March 2016 Archives

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Beware! ForexKing has stopped paying! Do not invest there!

Hi everyone! I hope the weekend has been going well for you so far. There’s been quite a bit of activity and positive upward movement from the programs covered on the MNO monitor, specifically here I’m talking about ForexKing. That might well be a name you’re somewhat familiar with, given that the program has been on the MNO Basic List for almost two months now and online overall since last September. In that time the development of ForexKing has been slow and gradual, and for most of the time the program was quite low key. There was a major overhaul in the program around about the same time it came to MNO for monitoring, and it seems the admin is now ready to take his program to the next level by greatly increasing his promotional campaign. Now, whether you prefer to think of ForexKing as an “old program” or as something that was deliberately kept slowly bubbling under the surface and responsibly managed is up to you. As a monitor all I can tell you is that ForexKing has been a solid and dependable performer up until this point and describe the main features of the program as they are today. So let’s get started then and see, if you’re not already a member, whether you think ForexKing is something worth adding to your portfolios.
I’ll start with the investment plans, and with ForexKing they can be split into two distinct categories – plans that pay you once on expiry of a fixed term, and plans that make daily interest payments. I’ll start with the daily plans because speaking honestly they are the only ones I can see as being realistically achievable here and your only serious option to make a profit from. I’ll explain why in a moment. Joining ForexKing at entry level as it were will only set you back a minimum deposit of $10. This is enough to get you into what’s called The Starter Daily Plan, ForexKing‘s shortest term and most affordable option. By joining here your money is committed to a term running for 15 calendar days. During that time members are paid a daily interest rate of 2.1%. By the end of the term that should accumulate to a total of 31.5%. That figure then becomes your net profit only after ForexKing return your principal on expiry. The upper limit for deposits in this plan is capped at a $1,000 maximum.

The remaining plans in ForexKing are significantly more expensive to join so I would imagine, whether you like it or not as it’s simply a question of affordability, that the majority of investors won’t be going any further. However if you have a minimum of $1,001 to spare then ForexKing‘s second offer is The Regular Daily Plan. For this one the term stretches to 35 calendar days, and the interest rate improves to 2.3% daily. This adds up to 80.5% in interest by the final payment, again nowhere near a profit just by itself as this only comes when ForexKing return your principal on expiry as promised. The maximum limit investors are allowed to spend here is capped at $2,500.

The next daily plan runs for 60 calendar days, and for some inexplicable reason the minimum amount required by ForexKing to join skyrockets to just over $30,000. Anyway, just for your information it’s called The Professional Daily Plan, and offers 2.7% interest every day. This adds up to 162% in net profit with your principal then returned on top of that. Maximum spend is $50,000.

These are followed by a series of high risk payment-on-expiry plans that have few if any selling points. In fact I would say that the only thing your money will do here were you to invest would be to finance smaller interest payments to those in the first, shortest term plan to encourage re-investments from them. But little else. I’ll go through the numbers for you anyway, you can decide for yourselves, though I doubt the high price of joining most of them make them appealing even if you didn’t know what the risk is. My misgivings here are somewhat supported by information on ForexKing‘s own FAQ page where it’s even stated that minimum withdrawals via bank wire are $3,000. Yes, withdrawals only but no deposits. It’s been a common HYIP trick in the past to suddenly make the biggest withdrawals compulsory to bank wire for “security” reasons. Surprise surprise, these inevitably get flooded with delays, and don’t you know it, it will always somehow be the bank’s fault.

By the way, all investment terms no move from calendar to business days, making the terms a little bit longer than what you might have thought at first glance. Plans continue with an offer of 250% on expiry of 40 business days (eight weeks) on amounts between $1,000 and $12,000. ForexKing include your principal.

Next up for a deposit starting from $500 and going as high as $12,500, ForexKing offer a payment of 600% on expiry of a 65 business day term (thirteen weeks) principal included.

This is followed by an offer of 1,800% on expiry of a 105 business day term. That’s 21 weeks, and will set you back a $200 minimum to join, or as much as $15,000 if you want. ForexKing include your principal.

For a $12,000 minimum and accepting up to $50,000, ForexKing‘s first so called VIP plan runs for 17 business days, or a little bit longer than three weeks. The offer if you choose to accept it is for 350% paid on expiry, principal included.

And lastly a no more obtainable King VIP plan offers 900% interest, principal included, on conclusion of a 33 business day term (or about six and a half weeks). ForexKing‘s minimum requirement for joining here is $5,000 and the maximum is $25,000.

