February 2016 Archives

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Hello guys. With so many closures in the HYIP industry lately, almost on a daily basis really, it’s becoming increasingly dangerous to trust your funds even to the most promising programs around. Investors are eager to find some hidden gems including programs accepting the most convenient options for European and North American investors like SolidTrustPay and Payza, but sadly very few admins think of this important group of investors and prefer to run programs with the tried and tested trio of anonymous options. The anticipation among investors looking to discover more promising HYIPs is very high though and it’s ironic that many HYIP admins do not see this and artificially limit their own potential audience by not introducing more payment processors.

At the time of writing we have only one clear leader of the HYIP industry which is PokerAutomatics where I have over 300 referrals, the majority of whom are investing via STP (read the article of the advantages investing in HYIPs via SolidTrustPay in this article). That’s a good example of how times have changed and that the shallow admins running shallow programs without seeing the bigger picture and potential to expand into new markets are the only ones failing. Anticipation for the next big thing is high among MNO readers though with so far over 54% believing that we would see a new industry giant launching and coming to MNO within the next couple of weeks (click here to vote in the poll). I’m not sure how these rumors are true, but I like to believe it as well and that soon enough we’ll see a program able to compete with the reigning champion PokerAutomatics. There is a demand and big appetite for quality programs now and the admins should think hard about how to deliver it because this market niche will be filled sooner or later.

Coming back to today’s news, we have an urgent announcement on the issues with 12DailyCoin that forced me to move the program to Problem status yesterday, much earlier than other monitors most of which still showing Paying status. ArdexFunds seem to be re-shuffling its investment offers in just a couple of weeks and you might not recognize the program after Valentine’s Day. The latest updates from PokerAutomatics will also be a topic for discussion today while there are some issues with Payza withdrawals and Live support (hopefully, just temporary) will raise some concerns too. Read about all of that in today’s news issue on the MNO blog.


I’ll start with PokerAutomatics which has been a perfect program for over 18 months already paying timely for thousands of investors, deservedly winning the #1 position on the MNO monitor. I must admit that when PokerAutomatics was first added to MNO eleven months ago I was not very sure if we were going to see it paying in 2016 as well, but here it is – alive and kicking and stronger than ever. With such survivability PokerAutomatics has outlived many of its main competitors and saw in the new year (can I still call it that in February?) in very good shape. By accepting SolidTrustPay as one of their main options PokerAutomatics also appeals very much to HYIP investors from developed countries preferring this outstanding payment processor over others and trusting them with thousands of dollars. Other payment options accepted by PokerAutomatics starting from a $30 minimum include PerfectMoney, Payeer, BitCoin, AdvCash, OkPay, Payco, Qiwi, YandexMoney, and NixMoney. As most of these options are not so widespread among investors it’s still good to have them on board as well as it’s good to have multi-lingual versions of the PokerAutomatics website so far available in Russian, Chinese, German, Spanish, and Indonesian, all running simultaneously with the main English one. Among that exceptionally useful feature helping them expand to international markets there is a very extensive network of local representatives available to assist members in exchange for increased referral commissions. The list of representatives is constantly expanding with the two new names added in the last two days, so welcome your new representatives from Estonia and Spain. A full list of representatives is on a specially dedicated page the link to which is given below:

We have a new Representative
Andrei.T – Estonia
You may contact him by email and skype
530+ Representatives!

We have a new Representative
Marc – Spain
You may contact him by email
530+ Representatives!

How does PokerAutomatics work to stay afloat for so long you might ask? Well, to better answer this question you’re strongly advised to read the full review of the program posted on the MNO blog here for information on the whole process. In a nutshell though you fund your account and then invest into the plan of your linking (from 30 to 180 calendar days long) the duration of which depends on the amount you spend. After the expiry date your principal is returned to your balance either for withdrawal or re-investing. Sounds good, but remember that it may take up to 5 business days for the funds to appear in your e-currency accounts, and generally the higher the amount requested the longer it takes PokerAutomatics to pay it. Allegedly this has something to do with funds taken out of their pokerbot network that (it is claimed) make the profits. Reports on the expansion of this network are posted quite regularly on the PokerAutomatics‘ website with the latest given below for your information:

Pokerbot network upgrade
A number of poker bots in the network increased to 1,288.
Our future goals:
January 2016: 1200-1300 active poker bot accounts
July 2016: 1500-1600 active poker bot accounts
January 2017: 1900-2000 active poker bot accounts
July 2017 and further: 2000 active poker bot accounts
The ultimate goal – 2000 active poker bot accounts.
For security reasons we won’t increase our botnet above 2000 active poker bot accounts.

