Sep 3rd, 2016 Archives

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Beware! VivaBusiness has stopped paying! Do not invest there!

Hello Everyone! I hope the weekend is going well for you, given that it’s probably the last one before the vacation season is well and truly behind us for another year. And with so many of the younger investors returning to university and their studies, people’s thoughts will also quite naturally turn to supplementing their incomes over the autumn and winter months without having to spend too much time away from their main occupation. I guess that’s why September/October usually sees so many new and old faces returning to the HYIP world. People everywhere are seeking out new income opportunities, and if that’s what brought you to MNO today then you’ve come to the right place. There’s been a couple of exciting and innovative programs added to the MNO monitor recently as regular readers will already know, and I’ll actually be introducing another one in the news section so keep reading to the end for more info on that. But first for today it’s the turn of VivaBusiness to be under the spotlight. With many people now looking to expand their portfolios I think programs like VivaBusiness can often be seen almost as a sort of “anchor program”, dependable longer term low ROI payers that investors build a wider portfolio around. So let’s take a closer look and see what you think.

I said VivaBusiness is more of a longer term program, which is true, but rather than concentrating on the term it’s probably better to describe it as a “target based” program. The interest rates will vary you see according to how much you are spending, but whatever that amount is VivaBusiness will keep paying everyone until they have all reached the same eventual target earning. For this program that final amount is 150%, the very same for all investors big and small. The only difference is that bigger investors claim a higher interest rate, thus allowing them to reach their target faster than smaller investors. But in terms of percentages, everyone gets the same return on their principals.
How about some simple practical examples of what that’s going to look like for you? The minimum cost of joining VivaBusiness is $10. Anyone joining with between that and a $399 automatically goes to The Starter Plan. Investors are offered a daily interest payment of 2.5% per calendar day. The VivaBusiness website, rather than explaining this in the usual way of offering you this rate for a fixed number of days, simply offers it until you earn 150% back on your investment. It’s basically the same thing of course, it just means a simple calculation on your part to work out the length of term. In this case it would be 60 calendar days in total. VivaBusiness are including your principal as part of the payments and so will not be returning it in a separate payment on expiry.

If we say then that you join VivaBusiness with a $100 investment, you should expect to earn back $2.50 per day for the following 60 calendar days. That gives you back $150 in total, from which $100 was already yours to start with and $50 your reward for joining. The more important statistic of course is the break-even point, the time it takes you to earn back an amount equal to your own principal making it impossible for you to lose any money from that day on. In this case the break-even point comes after 40 calendar days, and that should be your real goal. Every cent you take from VivaBusiness from that point onwards is pure passive profit.

Bigger spending investors are offered the same 150% back on their investments, except that VivaBusiness just have them on a faster track to getting there. If joining with an amount between $400 and $999 for example (this is called The Advance Plan by the way) then you can earn 2.8% per calendar day. This allows you to reach the break-even point a bit sooner, 36 days, and start collecting net profit after that. Your earning target of 150% should be achievement after 54 calendar days, and VivaBusiness again count your principal as part of the payments.

If you’re feeling lucky and easily able to afford it then consider The Pro Plan. This is aimed at investors prepared to spend between at least a $1,000 minimum to a high of $3,999, so serious players only. The ultimate reward is again 150% back on your investment, principal included, but how VivaBusiness gets you there is what you need to know. Daily interest rates are 3.2%, so members can break-even after 32 calendar days and start collecting profits after that. The 150% target should be achieved after 47 calendar days.

With the remaining plans costing upwards of $4,000 I doubt there’s going to be many takers. Not that VivaBusiness isn’t a good program or anything, it’s simply a matter of people being able to afford them or not. As there’s no need to analyze them when relatively few people can afford to invest I’ll just go through the figures for you briefly. If you see something that appeals to you then you can do your own calculations. As with all other plans, VivaBusiness include principals with the daily interest payments, and pay members for how ever long it takes them to accumulate 150% in total. So, investments from $4,000 to $9,999 are offered 3.7% per calendar day, amounts between $10,000 and $39,999 are offered 4.3% daily, and finally the biggest payment made available by VivaBusiness of 5% per calendar day applies to investments between $40,000 and $99,999.

Some good news for smaller investors I should point out is, that as you start earning from the program, you can start adding to your principal. In percentage terms the final return will still be the same, but the benefit is that you can eventually grow your principal to such a degree that it crosses the threshold from one plan (i.e. interest rate) to the next. For example if you start adding to your principal to the point that it grows from $399 to $400, at that point the higher interest rate automatically kicks in, going from 2.5% to 2.8% per day. You will still only end up with the same 150% target as I said, you just get there that little bit faster now.

