Aug 23rd, 2015 Archives

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Beware! TradingAssets has stopped paying! Do not invest there!

Hello everyone! Being Sunday I wasn’t expecting a massive amount of activity going on in the industry to report on, so I was quite surprised to see so many news stories that you might want to hear about. Before the news section though I want to start today’s post with a closer look at one of the more recent programs to join the MNO monitor’s Premium List, which is TradingAssets. Just to clarify, this is by no means a brand new program, in fact TradingAssets have been running successfully for the last two months now, it’s just newly listed on MNO for the last couple of days. Whether you take that as a positive thing or not is up to yourself, one thing is for sure though which is that you can’t argue with their payments history up until now. Whatever the TradingAssets admin was doing, he was doing it right. For anyone who has yet to join then now is when you need to assess the chances for the program continuing at least as long as it will take you make a profit, and think about whether you then want TradingAssets in your portfolios or not.
There are six medium to long term investment plans to chose from in TradingAssets, which in turn can be divided into two separate categories – plans paying lower interest for a longer term, and plans with a higher interest rate for members but expiring a lot faster and therefore making fewer payments. I’ll start with the longer term plans. Please note by the way that all the TradingAssets investment plans are measured in business days only, not calendar days. OK, this is already mentioned on the website, I just think it could have been highlighted better.

Anyway, for a bargain $7 minimum deposit you can join The Bronze Plan. The term runs for 55 business days, that’s eleven weeks, making interest payments to members from Monday to Friday at a rate of 2.8% per day. TradingAssets are counting your principal as part of those payments, so by the time the plan comes to an end your total earnings of 154% consist of your own money back plus 54% net profit for joining. Maximum spend is capped at $299 and you should reach the break even point (i.e. earn back a sum equal to your principal and no longer be at a personal risk) after 35 payments.

For those prepared to spend between $300 and a $999 maximum TradingAssets offer The Silver Plan. Again for a term of 55 business days, members here can avail of a 3.2% interest rate, paid every day from Monday to Friday, until you reach a grand total of 176%. TradingAssets count your principal as part of the payments, so at that rate you have your your own money returned in full after 31 business days and start building up your 76% net profit after that.

The Gold Plan is next up and is aimed at the biggest spending players with between $1,000 and an upper limit of $10,000 to play around with. The term is unchanged at 55 business days, but the interest rate which is paid out from Monday to Friday increases to 3.6%. That brings in a total return of 198%, from which TradingAssets are including your original principal. With that in mind it takes you 27 payment days to break even, and start building up to your 98% net profit after that.

The second group of plans are, to be blunt, totally out of place. They are not the original plans that TradingAssets started out with and were only added sometime later. And it shows. They are organized in such a way as to make the first group of plans I just described above almost completely obsolete. The thing is that the second group of plans gives you a much better profit after a much shorter term, and carries less risk. In fact the only real “advantage” (and I’m very slow to use that word in this context) the original three plans have is that they offer compounding. The newer group of plans do not, however compounding is not something I’d routinely advise doing anyway. In my opinion the new plans should have either replaced the old ones completely or else have been held back for another program.

The program continues so with The Bronze Pro Plan. The term this time shortens to 26 business days, or just slightly past five weeks. You can join for a minimum deposit of $20, for which TradingAssets reward you with a daily interest rate of 6%, made Monday to Friday. With TradingAssets including your principal as part of the payments, you break even after seventeen payments and complete the cycle with earnings of 156%. That’s your own money back plus 56% net profit. Now, go compare that with the equivalent 55 day plan, and see how this one gives you a bigger profit before you can even break-even in the original plan. Make sense? TradingAssets allow a maximum deposit of $5,000 here, and compounding is not allowed.

The Silver Pro Plan is also offering daily payments on business days only for a term of 26 business days. The minimum spend increases somewhat to $60, but otherwise the numbers overlap (which means if spending $60 or more then there is no reason whatsoever to justify putting it in the previous plan). In this plan TradingAssets offer members a daily interest rate of 7% per day, Monday to Friday, principal included. With no compounding allowed you break even after 15 payments and finish up with 182% returned. That’s your own money plus 82% on top. Maximum spending limit is capped at $5,000.

Finally The Gold Pro Plan requires a minimum spend of $120. TradingAssets offer members a daily interest rate of 8% between Monday and Friday for 26 business days which as always include your principal. That allows members to reach the break-even point after 13 business days and complete the term with 208%. With no compounding allowed that’s your own money back plus 108% net profit.

