10/12/2015. Daily News from the HYIP Industry
Hello all! Have you noticed how the preparation for Christmas starts earlier and earlier with each passing year? Here in London, for instance, I’m quite amazed that the city started being decorated and Christmas themed advertising campaigns while still in October. These days it seems like the Christmas frenzy is in full swing and oh so many people are running around spending money like there was no tomorrow. I myself am looking forward to getting away from it so I’ll be taking a winter vacation in Sri Lanka where I’m flying to on Christmas Eve for about four weeks.
As for the HYIP industry itself, it’s also been affected by a relatively low level of investment activity. People are already looking forward to January while keeping some funds to one side to invest more in fresher projects after the New Year. At least that’s more that half of my readers who participated in the current poll on the MNO TalkBack page (click here to vote!) are saying. They seem confident that they will spend more on promising new HYIPs in January compared to December which is traditionally considered a risky time, especially when it comes to short-term programs. I see many fast scams on different monitoring websites at the moment, but surely they will avoid coming to MNO as such admins will not get much back for the increasingly high monitoring fees I would charge them. That doesn’t mean though that there are no good programs out there, as we’ll see the latest updates from some of them including PrimeBankers, AtrexTrade, and PokerAutomatics. I also have a couple of words to say about the recently closed Cryptof where you should stop investing immediately as it’s a scam. So keep reading to find out more.
You might remember that the admin of AtrexTrade already took an extensive two week holiday back in August when no one was paid any profits to their accounts. Now it seems like another lengthy break is on the way. In the most recent announcement posted on the AtrexTrade website the days from December 25, 2015 to January 7, 2016 are to be profit-free days which means investors will not receive profits starting from the following day (December 26) for the full two weeks. The crediting of profits should resume on January 8 next year. You see, normally with AtrexTrade an investor gets paid and is able to withdraw instantly to PerfectMoney, BitCoin, or Payeer accounts on the dates following the trading results posted on business days only (Monday to Friday). That means any investor gets paid a 50% to 75% percentage of the company’s announced profits on the following day after the trading one (Tuesday to Saturday). That rule stays in place with the exception of public holidays or any other days announced by the administration, which seems to be lazy enough to maintain more or less uninterrupted payment schedule and gets on longer vacation from time to time. In any case, though all the withdrawals from AtrexTrade are still getting processed instantly as usual, perhaps it would be wiser to hold off from further investments over the holiday period and see if the payments resume on January 8th. I am not really sure what status I’ll assign to AtrexTrade during this period yet, but as the admin still refuses to return the initial investments to anyone, it will possibly be on Waiting status for the two weeks while on holidays. Here’s the official announcement from AtrexTrade (reviewed here) regarding this:
“Holiday Break Period
Dear investors, please note that starting from December 25nd and until 7rd of January we will not be engaged into trading process, thus we will pause investment period.
We hope you are enjoy holiday time and we wish you all the best in the upcoming year.
Thank you for your membership at AtrexTrade”.
PrimeBankers (reviewed here) undoubtedly remains the hottest short-term program of the season mostly due to the admin’s unorthodox and aggressive approach to advertising so many extra features not seen in the competition. This latest publicity stunt sees PrimeBankers performing their own song, a tune John Lennon himself wouldn’t have come up with. When the song was first added a couple of days ago it became so popular among PrimeBankers‘ members that the admin decided not only put it on SoundCloud for everyone to listen (you will find the link to it in the newsletter re-posted below), but also embedded it on the program’s website. Of course, the song is perhaps not that appeal to everyone’s tastes, so you can easily disable it by clicking the pause button in the bottom right-hand corner. But if you do like it and, most importantly, if you’re a fan of PrimeBankers‘ profits, please enjoy and maybe even sing along:
“PrimeBankers Song – Must Listen
We made something out of boredom in the office. We hope you like it. Listen to the PrimeBankers Song.
Thank you and have a great day. Sorry this was a short update. We have no news to tell you today other than this has been by far the biggest and strongest day to date.
Have a pleasant day ahead.
