Beware! Imperial7 has stopped paying! Do not invest there!
Hi everyone! Not exactly the start of the business week, I missed that due to spending most of Monday traveling home from a short vacation, but I hope you’re all keeping well and still eager to see what new opportunities this October can bring us. I don’t know whether to say the newest program on the MNO monitor inspires a feeling of nostalgia or deja vu, but it’s certainly following a popular trend set in the HYIP industry over the last year or two. I’m talking of course about Imperial7, a brand new addition to the MNO Standard List that just launched and which I want to take a closer look at today before the news. As soon as you see the plans that Imperial7 have to offer you will see what I mean, having been used time and time again in the recent past. Sometimes with great success, sometimes with a lot less, it never fails to spark a pointless discussion on forums that leads nowhere about the identity or track record of the admin. All I can say is that admins, whoever they may be, do not own a monopoly or exclusive rights to anything in the HYIP industry. Like any program Imperial7 will run for as long as more money flows in than gets paid out, and how long that will be is determined by whether enough investors like it or not. I’ll talk you through the main points of Imperial7 below then, and you can think about if you have room for them in your portfolios or prefer to look elsewhere.
So, what better way to begin our more detailed look at the program than to discuss their investment plans. There’s a pretty simple choice to make with Imperial7, as they only offer two. But then again how many do you need as long as you like the ones being put in front of you, right? I’ll try and explain them both for you as best I can here, though personally I can’t say I have a much stronger preference for one over the other. There’s a shorter term option that carries less of a risk but also less of a profit. This is then accompanied by a medium term plan, quite a bit more profitable, but as one would expect in the HYIP industry also carrying a higher risk. I’ll go through them both for you here, but would suggest you at least keep at the back of your mind that you are free to split your investment between both plans in Imperial7 if it’s the case that you like them both. You will need a $25 minimum to join either plan. The first makes daily interest payments, while the other pays once on expiry. It’s less profitable but comes with the advantage of allowing you to break even and get out with a smaller profit after a shorter waiting time. I’m not sure it will be quite as popular but you can see how both have their good points. And of course there’s nothing to stop you from hedging your bets by splitting your deposit between both.
Looking at the numbers then, I’ll start with the daily plan as I think it will probably be the one more of you are interested in. This runs for a term of 30 calendar days, during which Imperial7 offer you a daily interest payment of 7%, but the payments themselves are made on business days only. The exact number of payment days then can vary depending on what day of the week you join, but a typical example would be 22 business days (i.e. payment days) within the 30 calendar day term. The rate applies to all investors, big and small, regardless of how much you spend just so long as it’s the $25 minimum or more. Payments would be around 154% in total, give or take depending on the exact number of payments you receive, from which Imperial7 include your principal. That means you get your own money back plus in this case 54% net profit.
Let’s look at a simple example then and see how it might look in monetary terms. We’ll say you make a $100 deposit in this plan. In return Imperial7 are offering you $7 back per business day during the following 30 calendar day period. They count your own initial hundred as part of that, so you reach the break even point (that is get your own money back) after 15 payments and start collecting net profits after that. You should then complete the term with $154 in total, $100 of which was yours in the first place and $54 from Imperial7 as your reward. There is a maximum limit of $250,000 on how much you can make with one single deposit, and you are allowed to have as many as seven active deposits (or “slots”) running at any one time.
The second option is a shorter term on expiry plan. Imperial7 again charge a $25 minimum to join, and the term is 7 calendar days. At the end of that members are promised a single payout of 110%, which includes your principal. That’s your own money back plus a 10% net profit. Or to put that in monetary terms, the same $100 investment here would see Imperial7 return $110 a week later. As you can see, the downside is that it’s not as profitable as the daily plan and makes you wait for a week before you earn anything at all, but then the upside is that you hope to see at least some profit a bit faster even if it’s not quite so much. It’s all about what your own priorities I guess, though as I said there’s nothing to stop you splitting your deposit between both plans.