For payment options there’s a rather eclectic mix of processors, not all of which would be especially popular. Mostly TradingAssets stick with anonymous and untraceable providers, represented by PerfectMoney and Payeer. Also available though not widely used in the HYIP industry as NixPay and OkPay. This last one (OkPay) is a bit unusual by itself insofar as it was only added recently by the TradingAssets admin a couple of days ago. Had it been there from the beginning I wouldn’t really have paid attention, it’s just that I really don’t see how adding them now after two months is going to do anything to bring in any new investors. I mean sure, adding certain other payment processors (like Payza or STP) would definitely spark a lot of extra interest, unfortunately this just isn’t one of them. Anyway, the option is there for you if you want it, and it’s fair to point out that the list of payment options has still improved over what was first included when the program launched. So it’s a step in the right direction, albeit a small one. Completing the list is BitCoin which is the most unusual (in my opinion) because here all deposits and withdrawals need to be done manually by the admin. Better news is that is using any of the other payment methods then withdrawals are instant. Just log into your TradingAssets account, make the request, and you should have the money in under a minute. For security reasons this is currently limited to $80 which can possibly be increased at the admin’s discretion if he wants. I doubt very many of you would make such huge deposits where $80 is just the interest, and considering that your principal isn’t returned then this limit is unlikely to affect people. BitCoin withdrawals like I said will be done manually, so I suggest you allow the admin a reasonable timeframe to get this done before submitting any tickets.

From a more technical, design, and security point of view, TradingAssets looks almost nothing like the typical HYIP related websites you might be more accustomed to at first glance, as you will need to scroll down to see the required content. The licensed GoldCoders script is practically unrecognizable here as there’s almost nothing left from the original. I suppose fans of the more unusual variants will certainly like it, but at the same time it’s still pretty straightforward and easy to navigate without anything too complicated getting in the way, just as you would expect from GoldCoders. For a hosting provider the TradingAssets admin has gone for what I have to say is a new name for me, a company called DDoSCure who are keeping the website on a dedicated Staminus server with support and protection from malicious DDoS attacks. I can’t really speak for their track record if they don’t have one, though I’m not aware of any serious problems with access to TradingAssets since they’ve been using them. Of course then again if the program ever got really big then I suspect we wouldn’t have to wait long to find out exactly how good they are then! For an extra layer of protection the TradingAssets website has a Green SSL-Bar encryption from Comodo for safer browsing and more secure transactions.

Any further questions should you need to get in touch with the TradingAssets admin can either be submitted online through the customer support form in the contacts section, or else mailed directly to the listed address. A postal address is included in the UK, almost like a calling card for most online HYIPs these days I think most you you know well enough to dismiss this as a virtual hosted office and nowhere even close to where you will find anyone connected with TradingAssets physically located. And lastly there’s a Facebook profile and group for those of you more active on social networking sites.

The alleged business activities that we are told back the whole thing up are supposedly related to the ForEx and Stock markets. Nothing we haven’t heard before in the HYIP industry then, and as usual certainly nothing that can be substantiated. So as usual it’s best to skip that part and proceed as you would with any high risk gambling based website. Keep your expectations realistic, and always stay well under a spending limit you can afford to lose. And if joining TradingAssets then try to keep them as a smaller part of a wider more diverse portfolio.



As the admin of Carbon7 promised in his previous email directly addressed directly to MNO readers (remember that MNO was the exclusive monitor for Carbon7 during its first weeks online), the site returned online shortly after the announcement was made. Carbon7 is without a doubt the best program of this summer and despite only being on Standard listing on MNO it has by far surpassed its main competitors and considered a potential program of the year in an opinion poll by readers a couple of weeks ago. Now the program will test of patience of some investors were quite scared about their deposits at the time of the attack, but the admin has proved them wrong by processing payouts until late on Friday night, when business hours were long over. You should remember that Carbon7 doesn’t pay on Saturdays and Sundays or outside business hours Monday to Friday. It’s always been this way and even at regular times withdrawals are processed within 48 hours, so I find it kind of weird why some investors think this perfectly reasonable schedule should be abandoned so they have to be paid within seconds just because of a DDoS attack deliberately launched by Carbon7‘s competitors in order to unsettle members. Although the site is back to normal we will really see that Carbon7 is paying well by tomorrow, when the withdrawal requests should be processed. Investments start from $25 via SolidTrustPay, Payza, PerfectMoney, Payeer, and BitCoin on the two plans – 110% after 7 calendar days and 7% for 22 business days (more on that is in the detailed review of Carbon7 published here). Here’s the latest message from the admin of Carbon7 regarding the end of the DDoS-attack and where to write if you still have any accessibility issues:

Carbon7‘s site was under heavy DDoS attack during the last few hours.
However, we have successfully mitigated the attack, and we’re online!
The site will get back to full speed (as it was), in a matter of few hours.
If it’s still not available to you, please inform us via


