August 2015 Archives

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Hello, guys, and welcome to the MNO blog – the only investment blog dealing exclusively with high-end programs run by experienced admins. My approach over the years remains inclined towards saving my time that may otherwise be wasted on deliberate fast scams. By keeping prices high I ensure that not many admins would be able to afford to list their programs on MNO. Those who do will be ambitious enough to cater to larger investors and compete for their business. I must add that my gut-feeling prevented me from listing (and my readers from losing money) a now failed project GreatTrade whose admin contacted me a couple of days ago and even paid for the listing using Payza money. What triggered my suspicion is that the payment for the Premium listing on MNO was made from a totally different account than the one that was listed on GreatTrade website for payouts. But the most important thing that made me suspicious was deposits via Payza accepted in manual mode without any Payza approved button, and apparently that was the last attempt for him to get free money from MNO readers who, had I not declined his listing, would otherwise be scammed. Anyway, if you invested for some reason in GreatTrade via Payza using a link from a cheap monitor and lost money, do not despair – just raise a dispute and report the account, and I’m sure you will have a good chance get something back. To all the admins who take their chances and pay for the listing on MNO with fraudulent Payza money – Payza is only accepted by the programs approved by its administration and with a valid payment button installed, otherwise I reserve the right to decline the listing and report it to Payza customer support which I did with GreatTrade. If you think that Payza is the safest place to store your money, by the way, you can submit a vote in the poll that is still running on the MNO TalkBack page and will be available for the next few days.

The last 24 hours were kind of hectic for the MNO website as it had some server issues last night and was not available for some time. Although that happens quite rare, my hosting provider BlockDos handled the unexpected problems perfectly well and have moved my site to a new server. By the way, quite a violent attack on the popular Carbon7 was also successfully mitigated by BlockDos and the site came back online and resumed the payouts within literally a couple of hours. That is the thing with BlockDos – perhaps, the best hosting company for HYIPs and HYIP-related sites like MNO at the moment.

In more news, you might remember that AtrexTrade was on holidays for the first two weeks on August, meaning that new deposits were accepted and withdrawals were processed, but members’ accounts were not credited with daily earnings. Well, despite some negative rumors and speculation AtrexTrade resumed crediting members’ accounts on Tuesday. The most important thing though is that payments were still processed instantly to PerfectMoney, Payeer, and BitCoin that should really bring positive vibes back to the investment community and allow AtrexTrade (reviewed here) last for some more time. I would still encourage you to be extremely cautious regarding AtrexTrade and perhaps hold off from making any additional deposits into the program. You see, the problem with the return of initial deposits from AtrexTrade still exists as explained in the piece on the program from the latest article on the Top Five (click here to read it) so we should really wait and see where the program will go from now and whether it will be able to survive for much longer. I will keep you updated on that if the situation changes.


I’ll start talking about the new programs on MNO tonight with BellRoi. This is a brand new program that launched only yesterday but already made plenty of noise on forums and monitors. BellRoi is apparently run by quite an experienced admin so no wonder it was listed on MNO’s Premium List on the following day. By the way, on its opening the admin of BellRoi issued a message about the few features of his program which I’ll re-post below before continuing with my introduction:

Hello investors,
Today is the day we finally launch online. We are opening our services for people all over the globe. Everyone is welcome to join us and benefit from the services we offer. BellRoi Group Limited is an international investment entity that has been officially registered in the UK and provides its clients with online investments via several electronic payment methods, such as PerfectMoney, Payza, Payeer, and the cryptocurrency BitCoin. You will be able to generate daily interest up to 3.4% every business day, with the option to receive back you principal on the expiration date.
We have also designed a friendly affiliate program, where you can earn from members you send our way, starting at 6% for regular customers and going up to 12% or even 15% for regional representatives. You don’t need to have an active deposit to work as an international agent or earn commissions from your friends and family. Just share your affiliate link to others and earn. On top of all that, we have 24/7 support to assist and provide information at any time. Do not miss out on this fantastic opportunity. Become a member today, and tell others about us!
Best Regards, BellRoi Group Limited

