09/08/2016. BitSolar Review and Daily News from the HYIP Industry
Beware! BitSolar has stopped paying! Do not invest there!
Hello everyone! It’s been a good start to the week for MNO with a couple of new programs being added to my monitor. I’ll be introducing one to you in a few moments when we get to the news section, while to start with I want to focus on another one called BitSolar which I’ll discuss today. It’s also been quite a busy day for news stories with a fair bit to catch up with on that front as well, so keep reading for that. It’s too early to say yet of course but as the summer eventually turn to autumn a corner in the industry will be turned. Whether the launch of BitSolar and other programs signals that day is coming sooner rather than later remains to be seen, but let’s just take things one day at a time. So, BitSolar is maybe not quite a unique program, we’ve seen similar in the past and some have been successful, but there’s not a lot like it around at the moment. Let’s take a closer look at it then and see if you have room for it in your own portfolio.
Before I continue with the plans I just want to make one thing clear. I know when it comes to HYIPs most of us will automatically tend to think in terms of US dollars, given that that’s almost the universal currency for the industry. For the time being however BitSolar‘s exclusive currency of choice is BitCoin, so that’s how I’m going to explain their investment plans. Because the exchange rate changes every day, in fact in the case of BitCoin this can be a lot more volatile than others, it’s pointless to think in terms of anything except BitCoin. And any information I give you in dollars would be obsolete by tomorrow in any event. Only one of BitSolar‘s investment plans will probably be of any interest to the majority of you anyway, with the others being quite expensive to join.
So, as long as that’s all cleared up let’s get to the actual numbers. BitSolar offer three investment plans, and they are organized along some unconventional lines. They’re what I would describe as “perpetual plans”, in other words they have no expiry dates and continue paying either for as long as you decide to remain a member or until the program collapses, whichever comes first. The minimum cost of joining BitSolar is BTC 0.01 (marginally higher than $5 at today’s exchange rates). Anyone investing an amount from that up to as much as BTC 5 gets an hourly interest payment of 0.125%.
To make that easier to calculate potential profits, over the course of 24 hours that would eventually yield a daily total of 3%. This 3% is the minimum profit you can earn, because while you are free to make hourly withdrawals as they accumulate, 24 hours is the minimum time your principal has to stay in place. BitSolar will only allow you to request your principal back, or part of it back, once that has passed. After that, I’m afraid I can’t really offer up any further examples. It’s really up to you how long you want to wait (and how many payments you want to gamble on receiving) before you leave. The first 24 hours is your only obligation.
Bigger spending players prepared to go beyond BTC 5 (quite a sizable amount to be fair) are offered a better rate. All of BitSolar‘s other terms & conditions remain unchanged. Once you join, you have to stay for 24 hours at least, and anything longer than that is left pretty much up to you. BitSolar‘s interest rate for deposits over BTC 5 to a maximum limit of BTC 20 are paid 0.166% interest per hour. As you are obligated to remain a member for at least 24 hours then that comes to 4% in total for a full day. How many hours or days beyond that you wish to allow BitSolar to remain in control of your principal is up to you.
Lastly, and I think this is going to be mostly just for information purposes, BitSolar offer 0.25% interest every hour if your deposit is bigger than BTC 20. With a minimum investment term of 24 hours the minimum you should expect to earn is 6% interest on a full calendar day. The maximum depends on how long you wish to stay a BitSolar member.
The list of payment methods as I said begins and ends with BitCoin, so for all intents and purposes BitSolar is more or less a cash business. Incidentally, BitCoin deposits are added to your investment after three confirmations are received from your BitCoin wallet in automated mode. Interest payments are accrued automatically to your members area by the hour and then need to be requested by the investor when ready. This can be done as often as you like provided you have the required minimum withdrawal amount available. BitSolar have set this to BTC 0.001, so remember if you ask for less than that it won’t be made but might go to pending indefinitely until you have enough. If withdrawing at least that amount then BitSolar should process your payment instantly as you would expect from an hourly paying program.
