February 2016 Archives

Place your banner here for $150/week or $500/month. Available NOW.
Place your banner here for $145/week or $480/month. Available NOW.
Place your banner here for $140/week or $460/month. Available NOW.
Place your banner here for $135/week or $440/month. Available NOW.


Hi guys, and welcome once more to the MNO blog for all the latest events in the HYIP industry on a regular basis. The passing week was a lively one with the already highly popular CopperTradePro joining the Standard List on the MNO monitor (read the full review here) while Capital7 successfully completed its very first seven day investment cycle with the first lucky investors in profit by yesterday. While starting on the right foot it still remains to be seen if Capital7 emulate the past glories of the likes of Carbon7 and Royalty7. But as the old saying goes, “a good start is half the battle”. For those who haven’t read the review of Capital7 on MNO yet I would suggest to click here and see for yourself a comprehensive analysis of the program paying 7% for 30 calendar days with accruals on business days only and 110% after 7 days charging also an automatically applied fee of 2% on each withdrawal. I just want to remind you that payments from Capital7 have now stopped for the weekend and will resume on Monday. Starting from this weekend the admin is giving extra referral commission to everyone who brings in new investors with fresh deposits to compensate for the usual weekend “blues” as announced earlier and can be on their website under the headline: “Feb-19-2016 to Feb-20-2016 Limited Time Offer:? Earn higher commission of 7% on your referral’s new deposit“.

Before moving on to the news updates from the HYIP industry over the last 48 hours I’d like to mention the MNO TalkBack poll. This asks your opinion on the decesion taken by the Capital7 admin to list his program exclusively on one official monitor, and let all the others either add it for free with their own money if that’s want to do, or else don’t bother listing it at all, it’s up to them. To share your thoughts on the subject please click here and vote in the poll as it will close on Monday with the final results to be drawn and analyzed then. On Monday I’ll also giving you the Top Five Popular Programs on MNO article (the first one in the series for some months now) where I’ll look at each of them and see what prospects for the future they might have that can influence your decision to join or skip them. So don’t miss it on Monday, only on MNO.


Starting Monday this week the new investors of ArdexFunds are under a new set of rules and their deposits will incur different investment terms and sometimes a different share of return from the company’s profits. The investment plans have not changed significantly and ArdexFunds still works off the premise of shared profits according to which the company makes trading profits from Monday to Friday while crediting investors’ accounts with a share of 30% to 100% from the published figures on the following day – Tuesday to Saturday – for the term’s duration. That scheme might sound too complicated, but if you read my review of ArdexFunds here (it’s been edited since to reflect the new investment plan stricture) and everything will be clear to you then. According to the new terms and conditions, the deposits which start from $10 via PerfectMoney, Payeer, or BitCoin for the period of 15 to 230 business days with principal back on expiry. Instantly processed withdrawals to all the payment processors and moderate returns offered by ArdexFunds still makes the program quite an appealing venture when it comes to attracting new investors while its risk vs. reward ratio seems reasonable judging by the success of previous programs that run on this script, all of which lasted at the very least over a year, in some cases significantly longer. To further sweeten the deal for potential promoters the administration of ArdexFunds recently introduced a multi-level partnership program where four-level deep commissions will be available for each candidate from the list of official representatives of ArdexFunds having no less than 10 active referrals. If you qualify for these terms please contact the ArdexFunds to take part in the multi-level marketing program the rules of which can be found below:

Multi-Level Partnership Program Added
Dear investors,
We are pleased to announce that we have added a four-level partnership program.
You can now get a partnership percentage not just from people you have recruited, but also from people your partners have recruited, as well as their partners’ partners, and so on, up to the forth level inclusively.
This partnership program is available to all regional representatives, as well as investors with at least 10 active partners.
To activate this program for your account, please contact the support service.


PokerAutomatics (reviewed here) has certainly earned itself a great reputation among online investors over its over nineteen (!) months of successful work and stable payouts on the variable daily paying plans. PokerAutomatics works off a similar concept to that of ArdexFunds, i.e. reporting daily returns which usually average at approximately 1% and rewarding members with a 40% to 80% share (so the actual figure you physically receive is about 0.4% to 0.8% per day depending on the plan). Investments in PokerAutomatics are accepted via PerfectMoney, Payeer, BitCoin, SolidTrustPay among others and starts from $30 with the term lasting from 30 to 180 calendar days on expiry of which you get your principal back either for withdrawal or reinvesting as you see fit. Below are the latest daily returns posted on the PokerAutomatics‘ website over the last two days, a link to the short video from a British investor impressed by the earning opportunities provided by PokerAutomatics, the names of the three latest regional representatives from Bulgaria, France, and Switzerland who join the 670+ other names on the list, and two very short updates on the resumption of AdvCash deposits in Euros and new dedicated servers added to handle the constantly expanding pokerbot network which allegedly makes money for the company and it’s members:

PokerAutomatics Daily Results:
19.02.2016 – Total poker botnet Income: 1.04%

PokerAutomatics Daily Results:
20.02.2016 – Total poker botnet Income: 1.07%

PokerAutomatics Intro (Video Review) – Phil Roskams

AdvancedCash USD-EUR Deposits are available again.
AdvancedCash USD-EUR Deposits are available again.

