There is certainly huge demand in the HYIP market for quality high-budget programs and the main goal of MNO is to bring experienced admins and large investors together. That’s why I deliberately limit the amount of the programs listed on my monitor by keeping the prices extremely high to deter the fast scammers. It doesn’t always work, but such occurrences are quite isolated and do not usually influence the overall top quality programs coming to MNO. Just today, by the way, I was paid for a top banner on my blog for a month in advance by an admin promising to bring something big and exclusive to my monitor already within the next few weeks, so stay tuned for that.

As for me personally, I’m leaving London and flying to Lithuania this weekend for an unplanned and quite spontaneous week when I will try to get the best of summer sunshine in some beautiful old historic cities like Vilnius and Kaunas. I’ve never been to Lithuania before, so am pretty excited to see the only Baltic Sea country I haven’t been to yet. Remember to always follow MNO for the best programs in the HYIP industry and if any referral of mine needs some personal assistance I’m glad to help when you email me. Take care, everyone, and see you on Sunday with an updated version of the MNO Top Five programs!

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