Beware! PalUnion has stopped paying! Do not invest there!
Hello everyone! I hope you’re all having a good weekend so far. It’s been a fairly mixed day for news so far as I’m sure a lot of you are starting to realize already. More on that is coming in the news section so keep reading for that. If you don’t mind me going off on a tangent for a moment, did anyone ever hear the word “bouncebackability”? I’ve loved ever since I first heard it invented by an Irish football player talking about his team’s talent for recovering from bad situations. They even put it in the Oxford English dictionary it was such a good word. Anyway, in this case I hope it can also be applied to the HYIP industry, because when a void appears there will always be something new to fill it before long. And today, amongst other news, I have two brand new additions to the MNO monitor’s Standard List to tell you about. The first is PalUnion of course which I already introduced in my last blog entry. I’m going to take a more detailed look at that tonight. The other is another brand new name which was added earlier today so an introduction will follow just as soon as I finish with PalUnion first. So as I said keep reading and let’s get down to business.
Starting with the investment plans then, the main reason most of you would have any interest in finding out about PalUnion in the first place. You’ll probably recognize the pattern, with six regular plans to choose from (and two “VIP” ones which I’ll get to later), and all with a number of features in common. They run for terms of varying lengths, are to be fair all quite affordable so even if they make some rather unfeasible offers they needn’t cost you that much if you just want to play for the fun of it. All offer members just one single payment on expiry combining both principal and interest in one lump sum. You can join the first plan for just a $20 minimum, and it runs for a term of 1 single calendar day. So in other words join today and hope to be paid tomorrow, after 24 hours. For anything up to a deposit of $1,000 PalUnion offer a return of 102%, or 2% profit. You may make a larger deposit if you can afford to, and expect a higher percentage in return. The rates are calculated as follows: Deposits of $1,001 to $2,000 will earn 102.5%, and from $2,001 to $5,000 the offer is 103%. Check the PalUnion members area for information on larger investments if interested.
The second plan runs for a term of 5 calendar days and is also making payments on expiry. The same $20 minimum deposit is required to join and for anything up to $1,000 PalUnion are paying back 116% interest, a figure that includes your principal so that’s 16% profit for yourself. For anyone brave enough to go further than that then the following rates are offered:
120% for deposits between $1,001 and $2,000, and 125% for $2,001 up to $5,000. For the rates available to bigger deposits I suggest you see the PalUnion members area.
PalUnion‘s next plan pays on expiry after a term of 15 calendar days and costs $20 to join. Your final payment will also include your principal. The return will be 150% on anything up to a maximum value of $1,000. If you’re feeling lucky and wish to take a bigger risk then PalUnion make the following offers:
Spend from $1,001 to $2,000 and earn 170%, and from $2,001 to $5,000 for an offer of 220%. Again check out your PalUnion members area to see what they offer to investments bigger than that.
As you can see the plans get more and more risky as the terms get longer. So it’s time to maybe start considering how realistic these figures are before getting too excited at the enormous rates available. But at least you can still join for a minimum spend of $20 and for PalUnion‘s fourth investment plan which runs for a 30 calendar day term that can supposedly earn you 250% interest, paid on expiry and principal included, if depositing up to $1,000. Beyond that the rates are:
350% for $1,001 to $2,000, and 500% for $2,001 to $5,000. Larger investments are accepted (naturally) so for information there see the PalUnion members area.
The fifth plan open to you runs for 60 calendar days and pays once on expiry. The minimum deposit is $20 and for anything up to $1,000 the rate being offered is 600%. Higher rates include:
800% for $1,001 to $2,000, and 1,200% for $2,001 to $5,000. And if all that doesn’t sound unfeasible enough then check out the PalUnion members area for even more unbelievable figures.
The last of the regular plans is again on offer for a $20 minimum, offering 1,200% interest on completion of a 90 calendar day term. This is offered, and please note that I said “offered” not “paid”, on all deposits to a $1,000 maximum. Just for your information larger rates include 1,600% on amounts between $1,001 and $2,000, and 2,500% on sums between $2,001 and $5,000. See the PalUnion members area if you want to know what is offered to bigger amounts than that.
The full list of plans is then completed by the two VIP plans I mentioned above. These are not seriously for “real” investors however, and are included just to make up the numbers and in hope from the admin that one person with a ton more money than sense stumbles across it and thinks it’s a good idea. It isn’t, but just in case you are that person here’s the numbers, knock yourself out! For a deposit between $20,000 and $50,000 PalUnion offer a 1,000% return on expiry of a 12 calendar day term. Or if you want a 2,000% return on expiry it will cost you between $10,000 and $50,000 and take a term of 20 calendar days.