New dedicated servers were added.
We have purchased 4 new dedicated servers for our pokerbot network.

We have a new Representative
D. Schmidiger – Switzerland
You may contact him by email
650+ Representatives!

We have a new Representative
Yanko Stoychev – Bulgaria
You may contact him by email
660+ Representatives!

We have a new Representative
Aurélien – France
You may contact him by email
https://pokeram.com/representativesmno info
670+ Representatives!


SolidTrustPay which is my all-time favorite also remains a very popular payment processor among my readers and is accepted by four out of five programs on MNO Premium and Standard listings (the list includes PokerAutomatics, Lotto2Destiny, CopperTradePro, and Capital7). This is for a reason as SolidTrustPay is simply the best when it comes to customer support, convenient funding and withdrawal methods, (with numerous bank and card options and without the need to use third-party exchangers). I would not be praising the advantages of using SolidTrustPay compared to other payment processors, but you can always read this article to find more information on that. In addition, SolidTrustPay is doing a great job in attracting new customers as well and recently the official blog of STP posted two detailed and comprehensive articles on two important topics of opening an account and connecting a credit card to it which will be especially helpful for the newbies and those who are not very familiar with the advantages of using verifiable payment options over amonymous ones (read this article in order to find out more about it). The STP articles were complemented by two educational videos showing you step-by-step guide on how to open a SolidTrustPay account and add a Credit card to benefit from using it in the most convenient way to invest in HYIPs. I would suggest to read it from start to finish either below or on the SolidTrustPay official blog and open an STP account and start using it to your advantage of investing in the best online opportunities you can find on MNO. I’ve also asked my programmer to add the two latest videos from STP on the MNOVision page so you can watch them here and here. Below is the text version of the video which will also give more info on these two important subjects of opening an account and adding a credit card:

