February 2016 Archives

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Hello everyone, and welcome again to the MNO blog. It’s already February and I myself don’t see much activity in the HYIP industry yet. There’s still only one clear leader, PokerAutomatics, ruling the roost. The expectations of investors are running high though as 50% of readers are hoping to see the next future leader of the HYIP industry arriving to the MNO blog and monitor within the next couple of weeks. What do you think of that? Please submit your vote in the MNO TalkBack page here, as the final results will be drawn later in the week.

I must say that the HYIP industry itself has been disappointing recently with almost no new programs arriving in January that accept leading verifiable payment processors SolidTrustPay and Payza, although the end of last year clearly indicated a clear appetite for such ventures. It appears many HYIP admins no longer care about delivering something truly spectacular and are satisfied with crumbs instead of reaching for the stars. In any case, I believe that it’s better to stick with what we have now on the MNO monitoring page and wait for the next industry leader which will hopefully be soon. Personally I have all the time in the world and am no real hurry so I’ll be patient, but still, as an investor I do want to see it happen. Whether the revival is coming soon or we have the misfortune of staying with the same low-grade HYIPs remains to be seen, but MNO will surely be home to all the biggest industry leaders so stay tuned for that and bookmark my site so you don’t miss anything.

I’m pleased to note that all the programs listed on MNO continue paying fine, further proving my point that following cheap monitors loses you money while with MNO listed programs you should have done very well for yourselves if you’re lucky and joined the right programs at the right time. Anyway, for today’s news I only have updates from two currently paying programs – PokerAutomatics and 12DailyCoin, however with the latest developments in the latter I’d recommend holding off from making any future deposits due to some issues that need to be ironed out before it can be considered safe again. You’ll find out why if you keep reading.


We’ll start though with the most recent updates from the #1 program in the HYIP industry at the moment which is PokerAutomatics. The program has exceeded all expectations after successfully paying everyone for over eighteen months. And it appears that the admin is not going to stop and constantly develops his website in accordance with its high status to accommodate an ever growing clientele. PokerAutomatics has been consistently ranked in the five thousand most visited websites according to data provided by Alexa while having reached the top one thousand in several countries already. That status is very well deserved considering the thousands of members PokerAutomatics put in great profit already, with many of them not shy about investing massive amounts of money there. The US members are happy too, as PokerAutomatics is working with the best payment processor in SolidTrustPay which makes it more attractive to North American and European users wanting to withdraw profits from STP directly to their bank accounts without the need of any third-party exchangers. Some were so excited they made videos and put them on YouTube, describing the whole experience and showing off their thousands of dollars in PokerAutomatics. Perhaps this next video which is shared by PokerAutomatics below will show you how to make money there on a constant basis:

PokerAutomatics – Video Review and New Deposit from 30,000 USD Investor

If you prefer reading over watching videos then you’re welcome to read the most comprehensive review of PokerAutomatics and its main features here. Although PokerAutomatics has been listed on MNO for eleven months I noticed no winding down, on the contrary – the interest in the program is only increasing, especially after the festive season with so few programs able to compete with PokerAutomatics left. This is a positive sign for current investors as well as those who just considering joining the program and still sitting on the fence.

I remind you that PokerAutomatics works on the premise of using pokerbots to participate in online poker tournaments. Here for instance is the last update about the regular addition of new dedicated servers to the network:

New dedicated servers were added.
We have purchased 4 new dedicated servers for our pokerbot network.

Of course, such stories with no evidence whatsoever should always be taken with a pinch of salt, so spend what you can afford to lose. In terms of sustainability and overall profitability though PokerAutomatics is perhaps the safest program out there which doesn’t remove the risk, but does make it better than any other smaller program. The level of growth PokerAutomatics has experienced lately has been tremendous as reflected in the increasing number of regional official representatives. Regular reports posted by PokerAutomatics naming them and their points of contact can be found on their site. New representatives from Germany, Austria, Switzerland, and Russia are included below:

We have a new Representative
Helmut Bruns – Germany
You may contact him by email and skype
510+ Representatives!

We have a new Representative
Jürgen – Austria
You may contact him by email
510+ Representatives!

We have a new Representative
Nikita – Russia
You may contact him by phone
510+ Representatives!

We have a new Representative
Arno Berg – Germany
You may contact him by email, skype and phone
520+ Representatives!

We have a new Representative
Reale Werte – Switzerland
You may contact him by email
520+ Representatives!