Of course, it can all be smoke and mirrors to attract huge deposits and you should always take what HYIPs say to investors with a grain of salt and always invest only what you can afford to lose. Just remember that and everything will be alright with your finances in all the HYIPs, including PokerAutomatics. Weekly statements are always made available at the end of every business week with the latest sharing some stats on the overall investment capital which is quite impressive and might be the subject of envy for the majority of other admins. Here’s the latest weekly statemen for your reference:

30.01.2016 PokerAutomatics Weekly Statement:
Paying Days: 1,738
Total investors: 72,836
Investment capital: $ 5,479,224
Own capital: $ 582,035
Total Income: $ 417,015 (6,88%)
Share of Expenses: $158,049 (2,61%)
Profit: $258,966 (4,27%)
Total withdraw: $7,262,048
TOP-1 Investor: $259,466
TOP-1 Affiliate: 2,984 referrals
Total pokerbot accounts: 1,261

The staple of PokerAutomatics‘ stats that actually matter to the average investor would be the company’s profits reported every calendar day. Remember that the latest profits you will see below is not actually what you receive, but rather it’s going to be a 40% to 80% share of that amount. And taking into consideration that the average daily profit reported by PokerAutomatics in the daily results section is typically around 1% on average, what you earn is from 0.4% to 0.8% interest depending on the amount invested and the investment term chosen. You can find the latest daily results from PokerAutomatics to help you calculate how much you will earn on your investment with them below:

PokerAutomatics Daily Results:
03.02.2016 – Total poker botnet Income: 1.07%

PokerAutomatics Daily Results:
04.02.2016 – Total poker botnet Income: 0.91%


While the first investors of ArdexFunds are enjoying some good profits, the program that used to offer variable returns for a period of 10 to 245 business days with principal back on expiry (for more on that read my review posted here), is about to totally re-design all of them. That’s not a bad sign though as investors are getting warned about the changes well in advance and have an opportunity to leave ArdexFunds and not re-invest in the new plans if they don’t like them. As you might know, ArdexFunds are working along the same premise as PokerAutomatics, crediting investors’ accounts with a share of the profits reported by the company on every business day and credited to members every day from Tuesday to Saturday (this share varies from 30% to 100% depending on the chosen plan). Previous programs that ran off that particular script in the past all did extremely well and were very profitable for the majority of investors, so by introducing the changes in investment plans (mostly it comes to the terms of investment) the administration of ArdexFunds obviously knows what has to be done to keep the interest of investors high enough while also battling hit and runners successfully. So, what are the major changes in ArdexFunds? Mostly, the investment terms on different plans are going increase or decrease depending on the invested amount. The test plan that can be joined from a $10 minimum via PerfectMoney and Payeer or $15 via BitCoin which ran for 10 business days will now be extended to 15 business days. The maximum to invest there will be reduced to $20 down from $50. So, this test plan will be actually good for very small investors and the main investment plans which will interest the vast majority of investors have their investment terms increased. I may write an updated review of ArdexFunds once the changes come into effect on February, 15, but for the moment you can think it over and check out the updates below:

Changes to Certain Investment Contracts
Dear investors,
After receiving a large number of requests from you we have decided to make a series of changes to our investment contracts.
Unit 0: The maximum deposit for this contract has been reduced to $19.99. The plan’s term has been increased to 15 days.
Unit A: The minimum deposit for this contract has been reduced to $20. The plan’s term has been increased to 50 days.
Unit B: This plan’s term has increased to 95 days.
Unit C: This plan’s term has increased to 130 days.
Unit D: This plan’s term has increased to 180 days.
Unit E: This plan’s term has increased to 230 days.
Unit F: This plan’s term has reduced to 100 days.
VIP: This plan’s term has reduced to 100 days.
These changes will take effect on February 15. Thank you for sharing your preferences with us. We’re eager to bring them to life.
Sincerely, The ArdexFunds Team


