March 2016 Archives

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Hello all, and welcome to the final news issue from the most popular investment programs from my monitor for this month. The first few days this week didn’t see any major changes due to the holidays, and all the programs listed on MNO are still paying fine. Some of them show special promise and are featured in the current Top Five Popular Programs on MNO list. That list remains largely unchanged and apart from different placings the article posted nine days ago is still relevant and can be found here. It’s actually quite a good thing that we see a few stable performers investors can rely upon on, from the undisputed leader of the industry Capital7 to the increasingly popular and #1 Premium Listed RixosFinance. By the way, the poll currently running on the MNO TalkBack page and still open for your votes here includes all the top programs to see which is your favorite. While the final results are yet to be drawn the preliminary count shows the true picture with Capital7 (reviewed here) taking the lead with 46% of the vote. RixosFinance (reviewed here) whose latest updates from yesterday included a couple of new investment plans that will be subject to discussion in today’s news is in second with 25% of all the votes. Third place at the time of writing goes to CopperTradePro (reviewed here) with 13% of votes while the fourth and fifth spots were shared between ArdexFunds (reviewed here) and ForexKing (reviewed here) with 8% each. These numbers can change and everyone’s opinion counts, so cast your vote for the favorite program here and support the admins’ efforts in delivering you truly astonishing investment opportunities.


RixosFinance has been a hot topic recently with significantly increased interest from my readers following the admin’s decision to offer two more investment plans last night. You see, before you only had a choice between investing among several plans offering principal back on expiry – 1.8% for 15 days, 2% for 30 days, 2.4% for 45 days, 2.8% for 60 days, 3% for 75 days. So, in the majority of the plans available for shorter-term and lower minimum deposits you were not be able to get into the profit zone before your plan expires and not many investors find it attractive. Now that Bill the admin decided to offer two more options it will surely appeal to more people. The first of them gives a once-off payment on expiry of 111% after 7 days while the other offers daily payments of 9% for 14 days principal included, leaving you with a respectable 26% net profit. It’s just marginally less that the 27% overall profit offered by the 1.8% for 15 days shortest plan with principal back on expiry, but you reach the profit zone by day twelve which makes the plan less of a risk. The only thing you should remember though is that the minimum to invest in both these new plans is $20 which is higher than the $5 required for the 1.8% for 15 days plan. So perhaps the new plans will appeal more to investors who already tested RixosFinance and got their principals back from one of the original plans and now are ready for something different. By the way, due to many positive changes since my original review of RixosFinance posted a few weeks ago, I have edited it which you can read here. The review now reflects the improvements including the addition of Payza which joins SolidTrustPay, PerfectMoney, Payeer, BitCoin, AdvCash, and even direct Bank wires making RixosFinance one of the best options when it comes to choice of payment methods.

Any changes in RixosFinance‘s investment plan structure, even the simple addition of an extra option with reasonable returns, can be be frowned upon and even taken as a red flag. But the thing is that investors tend to worry over every change when the fact of the matter is that programs like RixosFinance have to evolve somehow to stay relevant and offer what the investors want. This is what a professional admin must do to stay competitive. I think that the admin of RixosFinance Bill is doing exactly that, and by advertising his program predominantly on MNO and adapting the same 2% withdrawal fee also applied in Capital7, he shows the determination to work harder to achieve his goals. I see that investors generally show a positive response by increasing their stakes in RixosFinance as more and more positive changes are implemented. Among these (as announced in the latest newsletter last night along with the extra investment plans) are an improved Chinese translation of the site along with the Russian version which had been added just recently and can be switched to by clicking on the appropriate flag in the top right-hand corner of the RixosFinance website (and yes, the Russian version is professionally translated). For the full newsletter outlining the expansion of the investment portfolio from RixosFinance and other improvements please read below:

Dear Investors,
We hope you’re doing well and enjoyed your weekend. Today, the team of RixosFinance is quite excited to release some really good news for you. Many events took place since we opened our business doors worldwide, we received new potential clients, our mainstream and reserve funds increasing gradually, our project getting featured on many advertising portals and social media.
We have decided to add two new lifetime reasonable plans to extend our boundaries for new target audience. As we know, many of you like investment plans where principal amount included in your daily earnings and, some of you prefer short-term plans to get fast and good income.
We are happy to announce these two amazing additions to our investment portfolio:
MODERNISM PLAN offers 111% after 7 calendar days (principal included). Your NET profit for this plan is 11%.
For example: If you invest $1,000, you will receive $1,111 after 7 calendar days.
RENAISSANCE PLAN offers 9% daily for 14 calendar days. Total ROI 126% where 26% is your NET profit. Principal included in your daily earnings. This plans looks similar to our current Contemporary plan (1.8% daily for 15 days), but more likable for investors who prefer to keep their principal included in daily earnings.
Example: If you invest $1,000, you will be accruing $90 daily for 14 calendar days. Totally you will receive $1,260, where $1,000 is your principal amount and $260 NET profit.
You can join both plans with minimum $20 and maximum $5,000 deposit.
Chinese version of our website has been improved and Russian will be available within a couple of hours.
That’s all for now and we hope you liked our news. All withdrawals have been paid on time and many thanks for your support. Don’t forget to follow us on our social media pages to be up-to-date and stay tuned for more to come soon!
Sincerely, RixosFinance Team


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 60 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: –
From MNO Premium list: RixosFinanceForexKing, ArdexFundsRomball, BandeiraCorp.
From MNO Standard list: Capital7, CopperTradePro.
From MNO Basic listGloboxTrade, TokyoInvestmentCompany.

That’s it for tonight, guys. Nothing much going on in the HYIP industry this week yet, but it’s still better to hold on to the biggest investment programs run by experienced admins than to lose everything in some questionable ventures. MNO should therefore always stay in a prominent position in your browser’s bookmarks. However, if you don’t want to miss any fresh investment opportunity you should check my monitor and blog for possible new additions, as my site is known to be the most expensive HYIP monitor around which only the best HYIP admins can afford joining. I’m totally OK with that though, as I believe life is too short to waste it on crappy HYIPs and it’s always always to stick with the few best. Remember to keep voting for your favorite program on the MNO TalkBack poll and see you all in a couple of days when I have something important to report. Enjoy your profits from the biggest and most popular programs in the HYIP industry and read a summary of them all in this Top Five article posted here. See you soon, folks!

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