As long as you are OK with that then I should just say a few words on what to do when the time comes for taking your deposit back. As I said, your principal has to stay in place for a minimum of 24 hours before BitSolar will allow it to be released. Once you decide the time is right for you to leave, first of all log in to your BitSolar account area. On the left hand side of the page you will see a tab marked “deposits”, and under that a sub-heading “your deposits” which you should click. On the main body of the page then you will see the headline “release”. Clicking on that will then bring you to the “withdrawal” page. Please note however that by merely clicking the withdraw button you are only releasing your deposit back into your account. In order for BitSolar to actually pay this money to your BitCoin wallet you will again need to confirm. The return of your principal, provided you have followed the instructions correctly, should be instant just like your interest payments.
Now it’s time to talk strategy. With no-expiry perpetual payments BitSolar therefore gives individual members the right to determine their own investment terms and allows you to work to your own personal strategy. Personally as a monitor I myself am committed to staying with BitSolar until the very end, whenever that may be. You on the other hand are free to decide whether that suits you or not, and alternatively treat BitSolar as a short, medium, or long term HYIP as you see fit. You might have a particular financial goal in mind, double your money for example, or have a certain date when you want to leave. Or else just “play it by ear” as they say, and decide from one day to the next what you want to with your deposit as you see things at the time. Remember that BitSolar also allow a good deal of flexibility insofar as you can if you prefer just make a partial withdrawal of your principal and leave the rest in your account to continue earning. Some of you may consider this a more favorable option if you have already made a net profit, and as you can no longer be at a loss then see no reason not to continue collecting a pure passive income.
We all know that website security is vital to the success of any online HYIP, considering there’s very little an admin can do if the site gets hacked, but this is even doubly so for programs that offer hourly payments. It’s a very fragile environment indeed, so I’m happy to see that this is an area the BitSolar admin hasn’t cut any corners on. The program is powered off a licensed GoldCoders script so it will have a familiar feel to most regular industry players, and their usual customer friendly easy to navigate feel. The only thing that’s different is the necessary modifications are in place to allow you to operate in BTC instead of the usual USD currency that other programs operate in. The BitSolar website is fully SSL secured and has an extended validation green bar certificate from Comodo for enhanced security on your transactions and safer browsing. For a hosting provider the admin has opted for DDoSGuard who are keeping the BitSolar website on a fully dedicated server with the highest protection against malicious attacks.
Any further questions for the BitSolar admin can be relayed by filling in your details on the online e-mail support form found on the contacts page. There’s a postal address in the UK which has of course become a common occurrence in the HYIP industry due to the relative ease and affordability of obtaining one anonymously. Although I would suggest skipping this as it’s unlikely to be where you can find anyone connected with running BitSolar physically located, the address does still come with a phone number so you can try that if you expect someone will answer. Perhaps of more practical use to fans of social media is that BitSolar are keeping an active profile on Facebook so you can always try and connect with them there. Another method you may like, and while still in its infancy has already found a few takers, is BitSolar‘s regional representative program. Members offer their services as customer support operators in their own countries/languages in return for improved ref commissions, so if this is something you have done before or are interested in then get in touch with the BitSolar admin for further info.
As for any alleged business interests behind the program, as the name implies BitSolar are supposedly involved with solar energy. Take it or leave it as you please, all I can say is that there’s very little in the way of practical information that you can research or verify for yourself. And even if it were true it doesn’t mean it has to be profitable anyway. So just remember to treat BitSolar as you would any other online HYIP, and while I hope this is just the beginning of a successful run for a program which at first glance looks professional, you still need to be sensible. Stay well within a responsible spending limit you can comfortable afford to lose, and if joining BitSolar at all then try and keep them as a smaller part of a wider more diverse portfolio.
