February 2016 Archives

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Hello everyone, and welcome again to the MNO blog – the only viable platform to find high-budget elite programs run by experienced admins and allowing members to earn better profits in the long run. With Capital7 now dominating the HYIP industry and my referrals already spending close to $30K in just its first eleven days online, it begs the question whether it was wise of the admin to list his program exclusively on MNO from day one. Perhaps it was a smart decision as so many other monitors have already added Capital7 for free or with their own money and even reviewed it (you can read my review here) which saved the admin a fortune already. I’ll discuss that it in more detail at the end of the post when analyzing the final results of last week’s poll on the MNO TalkBack page. I’ll also be adding a couple of new questions about the uncertain situation with PokerAutomatics.

Who would have thought that PokerAutomatics which has been paying for over nineteen months now would be on Problem Status on the MNO monitor today? Just yesterday I’d have been highlighting its amazing achievements in the HYIP industry and today it’s already a suspected scam. Anyway, I will be discussing the current state of affairs with PokerAutomatics later in today’s news issue. Also in the news today we’ll take a look at the first official newsletter from CopperTradePro which featured the recent MNO review as one of the main highlights. I want to start however with the introduction of the latest addition to the Standard List on the MNO monitor which was added just a few hours ago – ClubCashCow.


ClubCashCow is by no means a new program, running successfully for nearly two weeks now meaning the first investors should be in profit. What I really like about ClubCashCow is its wide range of payment options which include SolidTrustPay, Payza, and Neteller verifiable payment options along with totally anonymous PerfectMoney, AdvCash, Payeer, and BitCoin. You can start investing from $10 and there are several daily plans on offer. These include 2% for 5 days, 2% for 15 days, 2.3% for 25 days, 2.7% for 45 days, 3% for 65 days, all with principal back on expiry. One other plan makes a single payment of 114% on expiry of a 7 calendar day term. All the withdrawals are manual and shouldn’t take more than 24 hours to be paid. I will not be discussing the investment plans in detail in this introduction, but will analyze them properly in the upcoming review of ClubCashCow on MNO on Thursday. For now let’s see some other features of the program in brief – it’s running off a familiar licensed GoldCoders script, the site is SSL secured with Green Bar Extended Validation by Comodo, and is hosted on a dedicated server with DDoS protection by DDoSGuard. The ClubCashCow website has a very decent interface and contains two videos by way of introduction (you can also watch the videos on the MNOVision page here and here). The admin also made the effort to incorporate the company in the UK (not that it takes any special skills) and filled the website with original texts. There was also an official opening announcement on ClubCashCow‘s news page followed by the first official newsletter a couple of days ago telling investors about some features you might find useful before referring to the upcoming review of the program on MNO soon (stay tuned for that):

Official Launch of ClubCashCow
Today, 2/11/2016 ClubCashCow has officially opened doors for doing business online. A new blank page of the book is going to be written from today and you must be part of it. Sign up as a member and become part of the ClubCashCow.
We are ready to accept registrations and users deposit in every plan you desire and wish to invest. Our forex trading and binary options operations back up our risk free investment plans.

