Oct 11th, 2015 Archives

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Beware! Lotto2Destiny has stopped paying! Do not invest there!

Hello everyone! I hope the weekend has been going well for you so far. There’s a couple of news stories to catch up on despite being Sunday, as I haven’t published since Friday. I’m just back home from my vacation and already all I can think about is my next one so I hope the coming business week is extra busy and keeps my mind off the skies! Anyway, before the news I want to start with a new program just added to the MNO monitor called Lotto2Destiny. I should point out that this is a total new departure as it isn’t an online HYIP that requires any investment in the traditional sense. It is, and is presented as, entirely a game of chance where you might (or might never) win anything. Lotto2Destiny is still a form of gambling though which will cost you money if you wish to play.
So, where I would normally start talking about investment plans in regular HYIP reviews, those is where I’ll tell you about the games in Lotto2Destiny. There are three lottery style draws available for you to play. Two of them run once per week on separate days, and then there’s a third smaller scale draw held every calendar day. The “big” lottery days are Thursday and Saturday. There’s no real terms&conditions or anything imposed here, no fixed term or anything like that, you just buy a ticket if you want to play, or if you’re not in the mood then skip it for another time. Because there’s no investment as such you won’t he handing over or storing large sums of money in your Lotto2Destiny account area. Just deposit enough money for the number of tickets you wish to buy, and forget about it until the next time. Every ticket you buy is numbered and recorded in your members account area, and after the draws are held you should get an automatic e-mail telling you the good or bad news about the success of your ticket, i.e. if you won anything or just lost.

Here’s what you need to do after signing up. Across the top of the page in your members area you will see a button marked “fill wallet”. Self explanatory really, this is what you need to click in order to move money from your payment processor account to your online wallet. The minimum amount you can move is $5, and there’s an extra $1 bonus given to new members. Then click the tab you’ll see a little bit further down the page marked “games”. This will then give you a choice of playing the Thursday lottery, the Saturday lottery, or the regular “Daily 3” game which I’ll describe in a moment. For the main weekly games you will see what basically resembles an on-screen “virtual” lottery ticket. You select six random numbers from 1 to 25 in order to fill out the ticket, with your six numbers all on one line. Every line you fill out will cost you $2, so if you want an extra chance in the draw two lines on the ticket will cost you $4, three lines will cost you $6, and so on. On the day of the lottery Lotto2Destiny will draw six random numbers. This takes place at 18.00 GMT and can be watched by members, for want of a better word, “live”. No, it’s not like a TV show or anything, more like a short animation where the winning six numbers are generated by the script.

Prizes are, like in a real lottery, based on how many numbers you manage to guess correctly. I would imagine the prizes can easily change from one week to the next, but I can give you the most recent examples just to give you a rough idea of what Lotto2Destiny are claiming. There was a prize fund $25,000 for picking all six numbers, $2,500 if you correctly match five, $250 to ticket holders with four good numbers, and $50 if you successfully pick three numbers. Everyone else gets nothing. Personally I did manage to win the minimum $50 in one lottery which is the reason Lotto2Destiny was moved to Paying Status on my monitor. I don’t know if I’ll ever win another prize, if I do it’ll show up on my monitor.

The other game, the so-called “Daily 3” that I briefly mentioned above, takes place every day of the week. It costs you at least a minimum of $1 for every ticket. This time you just pick any three numbers from 0 to 9. You have a couple of options here, for example if you pick all three in the correct sequence then you win a bigger prize. Get them right in any order and win a smaller prize, or hedge your bets as the saying goes and split your ticket between them for something in the middle. Everyone else with an incorrect guess (including me!) gets nothing. Last time I checked the prize fund for this game was $750, though again I would assume this can easily change as the Lotto2Destiny admin wishes.

Currently there are just two payment options for Lotto2Destiny, both anonymous,no questions asked or answered providers in PerfectMoney and Payeer. Payments to any winners out there are done on business days only.

At this point you can probably easily figure out what my problem is with Lotto2Destiny. Not me personally of course, I mean speaking as a monitor. As in the real world, you pay two bucks for a lottery ticket, cross your fingers and wait for the draw, and check the results. Not your lucky day? Oh well, looks like you’re not quitting your job this week then, try again next time. But in my position as a monitor I can’t verify if anyone (other than myself) has ever gotten a single payment from Lotto2Destiny. I can’t even promise you that the script rigs the whole thing to make sure that no one ever picks even three numbers that match what gets drawn. We are talking about anonymous online games here so there is no such thing as state appointed adjudicators to make sure Lotto2Destiny work to any level of transparency. So that’s where I need the readers to help me out and leave any feedback you have about Lotto2Destiny either in the comments section of this review or the comments section on my monitor. Win or lose, feel free to say what you think.