If you’ve given some thought to the matter already then I hope you won’t mind answering the following question about how you intend to proceed with the program:

We’ll start today’s news by introducing Capitaller – a brand-new program that was launched just yesterday and was added to Premium listing on MNO within the first couple of hours of coming online. I hope that alone will help my readers who wish to participate in Capitaller have a better chance to reach the break-even point and start earning profits. So let’s have a brief look at what it has to offer. There are two types of investment plan in Capitaller – paying daily or paying once on expiry. As the on expiry plan offers an unrealistic 1,677% return after 70 business days it’s better to avoid it completely, even though the minimum amount to invest there would be a moderately affordable $500. In my honest opinion, it’s better to stick with any of the daily paying plans offering 3% to 4% fixed return (based on the size of your principal) paid Monday to Friday over a period of 70 business days, or 14 full weeks. The minimum to invest in the daily paying plan is only $5 and the break-even point from which you will start making profits is business day 34 making it about the half of the way before you see a profit. Capitaller works with five payment processors including PerfectMoney, Payeer, BitCoin, NixMoney, and AdvCash. However the most interesting and unusual thing about the program is that there is no user area in Capitaller, just one page where you can choose from the four available plans and then proceed via your preferred payment processor. Once you make an investment you should then start receiving daily payments on completely automated mode starting on the following business day. So keep in mind that if you invest on Friday, Saturday, or Sunday the next payment is going to be paid to your account automatically on Monday. Also, no principals are returned on expiry, meaning your total return after the expiry of the daily paying plan term will be from 210% to 280%.
I’ll have a more detailed look at the main features in a proper review on Thursday, for now let’s just see what they are in a nutshell. As I said already, the program has no member’s office and offers totally automated payouts. It has a separate forum on a different domain name (I guess that is done to post important updates in case the main site is down for some reason), and hosting is on a shared server with protection provided by GeniusGuard. The website itself is not SSL-secured, but I guess with no member’s area this is of less importance. Anyway, we’ll see how Capitaller works out in time. I have mixed feelings about it though have to say it seems quite interesting and original at first glance while lacking many standard security features at the same time.
If we talk about the best programs of the summer SpecialProfit has to be up there. A fantastic performance of five full 11 day cycles during which the program managed to bring profits to countless investors was delivered. While you could possibly earn from 21% to 30% profit over one cycle (depending on whether you went for the daily or on expiry plan), SpecialProfit certainly wasn’t going to last forever. It stopped paying just a couple of days ago and was moved first to Problem and then to Scam Status on the MNO monitor. As the admin used to pay like clockwork twice a day I was personally quite concerned when he missed the usual payment run on Sunday evening. I was eager to give him a few more hours to prove me wrong and pay within the promised 24 hour timeframe. This never happened and on Monday morning it was clear that SpecialProfit was no more. Unfortunately, the admin didn’t give any reason why his program came to an end, but judging by the fifty-five days of flawless payouts and the general summer slowdown I believe it has just ran its course. In a season of short scams I believe the admin did his best to deliver some outstanding results. But what do you think of SpecialProfit‘s performance and how do you rate their performance? Please vote in the poll below to share your opinion on that.

The administrator of BandeiraCorp has fulfilled his promise to allow exchanges following some unsuccessful attempts to withdraw profits to SolidTrustPay – one of the many payment processors accepted by BandeiraCorp along with Payza, Neteller, PerfectMoney, Payeer, BitCoin, OkPay, and AdvCash. Here’s what he had to say:
“SolidTrustPay have some error with our api and they are unable to fix it and didn’t answer to our questions. We will launch exchange option soon so user can exchange SolidTrustPay to other currencies.”
And today I noticed the exchange tab appearing in the menu for those only who have a balance on their SolidTrustPay internal wallets, i.e. made a deposit with STP funds when it was available (at the moment, the STP option for both deposits and withdrawals seems to be disabled). By clicking on the link you can exchange your STP funds with 0% fees to any other payment processor of your choice and get paid by BandeiraCorp as usual within 48 hours. If you haven’t read my full review of the program posted here, I will also remind you that investments in BandeiraCorp are accepted starting from a $10 minimum and depending on the size of your deposit you should get a variable 1% to 4% daily rate until you reach the goal of 150% on your investment after which it expires. That model has certainly proved itself viable, as BandeiraCorp has been successfully running for five (!) full months and is currently rightfully in the #1 position on the MNO Premium List. I hope that the current issues with SolidTrustPay will be eventually resolved and BandeiraCorp will be able to accept deposits and process withdrawals to STP. Unconfirmed rumors that SolidTrustPay might be returning to their hard stance against HYIPs means (if true) this might never be the case. Those of you who had deposits with STP certainly should understand the difficulties and accept the exchange terms and use the new feature to its full effect, especially considering it doesn’t charge any fees for the service. Remember to check out the MNO blog often because if I get any more information regarding that or any other important updates from BandeiraCorp my readers will be the first to know. Meanwhile keep enjoying your profits from this amazing program!