ClubCashCow – #1 Newsletter
Good day to all of our beloved ClubCashCow members. I am certain that everyone is going to have an amazing weekend. Business during the first week of operation has been a very busy one for us, but we cannot complain because this translates to amazing results. Our website is growing everyday with smoothness that is similar to skin bathed in cow’s milk daily. New members sign up from around the globe on an hourly basis for the whole 24 hours available each day. Despite our website being launched recently, we may have a fresh website but not a young company. The vast experience we have is a diversified collection of both online and offline experiences.
If we will take a closer look and consider our website traffic statistics, despite our website being just a little over a week old (or young?), we have already caught the attention of thousands of visitors who flood our website on a daily basis. Our marketing team has been doing its job properly and we expect this growing trend for the months to come. According to public global statistical data, there are 3,366,261,156 (three billion, three hundred sixty-six million, two hundred sixty-one thousand and one hundred fifty-six) internet users globally. We aim to reach every person involved in online businesses, this is not a surreal idea because we have already started working on making sure that we can accomplish such a task.
Let’s skip the numbers, and start talking about what we have done over the past week.
Everyone who has observed our main website page or our homepage, should know that there is a video placed that is aimed at explaining our business and what special things we can do to and for each of our potential investors. We also have another video which you may watch from your account overview page. You can check that one out after logging into your account with ClubCashCow.com . The video will give you more in-depth details of our plans, our referral commission information and other features that our website has.
We also would like to let you know that we have started to accept 2 new payment processors: – Perfect Money, – Payeer, – Bitcoin, – Payza (Fully Approved Business Account & Website), – Solidtrustpay (Fully Approved Business Account & Website), – Neteller, – Advcash.
You can make a deposit and withdraw with full confience.
Here is a link to our Facebook group, please join the group if you are not yet part of it. Here is the link: https://www.facebook.com/groups/227426690929721/
That is all for today. We wish everyone a pleasant day and an amazing weekend ahead.


Over the last weekend the admin of CopperTradePro issued the very first official newsletter where he discussed a few things that happened the program during the first weeks online and also outlined some plans for future development. On the same day CopperTradePro was added to MNO’s Standard List over a week ago Payza became the latest payment processor accepted. They join SolidTrustPay, PerfectMoney, Payeer, Bitcoin, and AdvCash which were there already. It’s understandable enough as all Payza operations are currently severely delayed due to an increased workload for them (according to the official version given by Payza support anyway). Although CopperTradePro has been running for less than three weeks in total it is offering a long-term investment plan paying 2.4% to 3.2% for the duration of 100 business days on deposits starting from a $20 minimum, so it’s still considered a pretty new program for investors many of whom support the program with new deposits quite enthusiastically. Yet the admin is not resting on his laurels and is preparing some new features like the upcoming translation of the CopperTradePro website into several different languages and even promises to add more payment methods and a monthly trading report. I believe current and future investors of CopperTradePro like to be updated on those, so MNO will inform you as soon as anything happens. For now the program is doing really well and is justifiably popular among readers who appreciate timely payouts and quick support if they need it. By the way, the official video introduction of CopperTradePro has also become available and can be seen either on YouTube, or on the MNOVision page here. But if you prefer the text version to the visual one, then the full review of CopperTradePro which you can refer to at all times to get to know all the main features of the program along with a detailed analysis of its investment plans can be found here. The admin was also so kind as to share the link to the MNO review with his members in the first official newsletter. I’m re-posting that below and wish the admin good luck implementing the new features:

CTP Newsletter #1
Dear CopperTradePro client!
We’d like to take a few minutes of your precious time to share some of the things that we feel are both important & exciting.
As you know CopperTradePro started its official online operation on Feb. 3rd with 5 Payment processors available for deposit/withdraw, those being Perfect Money, Payeer, Bitcoin, AdvCash & SolidTrustPay. At the time of the launch Payza was not available, but we have managed to verify our website with Payza and it is fully functional since Feb., 15th.
We have also added a promotional video about CopperTradePro. If you haven’t seen it yet, please, take a look at our home page or check out our Youtube Channel.
If you need more information about our services or you have questions about our plans, payment timeframe, minimum amounts, etc, you can read a very good review of our website made by a famous blogger Paul Abramson, the owner of Money-news-online.com. The review can be found here.
We will continue adding new features to our website to help more users to get access to our services and have a better experience while surfing it. The upcoming changes that we have already planned are new language translations (Spanish, Russian, German, etc) and fancy promotional materials. We are also considering adding a couple of new payment processors (we’ll keep it secret for now-) & a regular monthly trading report.
As you see, CopperTradePro management is committed to our mission & vision and we will continue improving our services to help our clients feel confident and comfortable while investing with us.
We would also like to remind our clients to fill out the information in your user accounts, namely Payment processors ID so that our financial staff could process your payments. If you have forgotten your transaction code (we have received numerous requests already), then you need to create a new one (not less than 6 symbols) and send it to our support team (by using support form or direct e-mail), who will set this code for your account.
We hope that you have had a good experience with CopperTradePro so far and we want to assure you that we will continue improving our services so that our clients are fully satisfied.
Have a nice weekend & remember – It’s time to expect MORE!
Thank You.
It’s time to Expect MORE.
Your CTP team