As it happens with other hugely popular programs in the HYIP industry, USDBusinessLimited was also victim to a huge DDoS attack aimed at destroying the program’s reputation. Fortunately the site was only unavailable for a few hours on Friday, but that alone worried some impatient investors. I must say that the admin of USDBusinessLimited handled the situation well. As soon as I found out about the situation I emailed him, and got a reply within minutes. Within half an hour of that the site was already back online. Pretty good job, admin, and I’m not only talking about one isolated incident, but about the entire two months USDBusinessLimited has been online and paying instantly to investors’ Payza, PerfectMoney, Payeer, and BitCoin accounts. At the time of writing USDBusinessLimited holds the #3 position on the Premium List, just behind the long running RollNRich and another readers favorite ElegantTrading. It’s quite a respectable result considering USDBusinessLimited has been featured on MNO for 62 days now with the first investors to start profiting from its lowest paying plan only next week. If you haven’t read the full review of USDBusinessLimited posted here I’ll remind you that by joining you have an opportunity to earn 2.2%-3.5% for the duration of 70 business days with the principal also returned on expiry starting from a $30 minimum. In the latest newsletter from USDBusinessLimited issued yesterday to mark the first months online the admin mentioned thousands of investors that have joined the program already and mentioned hundreds of regional representatives that are now available in over 50 countries around the world. For more information on that and other developments of USDBusinessLimited please take a look below:

USDBusinessLimited two months online!
We welcome all who have chosen USDBusinessLimited as a reliable financial partner and a stable source of passive cash flow. We thank you for your choice and during last two months of our online activity we made every effort to ensure your daily profits and instant payments in full. To date, our company has more than 5,000 investors in several dozen countries and islands around the world. Due to advantageous proposal of cooperation, our company has gained popularity and trust among professional online investors and beginners.
USDBusinessLimited company is actively developing and now has official representatives in more than 50 countries, with more than 200 of our partners are ready to provide you with the necessary assistance or information in your own language, if you encounter any problem on the website or have some questions. Also you can find your nearest representative to ask him to share his own experience about earnings and payments here.
The growing popularity of our investment project is already attracting the attention of detractors and dishonest competitors. Yesterday, our site was temporarily unavailable because we have encountered the attempt of powerful DDoS attack, but our hosting provider has successfully coped with this situation. We apologize for the temporary inconvenience and have taken all possible steps to prevent a similar situation in the future.
Stay tuned and follow us!


Unlike the previous program, RichPower has been online for only a week, but as it’s a totally different style short-term program we can see the admin is rightfully proud to complete seven one-day cycles, and even making someone happier who invested from day one in the seven-day long cycle. That was the main subject of the first newsletter issued by RichPower yesterday where the admin almost complained about the insane growth with millions already deposited and hundreds of thousands withdrawn. I’ll take these stats with a huge pinch of salt as there is absolutely no way people would invest so much in a short-term program like this from day one, but here we go – the admin is simply doing his best to encourage more activity in his program. Nothing wrong with that, but follow the main rules of the game – invest only what you can afford to lose – and remember that nothing lasts forever. So far, I can see that RichPower is growing gradually enough and there is no shortage of new people jumping in hoping to earn on the program’s high profit plans offering 103%-130% after 1 day, 110%-200% after 3 days, 117%-275% after 5 days, 125%-370% after 7 days, 155%-700% after 15 days, 220%-1500% after 30 days, 3000% after 44 days, 5000% after 60 days, and even 444% after 4 days. Well, not all the plans should be taken seriously by experienced investors to have a decent chance to profit from RichPower, something we’ll talk more about in more detail in tomorrow’s review. I can personally confirm that I finished the first one-day investment plan yesterday and, as was promised, received the instant payout to my PerfectMoney account without any hassle. You can try the program with your deposit if you like high profits and high risk – I’m sure many investors feel already highly rewarded for taking such risk from RichPower. Here is the latest newsletter sent yesterday:

RichPower First Week – Amazing Growth!
Dear members,
This is Chris Miller, the main admin of RichPower, and this is our very first newsletter. I’m extremely excited! RichPower was launched 1 week ago and achieved a lot of popularity and huge success during this time! Over 4000 investors have already joined the program with over $2M deposited and over $600K withdrawed. Growth rate is totally amazing, and there are many new registrations everyday. I spent many, many thousands of dollars for the advertising campaign of RichPower and it has a very big potential! I want to thank you all for the wonderful support and rest assured, that RichPower will become the biggest, hottest and best investment site on the Internet! Please invite all your friends to RichPower, post all your instant payment proofs on the forums and advertise RichPower in every place that you can! I remind you that you get 3% referral commission for every single deposit that your referral makes from his e-currency account, and therefore, promoting and advertising RichPower is extremely worthwhile and you can make a lot of money from the 3% referral commissions. Thank you very much!
Best Regards, Chris Miller
RichPower Administrator

