August 2015 Archives

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Beware! bellRoi has stopped paying! Do not invest there!

Hello all! Friday again so I hope you’re all looking forward to the weekend and whatever plans you might have. It’s been a pretty hectic end to the week to MNO with no less than three new programs joining the Premium List which I’ll be reviewing in the coming days (starting today with BellRoi) and enjoying a short vacation in Lithuania. It’s a first time visit for me in one of the very few remaining countries of Europe I haven’t been to yet, and I must say so far it’s been most enjoyable. Especially if you enjoy outdoor pursuits like myself where the forests and lakes are as good as any I’ve seen before.

So I do hope no matter what other plans you have for the weekend you’ll still find time to check out the MNO blog and monitor, because if you have an interest in the HYIP industry then there’s going to be a lot going on here you’ll want to know about. Of the three latest additions to my monitor, two were already introduced last night, and the third will follow shortly in the news section. But for now I want to concentrate on BellRoi, a highly promising and brand new long term program from what I believe to be an experienced admin launching just in time for the autumn. The program has a couple of interesting features and enough to set it apart from the competition I hope, and also to indicate a certain level of planning and preparation put in before bringing it online to make BellRoi an appealing prospect in an otherwise competitive market. So let’s see what it’s all about and whether you think BellRoi might be a worthwhile addition to your portfolios.
Let’s get things started then with the investment plans. It’s basically just one big plan split into four sub-sections depending on how much you are looking to spend. A $20 minimum gets you into what’s known as The Basic Plan which is sort of BellRoi‘s “entry level” if you want to call it that. It runs for 80 business days. That’s sixteen weeks, or just shy of four calendar months. So, what do you get for your money? All investments up to a maximum value of $499 are rewarded with a daily interest payment of 2.5%, paid on business days (Monday to Friday) only. By the end of the term that adds up to 200% which can then be considered net profit as BellRoi should return your principal in full. According to the figures on the BellRoi website the “return” therefore is 300%, but in my opinion that’s kinda misleading. To be honest it’s just the admin putting the most optimistic slant possible on his own program as you would expect him to do, but anyway, the actual profit is 200% before your own money is added on top.

How might that look in practical monetary terms then? We’ll say you make a deposit of $100, nice easy number, with BellRoi. Every day from Monday to Friday for the following sixteen weeks they will then pay you back $2.50. By the end of that term those payments should accumulate to $200 (double your initial investment) and then have your own principal added to that. That’s $300 returned – $200 net profit plus $100 which was your own to begin with. Perhaps a more important statistic though is the break-even point. After 40 business days of the 80 business day term you should have earned back a sum equal to your own investment. Every cent you receive from BellRoi from that point on is pure passive profit, and you cannot possibly lose money no matter what happens with the program after that.

If you’re looking to step things up a gear then consider The Business Plan which is aimed at bigger more serious players. Entry to this plan will set you back a minimum of $500, with BellRoi capping the minimum at $1,999. Everything works more or less the same as the previous plan in terms of structure, organization, etc, with the plan running for 80 business days and interest payments made from Monday to Friday. Only the money changes, which in this case sees BellRoi offering members a rate of 2.7%. By the end of the term that comes to 216% in interest payments, with your own principal then added on top of that. Break-even point is after 38 payment days.

Next is The Professional Plan, again targeting bigger and bigger investors. BellRoi‘s minimum requirement for joining here is $2,000, or you can spend anything up to $4,999 depending on your budget. It’s a lot of money for sure but I have no doubt that BellRoi will find a couple of takers once the program gets more established and builds its reputation. The offer here is a daily interest payment of 3% per business day, Monday to Friday, for an 80 business day term. Interest payments alone add up to 240% which is net profit once BellRoi returns your principal on top. You break-even with 34 payments.

