Sep 28th, 2016 Archives

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Beware! EmpireAdvertisement has stopped paying! Do not invest there!

Hi everyone! I’m going to take a break from the usual news updates today, there isn’t much new to report, or at least that can’t wait until tomorrow as far as I can see, plus I’m enjoying some vacation time on the Dead Sea anyway. That doesn’t mean I stop working however because today I want to share an interview I just got back from Jerome, who you might know as the admin of EmpireAdvertisement. Just in case you don’t, this is one of the more unique investment projects to launch in recent weeks, making its own attempt to break away from the usual HYIP standards and give investors something a little bit different. It’s a competitive industry after all, and it’s important to make sure your target audience will remember your program. EmpireAdvertisement therefore presents itself more as an advertising platform where members can also promote their own websites (this can include a ref-link to another program you are in if you don’t have a personal site) among other HYIP players.

It’s not all that complicated though as we shall see when Jerome explains everything below. I’ll just remind you first that EmpireAdvertisement offer investors a chance to buy “ad packs” priced from $5 to $25 each rather than the more traditional style HYIP investments. These packs then pay members from 2% to 2.6% daily until you reach 115%-135% on your investment, all depending on the type of pack you buy. A 0%-50% repurchase rule applies, with the lowest rate applying to the cheapest pack. If you like what Jerome has to say then I would suggest you continue your research on the program by checking out the EmpireAdvertisement review on MNO first published here:

1) Hi Jerome, please introduce yourself to the readers of MNO. What is your role in the day to day running of EmpireAdvertisement? Do you have any other people working on the project?

Hello Paul, I am Jerome from Bruxelles, Belgium. I am working online for about the last 2-3 years now. My role in Empire involves working the maximum amount of time possible to please our members. I have to check that all is running good, prepare new customizations, answer all the members questions on Facebook. Yes, we also employ a developer and designer, independent to the script provider team.

2) Many of the readers here will think of EmpireAdvertisement purely as an online HYIP. What would you like to say to convince them that there’s more to the program than just that? How would you describe your business and what you are doing with the program?

We started more like a pure HYIP, yes. But Empire advertisement is more than just that. We are working with two traders over the last a few months. You can check our ForEx page (which will be ready SOON) and follow us in our ForEx investments.

3) Can you explain the investment plans offered by EmpireAdvertisement? What is the minimum to invest in them? Describe what an “ad pack” is, the different types of ad packs, and what investors can expect to receive in return for purchasing them.

The minimum to invest in ad packs is 5 dollars. An ad pack is product than you can buy and get rewarded with stable earnings and a profit on each ad pack.
We have five types of ad pack with different ROIs, and different repurchase rates.
– Five ad packs, ROI up to 135% :
-> $5 ad packs, 115% ROI, 0% repurchase, 100 active ad pack maximum
-> $10 ad packs, 120% ROI, 30% repurchase, 200 active ad pack maximum
-> $15 ad packs, 125% ROI, 40% repurchase, 200 active ad pack maximum
-> $20 ad packs, 130% ROI, 45% repurchase, 200 active ad pack maximum
-> $25 ad packs, 135% ROI, 50% repurchase, unlimited

4) Talk us through the process of joining EmpireAdvertisement. In simple terms, how do I buy an ad pack, what do I do after I buy it, and how do I get paid.

To buy ad packs you will need to create an ad campaign first. You can promote any websites you want. It will be displayed in the traffic exchange where others members can see your ad. After that you can buy ad packs and get your earnings each hour. There are no restrictions on getting earnings each hour. Just create your campaign and buy the ad packs you want.

5) What happens after the ad pack expires and I have reached my target earning? Why is there a compulsory re-purchase rule? Who does it apply to, and what do I need to do when it comes into place?

Your ad packs that expire are simply deactivated. There is a repurchase rule but only on higher value packs because you get a better ROI. You can reinvest your earnings in the five dollar ad packs. This one doesn’t have any repurchase rule.

6) I said in my review that I got the impression EmpireAdvertisement is unfinished. For example, it looks very much like rules can be changed like the expected introduction of ad surfing in order to get paid. Why didn’t you finalize all this before launching? What about members who have already paid for ad packs without having to surf, and don’t want to start surfing to continue getting paid?

For the moment there is no surfing requirement to be paid each hour. You only have to buy ad packs.

7) What are the payment processors currently accepted by EmpireAdvertisement? What’s been the most popular with members so far? Do you have any plans to introduce other payment options in the future? A lot of programs are reluctant to even try and get STP added anymore, please describe process by which you got them to approve you as a merchant.

We accept Payza, SolidTrustPay, Payeer, Bitcoin and Perfect Money. The most popular is Payza where we get around 60% of our total deposits. Yes maybe we will add Neteller in the future. STP process is pretty simple. You need to upgrade your account to Business. Your website will be under review for a few days. Then you will be accepted and you can set up your API.