How to Sign Up for an STPay Account
Sometimes setting up an account for the first time can be a bit confusing or you might be wondering why all this information is required to make an account. We hope that this blog entry will help smooth out the sign up process and answer any questions you might have about creating your STPay account. At the end of this blog there is also a Video that shows you the sign up process for those of you that enjoy watching How To videos!:)
To Start you will want to go to our website: http://www.solidtrustpay.com
Click the orange Sign Up button
The first page you are taken to is for your to select your Account Type.
Select Account type:
Personal—for use of online shopping and internet program participation. Sending funds to family and friends. General account use.
Or Business—for those members that have a product or service they wish to sell online.
Next page in sign up process
Profile Details – —Your information:
Your first and last name (Given name and Surname)
Date of Birth –why is this important to have correct? You must be over 18 to use STPay without parental permission. If you wish to verify your STPay account then we need to have your accurate DOB to be sure you are who you say you are. Lastly, security reasons, hopefully a hacker would not know your actual date of birth if they happen to gain access to your information.
Occupation— This is a requirement we must fulfill as mandated by government
Legal Citizenship— required information mandated by government
Country of Residence–some countries are restricted from using STPay due to international economic sanctions. You must select the country prior to being able to enter your state/province/territory that will auto populate in the next section’s drop down menu
Province/State–This section is auto populated once country is selected from section above. For USA users this is important-due to state specific legislation, some states are unable to use STPay currently. For other users if your state/province/region/territory isn’t listed or is incorrectly listed please choose the one that is most applicable to your correct address.
City–Enter the name of your city, town, or village
Postal Code/Zip— Enter this if your address includes this type of code
Address Line 1— This is for the actual address of where you live, your residence. This is where you would enter your house number, apartment number street name Example: 1 Main Street apartment 2b.
Address Line 2— This is for any PO Box, RR#, etc for where you might receive your mail if different from your residential address.
Daytime Phone number— Please enter the number you wish to be used for any contact reason. The primary phone number you use. This could be your cellphone number. Formatting for phone numbers should include your country code then the phone number, No Spaces, No dashes-, No +, No 00. Example 18771234567
Cell Phone number— this can be the same number as your daytime contact number if you wish. If you have a second number you wish to be included for contact reasons you may include it here.
Security Settings – — information to create your STPay account
Select a Username— this is how you wish to be known as in STPay. All transactions are performed under this name. Your username serves to identify your account in any situation where a merchant or other member is sending funds to you. This username can have a maximum of 16 characters and may be a combination of letters & numbers.
Please DO NOT include any spaces, punctuation marks, symbols, no email addresses. Please note that SolidTrust Pay usernames are case-sensitive. Therefore, you must remember if you enter your username using uppercase or lowercase or a combination of. (Myname1 v.s. MyName1) Usernames also may not consist of a string of digits. Example: 3756371 is not an acceptable username. Example username: SusanSmith is a good username
Email address–this is required to complete your account set up, how we are able to contact you if required, and security to be sure that someone else isn’t trying to set up an account using your email address.
Confirm Email address— this is required to be sure you haven’t made a typo when entering your email address above
Select Login Password— This the password you use to enter your STPay account. Formatting of the password is specific but this is for security reasons as we wish for you to create a very secure login password so that hackers have a difficult time trying to gain access to your account. Password must include at least:
one number • one uppercase letter • one lowercase letter • one punctuation mark
Confirm Login Password— this is required so that you can ensure you typed the password in correctly
Select Secondary Password–this password is required. It is the password that is used when you go to move money into or out of your STPay account. It is also required to make certain changes to your account information/security settings. This is a Non-Retrievable password which makes this secure from hackers just requesting a new password to an email address like you are able to do with the login password. You must remember this password. Please make this different from your login password for best security practice. Like your LOGIN password, this must include at least:
• one number • one uppercase letter • one lowercase letter • one punctuation mark
Confirm Secondary Password–to be sure no typos are made when you entered the password above.
Secret Question–this section is required for security reasons. If a hacker is able to gain access to your STPay account they should not know what your secret question and answer are. This is a requirement on most sites where you create an account that might have sensitive information or monetary funds. Please do not make the question something that a hacker might have access to such as what is my username. Good Examples: What is my mother’s maiden name or What was the color of my first car or What is my favorite candy bar.
Secret Answer— this is the answer to the above question. Please note how your type in the answer is important. The answer is Case Sensitive just like a password. Therefore, if your answer to favorite candy bar is KitKat please take note of how you typed; KitKat v.s. kitkat or Kit Kat. The answer must be entered EXACTLY.
Spam Block Question–this section is required to prove you are a human and not a computer program creating multiple fake accounts to STPay. If you are not seeing a question in the field box then this could be due to an internet browser issue. We do suggest that you use Mozilla Firefox (this works best with our site) or Chrome if you are signing up using a PC(desktop/laptop) or Android device. If you are using a Mac or iMobile device we suggest Safari. The browser Internet Explorer does not work well with our site.
Click the box next to YES I have agreed to the Terms and Conditions prior to signing up (Please actually read this document as it does contain very vital information regarding STPay accounts, usage policies, etc.)
Now Click the green SIGNUP button.
In a few moments you should receive an email to the email address you entered for the account. Please check your email inbox, spam/trash, other folders for the registration confirmation email as it does not always arrive to the inbox folder.
Click on the confirmation link in the email and sign in to your newly created STPay account!
(If you do not click this link within a 24 hour period after creating the account the confirmation link will expire or if you do not see the email in your email account after checking all folders, you will need to contact our Customer Support Staff at https://stpay.info/)
Here is a great video on how to accomplish creating your account!!

How to Add A Credit or Debit Card
You have an STPay account but now you wish to place funds into your STPay account using your Visa, MasterCard or Maestro Card.
This blog post will provide you with the steps on how to Add your card and then you can view our other blog post on how to have this newly added card Verified.
At the end of this blog there is also a Video that shows you the Adding a card process for those of you that enjoy watching How To videos!:)
To begin, login to your STPay account. Then go to the heading My Banks & Cards then select Add New Debit or Credit Card.
On the next page that will appear you will enter your card information.
-Name on the card should be your name as you are the card holder. If this card is in the name of your spouse, partner, mother, etc. you will not be able to use their card on your STPay account.
-You skip the next section unless you are adding one of our STPay Debit cards, such as our STPay INTL PaySpark MasterCard, that you have purchases from us.
-Select your card type: Visa, MasterCard or Maestro
-Enter your card number (please double check that you type number correctly)
-Enter the valid expiry date (month/year)
Then click the green Add A Card button
You should now be redirected to your account page where you will see this message “Your card has been added successfully. It is ready to use.” and you will also get an email regarding that your card is added. Please note that the email might state that your card is verified on your account. This isn’t exactly true. Your card is added and you may attempt a deposit with the card but it doesn’t become fully Verified and Active on your STPay account until you make a first successful deposit.
Now if you go to the My Banks & Cards heading again and View Credit & Debit Cards you will see that your card is listed as Not Verified and some instructions on how to verify the card using the Micro Verify process.
Please read this next blog on how to complete the Micro Verify process for your card. How to Verify Micro Process http://solidtrustnews.com/2015/11/06/new-credit-debit-card-verification-process/
Here is the How to Add a Card and Make a Deposit video! Enjoy!