Meanwhile XCBForex (reviewed here) seems to have had some issues with instant payments via PerfectMoney which the admin reported a couple of days ago on the site. Some rather crooked English but he does get his point across:
“Hello dear investors, we perfect money a little problem happened. We are dealing with him, please don’t worry about it.
As I’m usually quite skeptical when it comes to such excuses I didn’t hesitate myself to move XCBForex to Problem status on the MNO monitor yesterday, as even manual processing of the pending withdrawals to PerfectMoney seem to be stalling for no reason. I should give credit to the admin though who not only replied to my email regarding the situation but also managed to fix the issue and got PerfectMoney withdrawals back to being instant again, just like Payeer and BitCoin – the other payment processors accepted by XCBForex. For that reason at the time of writing the program maintains a healthy Paying Status on the MNO monitor. By the way, XCBForex recently reached an important achievement when completing the very first investment cycle on the 1% for 10 days plan. The first investors got their principals back on expiry of the term, so congrats if you happen to be one of them. Those of you with bigger deposits in any of the three other plans with XCBForex – 2% for 15 days, 3% for 20 days, 3.5% for 30 days – should wait for a little longer as the program has only been online for 13 days as of today. I must say this has been a very positive development, because I wasn’t too optimistic regarding the program’s future judging by the plans organization and the timing behind XCBForex entering the HYIP market. Let’s hope the admin won’t stop there and investors will enjoy several successful investment cycles.
And now to a couple of things that weren’t mentioned in today’s review of BitSolar. The admin seems to have been so excited about Premium Listing with MNO he announced it on the news section of his website even before the program was actually reviewed on my blog. Here is what he said about that:
We are pleased to announce we listing on mno and other monitor successfully on today, Aug 7, 2016. we’re planning to conduct such service in the coming years.
We guaranteed and continue to guarantee stable accruals under the terms of investment plans. Your income continues to be accrued at the rate of 0.125% to 0.250% every hour, depending on the size of your deposit. We are ready to work on and thank you for your trust.”
Another update concerns the alleged source of income that BitSolar claims (solar panels funded by BitCoin does seem like a thing from the future!). This was announced on the program’s official launch a few days ago and which you can read in the following update taken from the BitSolar website:
At BitSolar our principals know that once the tax benefits are included, solar investments can achieve IRRs (Internal Rates of Return) in the neighborhood of 3-6% daily. In many cases, the returns can be guaranteed and the investors can have 5 year exit strategies. We can provide investors with custom tailored solar investments in as little as 1 days. There are not many investments around today that can deliver these kinds of results that solar investments deliver. Many solar farm developers are willing to do sale/leaseback contracts that provide the investor with guaranteed cash flows and no maintenance concerns. In addition, the investor can use a “put” contract to sell the system back to the solar farm developer at the end of the 5 year period when the tax subsidies are exhausted.”
Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 48 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: –
From MNO Premium list: BandeiraCorp, TrustInvest, BitSolar, Brifex, Capitaller (the first payments received).
From MNO Standard list: XCBForex.
From MNO Basic list: HYIP-A.
That’s it for now, guys. I hope you enjoyed reading and will subscribe to get the news delivered straight to your email address here. MNO can be also followed on Facebook and Twitter where all the links to important reviews and articles are posted. I’ll see you back on Thursday for a detailed look at Capitaller and any other important updates from the most high-budget investment projects – the only kind you can find on my website. Don’t forget to vote in the poll on the MNO TalkBack page as the final results will be drawn in a couple of days and a new poll added, and in the polls embedded in this post too. See you very soon, folks!
Filed under Daily News, Reviews by on Aug 9th, 2016.