On the design and security side of things I have to be honest and say the Lotto2Destiny website is, at the time of writing anyway, still in need of some work. The main issue here is the lack of SSL encryption despite the admin placing an icon for it on the site. I pointed this out to him, he says he’s working on it, so I’ll let you know if that gets taken care of. Meanwhile the best this you can do if this is important to you, and it should be, is to manually type the “https” in front of Lotto2Destiny in your browser’s address bar. If it doesn’t work, well, it’s up to you how to proceed so do so at your own risk. Script is by “.net” and the hosting provider is called VIP Hosting. I can’t really comment on the reliability of either as I’m only hearing those names for the first time when Lotto2Destiny came to me for monitoring, but you are free to do whatever background checks on their track record if it makes you feel any better.

If you have any further questions about Lotto2Destiny for the admin then you can either e-mail him directly or else fill in the online support form on the contacts page and submit it. There is a built in Live Chat feature which I have never once actually seen turned on, despite the FAQ claiming it’s a 24 hour service.

There isn’t a great deal else to Lotto2Destiny I can think of adding. It’s a total gamble of course, though one I would suspect the program’s admin has a bit more control over than is acknowledged. While I can’t confirm or deny that anyone has ever received a single payout myself, one suspects the odds are at least skewered to ensure that Lotto2Destiny never has to pay out more than it takes in. Theoretically therefore it can survive as lone as the basic expenses of operating the website are covered, quite minimal I’m sure, it still doesn’t mean you will ever win a cent from it. Then again, maybe you will, I wouldn’t know. I would just ask you to remember the basic rules about staying safe online and also keeping your money safe. Play for fun if you must, don’t play for a life changing win, only spend less than you can afford to lose, all of which you would of course do in a regular offline lottery.



You might remember that I already mentioned in one of the previous updates earlier this week that the admin of Nano67 had discretely added SolidTrustPay. Yesterday the good news doubled as Payza was also added and became another verifiable payment option available for the Nano67 members. I expect interest in the program to rise next week for sure, as this is quite a commendable improvement. You can always read more about Nano67 in my detailed review published here, but let me just remind you that along with SolidTrustPay and Payza you can also invest using OkPay, PerfectMoney, Payeer, and BitCoin. The minimum starts at $25 and the investment plans strongly resemble those offered by the current leader in the HYIP industry Carbon7 (reviewed here) – 6% to 7% for 30 calendar days with the interest paid from Monday to Friday only, and two plans paying once on expiry – 110% after 7 days, and 125% after 14 days. I believe that after more than two weeks online the first investors who joined one of the on expiry plans in Nano67 should be in good profit already, and hopefully we will all see the imminent completion of the first investment cycle on the daily paying plan soon too. The official news about the addition of two popular payment options from Nano67 please find below:

SolidTrustPay and Payza are now accepted!
Payza and Solidtrustpay are integrated in our payment system. Both Payza and Solidtrustpay are verified corporate type accounts. If you make deposit via these two payment processors, it will be processed instantly. Hope you may enjoy this!


Although the positions are not filled yet, the representative hiring campaign is open in Profit4You so you can apply now. The details of what is required of candidates to earn increased referral commissions are specified on the specially created Representatives page on the Profit4You website and in the official update below:

Representatives New Section Added
We created a new section for representatives. Profit4You representative is a person or group of people who take responsibility for providing counseling and assistance to other parties in their country or city. If you want to be one of our representatives refer to our section “Representatives”.
Profit4You Administration

Profit4You (reviewed here) took a spot in the Top Five most popular programs on MNO in less than three weeks of listing thanks to high reader participation in the program which gave MNO the top position of the officially #1 referrer in the program. With the recent addition of Payza and Skrill as verifiable payment processors (joining PerfectMoney, Payeer, BitCoin, OkPay, and AdvCash), Profit4You became more appealing to a wider audience. With more than two thirds of my readers (according to the final results of the poll featured on the MNO TalkBack this week – more on that later) considering Payza as a safer payment option than other payment methods, we can expect more deposits made in Profit4You via Payza in the coming weeks. Another perk of being a member of Profit4You is instant withdrawals processed literally within seconds of request from one of the three plans – 10% for 11 business days, 6.5% for 24 business days, and 3.3%-3.6% for 50 business days, all with principal included. Profit4You pays interest on business days only, so do keep that in mind when joining.