Regards, PrimeBankers Managers”.
For the second newsletter issued yesterday the admin of PrimeBankers addressed the issue of some limitations imposed by Neteller and the inability to handle all the deposits and payouts with a single Neteller account. So it was decided to open a second account to accommodate all the transactions. I remind you that Neteller is a highly recommended option when depositing in HYIPs and the admin of PrimeBankers is giving those with funds there an opportunity to join one of the investment plans offered by the program and including 102%-122% after 1 day, 115%-235% after 5 days, 150%-555% after 10 days, 180%-880% after 15 days, 335%-1535% after 25 days, 575%-1950% after 40 days (read more on them in the full review of PrimeBankers published here):
“Second Neteller Account
Due to the influx of deposits into our Neteller account, we have to temporarily switch to using our second account. The new account to send Neteller deposits to, is SUPPORT@PRIMEBANKERS.COM. We will be switching between both ADMIN@PRIMEBANKERS.COM and SUPPORT@PRIMEBANKERS.COM when needed.
If you saved a deposit request and planned on depositing Neteller today, Please do so and make the transfer to SUPPORT@PRIMEBANKERS.COM.
Thank you and have a great day!
Regards, PrimeBankers Managers”.
And finally, for the most recent newsletter from today the admin of PrimeBankers announced the addition of a ninth payment processor, NixMoney, where deposits from $10 can now be made. NixMoney joins the likes of SolidTrustPay, Payza, OkPay, Neteller, PerfectMoney, AdvCash, Payeer, and BitCoin already accepted by PrimeBankers before now. In the second part of the newsletter the admin shared some exciting plans for the future including Live Chat and the translation of the website into three different languages. Judging by the speedy delivery of the previous features and constant improvement of the program, I believe PrimeBankers might well become one of the favorite pre-Christmas picks for those seeking some extra money for the holidays. Anyway, with fast payouts from PrimeBankers and its three weeks online that already saw thousands of investors profit and hopefully many more to come soon. Here’s the newsletter in full:
“PrimeBankers is accepting NixMoney
Greetings! Another great news for the week to all PrimeBankers investors! PrimeBankers accepts NixMoney. As requested and as studied by our marketing team, we have decided to accept NixMoney (http://NixMoney.com) as another method of payment on our website PrimeBankers.
What this means is, we now have a total of (9) nine accepted payment processors and e-currency types on our accepted payments list. This should enable those who have NixMoney but were unable to participate and invest with us in the past, to take advantage of all the plans that PrimeBankers has to offer.
To everyone, please add your NixMoney account number in your profile by logging into your account at PrimeBankers and click the “Settings” button on the left navigation panel and then enter your NixMoney account number in the proper field. While doing this, please make sure you have your correct payment details in all other fields.
New features such as Live Chat, Russian Translation, French Translation and Spanish Translation of our website will be launched, over next week, or some features might be available within the week or weekend. A variety of exciting new features are coming soon.
Thank you in advance for taking time to read this e-mail today. Wishing everyone a blessed day ahead.
Regards, PrimeBankers Managers”.
When we talk about high quality longer-term programs then PokerAutomatics is the first name that springs to mind. The program has been successfully running since August 2014 and listed on the MNO Premium List for over nine months now, rightfully taking the #1 spot due to its popularity among my readers. PokerAutomatics (first reviewed here) seems not to have lost any momentum and is gearing up for the new year with no doubt in investors’ minds and unshaken confidence that everyone will continue to profit for months to come. PokerAutomatics is perhaps one of the lucky exceptions for many investors who are ready to believe it really is a network of pokerbots bringing profits and helps them recoup losses suffered in many pre-Christmas fast scams (which you can’t find on MNO for sure). According to the regular updates from PokerAutomatics‘ administration this pokerbot network is constantly growing with the latest report included below:
“Pokerbot network upgrade
A number of poker bots in the network increased to 1,158.
Our future goals:
January 2016: 1200-1300 active poker bot accounts
July 2016: 1500-1600 active poker bot accounts
January 2017: 1900-2000 active poker bot accounts
July 2017 and further: 2000 active poker bot accounts
The ultimate goal – 2000 active poker bot accounts.