Unfortunately I had to move 12DailyCoin to Problem status on the MNO monitor yesterday following the first early warning on my blog on Tuesday. MNO was the first monitor to expose the issue of missing deposits and the inability of the admin to deal with it, thus questioning the future of the program which already seemed to be running on autopilot anyway. I then learned of another problem reported by some members specifying a daily withdrawal limit imposed by the admin of the program over which no one can withdraw money from his account. Please don’t get me wrong though, 12DailyCoin is still paying small amounts and withdrawals are still processed instantly on all the payment processors in use. But this doesn’t excuse the admin who is merely applying sophisticated scam tactics while paying smaller withdrawals at the expense of people who had the misfortune to invest big or on the day when PerfectMoney had issues with their API that affected all GoldCoders based programs. The members that are still being paid perfectly well and instantly by 12DailyCoin (I am too!) should not be outraged by the status on MNO, but rather take it as a strong warning against future investments there and take any withdrawals they might still be receiving on a regular basis as a bonus. Of course, only three weeks of payments from 12DailyCoin could be seen as a negative result for the program that offered first perpetual hourly returns and then also added a one day on expiry paying plan that was the only viable option among the ridiculously priced 5,000% paid on expiry. Of course, some investors who went for the only recommended plans might be in profit with 12DailyCoin, but the overall outcome might be quite disappointing for many of us. I can only add one more thing to what I have already said – please keep withdrawing your funds regularly and as much as it’s allowed by the system, because with the admin’s absence and payouts on the complete auto-pilot you might just reach the profit point after all. Just do not do any reinvestments, please, and stay away from 12DailyCoin from now on. You have been warned!


Not good news from Payza coming out today but the situation is slowly improving. The payment processor seems to have many delayed withdrawals at the time of writing, as my last withdrawal to BitCoin that should have been processed within a five business day maximum actually took seven. The situation wasn’t helped much by Live Support in Payza not being available for a number of days and tickets going unanswered for weeks. The only way of communication open at the moment looks to be their official Facebook page. Messages on the official board don’t sound overly optimistic either as the latest two from last night only outlined an already well established fact about Live Support not working and bank wire and transfer withdrawal issues as well which are much more serious, in my opinion. Exactly what is going on with Payza and what the reason for the delays and unavailability of banking withdrawal options (at least until tomorrow, judging by their own statement) remain subject to speculation. I will keep you updated on how the situation with Payza develops, but so far the two updates from their Facebook page re-posted below are vague at best. Anyway, stay tuned as I will keep you updated if I hear anything new:

Hello Payza People, we will be performing maintenance throughout the day on our Live Chat Support option. You may experience difficulties connecting through Live Chat today, although the service will remain open during the maintenance. If you are unable to connect to a Live Chat Advisor, please close all chat windows, clear your cache, and try again. You can also contact our Customer Support Team by Email Ticket.
Update: Live Chat is currently closed for maintenance. More updates will follow.

Hello Payza People, Bank Wire Withdrawals are unavailable as we make necessary changes to this feature. The service will return Friday. Note that Bank Transfer Withdrawals from UK bank accounts are also affected and will also return Friday, February 5, 2016. More updates will follow.


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 48 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: –
From MNO Premium list: PokerAutomaticsArdexFunds.
From MNO Standard list: OrientOrganization.
From MNO Basic list: ForexKingGloboxTradeTokyoInvestmentCompany.

That is all the news for today, guys. I know there was more negatives than positives, but hopefully the general situation in the HYIP industry will improve soon and we will see more promising new projects coming our way. MNO will keep you informed of all you need to know as you can be sure you’ll always find the most up-to-date information on my blog, including the latest accurate statuses of your favorite programs. Thanks for reading and stay tuned for more!

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