Lastly for the seriously big players BellRoi are offering The Superior Plan. Again for an 80 business day term members are paid a daily interest rate of 3.4% on their deposits. That’s pretty generous, though the catch is that you will have to spend at least a $5,000 minimum to take advantage. Payments as always take place from Monday to Friday only, and your principal is returned on expiry. The total profit from this plan is 272%, but you break-even after 30 business days. For the record BellRoi‘s official maximum investment is $100,000.

So now that you know about the plans, what about the payment options? Well, most of the popular options are included, with mostly anonymous payment processors and one verified provider. Which ever one you prefer, at the end of the day we all still need to accept that playing the online HYIP industry requires a degree of gambling on our (the investor’s) part. BellRoi currently accept deposits made via PerfectMoney, Payeer, and BitCoin as the anonymous options, and Payza listed for those looking for more transparency. One feature that I know for sure many of you are going to like a lot is that BellRoi offer instant withdrawal payments in most cases. Just log in to your members account area, place the withdrawal request, and you’re done. The money should be available in your payment processor account in under a minute. The only circumstances in which BellRoi do not allow this are really only relevant to when your principal is returned, and even then it’s to the bigger spending members. Withdrawals up to a maximum value of $500 are instant, anything bigger than that is not. Should you be in a position to require a withdrawal of more than $500 then the BellRoi admin asks you to allow 24 hours to get everything completed.

Looking at the more technical aspects of the BellRoi website now, the first thing to strike me was the script. It’s under license from GoldCoders so OK, it retains many of the trademark features that keep them so user friendly and easy to navigate, but in this case the BellRoi admin (or his designer, or his programmer) has made some nice and very tasteful modifications to the members area. Nothing that significantly alters the day-to-day workings of the program from an investor’s point of view or anything, but still enough to add a personal touch and make it all look as if a lot more time, effort, expense, and dedication was put in to the creation of BellRoi compared to most other programs.

Other than that I can tell you that the hosting provider is also one of the better options available, with the admin opting for DDoSGuard. They are keeping the BellRoi website on a dedicated server with their own support and protection from DDoS attacks. For an extra layer of security to protect the program members, BellRoi has the superior Green Bar version of the SSL encryption certificate from Comodo for safer browsing and more secure transactions. The BellRoi domain has been registered for five years, and while I know I’ve pointed out before that this isn’t such a big deal (easily done for minimum expense) I always like to see it anyway. For one thing it shows an admin who knows enough to to take care of such niggling issues right from the start so he never has to bother with them again and can dedicate his time properly to concentrating on the full time management of his program. Hopefully that’s what happens with BellRoi.

If you have any further questions for the BellRoi admin that you felt weren’t answered in this review or any account related issues that need to be dealt with urgently then there are a couple of ways to get in touch. The fastest way of course is to check out the program’s Live Chat which is always the first thing you should look for if you have any questions. If for whatever reason that’s not suitable for you then you can either fill in your details on the online support form and submit it via the contacts page, or else just write directly to the BellRoi admin at the e-mail address listed. There’s a postal address included as well, which naturally you should ignore as being the last place you will actually find anyone connected with the program, but this does at least come with a phone number so you can try that if you expect a response. If you want something a bit more personal and from someone a bit closer to home, BellRoi also have a regional representative scheme already up and running. Despite the program being brand new I must say I was surprised to see quite so many names listed as representatives this early, so I guess I’m not the only one with high expectations here. Fans of social media sites will be able to connect with BellRoi through FaceBook, Twitter, Google+, and even YouTube where one promotional video is already included. Members are invited to test their own movie making skills and make a video of their own (for which the BellRoi admin will pay), though remember you need to contact them in advance if you’d like to give it a shot.