To be perfectly honest I don’t think we really need any major dissection or analysis of the investment plans, because most regular industry players can figure out for themselves the obvious “dos and don’ts” here. Most of you will probably know those plans backwards by now, or at least those of you who like playing HYIPs such as PalUnion. But for the sake of industry newbies, it’s pretty easy to remember – small deposits in short term plans are risky but give a better chance to see a fast, modest, and realistic profit. Bigger deposits in longer term plans do not. Simple as that. PalUnion have already put some people into profit (I know because I’m one of them), you just need to know how to play the game to have the best possible chances.
If you like any of the investment plans enough to join then the next thing we should probably talk about is what are your payment options. Personally I’m in two minds about this, with PalUnion limiting your choice to just PerfectMoney or BitCoin. The thing is, I can’t really imagine a program like PalUnion making much effort to add a verifiable processor such as Payza (although maybe they’ll surprise me, who knows?). So then when I think of what other potential options the admin might add, it’s hard to see how any of them would improve things all that much, or give you something that PM and BitCoin aren’t already doing. Anyway, remember that at the time of writing PalUnion is still brand new, literally just days old, so there’s every chance the admin may add more if investors express a big enough demand. Withdrawals are generally processed instantly, as you might expect from a short term program like this. You will still need to log in to your PalUnion members account area, submit your payment request, and then expect to the money in under a minute. If, under whatever circumstances this has to be disabled, the admin will proceed with a manual payment but asks you allow up to 30 hours for him to deal with all transactions. For the moment I can just confirm that all of my own payments to date have been instant. Please note that the minimum withdrawal limit is $0.20¢, however given that the minimum deposit is $20 I would guess payments that small would apply more to referral commissions than actual interest which would include your principal.
Moving on to the more technical side of things, PalUnion has more or less everything in place that you would expect from a program like this, and is up to at least all minimum standards. The first thing most of you will notice if you are regular HYIP industry players is the script, instantly recognizable as being from GoldCoders but I’ll just confirm for you that it is under license. The thing most folks will like here is familiarity, having all the GoldCoders hallmark easy to navigate and user friendly interface. For an added layer of protection the PalUnion admin has also included a secure SSL encryption certificate from Comodo for safer browsing and more secure transactions. For a hosting provider the PalUnion website is being kept on a secure dedicated server with technical support and protection from any malicious attacks provided by GeniusGuard.
Any further questions you have for the PalUnion admin if you think I missed something in this review, or any account related issues you need dealt with, can be submitted by filling in your details on the online support form and sending through the website’s contact page. Otherwise if you prefer, you can simply write directly to the admin at the listed e-mail address. You will notice a UK postal address, however this is a serviced workspace used for company’s registering in that country. This is a very easy and affordable thing done by online service providers who do not require you ever to so much as locate the UK on a map, much less even operate from there. So it will not be where anyone connected with running PalUnion is physically located. On the plus side to that however is the illusion of some sort of respectability that seems to encourage new investors, and at least makes the admin look like someone capable of making an effort. Just (again for HYIP newbies) remember that registering a company and having a license to offer financial and investment services are two things with nothing in common, so don’t get them confused.
I guess that just about covers all the basics you need to know about before getting started. Just in case anyone is interested, the official line of business we are told PalUnion is involved with to support payments to members is online investing with cryptocurrency. There’s really not much in the way of explanation as to how that works or what it even is, being such a vague and blanket term and all, but there you go. PalUnion don’t go any further in offering any evidence of it, I just say this to remind anyone a little too tempted by overly high interest rates that even if something was true it still doesn’t mean it has to be profitable all the time. The first members of PalUnion are already in profit so there’s no denying the potential is definitely there, you just need to stay realistic about what can and can’t be achieved, and remember at the end of the day you are still playing the HYIP industry. So as ever, the two most important rules are never ever go past a sensible spending limit that you can afford to lose and earn back from other sources without any problems, and if joining PalUnion at all then use them as a smaller part of a wider more diverse portfolio.