For security reasons we won’t increase our botnet above 2000 active poker bot accounts.”
Of course, it’s totally up to you if you wish to believe these statements which can’t be proven anyway, but one fact is really undeniable – PokerAutomatics keeps paying without any problems. Investors can start with as little as $30 which is the minimum deposit that can be accepted via a wide range of payment processors including SolidTrustPay, PerfectMoney, Payeer, BitCoin, OkPay, AdvCash, NixMoney, Qiwi, PayCo, and YandexMoney, with transfers from selected banks also accepted. Depending on the size of your investment the term is set from 30 to 180 calendar days during which the investor gets from 40% to 80% share of the company’s profits announced on a daily basis. Usually the profits are somewhere around the 1% mark, so you can expect approximately from 0.4% to 0.8% daily profits for the duration of the term with your principal returned on expiry. Here’s the latest profit reports to give you an idea what they are usually like:
“PokerAutomatics Daily Results:
08.12.2015 – Total poker botnet Income: 1.05%
“PokerAutomatics Daily Results:
09.12.2015 – Total poker botnet Income: 1.10%
“PokerAutomatics Daily Results:
10.12.2015 – Total poker botnet Income: 1.07%
Weekly reports are also posted regularly which give you a more detailed look into the program’s stats that usually grow week after week and if you wish to have a glimpse into the previous week’s results please have a look below:
“05.12.2015 PokerAutomatics Weekly Statement:
Paying Days: 1,682
Total investors: 55,116
Investment capital: $4,536,618
Own capital: $481,347
Total Income: $350,254 (6,98%)
Share of Expenses: $149,558 (2,98%)
Profit: $200,696 (4,00%)
Total withdraw: $6,437,205
TOP-1 Investor: $229,397
TOP-1 Affiliate: 2,166 referrals
Total pokerbot accounts: 1,147”.
Also, at the end of the week one winner of the regular weekly lottery is announced who receives a VIP membership upgrade. The latest winner is named below with the link where you can find more about the lottery rules:
“Lottery Results 06.12.2015:
The winner of this week is daunito.
You get VIP status as a prize.
And to maintain consistent growth for PokerAutomatics to ensure stable and timely payments to its members it’s important to emphasize the endless efforts of the growing number of official representatives who help promote the program in their respective local markets in exchange for increased referral commissions. Just over the last few days new representatives from such different countries as Vietnam, Ukraine, and Malaysia were added to its already over three hundred (!) other representatives. You can also apply if you wish to become one, and also see the list of all the representatives by clicking on the link provided on the following updates:
“We have a new Representative
Phuong – Vietnam
You may contact him by email
300+ Representatives!”
“We have a new Representative
Yuriy – Ukraine
You may contact him by email and phone
300+ Representatives!”
“We have a new Representative
Mike – Malaysia
You may contact him by email and website
300+ Representatives!”
Following the Christmas spirit of giving the possibly one of the best payment processors in the HYIP industry SolidTrustPay recently appealed on its official blog for assistance to their chosen charities. STP is well known for its charitable efforts by donating part of their profits to worthy causes. This Christmas the company will concentrate its efforts on helping to buy presents for needy people via the World Vision catalogue. In order to find out what SolidTrustPay has chosen to buy to support the work of World Vision please refer to the latest newsletter. You can then join STP in the spirit of helping others which is after all what the true meaning of Christmas is:
“Season of Giving
Every aspect of life for every human being on the planet is affected by the businesses of the world. Governments are funded by the taxes generated by citizens who work for businesses. Governments build hospitals, schools and transportation systems that are engineered and designed by businesses who employ people to make them work and function.
The money of the world belongs to its people but they have the least control over it. It is the responsibility of corporations, governments and businesses to adopt fiscal responsibility towards the people they serve and ‘share the wealth’. Unfortunately, ‘sharing the wealth’ can never be regulated, mandated or enforced; it must be integral to the philosophy and heart of a corporation.
