October 2016 Archives

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Hello all, and welcome again to MNO – the only proper English language blog dealing exclusively with high-end investment opportunities anywhere in the HYIP industry. I believe it’s high time for an updated Top Five Popular Programs on MNO article, as the previous week saw the untimely collapse of LaraWithMe which was regarded as the biggest program in the HYIP industry.

Remember with MNO on your side you can choose from the biggest investment opportunities, as it Standard and Premium listed programs almost always come with the truly exceptional quality and highest resilience towards some unexpected situation that might rise on the way to success and could only handled by highly motivated and professional HYIP admins. Who knows, maybe the yesterday’s added program MacroBanking recently added to the Standard listing on MNO with the totally revamped set of plans that has been running for a whopping 570+ already will be able to rival the giants of the HYIP industry you will read about in today’s article on the latest Top Five. Only time will tell, but you can already read the introduction of MacroBanking on my blog immediately after the Top Five Popular Programs article followed by the latest HYIP industry’s news. Of course, you should watch the new programs additions on the MNO monitor closely not to miss any other promising program that can make you some money, so bookmark MNO in your browser, follow me on Facebook and Twitter, or subscribe to the daily news on this page.

Just before we get into detail let me say a few words about how the ranking works. Programs listed on Premium or Standard on the MNO monitor qualify for a place in the Top Five list. The position is determined by the combined percentage profit of my own interest payments and referral commissions. This is only valid at the time of writing and is subject to change at any time, so always check for a real-time status on the MNO monitor first before investing. My site strives for the best possible service in delivering the most up-to-date status on any program. Also remember that all investments in HYIPs carry some risk, so spend what you can afford to lose, and spread your bets between different programs.

#1 Capitaller (click here to read the full review) Up Three Places
Total return – 327.45%.
Type of listing – Premium (#1 rank).
Current status on the MNO monitor – Paying for 67 days
Investment plans (recommended plan marked in bold) – 3%-4% for 70 business days, 1457% after 35 business days, 1677% after 70 business days.
Payment processors accepted: PerfectMoney, Payeer, BitCoin, AdvCash, NixMoney.
What you need to know:
There is no account area so after joining you never need to make a request. You will be paid automatically to the same e-currency you joined with every business day, Monday to Friday. Please only invest in the daily paying plans and avoid the ridiculously priced on expiry options.
Why you might want to invest:
Quite a leap forward for Capitaller which rose three places in the last two weeks following increased interest from the MNO readers after its re-design. Well, actually it’s not only about a great-looking website now, Capitaller has also silently modified its daily paying investment plans and added another on expiry plan paying after 35 business days. I have edited their review to reflect this accordingly, but I would still repeat that you should only invest in the daily paying plans to be on the safe side. Capitaller has been praised by many investors for nearly ten weeks online and since it has been on MNO from day one many people have already managed to profit. Of course, no one knows for how much longer Capitaller can last, but one thing is for sure – the program is the people’s favorite  by way of a perfect performance.

#2  Zinc7 (click here to read the full review) Up Three Places
Total return – 232.28%.
Type of listing – Premium (#2 rank).
Current status on the MNO monitor – Paying for 33 days
Investment plans (recommended plan marked in bold) – 7% for 30 days (interest credited on business days only), 110% after 7 days.
Payment processors accepted: PerfectMoney, Payza, Payeer, BitCoin, AdvCash.
What you need to know: 
Although withdrawals are promised to be done within 48 business hours, in reality I’ve never waited much longer than five minutes for a payment so I assume they are automated rather than manual. Don’t take it for granted though, this might change at any time as the withdrawal rules are clearly stated on the website. Remember that on the daily paying plan you will have your account credited on every business day (Monday to Friday), but the whole investment term is counted in calendar days, just like the second on expiry paying plan – refer to my review for more details.
Why you might want to invest:
Zinc7 is yet another program that really did well on MNO and over the last two weeks also managed to jump three places up my ranking. Once touted as being an ugly duckling of RapidIncome‘s admin impersonator, the program outlived its pretty much averagely performed predecessor and is currently enjoying the growing popularity and healthy growth. I wonder how those self-proclaimed experts feeling now, many of whom predicted a fast scam for the program, simply because they didn’t like the thing the program was not entirely original. However, in the HYIP industry many tried-and-tested models do work well, and many investors who trusted Zinc7 and made deposits over the program’s first days online and on MNO have managed to make significant profits from either of its two investment plans. The admin is not sitting still though and keeps purchasing more advertising on other monitors and MNO, and just earlier today he paid for the two months tower banner on my blog in advance. That signifies the admin’s long-term vision and striving for success not only in the short run which Zinc7 has been basking on at the moment, but also in the much longer period of time. If you enjoy the C7-style programs and its investment plans and would like to get paid almost instantly by a once controversial site, now is the time to join Zinc7 and reap all its benefits.