One of the other main improvements carried out by the ForexKing admin was in expanding his list of accepted payment methods. Until recently this had been limited to PerfectMoney, Payeer, BitCoin, and AdvCash which have since been joined by NixMoney, in other words anonymous processors only. With the addition of SolidTrustPay the admin of ForexKing has made the program a lot more appealing to bigger spending US and European investors which should provide a welcome boost to both the program’s finances and the numbers or new members getting involved. Withdrawals are handled manually by ForexKing‘s admin so you will need to log in to your members account area and submit the payment request yourself. Once done you are “officially” required to wait up to 30 hours for the transaction to be completed. In reality, speaking from my own experience with ForexKing anyway, you rarely have to wait even half that long. Typically withdrawal requests are all carried out in batches, processed by the admin at intervals throughout the day. By the way, if you are making a deposit through BitCoin there’s one other important point you should be aware of. Because the BitCoin network isn’t instant any deposit you make may take some time to be reflected in your ForexKing account. If you’re lucky it might be as fast as 15 minutes, and if not then it might be as long as 24 hours. So remember to keep an eye on it and be patient. Deposits made via other payment methods should of course show up instantly as usual.

Moving on to the more technical side of the program now such as design and security, overall the ForexKing website looks really impressive. Thanks largely to several improvements in both design and content over the last couple of months, after the initial startup is was all quite basic and simple but has developed into one of the better sites around at the moment. Although ForexKing is operating from a licensed GoldCoders script which is usually recognizable to most of the regular industry players, this time it’s been modified to suit the program’s individual needs and looks like a huge improvement over the last version. It still retains the trademark user friendly, easy to navigate quality you expect from them however. The ForexKing website features a superior Green Bar SSL-certificate with extended validation by Comodo for safer browsing and more secure transactions. Hosting is on a dedicated server with support and protection from Koddos with the ForexKing domain name registered until the year 2019.

If you have any further questions for the admin or any account related issues you need sorting out then there’s a couple of channels of communication open to you. The place you should probably start with is ForexKing‘s Live Chat support. You may be able to get everything resolved there without having to compose any lengthy e-mails to the admin. But if that’s what you prefer then you can either e-mail him directly at the address listed on the contacts page, or else fill in your details on the online customer support form (also available on the contacts page) and submit via the ForexKing website. A postal address in the UK can safely be ignored due to the likelihood of it being a virtual serviced office space at best, this is however accompanied by a telephone number so you can try that out if you think anyone will answer. Fans of social media networks can connect with ForexKing via any of the various profiles they maintain, which include Facebook, VK, Twitter, and Google+. An introductory video on the ForexKing website can also be viewed on their YouTube channel, and was added to the MNOVision page which you can watch here.

Something that’s also developed in ForexKing along the way in more recent times was that a regional representative program has been opened. Here you can help recruit new members in exchange for higher referral commissions if you meet all the necessary criteria for joining (you’ll need to be a member of ForexKing yourself first obviously for one thing) and don’t mind having your contact details displayed on the website. The list of representatives is quite extensive already and you can get in touch if this is something that interests you.

Although at the end of the day the program always has to be treated as a regular HYIP, ForexKing has gone to some lengths to keep a lid on things and slowly built it in to a vastly improved program we see today. The fact is there aren’t many better looking programs than ForexKing when considering their great payment record, popular support shown on investment forums, and the admin starting a new improved stage of promotion. Personally I would hope that all this will help the program last longer and grow even more. Actually I’m pretty sure that’s what we’d all hope for, unfortunately as with everything else in the HYIP industry it could go either way. So, I’m sure most readers know what I’m about to repeat for about the millionth time but for the sake of the newbies let’s make it a million and one – set yourself a sensible spending limit you can comfortably afford to lose and can easily earn back elsewhere, expect no guarantees from gambling, and if joining ForexKing at all then try to keep them as a smaller part of a wider more diverse portfolio.