SolidTrustPay has such a heart. It has dedicated a large part of its annual budget to charitable giving, both near and far. This year we focused our charitable giving to World Vision.
Our staff were an integral part of choosing which of the many worthy World Vision Gifts our company would support this year.
It was a tough decision with many great options to choose from so instead of choosing one we chose 6!!
The following gifts were purchased as part of our Corporate Giving Plan
– Stock a Medical Clinic
– New Mom and Baby Care Kit
– Immunize a Community
– Fruit Trees + Seeds + Tools
– Fill a Stable
– Agricultural Packs for 3 Families
You, our customers, also made this possible as we regularly have STPay members who donate to our STP_Relief_Funds account. Those generous funds are used as well to help support World Vision. Thank You!!
If you are interested in supporting a charity we encourage you to do so. Every penny helps, whether that be on a global or local scale. Kindness has no real cost!
As one of our staff members said, “It is not the size of the giving – it is the giving in and of itself that changes the world and makes it a better place for all.”
Unfortunately I have to finish today with some bad news as yesterday marked the collapse of one of the most popular programs in the HYIP industry Cryptof. The program lasted for over two months though, so the very first investors were able to finish a full 60 day cycle with significant profits and in some cases even almost double their money. As Cryptof was on Paying status on MNO for fifty-six paying days one could possibly reach 85% profit if joining on the very first day, but even for many others the results could be pretty amazing. Cryptof worked with all the popular e-currencies including STP and investors had a chance to also earn a $2 sign-up bonus and browse some websites for an additional income of up to $0.03 on their accounts (the latter was even available for Cryptof‘s free members). No wonder that these unique features attracted so much attention and made Cryptof so popular among my readers which eventually propelled the program to the #2 spot on my Premium List. On Monday night though there was another 5% bonus offered for new deposits which had seemingly nothing to do with the admin’s usual practice of offering such bonuses on weekends, when the cash flow is slower than on business days. That was the first clear alarm bell in over an over two month life of Cryptof on MNO, but it happened too late to warn readers properly. On Tuesday night the instant payments from Cryptof stopped, but the admin tried to say it was a technical issue with the database that prevented him from resuming instant payouts. Here’s a quote:
“We are working on server. As a result of database integrity, we need to shut down the instant withdraw. But it will be open soon in few hours.”
I wasn’t fooled by this email though as I pretty much know all the tricks used by HYIP admins usually in the last stages of their programs’ lifetime, and so I kept Cryptof on Problem status on my monitor while posting a warning on the MNO ShoutBox for everyone interested. Now that 36 hours passed since this message was delivered we see no change and withdrawals to all payment processors are still pending. We can safely assume that Cryptof is gone for good and as of today the program has been moved to Scam Status on the MNO monitor, as all payments have stopped. Although Cryptof was a good program for quite some time and offered some unique features that distinguished it from its rivals, the ending was inevitable some day. Please be aware of that and do not invest in Cryptof anymore!
Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 72 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: –
From MNO Premium list: PokerAutomatics, AtrexTrade, HaloInv, PrimeBankers, CryptoPay, ArdexFunds.
From MNO Standard list: OrientOrganization.
From MNO Basic list: GloboxTrade.
That’s all the news for today, guys. Stay tuned for more updates as MNO during the week. If you wish to learn more about the main principles of how the HYIP industry works please check out the constantly updated MNO Info Center page and enjoy the experience I have accumulated for over the years of running the MNO blog. I have added a couple of more articles today and you’re welcome to read to improve your chances of success. Also remember to vote in the this week’s poll and share your plans for the beginning of 2016. I’ll be back with more news when there’s something important to report. If you don’t want to miss anything important I recommend subscribing to the daily news by entering your email address and confirming it in the form you can find on the top right-hand corner of the MNO blog. And of course, always check my monitor to make sure the program you wish to join is still on Paying Status, as things in the HYIP industry can change very quickly. That’s why it’s important to keep yourself updated for a better chance to profit. Thanks for reading and see you all soon!
Filed under Daily News by on Dec 10th, 2015.