#3 – ArdexFunds (click here to read the full review) Down Two Places
Total return – 224.97%.
Type of listing – Premium (#3 rank).
Current status on the MNO monitor – Paying for 318 days
Investment plans (recommended plan marked in bold) – variable returns for 15-230 business days, principal back.
Payment processors accepted: PerfectMoney, Payeer, BitCoin, RedoPay.
What you need to know:
Withdrawals are usually processed instantly to all payment processors (if for some reason they go to pending status please allow 16 hours to be paid manually). Profits are accrued to your account Tuesday to Saturday for the previous trading day with the exception of the extra bank holidays announced on the site. Remember to switch off the compounding rate for your deposit in order to be able to make daily withdrawals.
Why you might want to invest:
Due to so many promising programs coming online this autumn, investors seem to forget about the former grands like ArdexFunds paying promptly for eleven months now. The program’s growth does seem to be stalling resulting in ArdexFunds dropping two spots to its competitors and for the first time in months losing its top spot on MNO. If it survives December then I believe ArdexFunds has some good chance to rebound and find new investors. For now it remains a top performer in terms of stability and is very respected by HYIP audiences for its ability to pay to everyone for nearly a year, but as winter gets closer if you wish to invest  please stay within shorter-term plans and do not invest too big amounts you can’t afford to lose.

#4 – BandeiraCorp (click here to read the full review) Down one place
Total return – 192.27%.
Type of listing – Premium (#4 rank).
Current status on the MNO monitor – Paying for 216 days
Investment plans (recommended plan marked in bold) – 1% to 4% variable daily until you reach 150% on your investment.
Payment processors accepted: PerfectMoney, Payza, Neteller, Payeer, BitCoin, AdvCash.
What you need to know:
Withdrawals are processed manually within a 48 hour maximum. Note that 1% is the guaranteed daily minimum you will get on your investment, while the maximum is determined by the size of your deposit – refer to the review on MNO for more details.
Why you might want to invest:
BandeiraCorp also seems to be kept stalling and after the full seven months of flawless payments it loses yet another place on my ranking over the last two weeks. Strangely, not many new people invest in BandeiraCorp lately, despite its non-stop payments and stable work. Perhaps, it has something to do with the fact that the program has never changed over its whole lifetime and for the exception of the SolidTrustPay exchanger that the admin introduced after being dropped by STP.  I  feel you should choose BandeiraCorp over many others, if you hate surprises and prefer the HYIP admin to stay low-profile and skip the unnecessary updates and novelties, but rather did his everyday job well and maintain the stable work of the site and timely payouts.

#5PalUnion (click here to read the full review) New Entry
Total return – 97.39%.
Type of listing – Standard.
Current status on the MNO monitor – Paying for 8 days.
Investment plans (recommended plan marked in bold) – 102%-120% after 1 day, 116%-250% after 5 days, 1000% after 12 days, 150%-800% after 15 days, 2000% after 20 days, 250%-1800% after 30 days, 600%-4000% after 60 days, 1200%-6000% after 90 days.
Payment processors accepted: PerfectMoney, BitCoin.
What you need to know:
Withdrawals are usually processed instantly. However, in some cases when it fails the admin reserves the right to pay manually within 30 hours. As with many similar short-term programs, you should invest only reasonable amounts in the shorter plans and avoid long-term and VIP plans for being too risky.
Why you might want to invest:
PalUnion is still a pretty much new program launched ago and came to MNO on day one. That might be just my pure guess, but PalUnion looks kind of unfinished and it indicates that the admin, perhaps deliberately, tries to make a soft launch for the program and avoid unnecessary attention on the first stages of its development. If my theory is true then we should expect some improvements coming soon to the website, with more payment options to be added, as the current PM and BTC options might certainly be improved. On the brighter side, so far all the withdrawals have been processed instantly, and the first investors already made some good profits, which nevertheless doesn’t take out the fact that PalUnion is a high-risk investment opportunity which could be very profitable for you too, if you’re feeling lucky and willing to embrace that risk. So if you do wish to participate in PalUnion for fast profits, I wish you the best of luck. As we haven’t seen many successful short-term programs for quite some time, perhaps PalUnion will be more successful than its predecessors. Anyway, the first days online proved to be profitable for many investors of that program already and hope it will keep this way for some time.