Perhaps the most talked about topic of this week (which I’ll also cover on the TalkBack opinion polls) is the possible demise of PokerAutomatics. If I was told even on Saturday that we’d be discussing possible payout issues with the program I wouldn’t have believed my ears. Just like thousands of investors of PokerAutomatics the shocking rumors which started circulating on Monday and later confirmed by lack of regular payouts reported on forums along with the silence of the admin regarding pending payouts can mean only one thing – pending scam. By Monday morning I was quite surprised to find a statement by the program’s representative David who normally posts on the program’s MMGP forum thread. He said he would not recommend investing there anymore as PokerAutomatics is having been allegedly sold out to some American buyers. A few hours later this news was confirmed on the PokerAutomatics‘ website itself and this update followed earlier this morning:

Automatic Networks Ltd – New Owner
Automatic Networks Ltd company and PokerAutomatics program have been purchased by new owner from the United States.
Our poker botnet will not stop to work.
Stay tuned.

We removed Indonesian and Russian versions of our website.
There are too many cheaters and mass multi-account networks from these contries.
We removed all RUB payment systems.
E-currency transfer option will be added soon.
Every client will can transfer his available funds from one payment system to another.

In support of the “sell-out” story PokerAutomatics got rid of all operations performed in Russian Rubles while also removing a few language versions despite adding a Turkish version on Monday. Oddly enough the standard of English remained pretty poor for an alleged American native English speaking buyer. For me personally it all looks to be smoke and mirrors with one aim in mind – stalling and make investors stalling wait instead of taking action. The pending payouts seem to have been the least concern for the “new” admin either, as he ignored addressing the matter in the latest updates let alone actually paying anyone. Needless to say the lack of withdrawals has not been accompanied by a freeze on deposits which are still readily accepted from unsuspecting members. Put it this way – I would be very surprised if anything can be done at this point to save the reputation of PokerAutomatics, as the damage has been done by the admin’s lack of action and lack of payouts. Many decent monitors like MNO already moved them to Problem or even Scam status and are not really holding their breath for a return to normal. I believe Russian based investors at the moment who used online banking to make direct deposits into PokerAutomatics should contact their respective banks and try to get their money back. They at least have the legal means to investigate fraud and can get law enforcement authorities and courts involved if need be. I believe that SolidTrustPay should be also contacted, so they can freeze any funds still held by PokerAutomatics and suspend their account, as very possibly the administration will only use this buyout cover story in order to complete withdrawing money and filling their pockets with cash. Some people might think otherwise, but I firmly believe that we are witnessing the end of a real industry giant. PokerAutomatics will continue online to feed investors with more unfulfilled promises of never-to-arrive payouts. Unfortunately that’s how the HYIP industry works and despite being a much larger than average program with thousands of investors all around the world PokerAutomatics plays by the same rules. I’ll be glad to be wrong about this and I will continue in the MNO TalkBack article below, but for now PokerAutomatics will stay on Problem Status on my monitor with a strong warning against investing there unless payouts resume anytime soon which is highly doubtful. In any case, I’ll keep you updated regarding the whole story and you’ll be the first to know if I have any further info.


So now that we’re done with the news, let’s see the final results of the last MNO TalkBack page opinion poll. Probably the most talked about new program in the HYIP industry of the year so far has been Capital7. As was the case with a small number of the biggest and best programs over the years, Capital7 has decided to be listed exclusively on one single monitor (MNO) and let the others list it for free with their own money if they want to. It seems to be getting results for the program, with no shortage of publicity for minimal initial expense. Plenty of publicity, plenty of discussion, plenty of monitors, and all it cost was listing on one site. But what do you guys think of that? Good idea or not? The majority of you seem to agree, so I hope other admins are smart enough to take note of how a real industry professional can run a popular and successful program and keep most of the money that would have been wasted on monitors. The exact question then was:
What do you think of Capital7 being exclusively listed on MNO first?

