Aug 16th, 2016 Archives

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Hi guys! Welcome again to the MNO blog where you will find only high budget and quality investment programs for all tastes. Summer is in its prime and many of the HYIP investors prefer the beach and other outdoor activities to staying indoors in front of a computer. I totally understand that attitude, as I myself am trying to take advantage of the last weeks of summer by taking the ferry over to Guernsey – one of the Channel Islands – where I am going to stay for about a week. Of course, that doesn’t mean that MNO is not going to be updated. In fact, I even tend to be more active sometimes when on vacation, so keep an eye on what might be going to happen soon and what new programs are going to find their way to MNO.

Today though before continuing to the usual daily news from the HYIP industry I’d like to present the updated Top Five Popular Programs on MNO list that has changed significantly since the last article on it exactly a month ago. Let me remind you of the criteria determining the positions. So, to qualify for a place in the Top Five a program must be listed on Premium or Standard listing on MNO, have no issues with payouts at the time of writing, and show no signs of trouble by paying promptly to all investors. The particular spot in the list is determined by the percentage of profits I so far received from a program, including both my own interest payments and my referral commissions combined into one figure. This indicates how popular the program is with my readers as most programs have very similar commission rates. I guess now that everything’s clear we can start with a program’s rank, its description, and main reasons you would want to invest there. A description can be found in the respective review links to which are also shared below.

#1BandeiraCorp (click here to read the full review) No Change
Total return – 185.97%.
Type of listing – Premium (#1 rank).
Current status on the MNO monitor – Paying for 157 days
Investment plans (recommended plan marked in bold) – 1% to 4% variable daily until you reach 150% on your investment.
Payment processors accepted: PerfectMoney, Payza, Neteller, Payeer, BitCoin, AdvCash, OkPay.
What you need to know:
Withdrawals are processed manually within a 48 hour maximum. Note that 1% is the guaranteed daily minimum you will get on your investment, while the maximum is determined by the size of your deposit – refer to the review on MNO for more details.
Why you might want to invest:
Who would have thought that BandeiraCorp will become one of the most stable programs online with over five months behind them and hundreds of investors already in profit? Even its current issues with SolidTrustPay which prompted the admin to drop accepting deposits via STP and enable an internal exchange from STP to other currencies wasn’t able to break the program which seems to be as popular as ever. I guess only the upcoming autumn months will tell us how tough BandeiraCorp really is and if it withstands the pressure and is able to compete with newer and fresher programs. So far its run has been more than impressive and I hope that more members will be able to profit with BandeiraCorp and earn the 50% profit on their investments with the program.

#2ArdexFunds (click here to read the full review) No Change
Total return – 181.91%.
Type of listing – Premium (#2 rank).
Current status on the MNO monitor – Paying for 259 days
Investment plans (recommended plan marked in bold) – variable returns for 15-230 business days, principal back.
Payment processors accepted: PerfectMoney, Payeer, BitCoin, RedoPay.
What you need to know:
Withdrawals are usually processed instantly to all payment processors. Profits are accrued to your account Tuesday to Saturday for the previous trading day with the exception of the extra bank holidays announced on the site. Remember to switch off the compounding rate for your deposit in order to be able to make daily withdrawals.
Why you might want to invest:
I had little doubt myself that operations in ArdexFunds were going to continue as normal after the so-called maintenance was announced during which no daily interest was credited to members’ accounts from Monday to Friday last week. Already on Saturday I received the first instant payment which proved that ArdexFunds are here to stay. If you’re looking for an old-school investment program aimed to last and offering reasonable returns for flexible amounts of time then you can turn your attention to ArdexFunds – an amazingly well-run program certainly from professionals in this field capable of running programs not for months, but for years. It definitely deserves some praise both from me personally and all the happy investors who already profited from ArdexFunds and keep investing there.

