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13/10/2015. Daily News from the HYIP Industry


Hi all, and welcome again to MNO – the largest blog for the English speaking market dedicated entirely to the biggest high-budget programs. MNO has recently expanded to include such opportunities as rev-share programs (you can share your own opinion on them in this poll) and even online lotteries. I’m sure that more interesting online income opportunities are coming our way and will be covered on the MNO blog and monitor in due course, so stay tuned for more. All in all, the HYIP industry is doing really well this October with most of the programs remaining stable performers and paying like clockwork. An invaluable contribution to that growth is due to a growing number of programs using Payza and SolidTrustPay. After the closure of LibertyReserve which is now more than two years ago, the industry is probably at its strongest point since a near total collapse. For instance out of the 13 currently monitored programs on MNO six are now accepting Payza and seven take SolidTrustPay which is the highest percentage since 2013. The latest program that started accepting STP yesterday, by the way, without even announcing it officially was Profit4You (reviewed here), but I guess we will talk more about that by the time the admin decides to cover it in a follow-up newsletter. For now let’s shift our focus to the latest additions to the Premium listing on my monitor, which are a promising brand new program called MutualTrust, plus a more established name in GrandRialtoLimited. I also have news from other good paying programs featured on MNO like 155ProfitAds, CryptotechGroup, and PokerAutomatics which is coming up after the introductions.


I want to start with the introduction of the brand-new program launched a couple of hours ago and coming straight to the Premium List on MNO – MutualTrust. It might be good if you like short to medium-term programs not offering ridiculous returns and can be sustained for quite some time. MutualTrust is, in my view, a perfect example of such a program offering 10% to 12% daily interest for a duration of 12 calendar days with no principal back on expiry and instant payouts to PerfectMoney, Payeer, and BitCoin. So your total return on expiry will be 120% to 144% with net profit from 20% to 44% depending on your principal. I’ll talk about that in more detail on my blog on Thursday in a closer look at MutualTrust, for now you just need to know that the minimum to invest is $10 and all the payouts are processed instantly (providing they do not exceed $500 in which case they will be done manually by the admin within 48-hours). The MutualTrust website looks really well made and is impressive at first glance. It’s running off a familiar licensed version of GoldCoders script, so you shouldn’t have any difficulties when browsing. The security is top-notch with Green Bar Extended Validation SSL encryption from Comodo, and the hosting provided by DDoSGuard keeping the program on a dedicated server protected from possible malicious attacks. Despite the great layout and promising investment plans I still believe that we will be able to judge MutualTrust by its results for investors and see how it performs after the first 12-day cycle is complete. I’ll leave you with the short welcome message from the admin on its official launch earlier today:

We are very excited to present you the launch of our investing platform MutualTrust. We want to make you confident that all our efforts, experience and due diligence acquired for years will give good results in vast ocean of internet projects.


GrandRialtoLimited was added to my Premium List yesterday and at first glance the program was strongly reminiscent of the previous hit on MNO earlier this year Cryptoconomist. The comparison is drawn from the site’s brilliant design, script and payment options, the strategy of staying under the radar as a “sleeper” for a couple of months before making the necessary improvements needed to start a wider promotional campaign, but mostly from the structure of their investment plans. I suggest avoiding the unfeasibly high returns offered by the on expiry plans, promising 600% after 30 days, 1500% after 60 days, 300% after 35 days, 1000% after 65 days, 3000% after 95 days, 5000% after 125 days with a high minimum investment. A more realistic option would be the daily payment plans offering principal return on expiry – 2.25% for 25 days, 2.45% for 45 days, 2.95% for 65 days. Judging by the fact that though officially running since late July GrandRialtoLimited just underwent a total redesign and reshuffle of their plans a few days ago along with the admin’s previous experience in this field suggests a good chance of success for at least the first investors. The minimum to invest in GrandRialtoLimited is $10 and the five payment processors accepted include PerfectMoney, Payeer, OkPay, NixMoney, and BitCoin. For fans of BitCoin please note that GrandRialtoLimited uses the CoinPayments interface which is more reliable than the currently beleaguered BlockChain, and you should get your account credited after two confirmations received by them. Interest is credited to on calendar days, though withdrawals are not instant and may take up to 36 hours. Note that GrandRialtoLimited is not usually particularly fast when it comes to withdrawals, so show a little patience. That may well be the best strategy as the admin certainly expects big growth within the next few weeks so this is aimed at getting members accustomed to waiting their turn. GrandRialtoLimited is a fantastic looking website at the moment, with lots of useful features like an extensive FAQ section, Green Bar SSL-certificate by Comodo, a licensed GoldCoders script, DDoS protection by DDoSGuard and hosting on a dedicated server. On the first official update issued in a few days after the program’s relaunch with the new design, English language Live Chat and phone support were also added. Working hours are posted on the website. I’ll be looking at GrandRialtoLimited in more detail tomorrow, but for now please read the two latest newsletters announcing the recent improvements:

Dear investors and visitors of the site of the GrandRialtoLimited program. With pleasure we inform you that works on development and testing of new design of our site have been fully completed with positive result. From this moment you can visit ours the website and work with our functional, receiving, besides the income, also aesthetic pleasure.
Except change of design of the site, also we want to remind you that GrandRialtoLimited has expanded the list of the electronic payment systems which supported to investment here. Now the complete list of the electronic payment systems working today looks as follows: PerfectMoney, Payeer, BitCoin, NixMoney, OKPAY
Watch our news.

Dear investors.
The GrandRialtoLimited program announces start of interactive support for own clients, and also for those who plans to become our client. From 7.00 pm the London time on October 07, 2015 the live chat is available for English-speaking users. And also from 9.00 am the London time on October 08, 2015 will be available phone user support.
Schedule of live chat: from 9.00 am to 12.00 pm
Schedule of phone support: from 9.00 am till 5.00 pm
Operating days: Daily, without days off.
Watch our news.


CryptotechGroup (reviewed here) seems to be taking an unorthodox approach to advertising by running a webinar where current and future members are welcome to participate via the link in today’s newsletter. Just yesterday CryptotechGroup spoke of many people joining the program from EU and Latin American countries, so perhaps the upcoming webinar scheduled for October 15 drum up further interest in their investment plans offered – 4.8%, 5.3% or 6% daily over the period of 25 calendar days. As of the time of writing, CryptotechGroup has been online for two weeks, so the very first investors will not see a profit until the end of the week. We’ll be in a better position to judge the program’s performance and the admin’s intentions after that. As of now, things are going well and I noticed that CryptotechGroup is even processing payouts instantly although not explicitly promised in their FAQ section where withdrawals 24 hours is still the official waiting period. A $20 minimum is required to join and can be made via PerfectMoney, Payeer, BitCoin, OkPay, AdvCash, and NixMoney. Net profit can be 20% to 50% depending on the size of your deposit. I’ll report about the program’s performance next week and we’ll see then if CryptotechGroup lives up to expectations, but for now you can read about the growing interest in the program and perhaps participate in the upcoming webinar. Feel free to share your experience on the MNO ShoutBox if you do attend the webinar with your fellow readers:

The number of the interested investors grows every day!
The number of the interested investors grows every day! The CryptotechGroup LTD project becomes even more reliable and popular. Already today people from the European Union countries and Latin America are start cooperating actively with us, making investments into our project. And it improve to high trust from our clients to us.
Let’s watch testimonials of people who already participate in the project: CryptotechGroup, draw the correct conclusions, join in the CryptotechGroup LTD project already today!

Answers to all your questions. Training and consultations.
Investors and visitors. The CryptotechGroup LTD administration announces that at 8.30 pm (at MOSCOW TIME), 15 October, 2015 will take place the first webinar of our project which will be devoted to the most popular questions concerning of Cryptotech Group LTD project work. Besides, we shall hold consultations concerning investment. And also we will answer to questions which can regard the general direction of project development. We plan to hold webinars regularly, but not more often than there will be need in its hold or by your requests.
To participate in a webinar, follow, please, this link.
Also about the planned holding webinars, and you can to learn about the program of webinars in the new section of the official project site
You want to know by first about the nearest innovations in the project? Then join us at our first webinar!
Watch our updates.
Discover the new opportunities with CryptotechGroup LTD together!
Best regards, CryptotechGroup LTD team


I just became aware that issues with Payeer’s API as reported by the admin of 155ProfitAds yesterday have now been been resolved. You should be able to get your payouts using Payeer instantly once again (as opposed to manual payouts made in the event of of technical issues with payment processors). I’m really pleased the 155ProfitAds admin tries to keep investors in the loop regarding the payout issues, something that indicates an experienced person in total control here. The latest update on the Payeer API issue was received yesterday, and the today’s update confirms the problem has been fixed:

Hello 155ProfitAds Update on Payeer API!!
Dear members,
WE are experiencing some API issues resulting to instant payout not enabled. we have contacted Payeer and hopefully should be resolved tomorrow.
Please bear with us until we have it resolved tomorrow.