Listing Payza, PerfectMoney, Payeer, and BitCoin as the payment processors accepted by BellRoi the admin didn’t mention the $20 minimum for deposits or the most important thing that will definitely make more investors happy – all withdrawals of up to $500 are promised to be processed instantly, while everything above that will be paid manually within 24 hours. The investment plans proposed by BellRoi include 2.5% to 3.4% daily Monday to Friday for the duration of 80 business days (which is exactly 16 weeks, or 112 calendar days). Depending on the size of your investment you might need to wait up to 40 business days, or 8 weeks to break-even and only then will you be able to see net profits that might reach 200% or more by expiry. Principal is then returned. I’ll explain more about investment plans in the full review of BellRoi to be published on my blog by tomorrow, but for now let’s have a brief look at some other features.

Although BellRoi is running off a licensed script by GoldCoders its internal area was nicely modified to reflect the good taste of the designer. It left only positive impressions for me – easy to navigate and user friendly, everything explained thouroughly and every detail crafted perfectly. The first regional representatives are already available on the special page, there is a space for future video testimonials with a short video introduction of BellRoi (also available on MNOVision now). Online Live chat, active social networking buttons, and superb DDoS protection by DDoSGuard which hosts the site on a dedicated server, SSL-certificate with Green Bar from Comodo and the domain registered for five years – everything indicates how much time, money and effort was spent on on bringing the project online. My overall impression of the BellRoi is very positive so to hear more please check out my blog tomorrow for a more detailed look.


Unlike the previous entry, TradingAssets is quite an established program in the HYIP industry already, recently celebrating two months online. Now it appears the admin is ready to take Premium Listing on MNO today to ensure further growth to take it to the next level. Just a few days ago the following update was posted on the TradingAssets website celebrating the first two months online:

60 Days Online
We achieved the 60 days of online activity, two months of steady growth. We are truly pleased by the success we have had so far, and in particular our members, as there are investors with complete cycles and that are re-investing in new cycles, we have investors who are in profit and close to complete their cycles, new investors come every day to start new deposits, all this in conjunction with our trading activity, gives us a good indicator that we are firm and convinced that TradingAssets is here to stay and last for long.
We thank all of you for your trust and for us the most important thing, is that our investors, can with our help somehow improve their financial situation.

It appears to me though that judging by the frequent updates posted on the TradingAssets website over the last few weeks they had some turbulent times with the admin even going on vacation for a few days when profits were uncredited to members’ accounts, but at the same time it looks to me that he’s quite a hard-working person doing everything possible to ensure that the site is growing and new methods of payment are introduced to make it more appealing. Just a couple of days ago OkPay was added as a new payment processor though with very few people having an account in OkPay I don’t think it will significantly improve TradingAssets‘ cashflow. However I see that the admin is also working on bringing Payza for online investors, but for now it’s not accepted yet. Here’s the info on the OkPay addition:

We’ve added a new payment method, OKPAY is now one more way of payment.
Today we had some issues with our host provider, such difficulties are overcome.
We continue our increasingly sustainable growth, once again we thank all our members, because without them our goal would never be achieved.
TradingAssets Administration

At the time of writing TradingAssets has a rather odd list of accepted payment processors – PerfectMoney, Payeer, two almost unused in the HYIP industry currencies OkPay and NixMoney, and BitCoin where deposits and withdrawals are accepted and processed manually (which is rather strange to me). The good thing that the admin confirmed that withdrawals to all currencies but BitCoin up to $80 in value are currently processed instantly and this limit was only implemented for security reasons and might be raised in the near future. I imagine in some cases withdrawals are processed manually by the admin, so you should allow a reasonable time to get paid. The investment plans will be the subject of further more detailed analysis in the upcoming review of TradingAssets on MNO (most likely on Sunday), but for now you should know that the minimum entry is only $7 for 2.8%-3.5% for 55 business days plan. For that plan you can get 52% to 92.5% profits by the end of the term. Your principal is NOT returned. For slightly higher but still affordable options you can go with 6%-8% for 26 business days plans that don’t return the initial investment on expiry either, but are constructed in a rather bizarre way with overlapping minimums. The 56% to 108% will be your full profit from this set of plans as it will take about three weeks to break-even.