One very important thing you need to make sure you fully understand before joining Imperial7 is their payment schedule. You see, while the term is measured in calendar days, that doesn’t mean you can actually withdraw it every day. Imperial7 will only process withdrawal requests on business days, which includes Monday to Friday. Of course you can request a withdrawal on Saturday and Sunday if you like, you just have to wait until Monday before any requests are going to be looked at.
While on the topic of payouts then, as you can see they are made manually. Just log into your Imperial7 private members account area, submit your request, and then allow a further 48 hour maximum for the admin to complete your transaction. So far my own payouts have been pretty fast, however be prepared to allow the full amount if withdrawing too late on a Friday or over the weekend. When it comes to payment options Imperial7 are using most of the HYIP friendly processors like Payza which is always good for drawing in bigger spending more serious investors, PerfectMoney, Payeer, and AdvCash. Alternatively if you don’t like the usual payment handlers members can use BitCoin for direct e-currency investments, or contact the admin for details of bank wires.
Please note, especially for smaller investors, that Imperial7 have a stated minimum withdrawal limit of $2.50, however I myself have not seen it enforced and have made some smaller withdrawals already. Perhaps it just doesn’t apply to referral commissions? I don’t know, but if you are owed less than that then there’s a possibility you will need to wait until reaching that amount before requesting a payout. By the way, there’s a built-in calculator to help you work out any potential earnings before you join. One other important fact you need to keep in mind when planning your investment is that Imperial7 are passing their payment processor fees on to customers. Expect 2% to be deducted from the amount you are requesting, and adjust your calculations accordingly. Most other programs just factor these costs into the plans when designing them, Imperial7 pass them to you directly, either way it’s investors who generally pick up the tab even if if they don’t always know it.
Looking at the technical side of the Imperial7 website now such as design and security features, one of the first things you will notice, and one of the things a lot of people might find most interesting, is the script. It’s either custom-made or at least a very close copy of one used by a couple of big names in the HYIP industry in the recent past. If it’s not the very same then it’s one that most people (i.e. not computer programmers themselves) will pick any major differences between anyway, so experienced players will probably feel familiar in the members area. So the Imperial7 website is easy enough to navigate your way around and user friendly without any surprises. Hosting is on a dedicated server by BlockDos who are probably still one of the most dependable names from the few service providers out there prepared to deal with online HYIPs. Other nice features in place to protect your account that you might like include an on-screen virtual keyboard for protection against key loggers when entering your password, and a personal PIN number you will need to authorize each transaction (so remember to keep that in a safe place). For an added layer of protection the Imperial7 website also has a Green Bar SSL encryption certificate by Comodo for safer browsing and more secure transactions. The Imperial7 domain name has been registered for five years, which is not difficult or expensive to do, but is still a positive indicator of a serious admin with an eye on the bigger longer term picture.
If you have any further questions for the Imperial7 admin that you think weren’t addressed in this review or any account related issues you need to have looked at then you can get in touch by filling in your details on the online customer support form and submitting it via the contacts page. Naturally it’s recommended that you pay close attention to the website’s FAQ page first as that explains most things and may help you to avoid having to compose any lengthy asking questions that are already answered. To get your questions answered in real time however, there’s a Live Chat feature you should check out if an operator is online.
Just one last point before I leave the program for today, for the record Imperial7 describe themselves as an “online digital funds platform”, though there’s very little follow-up information to explain what that means, how it works, or anything that you can research for yourself. Experienced players already know this well, I just find the need to keep repeating it for the benefit of those new to the world of online HYIPs. Treat everything you see as a form of high risk gambling, don’t look for, expect, or believe guarantees, and behave accordingly from there. That means setting yourself a sensible and affordable spending limit that it won’t bother you to lose if things don’t work out, and if you do decide to join Imperial7 then try to keep them as a smaller part of a wider more diverse portfolio.