In the second newsletter issued today Chris discussed a widely publicized problem that seems to have affected not only the members of RichPower, but all programs running off licensed GoldCoders scripts. The thing is that deposits made via BitCoin are not credited automatically and sometimes it may take few hours or longer for them to be credited to members’ accounts in the program and start earning. The admin sees no alternative, citing the impossibility to eliminate possible double deposits in the process. So, that will continue for the time being and people looking to invest in RichPower via BitCoin should remember it might take some time to see their accounts credited with their investments. That situation might be just temporary so the admin promised to keep everyone updated if things return to normal, but if you don’t wish to wait for hours for your BitCoins to start earning in RichPower then choose an alternative such as PerfectMoney or Payeer. Please note that the BitCoin deposit delays does not affect any payouts which are still processed instantly both to BitCoin and to PerfectMoney and Payeer. Here’s the full email from Chris on that:

BitCoin Deposits
Dear members,
Since yesterday morning, there is a long delay with BitCoin deposits, which are still not credited automatically to investors’ accounts (usually it takes 1-24 hours). Please note that this is BlockChain issue, and it’s not the first time that such thing happens. I have no idea how much time it will take, but I can assure you in 100% that all BitCoin deposits will be credited automatically by the system eventually. It can happen in a few hours from now and it can take few days too, maximum. The reason why I don’t add them manually is in order to avoid double credits of deposits to accounts. Thank you everyone very much for your patience and understanding! I will update you immediately once it’s back to normal.
Best Regards, Chris Miller
RichPower Administrator


After twenty days online 4Finance established itself as a trusted program that processes instant payouts to Payza, PerfectMoney, Payeer, and BitCoin and manual payouts to Neteller. These are accepted for deposits starting from $25 each into the 2.6%-3% for 90 business days plan with principal back on expiry. And though even for the very first investors in 4Finance (the program has been on MNO from day one and there is a detailed review here) are far from the profit zone, instant payouts really do wonders and interest from investors grows day after day. On the almost by now traditional Sunday newsletter from 4Finance its admin John reported some recent stats which you might find interesting if you’re curious about just how the program is growing. Also, some payment proofs of larger deposits in 4Finance were shared by the admin and there was a reminder about how to become a regional representative and on how to contact the administration. I’m glad that 4Finance is really doing fine as shown in the last newsletter just a few hours ago and re-posted below:

4Finance Limited #3 Weekly Newsletter
It is another Sunday and here we go with our 3rd official newsletter. We are publishing official news release every Sunday.
As always, you can find our news archive here:
On this newsletter:
1.Project Statistics
2.Payment Proofs Updated
3.Representative Program
Our investment project 4Finance Limited launched its revolutionary website online three weeks ago. It is still a very young company and is just getting started to establish its brand throughout the Internet. Since our official launch date (which was 3rd August, 2015) 4Finance has been joined by more than 7,500 members from different countries. With more than $470K invested and $80K paid out (in referral commissions and earnings) we’re truly the strongest new comer in the industry.
We continue to update our Payment Proofs page right on every Friday of the week as promised previously. You can find larger and smaller withdrawals being processed within our payment proof screenshots. We have few clients with $20K+ investments and they are getting paid like any other investment within our company. Check the payouts yourself here:
At the end we would like to say that we’re looking for a long and fruitful cooperation also with our business partners known as regional representatives. Should you wish to promote our project in your country, contact our corresponding department at for more information. Our partners earn increased referral rates and you can read more about the program here:
Please do not hesitate to contact our customer service department via e-mail, live chat or by phone +44 1444 39 0344 if you have any questions.
Sincerely Yours,
John T. Newham (President of 4Finance Limited)


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 48 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: –
From MNO Premium listRollNRichElegantTradingUSDBusinessLimitedPokerAutomatics, AtrexTradeBitMinerals4Finance, RichPowerHonorForTheBrave, BellRoi.
From MNO Standard list: Carbon7.
From MNO Basic list: –

That’s all for tonight, guys. I hope you enjoyed your weekend as much as I did and are feeling refreshed for the new business week with a positive attitude. Remember to always check the status of a program you wish to join on my monitoring page before actually doing so to make sure it’s on Paying Status and is relatively safe. Tomorrow I’ll have a closer look at one of the most enthusiastically met short-term programs recently RichPower and will draw the results of the current opinion poll running on the MNO TalkBack page asking the payment processor you find most reliable to keep your money in. So far SolidTrustPay and PerfectMoney are in the lead, but that can change so keep voting to share your thoughts. See you all again tomorrow!

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