Hello 155ProfitAds Update on Payeer API!!
Hello Members, Payeer issue has been resolved and working fine now. You may now place your Payeer withdrawals.
All processors are fine and perfect for now.
Remember that minimum withdrawal is $2.00
Thanks all for your understanding.

If you read my full review of 155ProfitAds posted here you’ll know that withdrawals are usually instant, but you should always consider the transaction fees and the 80/20 re-purchase rule. 155ProfitAds is not a regular HYIP, but rather a revenue share program offering you an advertising platform plus 3.25% to 5% per day variable returns on every calendar day until you reach the 155% on your investment. While the price of one adpack in 155ProfitAds is $1 you can investm starting from $5 via PerfectMoney, BitCoin, SolidTrustPay, Payza, OkPay, AdvCash, and the above mentioned Payeer. Payments are processed instantly and usually if you request payments to the same payment processor you made the original deposit from, so you shouldn’t wait for more than a few seconds before receiving. And remember that despite the profit-sharing model 155ProfittAds and the option to purchase adpacks as a form of investment there’s no obligation to surf, view ads, click banners, etc. Let’s hope that we see 155ProfitAds repeating the huge success of such programs we saw in the past, as their addition to the MNO Premium List was a very welcome move to give investors more choice.


PokerAutomatics is still on the top of the game and leading the rankings on many monitors including MNO where it sits in the #2 position just behind HonorForTheBrave (reviewed here) that is two months on MNO as of tomorrow meaning that its first investors would complete its first 3%-5% for 60 days cycle by then. Despite the historical record of payments from PokerAutomatics being more impressive the competition with seven and a half months on MNO from a 14-month lifetime, while the investment plans offering a more moderate return of 0.4% to 0.8% over 30 to 180 calendar days while returning the initial investment on expiry. More information on PokerAutomatics and its investment plans starting from a $30 minimum via SolidTrustPay, Payeer, PerfectMoney, BitCoin, OkPay, and many others please refer to the detailed review posted here. The latest news from PokerAutomatics including yesterday’s profit result, last week’s lottery winner, weekly statement, and introduction of a new representative can be found below:

Lottery Results 11.10.2015:
The winner of this week is Marty19.
You get VIP status as a prize.

PokerAutomatics Daily Results:
12.10.2015 – Total poker botnet Income: 0.97%

We have a new Representative
Viktor – Russia
You may contact him by email
200+ Representatives!

PokerAutomatics Weekly Statement:
Paying Days: 1,626
Total investors: 45,037
Investment capital: $3,726,119
Own capital: $442,301
Total Income: $285,120 (6,84%)
Share of Expenses: $103,784 (2,49%)
Profit: $181,336 (4,35%)
Total withdraw: $5,679,028
TOP-1 Investor: $146,382
TOP-1 Affiliate: 1,742 referrals
Total pokerbot accounts: 1,059


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 36 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: –
From MNO Premium list: HonorForTheBravePokerAutomatics, AtrexTradeNuggetz, Profit4You, 155ProfitAds, CryptotechGroup, GrandRialtoLimited (the first payments received).
From MNO Standard list: Carbon7, ProfitUnity, Nano67.
From MNO Basic list: –

That’s all the news I have for the moment, guys. Please tune in to the MNO blog tomorrow for a detailed look at promising newcomer to my Premium List GrandRialtoLimited and the latest updates from the big-budget programs in the HYIP industry that are the only ones who can afford MNO listing fees and leaving me with truly outstanding investment opportunities to share with my readers. Don’t forget to subscribe to the daily news from MNO by filling the top-right corner form with your email address on the blog page to be updated with regular emails delivered direct to your mailbox with a one-click un-subscription option available if you change your mind. And please vote in the MNO TalkBack page as your vote really matters and helps me understand readers interests. See you all tomorrow, guys, and thanks for stopping by.

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