It’s actually been a while since I monitored a program like PalUnion. There used to be lots of them in the past but tastes and trends in the HYIP industry move back and forth quite a bit so this is the first I’ve listed for some time. Are they still as popular as they used to be? Is it something that appeals to you, something you think you can make a fast couple of bucks out of? Yes or no, I would appreciate if you took the time to think it over, and share your thoughts with your fellow readers in the opinion poll below. Remember it’s 100% anonymous, and literally only takes a second to vote. Thanks in advance to everyone who takes part:

The newest program added to the Standard listing on MNO last night – Imperial7 – stirred up some controversy and debate from HYIP investors worldwide. Speculation is running high about who might be in charge here and whether Imperial7 is from the popular series of programs with the number “7” in its name or it’s just another clever impersonation. Without getting into the debate myself I would like to say a word of caution against rumors and hearsay. This does nothing but cloud your judgment and affect your investment decision on how much (if at all) you want to invest in Imperial7. Remember that it already happened before that even the strongest and most experienced HYIP admins could not cope with the amount of hit-n-runners right from the start and had to close earlier than they planned because such people drained the reserve fund allocated for their programs in a matter of weeks. So, Imperial7 being a glossy and good looking site in itself should be judged on merit and performance which we haven’t seen yet, as the first batch of payments is supposed to get processed only tomorrow, so it’s too early to say anything specific. At the moment we may only judge Imperial7 by its cover and I can definitely say that the layout is impressive. Despite some small grammar mistakes here and there, the general impression when you get to the Imperial7 website is pretty positive. The site is running off a totally customized script though seen before in the popular C7 programs. After signing up and setting your security code (which you will need for requesting your withdrawals in the future, so memorize it) you will be re-directed to the member’s area from which you can choose from two investment plans. One pays 110% after exactly 7 calendar days. The other (which will be a more popular option for sure) will pay you 7% for a duration of 30 calendar days, but since the daily interest is credited on business days (Monday to Friday only) you should expect to get about 154% interest in total paid by expiry. A $25 investment minimum applies to both plans and you can join using Payza, PerfectMoney, Payeer, BitCoin, or AdvCash (Bank wire is also available, but you must contact the admin for more details). Note that withdrawal requests will only be processed Monday to Friday during business hours of operation, and 2% will be automatically deducted on each withdrawal to cover the payment processor fees imposed on Imperial7, so keep all of this in mind when calculating your overall income from the program. I will discuss all the program’s features in the upcoming review of Imperial7 on the MNO blog on Tuesday, but for now I will just mention a few other features you might find useful. Imperial7 is hosted on a dedicated and DDoS protected server by possibly the best option for HYIPs BlockDos, the domain is registered for five years, there is a Comodo EV SSL certificate installed, and the company is registered in the Marshall Islands. Of course any online HYIP has no guarantees, and even if you like Imperial7 enough to join be sensible and only invest what you can afford to lose, even despite getting moved to Paying Status on the MNO monitor earlier tonight following the first received withdrawals, surprisingly still being Sunday night for me. The program looks promising and is well prepared to the last detail, of which the admin posted quite a few news updates covering Imperial7 from its inception to its first appearance online. You can read them all below if interested:
“Inception Of Imperial7
The name of Imperial7 was born out of our company need to create the best online “digital funds” platform that is empowered by our previous success to capitalize investment funds on global scale with many thanks to applying the number 7 in our math and later on, in every aspect of our life. The site development was greatly invested in all aspects (servers setup, design, script customization & staff education), while the entire process was estimated to take ~7 months.”
“Development of Imperial7
We have begun by assembling a developers team who will split the project tasks into 2 divisions. The 1st one will be responsible for the innovative design that will accurately portray the nature of the enterprise activities. The 2nd division will build the script functionality (engine) that empowers all the dynamics of the site in the back.
The goal was to create an online “digital funds” platform with the best properties of carbon which is stiff (stable), light (fast brows-ability) and universally acknowledged (easy-to-use). We have spent over 10 months to build it using the latest code technology, backed up by a powerful hardware and 24/7 specialist to keep the site available. We have reached a degree of highest stability, Imperial7 platform can host at-least 270,000 members without adding more servers (next upgrade estimations ~10 months after launch).
The goal was to create an online “digital funds” platform with the best properties of carbon which is stiff (stable), light (fast brows-ability) and universally acknowledged (easy-to-use). We have spent over 10 months to build it using the latest code technology, backed up by a powerful hardware and 24/7 specialist to keep the site available. We have reached a degree of highest stability, Imperial7 platform can host at-least 270,000 members without adding more servers (next upgrade estimations ~10 months after launch).