8) How long do members have to wait before getting paid? Under what circumstances will payments be instant? If they are manual then how long do members have to wait? Do you have any schedule and frequency you aim for in making payments?

There are no conditions for the payment of instant withdrawals. From now all withdrawals from $5 to $200 are instant except those made through CoinPayments.

9) Can you tell readers more about the “cash links”? What are they and how do they work? Is it possible to earn money just from cash links without needing to have any active ad packs? How much can be earned in this way?

When a member buys a cash link, he sets up his cash link campaign. For $1 his cash link will be see by 50 members. The 50 members must watch this advertising from the buyer for 20 seconds. The viewer gets $0.01 in his Main balance. The sponsor of the viewer gets 100% commission. There are no conditions to getting cash links. If EmpireAdvertisement sells cash links to members, there will have cash links available to viewers. If there are no sales, no cash is available. You don’t need any active ad packs to take part. You can earn around $0.10 a day with cash links

10) What script is EmpireAdvertisement running off and what influenced your decision in choosing this particular script? How beneficial is it to both you as an admin and also to investors?

We choose the Titan script. The script is entirely customizable as well as being very secure. And they offer instant withdrawals. We would like to offer this feature to our members.

11) What type of security does EmpireAdvertisement have in place to prevent malicious attacks and members accounts being compromised? Who is your hosting provider, are you on a dedicated server, and what kind of anti DDoS protection do you have?

Our hosting provider is GODADDY and yes we are on a dedicated server. We have a powerful server with DDOS protection and a SiteLock option, and we have a process which runs automatically to protect our members private information.

Our system analyzes automatically the following information every 24 hours:

– Payment emails
– Registration date
– Registration IP address
– All IP addresses used
– PC information
– Browser information
– Relations between users (referrers and direct referrals)
– ProxStop (if connected)
– (if connected)
– Connected Facebook account

12) What is the best way to contact you personally if members have any problems that need your attention or just any general enquiries investors have before joining? What have been some of the most common questions from members you can address here so others can avoid having to contact you with the same thing again?

The best way to contact me is to create a support ticket. You can me contact also on Facebook or in the internal forum.

The most common question is HOW TO CREATE AN ADPACK CAMPAIGN.
There are tutorial videos on our TUTORIAL VIDEO page to help members in that regard.

13) Tell us a bit more about the EmpireAdvertisement members forum. You also seem active on social media sites such as Facebook. How important has this been both in terms of communication and attracting new investors? Would you say you are getting more investors joining from forums, HYIP monitors, or social media sites?

The internal forum is another good option from our script provider. You can find news in the forum. The same news that we send to members via MassMail and on Facebook with posts.

We are getting more investors from forums, yes.

14) According to some of your banners EmpireAdvertisement is from Belgium, would that mean you can also provide customer in either French or Dutch in addition to English?

For the moment no we can not. But yes maybe in the future. It is in our future plans because EmpireAdvertisement is a long term project

15) Can you share any stats from EmpireAdvertisement‘s time online with us? How many deposits do you have and do they consistently exceed withdrawals? How was the growth so far and member’s general feedback?

We got around $64,000 dollars in total deposits. Total withdrawals have been around $4,000 dollars. Yes deposits exceed withdrawals. We have shown some good growth. Empire Advertisement is a long term program. We need to work more each day to bring it to the top.

16) Tell us more about the advertising strategy of EmpireAdvertisement. How have you been promoting the program, and how can you maintain steady, stable, and consistent growth? How important a role have existing members played in getting new people to join?

We have promoted Empire on Facebook first. Then on forums and monitors secondly. We have some good leaders but we miss some too. The growth in terms of members registering is very good. But we have a small rate on Active Members.

The role of existing members is very important for new people to join. Without that, your business can not survive. That’s why we need to work and improve Empire all the time.

17) What plans for the future do you have for EmpireAdvertisement? Where do you see your program in the coming weeks and months from now?

For the moment we have not a lot of withdrawals. People are building their ad packs.
Last week, we put Google Adsense in place. And we improve the design of the site.
Google adsense return could be around $1,000 per month.

The most important project we are putting in place right now is trading Forex.
We have 2 traders that are doing around 85% – 90% good trades. So what is the plan?

Take around 10% – 12% of Payza total deposits directly to our broker (who accepts Payza) and make around 10% per week in profit. We will share further details every week on the ForEx page and via MassMail and Facebook.

Thanks a lot to Jerome for that, and I hope you all found it interesting to read if you are already a member of EmpireAdvertisement, or helpful if you are still deciding whether an investment there is what you are looking for or not. The next post on MNO will I think most likely be an updated version of the Top Five Most Popular Programs list, and that will probably be tomorrow or Friday. Stay tuned for that, and meanwhile don’t forget to stay up-to-date on all the major happenings in the HYIP industry by following MNO on Facebook and Twitter where all major news stories are linked, and subscribe to the newsfeed for all blog posts delivered straight to your inbox on this page. Thanks for reading, and see you all soon everyone!

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