CryptotechGroup (reviewed here) is developing nicely with the admin reporting progress on a regular basis. The latest news on the expansion of social networking efforts in order to make the program more accessible to members sees the addition of their own Facebook group. I believe that’s a pretty serious step in the building of investors trust and confidence in CryptotechGroup. The program is paying 4.8%-6% for 25 days offers quite sustainable returns starting from 20% pure profit as the initial investments are not returned on expiry. Currently CryptotechGroup accepts investments from a $20 minimum via PerfectMoney, Payeer, BitCoin, AdvCash, NixMoney, and OkPay. The admin is hoping to add Payza soon as well. My withdrawals to PerfectMoney have all been processed instantly over the last few days, but please note that CryptotechGroup does not in fact guarantee or even offer this, so it’s always advisable to wait for 24 hours for manual payouts anyway. Here’s the latest update from CryptotechGroup on the Facebook group I mentioned:

The power of community.
Dear investors and visitors. The CryptotechGroup LTD administration announces that today, on October 09, 2015, the thematic initiative group on the FaceBook media network has been created. The purpose of creation of group consists in that investors to whom it is interesting, left its comments there, ask questions and communicated with each other. In turn, Administration will care of that the group always had the most actual information concerning life and development of the project. Only the latest news, only the most reliable information from primary sources! Promotion of the project comes to a new stage of its development.
We offer even more opportunities!
Watch our updates.
Discover the new opportunities with CryptotechGroup LTD together!


PokerAutomatics (reviewed here) keeps doing quite well and the program is now on its eighth month on the MNO Premium List. It’s currently in the #2 position and only slightly behind HonorForTheBrave in the top spot. The main news from them at the moment is possible BitCoin transaction errors – a widely discussed issue over the last few days on dedicated BitCoin forums. The answer PokerAutomatics received from BlockChain support indicates that the issue will hopefully be solved by this coming Monday when PokerAutomatics is due to resume payouts after the weekend anyway. So those with BitCoin withdrawal requests please be patient and remember that PokerAutomatics reserves up to five business days to process withdrawal requests. Here’s what has been recently reported on the PokerAutomatics‘ news page regarding the BitCoin issue:

Blockchain has some Bitcoin transaction errors.
Some of our transactions were failed.
We’ll try to fix it manually in Monday.
If you have any errors with your operations – let us know – accounts@pokeram.com
Blockchain’s reply to our ticket:
Kevin (Blockchain)
Hi, There is an ongoing transaction malleability attack against the bitcoin network that is interfering with our forwarding service.
We are working actively on doing what we can to prevent our forwarding transactions from being interfered with.
You can read more about the discussions here: https://redd.it/3n5zvw
and here: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=1198032.0
I apologize for the inconvenience.
Best, Kevin
Kevin | Blockchain.info Support

Other important news published recently there was an announcement of new dedicated servers purchased for PokerAutomatics‘ growing need to accommodate more new members joining the program as it continues to expand. PokerAutomatics is certainly one of the biggest investment programs online and is serving thousands of members. This in turn also indicates a growing number of regional representatives which already exceeds 200 with the most recent two positions taken by new operators in Bulgaria and Switzerland. Please read more on that below:

New dedicated servers were added.
We have purchased 2 new dedicated servers for our pokerbot network.

We have a new Representative
Martin Dobrev – Bulgaria
You may contact him by email, skype and phone
200+ Representatives!

We have a new Representative
Cavalli – Switzerland
You may contact him by email
200+ Representatives!

As for the last daily profit results indicating the company’s income received from the extensive network of pokerbots also growing exponentially, it was a bit higher than the usual 1% mark in two cases out of three which as indicated in the latest reports below:

PokerAutomatics Daily Results:
09.10.2015 – Total poker botnet Income: 0.92%

PokerAutomatics Daily Results:
10.10.2015 – Total poker botnet Income: 1.08%

PokerAutomatics Daily Results:
11.10.2015 – Total poker botnet Income: 1.16%

For those of you who didn’t see my review of PokerAutomatics I should remind you that you do not actually receive the posted rate of interest, but rather a 40% to 80% share of it every day for the duration of 30 to 180 calendar days (depending on the chosen investment plan and deposited amount starting from $30 minimum). On expiry of the term your principal is returned to your account and is available for re-deposit or withdrawal to your payment processor account. SolidTrustPay, PerfectMoney, Payeer, BitCoin, are all among the options for you there, as are many lesser known payment options. To better understand how the program works you can also refer to this and this video reports posted on the MNOVision page where you can also find a few more short clips that might be useful for you if you’re interested in the general subject of HYIPs.