That was the list of the Top Five Popular Programs on MNO. Now I want to know your opinion on your most favorite program from that list. So, please take a few seconds of your precious time and vote in the below poll, while you can also see what other fellow investors think by clicking the Results tab.

What Is Your Favorite Program From The MNO Top Five?

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I’ll start by introducing MacroBanking, a rather odd new program from the MNO Standard List where it was added yesterday. I have mixed feelings on this one. On one hand you can see MacroBanking as a very old program that has been officially paying since March 2015 and that is over 570 days in total. If we take a more realistic approach though and view MacroBanking from a totally different perspective we see this impressive lifetime is a disguise. You see, before yesterday the investment plans were totally different from what they are now and there was almost no people investing there, as MacroBanking was not really on any significant monitors or blogs. Perhaps this is an admin with patience who maintained his site for so long just to build a history to say that for the first 570 days online they didn’t miss a single payment, and just omit the fact that no real investors were present and the plans were different. Whether this approach helps MacroBanking become the next big thing in the HYIP industry remains to be seen.

So, what about the new investment plans in MacroBanking? First of all, unlike many other similar short-term programs paying once on expiry, MacroBanking offers the same interest starting from a $30 minimum for any level of investment into any of the available plans – 101.2% after 1 day, 104.5% after 3 days, 109% after 5 days, 114.7% after 7 days, 137.5% after 15 days, 180% after 30 days. Investments are accepted via PerfectMoney, WebMoney, Payeer, BitCoin, and AdvCash. Withdrawals are manual within a 48 hour maximum. I myself was paid quite fast earlier today so I moved MacroBanking to Paying status on the MNO monitor. A full review will be on Sunday with more insight on their investment plans and other features. Just briefly, the design is fantastic, the domain name is registered for two years, they run off a licensed GoldCoders script, and the hosting provider Cyber Wurx keeps them on a dedicated server. An SSL-certificate comes with an Extended Validation Green Bar and the company is registered in the UK. It all looks highly professional and my first impressions from the website are extremely positive. I’m not sure whether that will help MacroBanking run for a long time, but the extensive testing period of over 570 days online inspires some optimism, don’t you think?


Although the very first investors in Imperial7 will only be in profit from its shortest term plan after the weekend, the program has already attracted huge attention not only from potential investors, but also some malicious hackers. They first tried to tamper with the program’s database thus disrupting the website’s uptime, but then after Imperial7 re-located to a more powerful and secure server there was another attempt to breach members’ confidence. As you might know, some HYIP admins use the previous bulk emails of their clients (or just buy them on the black market from someone else) and use them to try to scam in a totally different program by sending various “special” offers by impersonating the original. In the case of Imperial7 we just saw not really a very smart person using a free Gmail address imperial7.ccc@gmail.com created specifically for that purpose. I will not be showing you the email’s content which I received on a totally different email address and not the one I used to register with Imperial7. I’ll just tell that there was a promise of a three day plan and a BitCoin address where that person want their victims to send him money. Well, I believe people who joined Imperial7 are not so stupid to believe such an obvious scam. However, just in case the admin of Imperial7 sent a clarification regarding the emails that might have been received by some members and non-members of the program alike:

Imperial7 Important: Be aware of this issue!
Dear Investors,
We have noticed a scammer to promote unofficial investment plan. Please be aware, that investment plan 135% after 3 days is NOT official plan as it is not shown on Imperial7 webpage, therefore it is not official. Investing in this plan will make you send your money straight to a scammer.
* If you have any further questions please see our support here:
Thank you and best regards.
Richefield Finance Company, LTD. Imperial7 Team.

I must say that after the hacking incident and the server relocation Imperial7 has been working smoothly and I didn’t encounter any issues when dealing with the program. If you haven’t read my full review of Imperial7 posted here, I would like to remind you that the program does not pay interest or process withdrawals over the weekend, so the next batch of payments are only due on Monday. Then the very first members of Imperial7 who joined the shortest 110% after 7 days plan will hopefully see their deposits returned with profits, which in turn will inspire confidence in those who picked the longer-term 7% for 30 calendar day plan crediting interest on business days only. Imperial7 will still accept deposits from a $25 minimum via Payza, PerfectMoney, Payeer, BitCoin, and AdvCash over the weekend, but it will be on Monday when we will actually see if the admin’s intentions are long-term and if he sees his program developing further. I will as ever keep you updated on developments in Imperial7 that has been the centre of attention among readers over the last week.


