February 2016 Archives

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Hello all, and welcome back to the only HYIP monitor in the industry dealing exclusively with high budget programs run by experienced admins. Readers won’t be aware of this but routinely I keep receiving what basically amount to begging letters from HYIP admins looking to list their programs on MNO. The problem is they’re not able to pay the full price and therefore try to beg me for discounts and even offer monitoring bonuses instead of paying the full price. I would like to address them directly from my blog and ask that they stop wasting my time and theirs as MNO will stand its ground and keep the highest listing prices to deter the obvious fast scams from coming here and trying to take advantage from my readership almost without any risk themselves. I can assure you that only high quality programs with the utmost professional HYIP admins onboard (like Capital7, for instance) can see the great results from their advertising money spent on the MNO listing while low grade programs with no intention to run for any length of time should really stay away from being listed here and are under the threat of losing their money instead of getting good results from listing and advertising on MNO.

From a personal point of view I must admit to enjoying a more relaxed lifestyle now and can spend more quality time with friends and family and finally actually enjoy what I’ve managed to earn over the last ten years in the HYIP industry. With fewer HYIPs accepted on my monitor compared to a couple of years ago I can post less regularly and concentrate my efforts on the promotion of better quality and top-notch programs while my readers can be sure that they will find some genuinely good picks on MNO and add them to their portfolio without fearing they will be outright scammed. The risk is still there of course but your chances of making a profit are greatly improved. Note that unlike other monitors, all programs listed on MNO actually paid the full listing price ($600 for Basic listing, $1,000 for Standard listing, and $1,400 for Premium listing) without any discounts and all advertising banner spots are sold exclusively to listed programs for the price displayed under each position with me never adding any banner spots on my own. All the payout stats you can find on my monitor for each program on a daily basis are true and reflect the actual amount interest payments plus referral commissions paid in total. Like it or not, that is the different way of work I have envisioned for the MNO blog and monitor some years back and that is the way MNO will be developing in the future.

As there was no really meaningful updates from the programs monitored on MNO, all of which by the way have been paying fine since my last post on Thursday, all I have for today is the payment report and a look at the final results of the opinion poll on last week’s shocking news on the collapse of PokerAutomatics – one of the largest programs in the HYIP industry. Today some small payments were made to PerfectMoney and Payeer while larger payouts were reportedly processed to SolidTrustPay (I already received a couple of my own) while an exchange option between currencies had been enabled earlier. What does it mean and is PokerAutomatics as good as dead or there is there some hope left? I’ll try to give you an honest answer to these questions at the same time addressing the final results of the last week’s polls dedicated to PokerAutomatics and giving you an opportunity to share your views on the possibility of Capital7 to become the next industry’s leader this year. Let’s find out more about it below.


With the unfortunate news of the demise of PokerAutomatics – something which almost no one expected to happen when it did – another surprising event has occurred. I can’t say I’m entirely surprised by this, but it seems that payments to SolidTrustPay are now continuing. So before I get to the results of the opinion poll on readers personal experiences with them I think it’s fair to add a few words about this and clear up the fact that this will not be enough to return the program to Paying Status or to justify any further deposits with them. A couple of other smaller payments, always less than a dollar and only a couple of cents were also reported via the likes of PerfectMoney and Payeer, but only SolidTrustPay users are seeing any serious amounts of money. Bigger payments are not being processed to anyone else.

The reasons behind this are clear of course, SolidTrustPay being the only ones with the necessary checks in place to make sure the losses suffered by their own account holders are kept to a minimum. One possible outcome here is that anyone who joined PokerAutomatics using STP will continue getting paid until the admin’s account is drained and all funds have been exhausted. It’s no loss to the PokerAutomatics admin himself as he was unlikely to be allowed to withdraw the money, so the payments are made in hope of encouraging more deposits to other payment processors which he can steal. There’s a chance that investors who receive a payment to STP might report this on the HYIP related forums and monitors, therefore putting the idea into the heads of PerfectMoney users that it’s safe to make a fresh deposit in the program. Investors need to be very careful about this because it’s just a ploy to scam more money from you, but ultimately if you were sensible enough to use SolidTrustPay in the first place then enjoy the proceeds while you can. The payments there will eventually dry up sooner or later.

You can read more about the benefits of using SolidTrustPay in the HYIP industry in the article written here on the MNO Info Center. For those who still prefer other payment processors there’s a slight chance you might also be able to use them to recover some of your money lost in PokerAutomatics. Because PokerAutomatics have an internal currency exchange mechanism, you can convert money owed to different payment processors to SolidTrustPay. Obviously this requires you to open a free account with them first. Now, there’s no absolute guarantee that this is going to work for you, but if the process is automated rather than done manually by the admin then there’s a chance. Maybe it’s a slim one, but it will cost you nothing to at least try.