#3TrustInvest (click here to read the full review) Up Two Places
Total return – 110.95%.
Type of listing – Premium (#3 rank).
Current status on the MNO monitor – Paying for 64 days
Investment plans (recommended plan marked in bold) – 1% daily forever, principal back anytime.
Payment processors accepted: PerfectMoney, Payeer, BitCoin, AdvCash, YandexMoney.
What you need to know:
You may withdraw any part of your profit and/or principal at any time you want. There are no restrictions and no fees for withdrawal and your 1% daily profit will be automatically compounded to your main deposit if not claimed. Withdrawals are sometimes instant, and other times done manually with a 48 hour maximum waiting time.
Why you might want to invest:
Still an incredible performance for a “principal back anytime” perpetual style program that TrustInvest is. Over two months on MNO with stable overall payments for over four months now adds to the program’s reputation and the current addition of YandexMoney and the overall re-design of the website proves the admin doesn’t want to stay still and is ready to keep moving. I really don’t have much to say to persuade you to participate in the program, as TrustInvest is close to being a perfect program with an impressive lifetime and the investor in charge of his deposit who can make a full or partial withdrawal at any time and be paid instantly or very fast. Truly a gem of this summer!

#4 XCBForex (click here to read the full review) New Entry
Total return – 108.42%.
Type of listing – Standard.
Current status on the MNO monitor – Paying for 20 days
Investment plans (recommended plan marked in bold) – 1% for 10 days, 2% for 15 days, 3% for 20 days, 3.5% for 30 days, principal back.
Payment processors accepted: PerfectMoney, Payeer, BitCoin.
What you need to know:
Withdrawals are processed instantly at all times. However, in very rare cases you have to wait for up to 24 hours in order to be paid manually.
Why you might want to invest:
XCBForex is perhaps a very surprising addition to the Top Five list as I was pretty sceptical about its prospects in my review judging by the investment plan structure and simple no-thrills layout powered by the standard GoldCoders script. And yet XCBForex proved me wrong and completed a couple of short-term cycles and is on the verge of bringing profits to the investors in its 20-day cycle. Of course, the secret of such a strong unexpected run might be the general lack of big deposits in the summer and the fact that the admin hasn’t reached his goal yet. In any case, the first investors should be grateful for the instant payouts, but if you’re a new one I suggest to fully assess all the risks before plunging-in, however I don’t exclude the possibility that XCBForex will be listed in the next Top Five list too, who knows.

#5 Capitaller (click here to read the full review) New Entry
Total return – 19.68%.
Type of listing – Premium (#4 rank).
Current status on the MNO monitor – Paying for 8 days
Investment plans (recommended plan marked in bold) – 3%-4% for 70 business days, 1677% after 70 business days.
Payment processors accepted: PerfectMoney, Payeer, BitCoin, AdvCash, NixMoney.
What you need to know:
There is no account area and once invested you never need to make a request. You will be paid automatically to the same e-currency account you made the deposit with every business day, Monday to Friday. Please only invest in the daily paying plans and avoid the ridiculously priced once on expiry option.
Why you might want to invest:
Capitaller is a brilliant new addition to the Premium List on MNO and reminds me of the few gems that used to run a few years back which were extremely successful, both in terms of longevity and participation. Only time will tell if Capitaller can show the same good results, but in this case it’s possibly safe to say that early bird catches the worm. The main advantage of the program, in my honest opinion, is the well-balanced investment plans and the strange feel of liberation anyone who invests in Capitaller can get with no need even to access the website after investing. It goes without saying that you should invest only what you can afford to lose either in Capitaller, or any other program featured in the Top Five.


Thanks for reading the Top Five Popular Programs on MNO article. Remember that all the programs listed there are good to join and are paying fine at the time of writing. For more accurate information and before investing always check out the current status of a program which can change very quickly on the MNO monitor. Hope that this gives you some food for thought and will help you in making an independent and well informed decision on the best investment opportunities currently available online.



