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21/12/2016. Top Five Popular Programs on MNO and Daily News from the HYIP Industry


Hi guys! I know that it’s only been a couple of weeks since I last posted an article in the Top Five Popular Programs on MNO series. And yet the time comes once more to update it, hopefully for the last time before Christmas and New Year holidays, as the programs that are still paying have a very good chance to make it into the 2017 without any serious troubles. Of course, as with anything in life, we cannot know for sure what programs will stay with us and keep paying in the future, but let’s keep our fingers crossed and hope for the best. From the previous article in the series you might know that one of the largest programs of this autumn – TrueBit – had to go due to some important circumstances the admin failed to control, so it means that in today’s list we see a newcomer that actually raced into second place by storm – RightRise. The undoubted leadership, however, is still pretty much maintained by Zinc7 the admin of which is going to issue another big update possibly by tomorrow with lots of new features the members will certainly like, but that will be the subject of another news update maybe on Christmas Day or earlier. I sincerely hope the new year will be even better than this one, but it will certainly be impossible without the help of such established leaders like Zinc7 that help so many others to develop and thrive.

If you are not aware of it yet then I can tell you that the main advantage of using the programs that utilize MNO as their main advertising platform is the assurance that they are really well-prepared, coming from mostly experienced admins and, what’s most important, obtain a certain advertising budget to spend. You see, with so many cheap scams around it’s always good to have a great indicator as MNO to distinguish true future leaders without which it will be a very hard task for any investors to keep healthy portfolios and diversify their investments correctly. Take the same Zinc7, for instance, the program that has been paying for 100+ days already and can be considered a huge success started with exclusive listing on MNO only, meaning those who invested at the very start have had the biggest profits by now. And that’s only one out of many similar examples of successful programs you could find on the MNO monitor over the course of this year which hopefully helped you make decent profits this year.

But what determines the position a program occupies on my list and why some programs are ranked higher than others? Well, here it comes down simply to the popularity among my readers. The fact is the more referral commissions I personally get the bigger my active downline is and the bigger the number of large investors means the higher ranking a program gets on the list. Of course, that is always subject to change and they should be watched closely by investors too regardless of how closely I keep an eye on the programs listed. The situation in the HYIP industry develops quite fast and is sometimes streamlined, but the seasonal slowdown makes it less prone to changes and less volatile. Unlikely changes should never be dismissed and always taken into account before investing. So even after choosing the right program for yourself from the below presented list please carefully look for any updates and always check the status of a program on the MNO monitor to make sure it still has Paying Status and thus deserves a spot in your portfolio. After all, it’s all about profit in the HYIP industry, and always been, isn’t it?

#1  Zinc7 (click here to read the full review) No Change
Total return – 923.37%.
Type of listing – Premium (#1 rank).
Current status on the MNO monitor – Paying for 101 days
Investment plans (recommended plan marked in bold) – 7% for 30 days (interest credited on business days only), 110% after 7 days.
Payment processors accepted: PerfectMoney, Payza, Payeer, BitCoin, AdvCash.
What you need to know: 
The minimum to withdraw is $2.50, although the admin promised to reduce that to $1 in the near future, so I will update you once it happens. Although withdrawals are promised within 48 business hours, in reality I’ve never waited much longer than five minutes for a payment so I assume they are automated rather than manual. Don’t take it for granted though, this might change at any time as the withdrawal rules are clearly stated on the website. Remember that on the daily paying plan you will have your account credited on every business day (Monday to Friday), but the full investment term is counted in calendar days, just like the second on expiry paying plan – refer to my review for more details.
Why you might want to invest:
Is Zinc7 the best program of 2016 so far? It’s only up to my readers to decide as it will be definitely included in the upcoming poll I will conduct later on Christmas day when asking your opinion on that. So far, the program has been a fantastic earning tool for my readers some of which managed to get 54% return on three daily paying cycles or get 10% return on the weekly plan more than a dozen times (!). The question many of us would ask themselves now is whether Zinc7 has the necessary resources to survive into 2017 and keep paying beyond this mark. Of course, no one can say this for sure, but knowing how hard the admin works on the improvements and how he cherishes the perfect reputation of an amazingly profitable and reliable investment opportunity he has been building consistently since the program’s first day on MNO, I would be very surprised if we were not still enjoying our profits from Zinc7 in January as well. As I said already, more positive updates are coming from the program, but I will discuss them all in future blog posts on MNO within the next few days. Stay tuned for that!