The number one reply with 52% of the votes said “I like this decision as it will provide a slow start and save more money to pay investors”. I don’t vote in my own polls obviously. That would be pointless because the idea is to find out what everyone else thinks and I already know what I think! But if I did I would say that’s probably the option I would have taken myself. For once if monitors want to profit from a program then it won’t be at the expense of real investors. They can either work for it or invest their own money. The admin has taken Capital7 to a wide ranging audience without the burden of expense for monitors, so in the longer term that’s more money staying in the program which will be better spent on payments to members and keeping the whole thing alive for longer. It’s a win/win situation that I really can’t see a downside to.

In second position with 35% of readers votes was the reply “It was probably a wise decision as MNO is the most popular monitor anyway”. Still positive and still with the same ultimate result I suppose, if only for a somewhat different reason. The remaining 13% of voters are in a clear disagreement with the admin’s choice of tactics, voting “I believe it was a bad decision as I prefer all the monitors listing programs at once”. Of course the only voice that really matters in all of this is that of the Capital7 admin. Time will tell whether this turns out to be the right decision by him or not, but history and the majority of readers favor yes.

If Capital7 is the most positive thing to hit the HYIP industry in recent times, then there can be little doubt about the most negative. As already covered in the news section, things don’t look so good for PokerAutomatics right now. So for this week’s opinion poll I want to ask two questions – one about your personal experience with PokerAutomatics, and the other about where you think the program is going next. The first question therefore will be as follows:
Are you in profit from PokerAutomatics?

And the possible answers are:
Yes, I made a profit.
I think I am around the break even point.
I lost money because I re-invested too much.
I lost money because I joined too late.
I did not join.

The other question is about whether you genuinely expect PokerAutomatics to recover or not. Whenever a really big program goes down there’s always a huge outpouring of denial on the relevant forums and monitors. Nobody “wants” to see a program they’ve joined collapse, so it’s almost as if people say it’s not happening enough times then maybe everything will be OK. I must admit if I had to take a guess which program on my monitor would be the first to scam, PokerAutomatics would not have crossed my mind at all, that’s how surprised I am by this. There wasn’t any perceptible decline in activity and numbers of new investors seemed consistent. I mean not being the admin I personally wouldn’t know anything for a fact, I can speak for my own downline and things were fairly consistent in that regard which makes the whole thing so confusing. The second question I want to ask MNO readers this week is this:
What do you expect to happen PokerAutomatics in the next few days?

Possible answers are as follows:
It’s just temporary, PokerAutomatics will be back to normal soon.
The program is as good as over and will not possibly recover.
The damage can be repaired, but I will have less confidence in it than before.
I believe the change will be positive and PokerAutomatics will improve.

Thanks in advance to everyone who takes the time to vote, guys. You will find the poll on the MNO TalkBack page here. Remember it only takes a second and is 100% anonymous, though you are free to discuss it with your fellow MNO readers on the ShoutBox.


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 60 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: –
From MNO Premium list: ArdexFunds.
From MNO Standard list: Capital7, CopperTradePro.
From MNO Basic list: GloboxTradeForexKingTokyoInvestmentCompany.

That’s it for today, guys. Don’t forget to check out the MNO blog on Thursday for a closer look at ClubCashCow accompanied by the latest news from the biggest investment programs online. Remember to follow the MNO ShoutBox for all the latest announcements and always check the status of a program before investing to avoid joining a problematic venture, as time proved many times that the MNO monitor has always been one of the fastest and most accurate in the whole HYIP industry. Follow MNO on Facebook and Twitter, and subscribe to the daily news feed from my blog so not to miss anything important. Thanks for reading MNO and see you all soon!

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