August 2016 Archives

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Hello guys, and welcome again to the MNO blog – the home of quality high-budget programs run by experienced HYIP admins. I wasn’t able to update my blog last night as I initially planned due to reasons outside of my control. There wasn’t a lot of positive stories to report over the last few days anyway, as reflected in the collapse of two quite big programs Ssarini and BusinessAngels within a very short space of each other. Hopefully we won’t have to wait for too long before something worthwhile comes along to replace them. In any case, you should stick with MNO to find out what are those best investment opportunities. Possibly Brifex might become one of them as the program is still evolving as you will find out in the news section of today’s blog post. There will also be discussion on the possible reasons behind the two closures mentioned above, and the embedded poll asking your personal results from them followed by the MNO TalkBack page polls. So let’s get started!


Although being a new addition to the Premium List on MNO Brifex has been developing nicely with payouts made properly and automatically to investors for twelve days now. That means that the very first investors of Brifex who made a deposit in the plan paying 110% on expiry of a 10 calendar day term should have been paid their principal and profits and perhaps are considering a reinvestment. The first Brifex investment plan paying 5% daily for a term of 30 business days (Monday to Friday only) and not returning the initial investment on expiry is still in its prime, but the first investors should reach the break-even point pretty soon if everything goes well. There is still plenty of room for growth though, as Brifex has been only accepting deposits starting from $20 via PerfectMoney, Payeer, and BitCoin only, and that means that most possibly some other payment methods will be added in the near future too. Anyway, this and many other questions were asked by me and sent to the admin in the list of interview questions he requested earlier and hopefully, I will receive a response soon and will post it on the MNO blog then. Meanwhile, for more detailed information on Brifex you can always check out the full review posted here.

Just a couple of days ago, Brifex increased its appeal to German speakers by introducing the German language version of the site. This joins the English, Russian, and Chinese versions and is easily accessed by clicking the appropriate icon on the top right-hand corner of the site. I doubt that this will be the last translation added by Brifex, so we’ll be waiting for more and the MNO blog will surely report on that or any other newsworthy information once it becomes available. Here’s the short update on the German language addition posted on the site:

Hello, dear investors!
At the request of our partners, as well as to expand investment, added German version of the site!
Best regards, “Brifex” team.


I know that many investors from MNO participated in the two programs that scammed over the last couple of days with an interval of less than 24 hours between them. They are Ssarini that closed officially on the first day of August, even announcing it on their site, and BusinessAngels which is sadly still working and accepting new deposits without reciprocating by allowing withdrawals. Let’s see what might have went wrong in both programs and also see how the MNO readers fared from participating in Ssarini and/or BusinessAngels.

Starting with Ssarini, I was almost sure that this was an admin who scammed everyone very fast last week with another similar program called VendingVentureFund where everyone lost money. It may even have been a sort of “feeder program” for Ssarini, but never succeeded much in that and only lasted for five days. Too many similarities between them to ignore, and many readers also saw parallels between Ssarini and VendingVentureFund. Both had Payza block their accounts and had very similar design and investment plans. After the collapse of VendingVentureFund Ssarini was obviously affected as well, so it was just a matter of time before it came to an inevitable conclusion. It was faster than many of us thought, but the overall lifetime of the program was enough to make profits for some investors. To the admin’s credit he did do the honorable thing by officially announcing the closure and stopped accepting new registrations and deposits. As Ssarini is officially closed now there is no need for any further warnings, but just note that it stopped paying now due to depleting cash reserves as per the announcement re-posted below:

Dear Partners!
The project activities Ssarini discontinued! Taking deposits closed! Registration is closed!
Paid all funds basis, which is on our payment accounts. After you have made all payments, the project will cease to exist.
Thanks for being with us. We tried to keep the project as long as possible. Weekend was in fact paid all the reserves.
Please accept our deepest apologies!
Your team Ssarini”.

If you think that Ssarini got a decent result then you’re mistaken, because BusinessAngels was certainly one of the brightest programs this summer after reaching the top spot on the MNO monitor last week. Having been paying for two and a half months in total, BusinessAngels has surely brought profits to many investors and many of them came from MNO where the program spent over seven weeks giving a great opportunity to earn up to 4% each business day. As you might know, good things in the HYIP industry eventually come to the end and even the best and most popular program meet their end, but with BusinessAngels I don’t think it was planned. You see, in order to be able to pay 4% daily to existing investors and due to the perpetual nature of the investment plans there there must be a constant positive cashflow. More money needs to come in than is paid out. That chain was interrupted and damaged beyond repair by a simple technical issue first noticed by investors on Monday which prevented them accessing their account area, including making new deposits and requesting new withdrawals. The news quickly spread in the investment forums and the administration of BusinessAngels apologized and promised that everything would be fixed soon. Some members were satisfied with that, hoping that the program would be able to continue as usual, especially as payouts to those still able to access accounts were continuing instantly. That didn’t last long though as by Tuesday (and MNO was the first monitor to warn readers and move BusinessAngels to Problem status) all the withdrawals that were usually paid instantly like clockwork for many weeks were suddenly disabled and the live chat couldn’t give any viable explanation as to why. To me it was obvious that BusinessAngels gave up on fixing the problem and decided it was the right time to pull the plug. Unlike Ssarini though BusinessAngels lied about everything and tried to cover it up. That’s why you can see BusinessAngels downgraded to Scam Status on the MNO monitor now. You shouldn’t really invest there any longer, as you will not see your money back and the program is a confirmed scam.