Now let’s see in a nutshell how a deposit in PokerAutomatics can work. Once you fund your account in the program with at least $30 via SolidTrustPay, PerfectMoney, Payeer, BitCoin, OkPay, AdvCash, or some other lesser known payment options you have a choice of allocating your funds for a term ranging from 30 to 180 calendar days. On expiry your principal is returned to your balance either for withdrawal or further reinvestment as you see fit. Every day then you receive a 40% to 80% share of the profits posted on the news page which gives you 0.4% to 0.8% on average (based on the average 1% reported by PokerAutomatics in the results). It’s that simple and your monthly income can start from 12% approximately increasing significantly when you top up your deposit. The return might not be as high as other competing HYIPs will offer, but the difference is that PokerAutomatics will actually deliver what they promise. Remember though that the larger your withdrawal request generally the more time it takes to process, so payments can take from one to five business days (a full week), so keep this in mind. To better illustrate the latest profit reports I’ll re-post them from the last four days:

PokerAutomatics Daily Results:
30.01.2016 – Total poker botnet Income: 0.94%

PokerAutomatics Daily Results:
31.01.2016 – Total poker botnet Income: 1.05%

PokerAutomatics Daily Results:
01.02.2016 – Total poker botnet Income: 0.95%

PokerAutomatics Daily Results:
02.02.2016 – Total poker botnet Income: 1.03%


Yesterday saw some issues with programs running off licensed GoldCoders scripts which affected deposits made via PerfectMoney. They were not credited to members’ accounts instantly as they should, and so some investors had to contact various admins in order to have their accounts credited manually. While some admins were very quick to add missing deposits (like the admin of OrientOrganization where one of my referrals contacted me about it), others were less bothered. I know for sure that some members of 12DailyCoin, for instance, has been waiting for their PerfectMoney deposits to show in their accounts since yesterday and, as far as I know, nothing has been done by the admin to rectify the situation. I currently have one unresolved complaint from a referral whose account has not been credited with the deposit and the admin has done nothing despite my request sent earlier. Although the withdrawals from 12DailyCoin seem to have been processed instantly to all three accepted payment processors – PerfectMoney, Payeer, and BitCoin, I find it unacceptable that the admin simply ignores the problem. I have no idea why the admin is not doing anything about this, perhaps he needs to employ a technical team to do it for him, but that is no excuse for ignoring his members complaints. This attitude is truly shocking and if it continues and 12DailyCoin is not going to credit the account of my referral with the missing deposit within the next 12 hours, I will have no choice but to move it to Problem status on my monitor. Therefore, at the time of writing I cannot recommend investing in 12DailyCoin considering the pending Problem status which may be assigned to the program soon, despite the processed withdrawals. I’ll tell you if/when the issue is resolved, but for now 12DailyCoin shouldn’t really be considered a serious investment opportunity.

Just on a side note there were a couple of updates issued by the admin recently. He seems less interested in what’s right for the members, and instead sent some unnecessary updates about reducing the minimum deposits on ridiculous plans offering 5,000% (+ principal back) after a period of 1 to 7 days and the addition of DogeCoin and LiteCoin as deposit options (when in fact they are still not added and instead two BitCoin options are now displayed in the member’s area for some reason). Needless to say my question about the inability of investing via DogeCoin and LiteCoin also remains unanswered. Here’s the two updates posted on the 12DailyCoin lately just for your reference:

Reduce minimum deposit
Today we reduce minimum deposit for vip plan to 5 BTC and Special Plan to 2 BTC.
Invest Now!

Now We accepted Doge Coin and Lite Coin
Now We accepted Doge Coin and Lite Coin

I repeat there are just too many unresolved issues with uncredited deposits in 12DailyCoin at the moment to recommend further investments, so I would urge you to stay away at least until the admin rectified the above mentioned issues and starts responding to emails from disappointed investors.


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 84 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: –
From MNO Premium list: PokerAutomatics, 12DailyCoinArdexFunds, Lotto2Destiny.
From MNO Standard list: OrientOrganization.
From MNO Basic list: ForexKingGloboxTradeTokyoInvestmentCompany.

That’s all for today, guys. Not much news but I hope it was useful. We’re all looking forward to the arrival of the next big industry giant, so keep checking MNO blog and monitor from time to time not to miss anything and vote in the latest poll on the MNO TalkBack page. Thanks for reading and see you all again soon!

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