I guess Canadian readers will all be celebrating Thanksgiving this weekend, so please accept my best wishes if you are. Anyway, as SolidTrustPay is based in Canada please allow an extra day if waiting for customer support, or funding, withdrawal, or exchange requests to be approved. Note that SolidTrustPay is a payment processor of a totally higher calibre than most. They offer a wide array of funding and withdrawal options including bank transfers and card payments, so verified members enjoy many benefits from using STP (please refer to this article to find out more about advantages of using them in HYIPs). Recently they’ve been regaining popularity among HYIPs, by the way, and at the time of writing six out of eleven programs on MNO use SolidTrustPay. Such an increased presence is definitely seen by many HYIP investors as a positive sign, indicating a clear revival of the industry as a whole and a possible shift towards the US and European investors who favor them. And did you know that there is a possibility to verify your STP account almost instantly as the process is now fully automated for selected countries and US states. The list has been expanded and can be seen in the last article on the official STP blog here. As for the upcoming STP customer support holiday tomorrow please read about it below:

Customer Support Holiday – Canadian Thanksgiving
Please be advised that SolidTrustPay’s Customer Support Staff will be unavailable on Monday, October 12th for Canadian Thanksgiving.
As this is also a Federal Banking Holiday, customers are reminded to add extra processing time for deposits, withdrawals, and e-currency exchanges.
At this time of year we like to reflect and give thanks. We would like to take this time to thank you, our wonderful customers, for helping us make SolidTrustPay what it is today.
Secondly, we would also like to thank our staff for all their hard work, dedication and professionalism.
We would like to wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving, full of fun with family, and of course, lots of delicious food!


Time now to look at the final results of the MNO TalkBack opinion poll which has been running over the last week or so. As everyone who wanted to vote had I think ample time to do so I guess we have a fair enough cross-section of readers opinions by now. So after recently asking about your thoughts (overwhelmingly positive by the way) on the resurgence of interest in STP in the HYIP industry at the moment, I thought it might be interesting to hear your thoughts on their closest rival, Payza. Incidentally, Payza is currently accepted by six of the eleven Premium Listed programs on the MNO monitor so as you can see it is already a major force in the online payment processor world. You can read more about the importance, or should I say the benefits to regular investors, of using such verifiable payment processors and why they are better than anonymous “no questions asked” style providers in a recent article on MNO here.

So, the exact question asked in the last opinion poll was:
Do you feel safer and more secure when investing in HYIPs via Payza?
And it has to be said the vast majority of you seem positive to at least a certain extent. The most popular answer with 40% of the vote said “Yes, I feel safer because it’s difficult for admins to withdraw from Payza and process payments for longer.” Also positive though for a slightly different reason, 30% of readers said “Yes, I feel much safer because I might get a chargeback even if a program collapses”. 20% of voters think “No, I don’t feel protected as Payza might reverse transactions even when I profit from a HYIP”, while the remaining 10% were a bit more neutral and simply said “It makes no difference to me if I invest via Payza or any other processor as I’m always on alert.

For the next opinion poll I wanted to ask about so-called “rev share” programs, specifically now that MNO has started monitoring 155ProfitAds which you can see reviewed on my blog here. I’ve actually covered a lot of similar programs over the years, you just might not remember it because there hasn’t been a lot of them recently. But what do you think of them in general? Do you think they are better or worse than regular HYIPs? Do you have any strong feelings either way, or do you not see much of a real difference and think it’s all just cosmetic? Before answering you can go back and have a quick re-read of the 155ProfitAds review from my blog just to remind you of how this (and one assumes other rev share admins) say they are different from HYIPs, but do you agree? The exact question therefore is:
What is your opinion of revenue share programs?

And the possible answers are:
Yes, they are better organized and I would like to see more.
I prefer them only because I like to advertise on them.
I think they’re just HYIPs hiding under a different name. No preference.
I prefer regular HYIPs because they are easier but might join a rev share sometime.
I dislike rev share programs in general and do not join them.

The poll will as usual stay open for another week to ten days, certainly as long for everyone who wants to vote to be able to do so. Thanks in advance to everyone who takes the time and effort to share your thoughts on the subject. Remember it only takes a second of your time and is totally anonymous, however if you would like to share your thoughts you are free as always to leave a comment, or say it on the MNO ShoutBox.


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 72 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: –
From MNO Premium list: HonorForTheBravePokerAutomatics, AtrexTradeNuggetz, Profit4You, 155ProfitAds, CryptotechGroup, Lotto2Destiny (the first payment received).
From MNO Standard list: Carbon7, ProfitUnity, Nano67.
From MNO Basic list: –

That is all the news for today, guys. I hope you found the information provided useful, and remember that MNO is working for the investors as my blog and monitor deals exclusively with high-budget programs run by experienced admins. Like it or not, the listing fees on MNO are currently the highest in the HYIP industry, so you can be sure you won’t find low-grade programs run by chancers here. It may not guarantee you success, but at least it will prevent you from joining deliberate fast scams. The recently added programs are mostly performing very well which I hope continues next week, and if everything goes to plan I’ll have an updated version of the Top Five Popular Programs on MNO early next week. Please do not forget to share your opinion on the rev-share programs in the MNO TalkBack poll (taking the latest addition of 155ProfitAds as a leading example) and share your opinion on the MNO ShoutBox. You can also contact me directly via this page if you have any personal questions, or subscribe to the MNO daily news in order not to miss anything interesting. See you all later in the week, guys!

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