#2 RightRise (click here to read the full review) New Entry
Total return – 287.97%.
Type of listing – Premium (#2 rank).
Current status on the MNO monitor – Paying for 58 days
Investment plans (recommended plan marked in bold) – 1%-3% daily forever.
Payment processors accepted: PerfectMoney, Payeer, BitCoin, AdvCash, LiteCoin, DogeCoin, YandexMoney, NixMoney, BTC-E.
What you need to know:
You have to buy shares priced at $30 each to start earning from the program. There are different currencies accepted and you can purchase shares not only in USD, but also in EUR and RUB. You cannot withdraw your principal and you will be paid variable returns daily as long as the program exists, so it could take possibly up to 100 calendar days to reach your break-even point. Withdrawals are usually processed instantly.
Why you might want to invest:
There is absolutely no denying that RightRise has been the most impressive newcomer to the Top Five list, as in less than two months on MNO it managed to get straight to the second spot and is still growing strong in popularity among readers. The first investors are about to break-even any day now, but RightRise will almost certainly hit the slowdown in the coming festive weeks, so it will be a good test for the admin to show everyone he’s capable of maintaining growth despite the outside circumstances. The gradual improvements that have been made on the site so far, including the addition of multiple language localizations and more currencies available for investing makes me believe this important task can be fulfilled and the first investors will get into the profit zone with RightRise before the year is finished.

#3 – ArdexFunds (click here to read the full review) No Change
Total return – 261.73%.
Type of listing – Premium (#3 rank).
Current status on the MNO monitor – Scam
Investment plans (recommended plan marked in bold) – variable returns for 15-230 business days, principal back.
Payment processors accepted: PerfectMoney, Payeer, BitCoin, RedoPay.
What you need to know:
Withdrawals are usually processed instantly to all payment processors (if for some reason they go to pending status please allow 16 hours to be paid manually). Profits are accrued to your account Tuesday to Saturday for the previous trading day with the exception of the extra bank holidays announced on the site. Remember to switch off the compounding rate for your deposit in order to be able to make daily withdrawals.
Why you might want to invest:
ArdexFunds is by far the longest paying program on the MNO monitor at the moment with over a year of historical record of stable and timely payments. This amazing achievement would not be possible if the program didn’t provide such modest returns compared to many other established programs, which certainly affected its growth to some extent and made it only to the #3 position on my list. The winter slowdown has driven the admin’s decision to have an entire week off during Christmas, so these are the last few days people are going to be paid this month. The next batch of payments will hopefully resume next year already. The extra announced holidays with no credited daily interest might be taken by some investors as a positive sign of the admin reducing the cashflow burden on a relatively old program during the festive season, or negatively by some who see it as a sort of early exit strategy. Anyway, everything will be clear in a couple of weeks which sees ArdexFunds preferably continue with payouts, as it has already proved it can do for over a year already. So keeping my fingers crossed for that!

#4 – BandeiraCorp (click here to read the full review) No Change
Total return – 209.87%.
Type of listing – Premium (#4 rank).
Current status on the MNO monitor – Paying for 284 days
Investment plans (recommended plan marked in bold) – 1% to 4% variable daily until you reach 150% on your investment.
Payment processors accepted: PerfectMoney, Payza, Neteller, Payeer, BitCoin, AdvCash.
What you need to know:
Withdrawals are processed manually within a 48 hour maximum. Note that 1% is the guaranteed daily minimum you will get on your investment, while the maximum is determined by the size of your deposit – refer to the review on MNO for more details.
Why you might want to invest:
Almost ten months and a perfect performance, BandeiraCorp deserves all its praise from the MNO readers and me personally. There is no sign of a slowdown in payouts even despite the pre-Christmas season and even some occasional technical difficulties are dealt with by the talented admin who came to the HYIP industry in March to stay. Of course, even though the slow and gradual development of BandeiraCorp almost takes it off the danger zone list for the vital end of the year period, it will still take a better than usual effort to keep the program afloat during the next few weeks. I have nevertheless a certain level of confidence in this admin’s ability to see out this year and make his program even stronger in 2017.