It’s time now to count the final results of the poll that ran on the MNO TalkBack over the last week asking the opinion of readers on the possibility of Capital7 (reviewed here) becoming the biggest program of 2016. For anyone new to the HYIP industry who somehow missed what was going on in 2015 I have to remind that the previous program allegedly run by the same admin off the very same script and design and same investment plans – Carbon7 – became the greatest program of the year and my readers even declared it the most profitable program for them at the end of year poll. Carbon7 managed to surpass in votes even the next-in-line leader PokerAutomatics so it’s no surprise many of us have extremely high hopes for Capital7 as well. The program pays 7% for 30 calendar days with interest credited from Monday to Friday only. Otherwise, you can invest in the 110% after 7 calendar days plan paying once on expiry. Note that Capital7 does not process payouts on weekends and charges a compulsory 2% withdrawal fee on each transaction. SolidTrustPay, Payza, PerfectMoney, Payeer, and BitCoin are the payment processors in use. Online for just over three weeks, Capital7 has already put many investors in profit. The praise and enthusiasm the program has been met echos that of Carbon7 last year, so fingers crossed for a similar result. Well, at least 54% of my readers are absolutely sure of it. It’s right to have doubts so, as the first cycle for the longer investment plan in Capital7 will only be completed next week so 31% voted it’s too early to tell while the remaining 15% say it’s definitely possible with the right level of support. Of course whatever happens we should all agree that Capital7 will run for as long as current members support the program with re-investments, and more new members are joining, so more money comes in than goes out of the admin’s wallets. Here is where the experience of the admin matters most, in my honest opinion, and if you ask me I’m confident the admin of Capital7 is capable of going for a long time if he really wants to. The fact that Capital7 chose MNO as the very first monitor to advertise his program with just proves that future leaders and simply ambitious admins pick the best monitors that can provide them with quality written reviews in fluent English able to attract many larger investors globally looking for the best investment opportunities. Capital7 definitely fits the bill.

For the new question on the MNO TalkBack for the next week I want to ask something more general. I would like to know how big a role the HYIP industry plays in your finances, specifically:
How important is the money you earn from HYIPs?
1) It’s my main source of income and I depend on it to maintain my lifestyle.
2) It’s an important supplement to my main income and financially is of great help.
3) It’s more like a hobby to me and I don’t treat it seriously.
4) I occasionally play small money in HYIPs for fun and any profit is not that big.

You can click here and submit your vote on the MNO TalkBack page which will be greatly appreciated. By the way, remember that your answer can be different depending on your current situation. I’m only asking what you think right now at this particular moment. For example, for me personally these days the HYIP industry is more of a hobby, as I’m more involved in offline activities which bring me much better profits. However, just a couple of years back running MNO was the main source of income for me and the income from my monitoring activities helped me finance the dream life I have always wanted for myself. So, I would vote for the third option, but you should decide for yourself what importance HYIP profits have for you now. It will be interesting to see the results next week, guys, so thanks in advance for voting. Remember it’s 100% anonymous and only takes a second.


Lotto2Destiny has been moved to Problem status on MNO today and I’ve really had enough of the admin’s negligence. It seems that he is not interested in running his lottery any longer as he forgets to update the results on a daily basis. I already moved it to Scam status on my monitor last week, but it seems the admin has not learned his lesson and ignores his duty to conduct lotteries on his own website. Well, I believe I have a right to take action because admins like this have no chance of success. The admin himself admitted that he had lost interest as no one was interested in a venture with a 99% probability that you would lose all your money instead of earning something. Let’s face it – when you purchase a lottery ticket offline in your local newsagent kiosk you can at least be sure that the winning numbers will be announced publicly and with so many active participants you stand at least some chance of winning something. Not like this in Lotto2Destiny when one crooked admin can easily rig the results to make sure there are no winning tickets. Now that the admin is inactive and responds to my emails only occasionally when demanding a Paying Status for his program on MNO for no reason, I would like to tell him – if you can’t run your website properly and update it on time, you have no right to be listed on Paying Status on my monitor. I already warned against buying lottery tickets there in the last article from the Top Five series posted here where Lotto2Destiny became the only programs I strongly advised against dealing with. Therefore, without any other choice I am moving Lotto2Destiny to Problem status on the MNO monitor and will keep it there unless and until the admin’s attitude changes significantly for the better. I cannot run his business for him and I certainly have no interest in featuring an inactive program like this on my site. So, please stay away from Lotto2Destiny for the time being. I’ll keep you updated if anything changes.


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 36 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: –
From MNO Premium list: ForexKingArdexFunds.
From MNO Standard list: Capital7, ClubCashCowCopperTradePro, RixosFinance.
From MNO Basic list: TokyoInvestmentCompany.

That’s it for tonight, guys. Great that all the good programs from the MNO monitoring list still pay well and I hope everything will stay that way by Monday when I’ll have a full review of RixosFinance – a program that is clearly run by a very experienced admin and from which we can expect some good things. In any case, please make sure that you stay safe and invest only what you can afford to lose, because it’s a risky business. With the right attitude and the right approach to investing it can give a nice additional income for investors so to get smart please keep reading MNO blog where only the most elite high budget programs run by experienced admins are featured. Bookmark MNO in your browser to find the best programs and subscribe to the daily news to stay up-to-date. Enjoy the rest of your weekend, guys, and see you all on Monday!

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