As we push further into the autumn then competition for your money will heat up and there will, hopefully anyway, be more and more choices for investors. Keeping that in mind if you’ve already come to a decision about whether Imperial7 is suitable for you or not then perhaps you wouldn’t mind sharing with the other readers and answering the following poll. Remember it’s 100% anonymous and untraceable. I think this is interesting because eventually, when we see how successful the program does or does not become, we see how many people were right to go with their first impressions:

Those of you who joined Imperial7 even before the above review might know that their website went offline on Monday night and was unavailable for about 24 hours. That was due to a serious vulnerability that the admin of Imperial7 discovered that allowed a hacker to get hold of the database and change members’ e-currency accounts by overriding them without anyone’s knowledge. I personally saw my BitCoin account changed in the program, though I managed to change it back by entering the unique code sent to my email address. I must say that after my chat with Imperial7‘s online support the admin acted decisively and quickly by removing the website until he figured out what was going on and what could be done to rectify this significant security flaw. I believe he decided to move the site to a more powerful server which meant the website had to go offline temporarily. It has now resumed and the admin assured me everything had been solved and that Imperial7 is safe. And although today some of you might have received an email announcing a new plan and asking you to send money directly to some unknown BitCoin address you should disregard it as an obvious scam. First, it has nothing to do with the recent compromise of database security of which Imperial7 has recovered already, and was sent to totally different list of email addresses in the hacker’s possession (possibly from a different HYIP). And second, the phishing email was sent from the address which obviously has nothing to do with the website itself. This latest attempt to scam is not connected to the recent security issues experienced yesterday, but the chain of such events might have sent the wrong message both to existing members of Imperial7 and to those sitting on the fence. Anyway, if you have doubts about the future of the program it might have been wise to wait and see how the situation develops by the start of next week and whether the first deposits on the 7-day plan are successfully paid by Monday before jumping into a program that hasn’t stood the test of time yet. Some food for thought for investors of Imperial7 anyway, and just for your reference I will include the latest official newsletter from the admin sent yesterday which you can read below:
“Imperial7 Important: We are back in towards!
Dear investors,
Imperial7 is finally back online on a new server. We were forced to change server due to some hacking attempts that we faced yesterday morning. Unfortunately some accounts got compromised and account details got successfully changed allowing unauthorized withdrawals.
We ask you all to check your account details and to make sure nothing changed without your authorization. Please do not request any withdrawal before double checking your account.
For those are facing missing withdrawals or deposits we kindly invite you to reach us via our support center.
We are truly sad for what happened and for the suffered waste of time, sorry for the inconvenience.
* If you have any further questions please see our support here:
Thank you and best regards.
Richefield Finance Company, LTD.”
Edelweiss5 is still under the radar of most hit-n-runners while concentrating its advertising efforts mostly offline, thus getting ahead far beyond the usual HYIP circle. And I believe this unique approach truly helps Edelweiss5 to stay ahead of the competition and spread their influence in totally different markets. Especially such efforts can be seen in the Ukraine, where, despite being officially registered in Germany, the company seemingly has most interest by constantly opening new offices and holding public presentations to show the benefits of joining Edelweiss5. The next presentation is scheduled to be held in the Ukrainian city of Kharkiv in just a couple of days and the admin of Edelweiss5 (read my interview with him here) shared in the news section of the website what you can expect if attending on the 14th of October:
“Company presentation in Kharkiv
We invite everyone to take part in the presentation of the company Edelweiss5 in Kharkiv. Our experts will tell in detail about the future plans of the company and will answer all your questions. During the presentation we will hold loud fun feast with competitions, quizzes and prizes! The main prize – iPhone7. The event will take place on October 14 at 19.00 in the, conference hall “Kharkiv” ave. Nezavisimosti 2. Come to the presentation and get the iPhone7!”
For those unfamiliar with the investment plans in Edelweiss5 I’ll remind you that investments start from a $50 minimum via PerfectMoney, Payeer, BitCoin, AdvCash, YandexMoney, and Qiwi. You don’t need to do anything to request payouts, as they will be sent at the same time every day to the same account you joined with. The investment term is 365 calendar days during which you will be paid about 1% on business days and a 0.5% fixed return on weekends. For more information on the Edelweiss5‘s investment plan and its specifications you can always refer to the detailed review of the program posted here.