Needless to point out the obvious here, if you’re joining VivaBusiness then personal choice of plans is irrelevant because it’s dictated by what you can and cannot afford. But if you like the look of the program and rate your chances to profit then the next thing we should look at is the payment options. This is one are where VivaBusiness are significantly in front of the competition, using what is the best processor for investors but also the most difficult for HYIP admins to scam with. This is of course SolidTrustPay which is rarely seen in the industry during recent months but still very much the favorite and safest choice for the more serious bigger spending players. Another verifiable payment option and more widely used in the HYIP industry is Payza, also accepted by VivaBusiness. Completing the extensive list of payment methods are some of the providers where investor/admin anonymity is more important than transparency, including PerfectMoney, Payeer, AdvCash, and Nixmoney, and BitCoin for those favoring a digital e-currency over the older style processors. No matter what your preferred option is however, all payments have one thing in common – they’re instant. Just log in to your VivaBusiness members account area, make a withdrawal request, and the money should be in your payment processor account in under a minute. This might sound a bit obvious but do remember to specify the right accounts in the Settings section before requesting your payment. Smaller investors please take note that VivaBusiness have a minimum withdrawal policy of $1, and if instant withdrawals ever need to be suspended for any reason (of which there are many perfectly good ones) then payments will continue manually within 24 hours.

Moving on to some of the more technical aspects of the VivaBusiness website now such as design and security, everything seems up to a more than acceptable standard. A lot of you may have recognized the script as being from GoldCoders, and it is a licensed version by the way. Just in case you didn’t, it’s because it was modified somewhat to meet the programs unique specs and requirements. Don’t worry though, once inside the members area it’s lost none of the hallmark features you’ll have come to expect, and maintains an easy to navigate and user-friendly interface. For a hosting provider the admin has gone to the market leaders, at least as far as the few prepared to deal with online HYIPs are concerned anyway, with DDoSGuard. They are keeping the VivaBusiness website an a secure dedicated server with their support and protection from malicious attacks. Security is further enhanced by the presence of the superior Green Bar Extended Validation SSL certificate by Comodo.

Should you have any further questions for the admin or any account related issues that need to be dealt with then you have a couple of options open to you. First of all though it should be noted that the VivaBusiness website is currently available in two languages which are English and Russian, with the Russian version being perfectly well translated. With a number of currently inactive flag icons displayed on the website, it’s probably a safe guess to say more versions might be on the way soon enough. So if something isn’t clear in English then read it in your own language first because the FAQ section is pretty extensive. Other than that you can fill in your details on the online customer support form and submit it via the program’s contact page, or else just write directly to the admin at the listed e-mail address. There’s a postal address in the UK, which as regular players will know by now to ignore as something used for registration purposes rather than where anyone working with VivaBusiness is physically located. What’s probably a lot more useful, especially for users of an entirely online based project, are the program’s various social media profiles. Just like the payment methods, VivaBusiness offer fans of social networking sites plenty of options here with profiles on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and Google+.

As for any alleged business activities supporting the interest payments to investors, we are told VivaBusiness work as an “asset management” company that specializes in ForEx ann crypto currencies. Nothing we haven’t heard before in the HYIP industry, and for the benefit of anyone who really believes it I’ll remind you there’s still never any guarantee it necessarily has to be profitable. When held up against the lower 90% of all active programs across the HYIP industry at the moment VivaBusiness definitely compares favorably, but at the end of the day a HYIP is still a HYIP. All the associated risks need to be taken into consideration when deciding whether to join and how much to spend if you invest. So set yourself a sensible spending limit that you can comfortably afford to lose if things go wrong and easily earn back from other sources. Keep your expectations realistic, and if joining VivaBusiness at all then try to use them as a smaller part of a wider more diverse portfolio.

If you’ve already given it some consideration, perhaps you wouldn’t mind sharing your thoughts about VivaBusiness with your fellow readers and investors? Are you feeling positive about it or would you rather skip this one? I’d appreciate your votes then in the following opinion poll. Remember that all answers are 100% anonymous and untraceable, and will eventually make for some interesting reading during the coming months as we see how the program really fares out. So:

Will you make an active deposit in VivaBusiness?