My overall first impression of the BellRoi website is very positive, something I know a lot of you agree with from the feedback I’ve been getting. It looks to be a good, or at least improving, season for HYIP players who know how to separate the good from the bad so it also looks like good timing for the launch of BellRoi as well. Just a quick word on the alleged business plan behind it all, it’s a bit vague to say the least and the texts seem to go on a bit without any worthwhile information. The usual activities like stock market trading and ForEx deals are all in there somewhere, just not in a way that allows you to research and verify anything for yourself. Experienced readers already know this so OK, but for anyone else I just remind you to behave responsibly when it comes to HYIPs. BellRoi is above average, but that doesn’t mean the same rules need not apply. That means you set a sensible spending limit that you can afford to lose and stay within it, and if you do decide to join BellRoi then you should try and keep them as a smaller part of a wider more diverse portfolio.



If you have been waiting for a possible leader among shorter term programs this autumn RichPower might be a serious contender. I have high hopes for the project that was launched just six days ago and was added to MNO Premium listing today, because the admin is rumored to be very experienced whose previous programs with a similar plan structure lasted for many weeks which would be a superb achievement for any program like this. While I can’t confirm or deny this myself, RichPower was still very well received by investors right from day one and at the moment it has already hundreds of active members which you can see for yourself in the website’s live stats. Naturally a very important feature for any short-term program like RichPower is instant payouts and I can confirm that in almost 100% cases payouts to BitCoin, Payeer, and PerfectMoney (the only accepted payment gateways here) are done instantly. There are only two exceptions why a withdrawal might go to pending status, and that will be discussed in more detail in the upcoming review of RichPower on the MNO blog next Monday.

For now let’s take a brief look at the investment plans on offer. They’re quite typical for this type of program and will pay you once on expiry of a fixed investment term. With RichPower the best thing is that you won’t need to wait and will get paid to your e-currency accounts within seconds, allowing redeposits to be done faster and resulting in a faster turnover and a possible higher profit in shorter time. RichPower will accept deposits starting from a $10 minimum in the following plans, paying the higher rates on bigger deposits – 103%-130% after 1 day, 110%-200% after 3 days, 117%-275% after 5 days, 125%-370% after 7 days, 155%-700% after 15 days, 220%-1500% after 30 days. Well, the more realistic returns are usually offered to smaller investments, so with RichPower you should always remember that. There’s also a couple of investment plans best avoided – 3000% after 44 days, 5000% after 60 days, 444% after 4 days – which either require too high a minimum to join, or else are simply not achievable. Judging by the admin’s previous experience in this field I wouldn’t be surprised if he invented even more unrealistic plans in the future to lure more investors with big wallets into RichPower to pay to all the smart investors who know how to play these games. The admin himself actually revealed that it took a lot of market research to find the best possible date to launch his program and take advantage of the upward trend we’re seeing now:

RichPower Launched!
After months of planning the marketing strategy and setting up the website, we are finally proud to announce our investment program as launched. We strive to beat every single high yield investment program on the market. Our server is fully dedicated, DDoS protected and secured.

RichPower seems a well-designed and original looking website. The script is a regular licensed GoldCoders script, so there will be no problems understanding how it all works. The DDoS protection is standard enough with a dedicated server from CloudFlare and regular SSL-certificate from Comodo. Although a Live Support button is available it’s not leading anywhere yet, but I must say that the admin himself is quite active and is usually fast to provide assistance via email. I suspect that more improvements for RichPower are underway and we’ll probably see them in autumn, provided the program can repeat his own success. That is, by the way, in no way guaranteed, so despite the bulging sacks of dollars depicted on the site please be reasonable and only invest what you can afford to lose. A more detailed look at RichPower and its investment plans will follow on Monday, so stay tuned for that.