While SolidTrustPay is trying to reach new customers by providing them with great how-to videos and comprehensive instructions the level of customer support provided by their main rival in the HYIP industry Payza seems to be going downhill at the moment. Payza staff seem overwhelmed with the volume of work which makes it impossible for them to stick to their schedule in delivering many services to their clients in the terms specified on the FAQ pages of the Payza website. That have affected both deposits to Payza accounts (funding via bank and credit cards), withdrawals from the account (via bank or BitCoin), and even exchanges to different currencies. Disgruntled clients not satisfied with the lack of progress expressed anger and frustration on the Payza Facebook page, as even Live support was unavailable for the last few days. Although Payza is still fully operational despite the delays and it even issued an official statement and put it on the support website while asking for 13 (!) business days to even consider any requests from its customers submitted via support tickets. Patience is surely a virtue in this case, but if you don’t like waiting while Payza settles its delays you can always start using SolidTrustPay which offers very similar set of features, except they just do it better. Anyway, here is the message Payza posted on the website which reads:

We apologize for the delay in responding to your support requests. Please note that our Customer Support team is constantly working to provide the quickest and most efficient service possible, however we are experiencing a high volume of chats and tickets which is affecting our response time. We kindly request that you do not send multiple tickets regarding the same issue as it resets your reply priority and we cannot expedite account verification or pending transaction request. Our current response time for document verification and tickets is 13 business days. Please feel free to check our FAQs for more information. We appreciate your understanding.
Live Chat is temporarily unavailable. You can still contact Payza Support by Ticket.

I will of course keep you updated on the situation and tell you when it improves (if ever). Meanwhile, the developers of Payza didn’t sit still as they recently offered two new features that may attract new customers requiring them for their online business. So-called Tokenized Payments and Split Payments were first introduced on the latest post from the official Payza blog I also put for your convenience below:

Payza Introduces Two New Features for Business Accounts: Tokenized Payments and Split Payments
As part of our mission to provide the most complete online payment platform, we’re excited to introduce two new features for Business Accounts: Payza Tokenized Payments and Payza Split Payments. These two new options will give online business owners more flexibility and more security when accepting online payments.
What are Payza Tokenized Payments?
Tokenized Payments are for online sellers who want the same flexibility provided by Advanced Integration without exposing the payment details in the HTML form. With Payza Tokenized Payments you can keep payment details hidden more effectively since those details would not appear in the HTML code.
For more details about how Payza Tokenized Payments works and how to build your own tokenized “Buy Now” buttons, visit the Payza Developer Center: dev.payza.com/integration-tools/html-integration/tokenized-payments .
What are Payza Split Payments?
Split Payments allows you to distribute the amount received in a purchase to multiple recipients. For example, your website can have a Tokenized Checkout Button that enables buyers to pay for items from multiple merchants at the same time. This is especially useful if you run a marketplace where customers can make purchases from many different sellers at once. A Payza member can pay for multiple items in your marketplace, and with Payza Split Payments, you can automatically credit each individual merchant with their share of the total payment.
For more details about how Payza Split Payments works and how to incorporate split payments into your website, visit the Payza Developer Center: dev.payza.com/integration-tools/api/split-payments.
Do you have ideas for new features?
Part of the inspiration for these new features came from our members. If you use Payza to process online payments and have ideas for new products that would make it easier for you to run your business, you can contact our team by email at bizdev@payza.com .


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 48 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: –
From MNO Premium list: PokerAutomaticsArdexFunds.
From MNO Standard list: Capital7, CopperTradePro.
From MNO Basic list: GloboxTradeForexKingTokyoInvestmentCompany.

That’s all for tonight, guys. Thanks a lot for reading MNO even on weekends and I hope you found some of the information useful for your online investment activities. Let’s hope that the new business week starting on Monday will bring HYIP investors more profits and MNO will surely keep you updated on all the recent developments from the biggest high-budget investment programs online some of which (like currently Capital7) are exclusively monitored on my site only with others having added them for free already. Whether it’s a good or a bad thing – it’s up to you to decide, so take your vote in the poll here with the results to be posted on my blog on Monday. Top Five Popular Programs on MNO article is coming then as well, so keep an eye out for that. The best way to stay updated with MNO is to subscribe to the daily news which is delivered in full straight to your mailbox. To enable your online subscription (which can be easily canceled later) please take a look at the right-hand top corner of the blog page, enter your email address where you wish updates to be received and confirm it by clicking the link provided by Google-based provider FeedBurner. Now you’re done and joined the good company of over 3,600 subscribers to the MNO daily news who simply cannot go wrong. Thanks for reading and for subscribing and see you all on Monday!

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