Please feel free to explore our site, read about our history and the lucrative plans we have to offer, we hope you’d find our unique theme to your liking. We are here to make a change for the better, as we wish you will achieve financial success together with us, and find our services to your full satisfaction.”
“Imperial7 grand launch!
Today the 7/10/16 it gives us much pleasure to announce the grand launch of our investing platform Imperial7. After long term of careful planning and efforts, it’s ready for use. Everyone are welcomed to Join Us and benefit from our Lucrative Plans. Please feel free to read about the investment plans we have to offer you, and explore our site unique features.
The site was built with safety and ease of use in mind, so it’s Secure yet offers a variety of popular payment options. Furthermore, an experienced staff was specifically trained to help our members at any given time and with any question or issue occurred. We truly hope you will enjoy your financial experience with Imperial7!”
I wonder if the admin of EmpireAdvertisement Jerome (interviewed here) just shot himself in the foot by admitting today that his program was not growing well anymore. This is the reason given for interest rates getting slashed from 2% down to just 1%. With all the other rules still in place that’s not encouraging for either new or current members. You still need to purchase adpacks from $5 to $25 each (most of which carry compulsory reinvestments) and spend months till they reach the profit zone and get their 15% to 35% returns. You can use SolidTrustPay, Payza, BitCoin, Payeer, and PerfectMoney for this, and the choice of payment processors accepted by EmpireAdvertisement is wide enough to remain one of its strongest selling points along with fast payouts (which used to be instant in the past, by the way).
Whether this new business model is going to be more sustainable in the long-run is still debatable and the growth after this announcement can totally come to a standstill. Even with the multiplier rule still in place (read more on that in the review here) the members of EmpireAdvertisement can expect only a 1.3% daily maximum which might take you over two and a half months simply to break-even on your investment, let alone make a profit, and without multipliers investors will spend over three months to do so. The current pessimistic attitude by the admin in the following update makes me doubt people are more inclined to invest. For the sake of the current members already in EmpireAdvertisement I hope things will improve soon, but then the admin should stop this talk of surrender and concentrate on finding solutions:
Hello Empire members,
We have now more Withdrawals than deposits. 10 times more !!!
We have around no deposits and 200 dollars a day.
We have around 2000 dollars withdrawals a day.
External sources income :
– Google adsense, around 350 dollars.
– Forex revenue, around 350 dollars.
The DEPOSIT STATISTIC on the homepage is wrong because of the hacker. (there is around 30 000 dollars more)
We can not continue like this so I decided to put 1% daily rate instead of 2%
We have 446 ACTIVE MEMBERS in the system so around 10%+ active members.
Thank You. EA ADMIN TEAM”.
LaraWithMe was widely debated over the weekend, unfortunately for all the wrong reasons. It was moved to Problem Status on the MNO monitor earlier today. I’m talking about the smear campaign launched by other Telegram-based channels accusing LaraWithMe of being a ponzi scheme (which was true for sure, but grown adults know the risks and decide to play anyway) that got so large it created a bubble that can explode anytime and leave many people penniless. Funny enough that such campaigners (I mean people who genuinely try to fight ponzies and advocate fair money-making opportunities instead) always forget that their own actions only bring closer the inevitable end and hurts those they say they are trying to help. In the case of LaraWithMe we could see that happen right in front of our eyes – people with good intentions brought down a multi-million money making machine in a matter of hours. After writing multiple abuses to the Telegram administration they have achieved their goal of bringing LaraWithMe down by simply displaying the following message after each Lara bot request (you can still see it now):
“Several users have reported this bot as a scam. We advise extreme caution when dealing with it. Note that this bot is not related to Telegram in any way, its developers are entirely independent.”
This message was then displayed after each reply from the Lara bot! Now ask yourself, in all honesty, who would invest a dime in a program after that? What was essentially the program’s own operating system had basically turned against it. Of course, no normal person would on seeing this scam warning, so the fate of LaraWithMe was hanging by a thread. Literally hours after the message appeared in the Lara bot, deciding whether the program lives or dies, the admin first genuinely tried to deal with the consequences and ask members for their support in removing the message permanently:
We’ve seen many fake bots which were using similar Lara nicknames and obviously were not related to us. But seems like some users had a bad experience with them and reporter to our bot by mistake.
Now we are having a discussion with telegram support team in order to fix this misunderstanding and remove that weird notification you can see from each button press.
If you expect some issues with bot – don’t worry it’s temporary and Lara will back to normal pretty soon.”