From a designer’s point of view, TradingAssets was made rather interestingly and might not look like a typical HYIP website at first glance as you will need to scroll down to see the required content. The licensed GoldCoders script is absolutely unrecognised here as there is not much left from the original which fans more unusual features will certainly appreciate. Yet it’s still pretty straightforward and easy to navigate there, without much difficulty and the admin always on hand to help. I had quite an extensive communication with him prior to listing his program on MNO today and after that, and he proved responsive, which is always a good sign for me. The TradingAssets website features a Green SSL-Bar from Comodo and is hosted on a dedicated Staminus server with protection against possible attacks by DDoSCure, which is a new name to me. Anyway, if TradingAssets managed to survive for over two months now and is still alive and kicking, I guess the admin is doing everything right, as the first are already in good profits after the completion of the first cycle. For how much longer TradingAssets is going to last only time will tell, and it will be interesting to watch the program’s development now also on MNO. Please stay tuned for the upcoming review later in the week!


A hugely important milestone has just been reached by PokerAutomatics, and something regrettably all too rare in the HYIP industry these days – the program has just completed one full year in business. Time was when a number of low ROI longer term programs could easily achieve this, but sadly it happens a lot less these days. So I offer my sincere congratulations to everyone connected with PokerAutomatics, the massive support network, the investors obviously, but especially to the admin. He’s put in an absolutely tremendous performance this last year, and few admins have impressed me as much. Incidentally, it’s often been claimed (by the admin) that PokerAutomatics has actually been working for four years, however there is no evidence to suggest this is the case, and if it is, well, they certainly weren’t included on any HYIP related media, forums, blogs, monitors, etc before August 2014. But let’s not argue pedantics, the fact is that if you want long term stability in a HYIP investment then PokerAutomatics have proven themselves time and time again to be the team who can deliver it. End of story!

In the latest series of updates PokerAutomatics acknowledges the fact that they have been listed on forums for a year (still careful not to say they’ve only been online a year, but ok). They then include the most recent daily profit reports from their pokerbot network, announce the latest lucky winner of the weekly lottery where one random member is chosen for a VIP upgrade, and give the latest information on their ongoing expansion of their pokerbot network upgrade. Before I include the news from PokerAutomatics below I’ll just remind you that it’s quite a unique program based around sharing the profits from online poker contests with the investors who finance it. Typically the profits which do change from one day to the next hover around the 1% mark. Your share of that will depend on the size of your investment and the term you commit it for, which can be from 30 to 180 calendar days. You get between a 40% to an 80% share, which in real terms works out as 0.4% to 0.8% net profit per day for yourself. All the important payment processors are available, which is one contributing factor to PokerAutomatics continued popularity, including SolidTrustPay, PerfectMoney, Payeer, BitCoin, OkPay, bank transfers, and a host of lesser known providers. For a more detailed explanation of PokerAutomatics I suggest you start with the extensive review of the program first published on MNO here:

PokerAutomatics – DIAMOND STATUS on MMGP Forum (1 Year on Forum)

Lottery Results 16.08.2015:
The winner of this week is Pathal2123.
You get VIP status as a prize.

PokerAutomatics Daily Results:
18.08.2015 – Total poker botnet Income: 1.08%

PokerAutomatics Daily Results:
19.08.2015 – Total poker botnet Income: 1.14%

PokerAutomatics Daily Results:
20.08.2015 – Total poker botnet Income: 0.87%

Pokerbot network upgrade
A number of poker bots in the network increased to 1,003.
Our future goals:
January 2016: 1200-1300 active poker bot accounts
July 2016: 1500-1600 active poker bot accounts
January 2017: 1900-2000 active poker bot accounts
July 2017 and further: 2000 active poker bot accounts
The ultimate goal – 2000 active poker bot accounts.
For security reasons we won’t increase our botnet above 2000 active poker bot accounts.