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The earliest stages of development are vital for a program like VivaBusiness to constantly evolve by adding new features that benefit members. It rarely goes unnoticed and it’s always appreciated when an admin works hard to improve and makes even minor improvements. The latest development from VivaBusiness was the addition of the official Facebook Group which is useful if you wish to get in touch with the support or your fellow investors. An announcement was issued in the newsletter all members of VivaBusiness should have received recently:

Welcome to VivaBusiness Facebook Official Group
We would like to engage you to join our Official Facebook Group at and share your personal opinions and impressions about VivaBusiness.
We would also be glad if you share with Facebook fellows about your experience of investing and your daily payments information which you have already received from us.
We are sure that it will be great public place for communication, discussions and exchange of experience.
VIVA La Vida, VIVA Business staff


For some of you it might be hard to believe that LaraWithMe (reviewed here) has five million invested over the ten weeks or so, but as the admin has just upgraded their advertising campaign on MNO by purchasing no less than six banners across the site there’s definitely a lot of money floating around there. Of course, that doesn’t mean that LaraWithMe is so much better or that you must invest there, but just makes the story of a multi-million turnover more believable and makes you not to laugh at the recent stats. They’ve just been announced on LaraWithMe‘s Facebook page a few days ago:

5M Invested. Haven’t even started yet.
Over 5,000,000 Invested in 73 days.
Close to 24,000 active investors worldwide
1,000,000 deposited in the last 72 hours
– Is there anything faster then Lara Growth
– Yes
– What is it?
– Speed of light.
Discover LARA- Discover Freedom at LaraWithMe

To tell you the truth, LaraWithMe is totally different from every other HYIPs, mostly because it’s working off the Telegram based bot. In order to invest in LaraWithMe you must download the Telegram messenger or use the Live web version. Otherwise, it’s all going the same way – you sign in with your Telegram account, then make a deposit starting from a $10 minimum via your preferred payment method – Payza, PerfectMoney, Payeer, BitCoin, or AdvCash, and then get paid 3% daily for the lifetime of the program which you may withdraw every day and is paid instantly. If you wish to find out more about LaraWithMe in the newly released three minute video tutorial and see visually how it all works you’re welcome to do so on the MNOVision page (click here to watch the video) or directly from Youtube by following the link at the end of this update:

How does LARA Platform make a profit?
Which investment instruments do we use?
How do we manage our business model?
All and much more you’ll see in our new amazing video tutorial. Like and share with your friends! Explaning LARA never was so easy!

And finally, to see the true scope of LaraWithMe‘s global movement you can check out the program’s multiple social networking channels and video testimonials from thousands of happy members. More on that please read below:

How to get a good understanding of all the LARA Global movement and power it has?
Of course from the word of mouth!
Check all the hundreds of live reviews, testimonials directly from active investors on YouTube!
Subscribe to LARA Official Youtube Channel and always stay up to date!
Get all the quick notices from our Twitter!

So far I have to say that LaraWithMe has been an absolute pleasure to work with once you get accustomed to the Telegram based system which might be a new trend taking the industry by storm in the next year or two. So why not test it now and see how it works, even if it’s just with a small amount? Believe me it’s a whole new experience worth your effort and will probably be useful for you in the future when we see more such incredible Telegram based programs like LaraWithMe.


If you missed your chance to invest in Edelweiss5 on the last day of August or the first day of September and secure a lock-in profit of 1% on every business day and 0.5% on Saturday and Sunday, don’t worry. As of today the 0.98% is the rate which will secure your deposit for the next 365 days which is not much lower. Be aware though that the minimum to invest in Edelweiss5 is quite high by HYIP standards (at $50), but for that you will be able to enjoy fully automated payouts sent directly to your PerfectMoney, Payeer, BitCoin, or AdvCash account. I suggest reading the full review of Edelweiss5 published here in order to get a full understanding of the seemingly confusing investment plan. Keep your expectations modest, as the time required to break-even might be as long as four to five months. Early withdrawal of the principal in not allowed and is included in the daily profit payments.

Edelweiss5 is also famous for opening offices in physical locations where members of the public can walk in and request a consultation before handing any money and even perhaps gets a signed contract. That trick though wouldn’t be new to many experienced HYIP investors and will not persuade them to part with their money, but for newbies it might be just what they need to spend more than they should and therefore indirectly support the program’s lifetime for the regular online responsible investors. For that reason any office in Ukraine Edelweiss5 have opened in the past should be an advantage in taking in more funds which will ensure longevity for others. The last office to open is in Antalya in Turkey, so anyone in that area can go check it out. Below is the piece containing the address for your reference:

The opening of our office in Antalya
Dear friends! As promised, took place the opening of our office in Antalya. The office is located at Balbey Mah. 1405 street M. Ali Gonen business 4/34, Antalya. We invite everyone to visit our first office in Turkey and meet our representatives, who will gladly answer all your questions and help you in all matters. Waiting for you!