Finally for today I want to draw the results of the last opinion poll that ran on the MNO TalkBack page and replace it with a new one. It’s the right time because as the poll centered around LaraWithMe, and as I think the general consensus out there is now to accept the fact that the program is not coming back, we need to put it behind us and move on. That whole situation with Telegram was, to be honest, an experiment, and perhaps the one outcome the LaraWithMe admin didn’t think of was the developers of Telegram not wanting to allow their product become associated with a pyramid scheme or give them any sort of platform. The Telegram app itself is quite new so I guess it’s understandable why the owners, who invested I’m sure colossal amounts of time and money and long working hours into creating the system, would want anyone’s first experience with it to negative. So they decided to put a strong warning out there telling Telegram users that they had no connection with the program, and they should keep their distance from such activities. Who would invest anything after that? The question I asked then was:
“What is the main reason for the collapse of LaraWithMe?”
The number one response to this as expressed by MNO readers was “The Telegram scam warning caused by abuse reports”, a view taken by 56% of you. 35% of you saw less in the way of direct influence by Telegram themselves and voted “Not enough new deposits to cover payments to older members”, which of course is basically enough to close any HYIP. The remaining 9% of voters simply saw the Telegram warning as a simple matter of coincidence, good or bad timing if you want, because they took the view that “The program just ran its course and would have scammed shortly anyway.” In my own opinion (just in case you are interested) there isn’t any right/wrong answers to the poll, the reality is probably a combination of all three answers and certainly one does not help the other.
For the next question, I want to talk about a subject that in some ways takes us back to the main article today which is Imperial7. To be more specific, I mean programs that deliberately model themselves on older programs that have been successful in the past. I don’t like to say “copycats” as such because many HYIPs are going to share certain characteristics anyway, but not all try to consciously impersonate each other. Many people employed behind the scenes for example, programmers, copy writers, website designers, their work may be seen on numerous different websites but that doesn’t mean that everyone’s first and only conclusion be that they share a common admin or there’s one admin trying to pretend he’s another admin is going to be true. But the HYIP industry being what it is, it’s going to affect some people’s judgement anyway, either for or against the program, but affect it nonetheless.
Here’s a recent example of what I’m talking about. Zinc7. The similarities between it and some other popular programs in the past are unmistakable. The name, the plans, the strategy, everything. So naturally some folks say either it’s the same admin, or else it’s just a clever imitation and a fast scam. Yet here we are a month later, Zinc7 has been a great success, and the program we were told by some self appointed “experts” it was copying is long forgotten. The same people falling over themselves in their efforts to promote the first “original” program told us to avoid Zinc7, and what was the result? You can see that for yourself today.
My question for you then is this:
How important is total originality in HYIPs to you?
Possible answers include:
– Very important, I dislike copycats.
– Some importance, but the admin needs to improve on the original.
– Not at all, admins need to follow successful business models.
Thanks in advance to everyone who participates. The poll will stay open on the MNO TalkBack page for at least another week, maybe ten days, but long enough so that everyone who wants to vote gets a chance to do so. Remember it’s completely anonymous and only takes a second, and will tell us a lot about what the thoughts of the people who matter most in the industry – that’s you! – really are.
Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 60 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: –
From MNO Premium list: Capitaller, ArdexFunds, Zinc7, BandeiraCorp, Edelweiss5, EmpireAdvertisement.
From MNO Standard list: PalUnion, Imperial7.
From MNO Basic list: HYIP-A, RoiBets, EarnTech, Dowerly.
That’s all for today, guys. I hope you enjoy reading daily news reports from the HYIP industry and reviews of the best high-budget programs online. If so, you can subscribe for updates directly to your email address here. If you have any other questions about the programs I monitor or any other HYIP industry-related questions I’ll be pleased to reply either via directly, or you can submit a ticket via this contact form. Please make sure to vote in the new poll on the MNO TalkBack page, and the results will be drawn sometime next week. I’ll see you on Friday with a new Top Five Popular Programs on MNO article plus any new updates from your favorite investment programs. Stay tuned and see you soon!
Filed under Daily News, Reviews by on Oct 12th, 2016. Comment.
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