February 2016 Archives

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Hello, guys. Welcome to the MNO blog – the only blog dealing exclusively with high-budget investment programs whose admins are ambitious enough to become the next industry leaders. Having said that, the last week saw a lack of good quality programs out there. The HYIP industry sadly continues to be largely dominated by either fast scams, or cheap low-budget programs with admins who simply cannot see the bigger picture and be more creative to attract larger investors. As you might know, I’ve been a huge supporter of verifiable payment options like SolidTrustPay and Payza over the years and even posted an article of advantages of using them when investing in HYIPs over such anonymous options like PerfectMoney, Payeer, and BitCoin (read the article here). Yet despite receiving countless emails every week from readers looking for a reliable investment program accepting these payment processors I often have to tell them just to be patient and wait. That new program (or even programs) will be run by talented admins who are smart enough to see further than their noses while allowing their members to use verifiable payment options as well. According to the final results of the MNO TalkBack poll which I will further analyze later in the post, half of readers fully expect such programs to come their way and be listed on MNO within the next week or two. The time is surely right now, especially as Payza seem to have resolved their bank withdrawal issues and re-introduced this option for their clients last Friday as expected.

In the interests of my readers I again emphasize that the MNO monitor is NOT going to reduce prices for the listing ($1,400 for Premium listing is by far the highest in the entire HYIP industry) anytime soon and will stay a safe choice for those looking for truly unique investment opportunities. I’m pretty comfortable with the current selection of programs on the MNO monitor at the moment, especially considering that even the Standard ($1,000 price tag) and the Basic (costing $600) programs are performing quite well and bring profits for my readers. I would rather concentrate my efforts on promoting the absolutely astonishing leader PokerAutomatics or coming a close second ArdexFunds than wasting time I could spend on something more useful for myself personally on accommodating cheap scams. Anyway, thanks for staying with MNO, guys, and hope I will live up to your high expectations in search of the next new leader pretty soon. For now, let’s see the latest news from the last couple of days.


As mentioned already, there was some encouraging news from Payza on their Facebook page regarding the resumption of bank withdrawal options including both wires and transfers which had earlier been suspended. I’m aware that Payza is a very important payment option for the majority of my readers where the main advantage is the possibility of a refund to losing investors under some circumstances which many of you justifiably use to your own benefit. Another convenient option is credit card deposits and withdrawals, BitCoin deposits and withdrawals which are still working fine (I made another withdrawal to BitCoin last week and was paid in seven business days), which when added to the banking options I think there are few competitors if the HYIP market for North American and European investors preferring to avoid using third-party exchangers. I just wish more HYIP admins would realize the full potential of Payza for their clients and start accepting it more often, as it will surely allow bigger investors to change their mind and return to the HYIP industry which will in turn boost the entire industry on an international scale. Here’s the latest from Payza‘s official Facebook page:

Hello again Payza People! Bank Wire Withdrawals and UK Bank Transfer Withdrawals have been turned back on, all updates have been successfully completed. As always, you can set up a withdrawal by logging in to your Payza Account, clicking on the “Withdraw Funds” tab, choosing your withdrawal method of choice, and following the instructions on screen.


If your payment processor of choice is SolidTrustPay though then you can’t go wrong with PokerAutomatics – the leading medium to long-term investment program that has been paying since August 2014. It’s been almost a year since PokerAutomatics was listed on Premium listing with MNO and currently I have hundreds of active referrals there making profits on the program’s variable plans paying from 0.4% to 0.8% per day for terms of 30 to 180 calendar days. Actually, after the investment term ends your deposit is returned to the balance and is then available either for withdrawal or re-investment. Due to the fact that its return may take up to five business days many investors take the second option. That seems especially the right thing if we consider the stability of PokerAutomatics in terms of processing timely payments with a consistent increase of its influence in the HYIP market and a tightening grip on the loyalty of bigger spending investors. By the way, the choice of payment processors PokerAutomatics accepts is still missing Payza, but one can invest starting from $30 via many other popular and less popular options that along with SolidTrustPay includes PerfectMoney, Payeer, BitCoin, OkPay, AdvCash, PayCo, YandexMoney, Qiwi, NixMoney, and direct transfers from selected banks. PokerAutomatics regularly posts daily results on its website averaging around 1% per day from an extensive network of pokerbots, with a 40% to 80% split going to members. Sounds confusing? Then feel free to read the full review of PokerAutomatics posted on my blog here and refer to the latest daily profit reports for recent examples:

PokerAutomatics Daily Results:
05.02.2016 – Total poker botnet Income: 0.88%

PokerAutomatics Daily Results:
06.02.2016 – Total poker botnet Income: 1.04%

PokerAutomatics Daily Results:
07.02.2016 – Total poker botnet Income: 1.01%

It’s hard to imagine but PokerAutomatics now have over 550 regional representatives in different countries around the world, and the numbers are growing every day. Just over the last three days another five names were added to the representatives page on the PokerAutomatics website. If you become a representative you earn increased referral commissions so in addition to being able to earn on multiple levels will be able to bring you a nice additional income to your own deposit in PokerAutomatics. The whole process of making a very significant amount of money was described by the long time contributor and one of PokerAutomatics‘ official representatives Trevor Miller in his YouTube video which you are welcome to watch in the link below. And finally, after that you will find the name of another lucky weekly lottery winner who gets a VIP upgrade from the program (you can check out more information on the lottery rules on the specific page which also found in the report below):

We have a new Representative
Manuel Moreno – Venezuela
You may contact him by email, skype and phone
540+ Representatives!

We have a new Representative
Paul Delgado – Spain
You may contact him by email
540+ Representatives!

We have a new Representative
Martin Schmid – Switzerland
You may contact him by email, skype and phone
540+ Representatives!

We have a new Representative
RaYka – Bulgaria
You may contact him by email
550+ Representatives!

We have a new Representative
Mateusz Olkowski – Poland
You may contact him by email
550+ Representatives!

Poker AM Residual Income – Video Review by Trevor Miller

Lottery Results 31.01.2016:
The winner of this week is arshia98.
You get VIP status as a prize.


As it’s the weekend I would like to replace the old opinion poll that ran on the MNO TalkBack page after we draw the results. So, the last question which I already mentioned briefly in the news report asked readers “When are you expecting the next big program of 2016 to arrive on MNO?” The only true answer here of course is that nobody really knows for sure, but I suppose the real point is gauging how optimistic you feel about the short term prospects of the wider HYIP industry. Most of you seem quite upbeat as it happens, with no less than 50% of you voting “within the next couple of weeks”. A sizable minority however don’t seem to share that mood, with 23% of voters saying “in the autumn months”. 19% of you took the few that this will happen “in a month or two”, with the remaining 8% of voters saying they expect to see it “not until the summer”. That’s a fairly interesting mix, and while I said there can be no definitive right or wrong answers I prefer to stay optimistic about things myself. Just my own nature I guess.

Anyway, for the next question I want to ask readers about their thoughts on the scripts used by HYIP admins to manage their programs. I suppose this is probably a better question for the more experienced readers, though everyone is free to an opinion. Specifically, does a particular script have any affect on your confidence in a program, for example does it inspire you to make a bigger investment? Just about everyone that ever joined any HYIPs going back many years now will be familiar with the name GoldCoders and the prefabricated templates they license to admins to organize and run their programs, and I imagine that level of familiarity brings a certain advantage when investors already know how to join, deposit, and withdraw from the programs they join practically before they ever even see it. But what about those admins who go to the time, trouble, and expense of creating a unique customized script for the exclusive use of their own one single program? Does this impress you? Or do you see too many potential bugs in your imagination and prefer to stick with the more established tried and tested names? Or does the matter of HYIP scripts even cross your mind at all when investing? The exact question therefore will sound as follows:

Would you spend more in a HYIP running off a unique custom-made script?

1) Yes, I would definitely invest more.
2) Probably, if I really like the website’s layout too.
3) No, the choice of script does not affect my decision.

Please click here to vote as it will only take a second and will help tremendously when it’s time to analyze your preferences at the end of next week.


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 72 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: –
From MNO Premium list: PokerAutomaticsArdexFunds.
From MNO Standard list: OrientOrganization.
From MNO Basic list: ForexKingGloboxTradeTokyoInvestmentCompany.

That’s about it for today, guys. Hopefully next week might see some new promising programs on MNO and we will finally see the next big leader which many of us are so hopefully anticipating. Stay safe with your investments, don’t forget to vote in the poll, and thanks for reading!

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