I have decided to make a small investigation and find out what my readers got from BusinessAngels and Ssarini, now that we know both have scammed. Are you in profit with both, in one of them, at a loss in either, or simply never joined. Please share your personal experience with both programs in the poll below.

Did you profit from BusinessAngels or Ssarini?

View Results

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The last thing I want to discuss with you on this otherwise forgettable day is the result of the last MNO TalkBack opinion poll. I’ll also be replacing it with another new question so keep reading for that. So the most recent one then was sort of a seasonal question, focusing on just how far investors go to slow things down regarding their HYIP related activities during the summer. It’s no secret that things definitely take a dip in the HYIP industry around this time, I mean you can quite plainly see this for yourself it’s so obvious, and it’s probably been the case for I would say eight of the last ten years that I’ve been running MNO. It’s still very possible to make money of course, that much thankfully hasn’t changed, it’s just that there are less people spending less money in fewer programs. In fact I wouldn’t be surprised if some of the biggest and most successful hits of the coming autumn and winter months are already either online but staying low key for now, or at least in an advanced stage of planning and development. Anyway, let’s look at the results first before we move on. The exact question asked was:
How does the summer vacation season affect your interest in HYIPs?

The single biggest reply to this was readers who said “no affect, I will join good programs if I find them.” This option took 53% of the vote, an overall majority which is great, but a clear indication that a huge minority are definitely scaling things back. This in itself is no surprise, but by how much? In second place with a very strong 37% of the vote comes the option “I still follow the news but don’t really spend as much money.” So people are clearly still very much interested in the HYIP industry, they just don’t think there’s as much on offer to keep them spending as much as they usually do. And finally completing the count with 10% of the voters, the option of “I won’t be doing anything until autumn” comes in third place. If this is accurate then we could say that 47% of investors, almost half, are a lot more prudent at this time of the year. I don’t know, maybe it’s not even deliberate or conscious, but I guess people really do have better things to do with their time and money during the summer than sit in front of computers gambling with HYIPs. Good luck to them I say!

For the next poll I want to ask about another matter that is I suppose somewhat topical, featuring in the headlines of some mainstream news media. Depending on what newspaper you are reading, it’s been reported that between $65 and $78 million dollars worth of BitCoin has just been “lost” (meaning stolen) from one of the most popular BitCoin exchange providers. They’re called Bitfinex by the way just in case you want to look it up, but this isn’t really the point of what I’m trying to say (and don’t worry, the poll won’t be asking if you’re the one who stole it lol!).

You see, BitCoin already has a notoriously volatile exchange rate. Granted this has settled in relative terms in more recent times, but only in comparison to itself. When held up against how “real”, hard currencies trade against each other like euros and dollars, there can be some massive swings up and down. This latest theft wiped some 20% off the value of BitCoin at one point, though I believe the rate is recovering. So you see if you bought $100 worth of BitCoins yesterday you could have woken up this morning with the purchasing power of just $80. So I kinda got to wondering, do any of you guys use BitCoins just for the purpose of speculating of its value? Do you look at such things like this sudden huge drop in value as an opportunity? You know, buy some cheap BitCoins today because you feel confident that the exchange rate will recover before too long and then cash them in for a tidy profit. Plenty of people are already doing it, it’s not really that much different from regular ForEx trading, except a digital e-currency replaces one of the traditional pairings, and if anything it’s probably a lot easier and more accessible to small amateur home based entrepreneurs. The question I want to ask readers therefore is this:
Do you use BitCoin to trade for profit like ForEx?

And these are your possible answers:
1. Yes, I do so regularly and make decent profits from it.
2. Occasionally, if I see big movements in exchange rates.
3. I’d like to, but can’t afford the resources to make it profitable enough.
4. No, either I’m not interested or don’t like the risk.

I hope you find this an interesting question, and if so please take the time to vote. As usual the poll will stay open on the MNO TalkBack page for at least another week, maybe ten days, but definitely long enough to give everyone who wants to vote ample time to do so. Remember voting is totally anonymous unless of course you prefer to discuss it on the MNO ShoutBox (you’re welcome there either way), and takes literally just a second to complete. Thanks in advance to everyone who participates, it’s really great to see what people think.


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 96 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: –
From MNO Premium list: BandeiraCorpArdexFundsSpecialProfitTrustInvestBrifex.
From MNO Standard list: BlackWhiteLimited, XCBForex.
From MNO Basic list: HYIP-A (the first payments received).

That’s all for today, guys. Please remember to vote in this week’s poll on the MNO TalkBack page about if you speculate on BitCoin price fluctuations. I’ll be back when there’s something important to report, but with the current lull in activity that might not happen until next week. You probably have better things to do with your time during the summer anyway. In order not to miss anything important from MNO please subscribe to the daily news here and check out my blog and monitor often. You can also contact me via this page and I will be pleased to hear your feedback and suggestions on future polls too, so please keep them going and write me a couple of lines. See you soon!

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