As you might already know by now, BitSolar has ended and is now on Scam Status on the MNO monitor. The reason is simple – instant payouts were disabled last night. After receiving a complaint on my ShoutBox I verified that it was true and payouts were not paid anymore. BitSolar therefore ran for only one week, but with the hourly payments that constituted for 3% to 6% daily return and the possibility to withdraw your principal at any time and getting paid instantly while it was possible, I guess many of my readers were able to grab some profits from BitSolar anyway. So, to see your overall results from BitSolar please vote in this poll.

Were you in profit in BitSolar?

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We only can speculate on the reasons BitSolar didn’t run for longer and had to close prematurely, as the admin never replied to my email as to why instant payments had been switched off. However, judging by the smear campaign on the program’s MMGP thread I could clearly see that a couple of people whose money was allegedly stolen by hackers in their BitSolar account did everything possible to badmouth the program. I already talked about that in the previous post on BitSolar where the admin himself also denied the allegations and said he would not succumb to blackmail. Not being flexible on that issue was admirable, but not very wise, as bad rumors and gossip affected the program’s cashflow in the next few days and it’s very possible BitSolar couldn’t continue because of the panic. And just because the program offered principal back at any time after 24 hours it was especially vulnerable and fragile. This stubbornness the admin initially showed possibly cost him dearly and exhausted the reserves BitSolar might have had quicker than one thought. It’s really unfortunate to see the program fall apart, especially after the site was finally translated into Russian and Chinese languages a couple of days ago. The damage to reputation was probably too big to handle and the admin decided to close up shop. Please be aware of that and do not invest in BitSolar any longer!


Brifex is undoubtedly one of the huge disappointments of this summer, and if we didn’t expect much from BitSolar many of us had higher hopes in this one with its custom script, automated payouts, multiple language versions, and super-active admin. Alas, that ended yesterday, unexpectedly and in the best traditions of fast scams, just on the day when the very first investors from the daily paying plan were to collect their first profits. As you might remember, Brifex had some unique payment daily routine which first credited investors’ accounts with daily profits followed by payments directly to members’ e-wallets within 24 hours. The thing is, as accounts on the daily paying plans were only credited on business days only, Monday to Friday, it was logical to expect them to be paid within literally a few hours. And that did happen – members were paid fast and everyone was happy with Brifex! That pattern was broken yesterday though and the admin even posted an apology on the program’s official Facebook page and claimed that the delays were caused by the implementation of a new payment system OkPay and the creation of the landing page for promoters’ benefit. The improvement was OK, but why would that have to affect payouts that are done totally independently and without any connection with any technical script issues? With this question in mind I confronted the Brifex live chat support but wasn’t given a satisfactory answer. This prompted me to move Brifex to Waiting status on MNO early last night. Unfortunately, by this morning it was totally clear that payments were not going to resume resulting in a downgrade to Problem Status. The lesson we can learn from all this is that even the best looking programs sometimes fail to deliver. Like many others I believed that Brifex had great potential (and it did have potential) to develop into something much bigger, but sadly the admin had other ideas and spent the whole day yesterday stealing the last few dollars from investors without paying them and feeding them with stupid excuses and useless webinars. So, Brifex is over and it’s time to move on to greener pastures, do not invest there guys!


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 108 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: –
From MNO Premium list: BandeiraCorp, ArdexFundsTrustInvest, Capitaller.
From MNO Standard list: XCBForex.
From MNO Basic list: HYIP-A.

That’s about all for today guys. I hope you enjoyed reading and will subscribe to the daily updates sent directly to your email address on a daily basis here. You can also follow MNO on Facebook and Twitter as there are places where links to all the reviews, interviews, and other important updates are always shared. And of course you should really follow the updates on the MNO monitor, and as a couple of new programs will be most likely added there within the next few days you surely won’t want to miss them. I’ll be back soon when I have something important to report. Thanks for reading MNO – the only blog accommodating exclusive high-budget programs!

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