That didn’t help though and the warning stayed intact thus starting the countdown for LaraWithMe. In yet another attempt to right this perceived injustice the admin issued another extensive update on the Lara news channel (which I omit due to a lack of space here), but which you can still find there, explaining his position and negative attitude towards “jealous” people trying to bring LaraWithMe down and promised to fix everything. Nothing happened though, not a thing! So, in the last attempt to linger a bit the admin issued a final message last night which, though aimed at calming people down, looked more like a swan song to experienced HYIP investors. He claimed instant payments in LaraWithMe would be switched off and only smaller amounts of less than $20 would be done instantly. And yes, such withdrawals were processed instantly for a while, but not for long, as this morning they have been switched off completely, and no money is now being paid to LaraWithMe‘s members (and probably won’t be anymore).
The only exception is Payza where payouts continue as usual, and due to the Payza reversal policies the admin will probably abandon his account and allow automated payments until the funds there are drained. How long that will last nobody can say, but I can tell you for sure that it would be waste of time to request withdrawals to any other payment systems apart from Payza – you simply won’t be paid. So, for your sake open a free account in Payza by following this link, if you don’t have one yet, add it to your settings in the Lara bot, then try to request your withdrawal there. That again proves Payza’s superiority over anonymous payment systems dealing with HYIPs and inspire some confidence that some investors not yet in profit with LaraWithMe might collect more interest payments before the bot eventually gets shut down. It’s regrettable that LaraWithMe finished so prematurely, as I know the admin had big plans for the future. And although in his very last message he promised to come back stronger than before and pledges to process as many payout requests as possible, you cannot simply deny the obvious – without a constant inflow of new deposits and this scam warning in place it’s simply impossible to continue. It was good while it lasted, but LaraWithMe is history now, and will be remembered by many as one of the biggest programs of 2016 that managed to last for nearly four months and made a tons of money for thousands of investors, the most successful of whom would have tripled their investment.
The recent stance taken by Telegram against LaraWithMe might make the whole idea of running HYIPs exclusively off a third-party provider unwise and obsolete. And as the latest poll on the MNO TalkBack asked about this new trend in the HYIP industry which now seems unlikely to continue I think we can look at the final results of the poll before we move on. So, surprisingly for me 48% of readers (almost half!) didn’t like the Telegram messenger and wouldn’t use it if not for having to deal with LaraWithMe. I guess the majority of HYIP players are still pretty conservative and do not like such drastic innovations forced on them to participate in a program. 37% of voters on the other hand really liked Telegram, with the remaining 15% less enthusiastic but saying it was OK and they would most likely keep it.
Whether you like Telegram or not, with the recent collapse of LaraWithMe and putting the responsibility for it for the scam warning message which now precedes every message from the Lara bot, it’s highly unlikely we will see other HYIPs using the Telegram messaging platform in the near future. However clearly being the biggest program of 2016 I would like to stick with LaraWithMe for the next poll too and ask readers on the MNO TalkBack page the following question:
What is the main reason for the collapse of LaraWithMe?
1) The Telegram scam warning caused by abuse reports.
2) Not enough new deposits to cover payments to older members.
3) The program just ran its course and would have scammed shortly anyway.
As always the poll is completely anonymous, so don’t be shy and vote on the MNO TalkBack page. The final results will be announced sometime next week, and we will then be able to analyze people’s thoughts on the subject.
Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 48 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: –
From MNO Premium list: ArdexFunds, Zinc7, BandeiraCorp, Edelweiss5, EmpireAdvertisement.
From MNO Standard list: PalUnion, Imperial7 (the first payments received).
From MNO Basic list: HYIP-A, RoiBets, EarnTech, Dowerly.
This is all I have for tonight, guys. I know, not all the news is positive, but we shouldn’t despair and always look for new promising investment opportunities, as the only way to become a successful HYIP investors comes from experience and learning from mistakes. Remember that what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger, so your next big profit might be just around the corner. Thanks a lot for reading MNO, guys, and following me on Facebook and Twitter. Most likely the next update will be on Tuesday, when I will also take a much closer look at the newest addition to my monitor Imperial7. Don’t miss it as you might find something important between the lines there! In order to stay updated via email you can always subscribe to the daily news by following this link and write to me via this page or directly at I’m always open for comments and suggestions, so I will be looking forward to your emails. Talk to you all on Tuesday!
Filed under Daily News, Reviews by on Oct 9th, 2016.
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