Personally one of my own favorite payment processors has since I first started using it been Neteller. Though I do admit I’m still relatively new to them, I consider them vastly superior to a lot of the more established names in this section of the industry. Actually I’m kinda surprised that they haven’t performed better in the opinion poll that’s running on the MNO TalkBack page at the moment about the safety of payment processors, though to be honest the HYIP industry isn’t really a strong point with Neteller‘s overall business. Currently only two programs on my monitor are accepting them – HonorForTheBrave (reviewed here) and 4Finance (reviewed here). I strongly believe however that as more and more HYIP players start opening accounts in Neteller then a greater demand for its widespread use will grow across the industry. Reason being that once you have used them once you won’t be able to help but like them. For example, they issue their own brand debit cards linked directly into your account. So unlike the card issued by STP for example which is actually sent from a third party provider and involves you moving funds from your STP account to the card account, Neteller have done away with all of this. The money you have in your Neteller account is exactly the money you have on your Neteller card, and can be withdrawn from ATM cash machines, used for online shopping, or used for over the counter purchases in shops and stores worldwide. So anyway, in their latest drive to expand their share of the market (and no, I do not believe they are specifically targeting HYIP related traffic here) Neteller have started with some pretty slick improvements to their website, making it more mobile friendly in the process. OK, that might be enough to impress existing account holders, but to drum up so extra activity they are also offering some massive cash prizes in their latest promotional campaign, as well as cash back offers as well. You can read about it in the newsletter I’m republishing for you below:

Newsletter: The biggest promotions, our new look website, new deposit options
New look website
Fresh, new and even better! We’ve given our website a makeover and you can see it live right now. It’s sleeker, more mobile friendly and we love it. Do you love it too?
Check it out
Double The Cash Promotion
We were going to give you the chance to win $2,500 in our latest promotion. Now, we’ve doubled the cash to $5,000. Don’t miss out on your chance to win!
VIP Exclusive: 1% Cash-back Promotion
NETELLER VIPs can participate in our 1% Cash-back Promotion until 28 August 2015. Not a VIP yet? Become a VIP and you’ll be eligible. Already a VIP?
New deposit options
AstroPay Card is now available for members in Algeria, Albania and Tunisia (on both desktop and mobile).
Cash Kick Off Promotion
Last chance to win one of ten $1,000 cash prizes in our massive Cash Kick Off Promotion. Remember, the more entries you earn, the higher your chances of winning.
Earn entries
Check out this month’s special offers from our merchants
Visit showcase


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 72 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: –
From MNO Premium listRollNRichElegantTradingUSDBusinessLimitedPokerAutomatics, AtrexTradeBitMinerals4Finance, HonorForTheBrave, TradingAssets (the first instant payment received), BellRoi (the first instant payment received).
From MNO Standard list: Carbon7.
From MNO Basic list: –

That’s all for tonight, guys. I hope you’re enjoy the stability and steady payments of all the programs listed on MNO this week and are hopeful of making some decent profits from the new ones – TradingAssets and BellRoi. I’ll have a more detailed look at BellRoi on the MNO blog by tomorrow which plus all the usual news reports from the biggest investment programs in the HYIP industry, as fast scams are certainly avoiding MNO now. That benefits everyone and I can clearly see that interest in programs featured on MNO has been growing tremendously over the last few weeks. Please don’t forget to vote on the MNO TalkBack poll regarding the safest in your personal opinion e-currency to store money for investing in HYIPs, as the poll will be open for a few more days. I’d love to know what you think as SolidTrustPay and PerfectMoney are currently leading. Every vote counts and it’s important to express your views. See you tomorrow, guys!

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