PokerAutomatics (reviewed here) is a trouble-free program paying promptly for over a year now. Today was no exception and the profit reported by the network of botnets playing poker on behalf of investors came to 1.05%:

PokerAutomatics Daily Results:
21.08.2015 – Total poker botnet Income: 1.05%

You should remember though that out of this 1.05% which constitutes the company’s profits (variable every day but always about 1%) investors will only get a share of 40% to 80% depending on the investment term of 30 to 180 calendar days and the deposited amount which starts from $30. SolidTrustPay, PerfectMoney, Payeer, BitCoin, OkPay, and many other currencies can be used (the initial investment is also returned on expiry). You can imagine that for over 12 months online PokerAutomatics managed to bring profits to hundreds and even thousands of investors who should be totally satisfied with the program’s performance even though its minimum 12% monthly income might not seem so much compared to other HYIPs. To help the program grow there’s a wide network of local representatives available in different countries to try and push PokerAutomatics to a much wider audience, with 170 now working to promote the program in their native countries. The latest is from Germany who joins the panel of representatives today:

We have a new Representative
Jan Schildknecht – Germany
You may contact him by email and skype
170+ Representatives!

And finally, I can’t praise the administration of PokerAutomatics enough for constantly improving the script the program runs off to make it more user-friendly and convenient. Just today for instance a new feature was announced that will allow you to view your current and expired deposits in your member’s area. Here’s what they had to say about it:

PokerAutomatics Script Upgrade
Now you can see all amounts of your closed and expired Deposits in your PokerAutomatics account.
We continue to improve the performance and usability of PokerAutomatics.


Over the last 24 hours Carbon7 seems to have been struggling with a gigantic wave of DDoS-attacks most likely launched by their competitors in the HYIP industry. Really, Carbon7 (reviewed here) has become so big and attracted even those who had previously left the HYIP industry, and no wonder that the program has become truly the biggest phenomena of this summer. Plans offer 7% for 22 business days and 110% after 7 calendar days for deposits via SolidTrustPay, Payza, PerfectMoney, Payeer, and BitCoin. Unfortunately the enormous and continued success of Carbon7 also made enemies of rival admins annoyed that so many investors ignore their programs in favor of Carbon7. I imagine this DDoS attack is aimed at causing investors to panic. The admin of Carbon7 is luckily a tougher nut to crack and won’t succumb to any threats or attempts to bring the site down and will keep paying as usual. Even today, with some members not being able to access the website Carbon7 processed all pending withdrawals and the admin will do everything possible to stay in the promised 48-hour timeframe (note that Saturdays and Sundays are not working days so the withdrawals won’t be processed). I firmly believe that by Monday the admin Martin will have the situation back under control and we’ll see Carbon7 with strengthened and improved security. I’ll keep you updated on MNO and will post more info as I get it. The latest exclusive message issued specially for MNO readers received from Martin just a couple of hours ago will show you his level of commitment to his program, so please show your support:

DDoS attackers keep hitting us and changing tactics, so the site is just slow (UP & DOWN), while we are fighting them off.
However, the site is in fact UP, just that those tests can’t pass our “human browser” test while the guard is on highest level.
Please rest assured we are taking care of it and we won’t rest until the attackers admit defeat, it’s just a matter of time now.
Hope you and your readers would remain patient during this stressful times, as we are processing payouts as usual on time.


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 24 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: –
From MNO Premium listRollNRichElegantTradingUSDBusinessLimitedPokerAutomatics, AtrexTradeBitMinerals4Finance, HonorForTheBrave, TradingAssets, BellRoi, RichPower (the first instant payments received).
From MNO Standard list: Carbon7.
From MNO Basic list: –

That’s it for the week, guys. I’m going to take tomorrow off and enjoy the last weekend of my vacation here in Lithuania, but I will still be keeping an eye on MNO and update you on any important events via the MNO ShoutBox which is yet another great source of information. Of course the monitoring page will be also updated as usual, so please check it first to make sure the program you’re about to join still has Paying Status. Also don’t forget to vote for the safest payment processor to store your money on the MNO TalkBack, as the final results will be drawn in another couple of days. I’ll see you again on Sunday when I’m going to take a closer look at a program that’s been online for over two months but just joined MNO recently – TradingAssets. We’ll also have the latest news from the biggest investment programs online, so stay tuned for more info, bookmark my site and subscribe to the daily news to be the first to know. You’re always on the money with Money-News-Online!

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