With its growing popularity Edelweiss5 is also gradually becoming the victim of even more sophisticated scams than what Imperial7 had to deal with. Some people who can only be described as thieves simply created a copy of the Edelweiss5 website and called it EdelGroup, where they can either accept money or try to steal your personal information from Edelweiss5. Either possibility will have some serious consequences for your wallets. So, please always make sure that you’re on the right website when browsing Edelweiss5 who claims to own only two domain names and warn against the scam in the following update:

Beware of frauds !!!
Dear users! Please be informed that In the network appeared pirate sites that impersonate us. A good example of such websites https://edelgroup.biz/ In this regard, inform you that our company has two official domain: https://edelweiss5.com/ https://edelweiss5.com.cn/ (for users from China). We strongly recommend to not communicate with fraudsters and declare that we will fight against such “doubles”

The genuine Edelweiss5 meanwhile is doing quite well and after seven weeks on MNO is already on the brink of reaching the Top Five Popular Programs list, though didn’t quite make it today. They have six payment options – PerfectMoney, Payeer, BitCoin, AdvCash, YandexMoney, and Qiwi – and the minimum to invest starts from $50. After making a deposit you don’t need to request any withdrawals, as you will be paid automatically at the same time every day to the same e-currency account for a 365 calendar day term. The rates of interest are currently different for weekends (0.5% daily fixed) and business days (around 1% variable). If you really want to understand how Edelweiss5 functions then you’re welcome to read the program’s full review which can be found here and in my interview with the admin here.


As the saying goes, “a bad workman blames his tools”. In the case of EmpireAdvertisement it can be applied particularly well. From the initial enthusiasm the self-described most trusted admin started his program with, there was nothing left over the last week. EmpireAdvertisement started delaying withdrawals for no reason and, by the way, the ones the admin made to Payza were still processed for some time while others not. However, one of my readers made me aware of the situation by allowing me to check his account in EmpireAdvertisement and see that the admin didn’t want to pay him. Usually very talkative, the admin Jerome disappeared from his Facebook group page and stopped replying to emails, so when I told him I would move his program to Problem status on MNO it fell on deaf ears. The following day Jerome reappeared on Facebook and sent a final notice to members saying they should go ahead and file disputes to get their money back. Oddly enough, he conveniently forgot to mention that disputes can only be filed with Payza and even that doesn’t mean they will get anything as the risks were clearly stated from the very beginning.

However, how other people can be compensated by Jerome for this talentless display remained unexplained. The latest warning which Jerome used to try and salvage his sinking ship and which I personally met with skepticism in my last blog post, made it clear that no one was interested in making any further financial contributions to keep the program afloat. So, this person pocketed all the money (expect for Payza funds which he can’t touch) and then blamed everyone but himself for his own failure. Hackers, Payza, monitors, promoters, members, etc, the list goes on. No reasons to continue, maybe fight for survival instead of closing like this, but plenty of reasons to disappoint the people who trusted him with hard-earned money they could scarcely afford in hope that he could deliver some results with EmpireAdvertisement. Alas, the ending was shameful and no one saw a profit except for the admin, of course, who will no doubt improve his standard of living at his former members’ expense.I’ll just leave you will his final words:

EmpireAdvertisement | Final Update
Hello, We tested everything with EmpireAdvertisement.
Total deposits and Cashouts were false because of the hacker.
A few people only made the job and promoted empire.
The last 2 weeks we got no deposits or very small deposits. And withdrawals were high.
On payza we got a lot of frozen funds.
We paid monitors, server, designers and members.
Sorry, I make all my possible.
You can start your disputes.


Payza is the payment processor some HYIP admins hate to deal with, and many regular HYIP investors love. Even the fact that an admin gets Payza‘s approval for a payment button (which is not an easy thing to do, I can tell you) is already giving him better treatment from larger spenders. Payza seems to be very well protected against different hackers and they have a professional security team that would reverse a transaction even if your funds are already stolen but is still within the Payza system. Some HYIP investors use the potential to file disputes with Payza to get some money back from fast scams and fraudsters, while also benefiting from Payza‘s convenient funding and withdrawal methods which include Bank wires and transfers, Credit cards, their own Pre-paid cards, and even BitCoin. All this makes Payza quite a successful worldwide venture and the payment method of choice for thousands of HYIP investors. Programs accepting it meanwhile tend to be seen as more dependable choices among savvy HYIP players.