So, getting to the results of the most recent polls on PokerAutomatics two questions were put to readers. The first one asked:
Are you in profit from PokerAutomatics?” Results were mixed I have to say, with the single biggest response taking 33.3% of the vote saying “I lost money because I joined too late.” This was then followed by an exact even split of 20.5% each for the options “Yes, I made a profit”, “I lost money because I re-invested too much”, and those other readers who said “I did not join”. The remaining 5.2% of voters estimated themselves to be in the category “I think I am around the break even point”.

I’m quite surprised to see that over a half of my readers managed to lose money in PokerAutomatics despite the fact the program has been present on MNO for over a year. Well, I guess it took many people lots of time just to consider joining PokerAutomatics with any sizable deposits and only after successfully surviving Christmas and the new year holidays which is often the end of the road for a lot of programs. A lot of investors might have been waiting for that to take a risk, hoping that the program will become the biggest in 2016 too. I too was expecting to run much longer after seeing the healthy growth PokerAutomatics experienced over the last few weeks, however now it’s pretty obvious that the high hopes were shattered. Anyway, kudos to those who did make a profit from PokerAutomatics, and for those who lost I hope you will be able to recover with other programs currently presented on MNO and that will be listed here this year in the future.

The second question threw up equally mixed but I would say overall pessimistic results. The question was:
What do you expect to happen PokerAutomatics in the next few days?
46% of readers hold the view that “The program is as good as over and will not possibly recover.” In second position with 36% of the vote was the option “The damage can be repaired, but I will have less confidence in it than before.” A minority of readers don’t agree with the gravity of the situation, with 13% of you voting “It’s just temporary, PokerAutomatics will be back to normal soon” and the remaining 5% wishfully voting “I believe the change will be positive and PokerAutomatics will improve.” Well, there’s nothing wrong with hoping I suppose, just remember that the longer you wait the less likely it is to happen.

I believe the results of the second poll clearly illustrate the declining hopes of those still hoping to get at least something back from the program they used to trust so much, however, the vast majority seem to be thinking that it’s over thus taking a more realistic approach to the current situation, a view shared by myself personally. I wish there were more miracles in the HYIP industry, but the current pennies that are still being paid by PokerAutomatics while bigger requests are ignored is just an agonizing move in order to get more money from unsuspecting investors about which I already wrote above. Anyway, there is no harm in trying to make an internal exchange and then a withdrawal request to SolidTrustPay and who knows – you might just get lucky?

For the next poll I want to return to something a bit more positive and ask about Capital7 which is definitely the most exciting thing in the industry now. And with a bit of luck those of you unfortunate enough to have lost out in PokerAutomatics might be able to recoup some of your money by joining Capital7. To recap on this program, you can read a full and detailed review of it on MNO here. They offer two investment plans, with one paying 7% for 30 calendar days (accruals on business days only), and the other paying on expiry 110% after 7 days. You can join for a $25 minimum using SolidTrustPay, Payza, PerfectMoney, Payeer, BitCoin, or deposit with a bank wire.

Anyway, the question I’m asking you is this:
Do you think Capital7 can become the biggest program of 2016?

And the various answers you can vote for include the following:
a) Yes, I’m confident of it.
b) Maybe, it can definitely happen with the right support.
c) I don’t know yet, it’s too early to tell.

Just to remind you, as is normally the case the poll will stay open for around a week to ten days. Voting on the MNO TalkBack is anonymous unless of course you prefer to discuss the subject on the MNO ShoutBox as you are welcome to do. And it only takes a second to vote, simply click the button next to the option that most matches your own personal opinion.


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 84 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: –
From MNO Premium list: ArdexFunds.
From MNO Standard list: Capital7, ClubCashCowCopperTradePro.
From MNO Basic list: GloboxTradeForexKingTokyoInvestmentCompany.

I hope to finally get around to delivering a summation on the MNO Top Five Popular Programs later in the week with some insightful comments and my views on whether the monitored programs still stand a chance to go any further or they are starting to stall with no chance to become successful in the future. Stay tuned for that and thanks for checking out the MNO blog where I always strive to deliver the most up-to-date news from the biggest programs.

I hope that you’re doing well with your online investment activities as all the programs listed on MNO are still paying fine. I myself had a great weekend and was able to relax properly for once thanks to my policy of accepting only high-budget programs and avoid low grade deliberate scams. As today is the extra leap year day I hope you enjoy it to the full and take advantage of it. Just don’t forget to check out my blog for more news from the biggest online investment opportunities and possibly the new promising additions too. If you don’t want to miss anything important I would suggest bookmarking my website and subscribing to the daily news to be delivered directly to your mailbox by FeedBurner. It’s easy to subscribe – just enter your email address in the field on the form on the top right hand corner of my blog and confirm on the link then sent to your email address. See you soon, guys!

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