It appears that CryptoGlory has collapsed today just a couple of days after the first deposits on the 10 day plan were returned to the first investors. I believe the program didn’t perform to the expectations of the admin with investors jumping on the bandwagon within the first few days online but by the time first investors started demanding their principals back there wasn’t much left to re-distribute. Pure speculation of course, as due to the explosive start of CryptoGlory that first looked like a sure-fire hit destined to become a success the realization came that such initial growth would be hard to sustain. CryptoGlory has stopped processing instant withdrawals as of today and their support system (usually very fast to reply) remains silent. A fast scam is a real shame here because the program certainly had potential. Perhaps a better admin may have continued for much longer. Please note that the current status of CryptoGlory on the MNO monitor is Problem, so stay away from it and do not make any further investments!

The second program in trouble today is TrustInvest. Unlike the previous one, this admin put in an absolutely brilliant performance with almost five months in total from which on MNO it spent 82 days on Paying status. Even more impressive if you consider TrustInvest was a perpetual program which means investors were able to choose any investment term for their deposits and with 1% daily profit could withdraw any part of their principals and get paid instantly. Until today that is, when the first complaints of unpaid withdrawal requests surfaced on investment forums. I myself received one complaint from a referral and see that all withdrawals are now going to pending status and are unlikely to ever be paid. Frankly, there were situations in the past when withdrawals went to pending status and then resumed, as the program guarantees 48 hour manual withdrawals, but that was always a temporary thing and usually smaller withdrawal requests remained instant anyway. Now every amount goes to pending and it would be naïve to believe the admin can change this now that the panic is at its peak. The overall run of TrustInvest was much longer and the program was much better than many of us anticipated. It also proved the misconception of perpetual style programs being somehow more fragile, as it managed to surpass four months of flawless work. That simply means that the administration behind TrustInvest was much more determined to get a result. Anyway, stay away from both programs, as tomorrow they will probably go to Scam status on the MNO monitor. If something extraordinary happens and either one recovers I’ll let you know, but be prepared for the worst.


FxInc is the latest addition to the top priced Premium listing on MNO. The admin decided to upgrade his advertising campaign following a total re-design of the website which happened earlier today. There was also an update posted which probably explains why some features remain unfinished, such as Live Chat for instance which is promised soon:

Design Update
As we promised yesterday, We successfully launched a Facebook Page and NEW Look DESIGN. We will add Facebook Group, ADVcash Payment Processor and LIVE CHAT also very soon.
We will be glad to see you all among our ACTIVE investors. Start investing today and make sure that online earnings are real with FxInc Limited.
Regards, Mark Anthony, Chief Executive Officers

I’ll have a better review on Monday but will just take a quick look for now. From the payment processors FxInc currently accepts three – PerfectMoney, Payeer, and BitCoin – with AdvCash promised soon. There are plenty of investment plans to choose from, divided into two categories – paying hourly with the principal back on expiry (0.09% for 360 hours, 0.1% for 768 hours, 0.12% for 1488 hours), and paying once on expiry (107%-110% after 7 days, 125% after 10 days, 340% after 18 days, 200% after 30 days, 500% after 60 days, 1800% after 110 days). The minimums are different for each plan, but you may start investing from as low as $20. Withdrawals have to be requested and are paid manually within 24 hours. I have already received my first withdrawal so I moved FxInc to Paying status on the MNO monitor. As the program runs off a licensed GoldCoders script you won’t get lost in the account area, as everything has a familiar feel to experienced investors. The domain name is registered until the year 2022, the site features the EV SSL-encryption (Green Bar) from Comodo and is hosted on a dedicated and fully DDoS protected server by BlockDos (the same outstanding quality company MNO employs!) Despite the program’s age and the official start at the end of April this year the real advertising campaign just started now. After a complete re-haul of the website FxInc is definitely ready to challenge. I hope that with so many interesting investment plans and superb layout many of you will find something suitable. Further analysis of FxInc will be in the upcoming review on MNO soon, probably Monday I think.


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 60 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: –
From MNO Premium list: ArdexFundsBandeiraCorpCapitaller, Edelweiss5, FxInc (the first payments received).
From MNO Standard list: LaraWithMe. VivaBusiness.
From MNO Basic list: HYIP-A.

That’s it for tonight, guys. Thanks for reading and also for your votes in the poll which is still open for a few more days on the MNO TalkBack page. I’ll see you after the weekend with a closer look at FxInc plus all the latest news from the HYIP industry. If you have any questions please write a couple of lines on this contact page or email me directly at – I try to reply to everyone within 24 hours. Thanks for staying with MNO, follow me on Facebook and Twitter and see you all on Monday!

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