Having said that, there are some phishing mails going around from time to time threatening to steal members’ funds, so the educational efforts made by Payza in this field should be appreciated as well. In one of the latest official blog posts a very important subject has been raised on how to spot phishing emails and make sure to ignore them and not lose money by giving hackers access to your Payza account. And whether you’re using Payza or not I believe this article gives much to think about, as the general pattern of fraudsters of all sorts trying to compromise your security online and steal money whether from Payza or anywhere else are similar. So read the following tips to avoid scams:

Be A Payza Cyber-Detective and Learn How to Spot Phishing Emails
To commemorate National Cyber Security Awareness Month this October, we offer tips to identify email scams
We would like to express our appreciation for customers that report suspicious online activity and emails to the Payza Security Center. Your reports help us to inform all Payza members on how best to avoid such online scams so that together we can keep your personal and financial information safe.
Here we share simple ways to identify a common online scam, referred to as the phishing email, where hackers attempt to obtain personal information such as credit card details, usernames, and passwords. With this information, we are confident you, too, can join our ranks of cyber-detectives and play a vital role in preventing cybercrime.
Need a quick overview and definition of phishing scams? See this Wikipedia entry.
How to Spot a Phishing Email
Cybercriminals are experts at developing fake emails that appear to be authentic messages from reputable companies, government departments, and even family members. Nonetheless, there are traits common to many phishing emails that you can identify within seconds. The following examples are definite “red flags”:
How to identify this email message as fraudulent:
1) Sender appears to be Payza; however, the email URL is @peyza;
2) message contains several errors in English grammar, spelling, punctuation, and page setting; message conveys urgency and need for immediate action, specifically in terms of clicking a link to a suspicious web address;
3) message does not greet you using your full name;
4) message requests personal, confidential information and encourages the reader to provide this information at an unknown web address.
Do I know you? Say my name!
As a Payza member, we will always refer to you using your full name in all email correspondence. Any email that starts with a salutation other than your name listed in your Payza account, such as “Dear Member” or simply “Hi!”, is definitely fake.
What’s the rush?
Emails with urgent calls to action are highly suspicious; for example, “Click on this link within 24 hours or your account will be locked for an undetermined period of time”. Payza will never contact you first with an urgent message; on rare occasions we will respond to your customer support request asking you to take action within a specific timeframe in order to solve your problem.
That email address looks “weird”
Any email claiming to be from Payza but is sent from an address other than @payza.com or @info.payza.com is a fraud. Be careful: some sophisticated fraudsters have found ways to make it look like an email was sent from a Payza.com URL when in fact it wasn’t.
Engrish not so goode
Payza has a dedicated communications team that proof-read our emails to ensure they are—virtually—free of typos. On the contrary, phishing emails often contain several spelling and grammatical errors. A poorly written email with unprofessional paragraph and sentence structure is certainly from a fraudster.
Tell me your details
Payza will never send an email asking for your username and password, let alone your transaction PIN; we store and encrypt your personal information on secure servers, so we never need to ask for this information. Any email asking you to enter personal information, especially after following a link in the message, is a scam. Moreover, we will never send an email threatening to place your account on hold if you do not provide us with your username and password—this example being a common email scam.
If you are ever unsure whether you received an email from Payza or an impersonator, please contact us and send a screenshot of the message; never click on a link or download an attachment sent with the message. We will conduct an investigation immediately and inform Payza People of cybersecurity threats on our blog and social media pages.
Having even the slightest suspicion is enough justification to report an email to us. A moment of your time can make a significant impact in preventing cybercrime around the globe.
Additional resources
-Visit Payza’s Security Center for more tips to help you spot a phishing email.
-All this month we will post more helpful cybersecurity tips on our Online Security section of our blog and our social media pages, so stay tuned.
-Be sure to visit Stay Safe Online, the organizers of the National Cyber Security Awareness Month, for more ways to keep your identity, money, and data protected online.


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 60 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: –
From MNO Premium list: Capitaller, Zinc7ArdexFundsBandeiraCorpEdelweiss5.
From MNO Standard listPalUnion, Imperial7, MacroBanking (the first payment received).
From MNO Basic list: HYIP-A, EarnTechDowerly.

That’s all for tonight, guys. I hope you found something of interest. I’ll be back on Sunday night with a closer look at old/new program MacroBanking plus any other news updates from the biggest programs in the HYIP industry. Thanks for reading and enjoy your weekend!

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