#5  Razzleton (click here to read the full review) No Change
Total return – 181.45%.
Type of listing – Premium (#5 rank).
Current status on the MNO monitor – Paying for 40 days
Investment plans (recommended plan marked in bold) – 2.1% for 15 days, 2.3% for 30 days, 2.9% for 55 days (principal back), 150% after 15 business days, 500% after 20 business days, 300% after 30 business days, 1500% after 40 business days, 1000% after 60 business days, 5000% after 90 business days.
Payment processors accepted: PerfectMoney, Payeer, BitCoin, AdvCash, NixMoney, YandexMoney, Qiwi, Neteller.
What you need to know:
Withdrawals are processed within 48 hours. Note that the daily paying plans are counted in calendar days, while for the payment on expiry plans the term is in business days. I would personally not recommend investing in anything except daily paying plans in Razzleton due to increased risk.
Why you might want to invest:
Razzleton has been stalling over the last two weeks, but it’s not a bad sign, in my opinion. Despite the general slowdown in the industry, the program is still paying fine, however slower than usual. People are happy anyway, and with the major developments like the translation of the website into different languages and some contests might spark more interest from certain groups of investors despite the winter chill. All the previous long history of Razzleton lends a cautious optimism it might reach the New Year mark as well. Just remember to be sensible and invest only in the daily paying plans due to the program’s solid age and quite an unstable period the HYIP industry is currently in.

Now that we’re done with the most popular investment programs among my readers as of the time of writing, I’d like to ask your opinion on your own favorite from the list. Please take a few seconds of your time to vote in the below poll, while you can also see what your fellow investors think by clicking the Results tab.

What Is Your Favorite Program From The MNO Top Five?

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The latest language version added to the RightRise website was Portuguese. This will surely accommodate the demands of a huge audience, mostly from Brazil and Portugal, that will now be able surf and invest on the website in their own language. Portuguese has joined the already available English, Russian, German, Vietnamese, Japanese, Chinese, French, and Spanish translations, and I’m sure that with time more languages will be available. That alone will help thousands of potential investors to consider including RightRise paying 1% to 3% daily forever on a $30 minimum value share in their portfolios and will certainly play a positive role in the program’s further global expansion. Here’s the latest news from RightRise (reviewed here) as posted on the website:

Good day, our dear friends!
Everyone have become accustomed to the fact that we regularly add translations into world languages. Very often we began to receive requests for translation into Portuguese from the Brazil and Portugal clients. From now our website is available in that language too.
Now you can safely start inviting your friends from these beautiful countries!
Yours faithfully, RightRise team


I had no prior intention to scare Edelweiss5‘s investors off or rain on anyone’s parade today, but I simply cannot stay silent when a program is trying to scam my readers by hijacking the winter holidays as a lame excuse. I’m talking about a weird “holiday” period the administration of Edelweiss5 has rewarded itself for all the hard work they’ve been doing over the last year. There’s nothing wrong with that you might think, as some HYIPs do such things to reduce the cashflow strain over this season. However, it’s the very first time to my memory when a program announces a three week long holiday, keeps accepting new deposits during this period, and even credits investors’ accounts with regular daily profits. My first impression of the “holiday” update (which I believe is better called a “scamming” update) was not so negative, as I had the same thought and originally believed Edelweiss5 would just cut back the members’ interest by paying 0.5% per day for the next few weeks. Many programs would do the same. But this is the “scamming” part of the story – on the first day of the “holiday” – although members’ accounts get credited with 0.5% interest it stays there and cannot be withdrawn at all. Actually, the withdrawal button has been completely disabled as of today and regular automated daily payouts were not processed either, but (surprise surprise!) deposits were completely unaffected, and the admin even promised to pay referral commissions as usual. Well, this trick might work with some inexperienced monitors (or the greedy ones craving nothing but referral commissions and ready to sell their own mother for a buck), but it won’t work with MNO. For me the policy when a program deliberately disables any way to withdraw funds while keeping the deposit options intact constitutes a pending scam. There is a very slight possibility that the admin of Edelweiss5 would keep his promise and will resume payments after January 10 like he says in the following update, but the majority of the HYIP investors reading the MNO blog are grown-up adults who don’t believe in fairy tales:

The work of our company in the New Year’s holidays
Dear friends! Are close the most wonderful and long-awaited holidays – Christmas and New Year! This is the time when everyone is looking forward to New Year’s gifts, execution most cherished desires. In cities and countries all over the world come Christmas Spirit. Santa Claus begin to take to the streets everywhere, and everywhere you can see the the approach of holiday – on the glowing trees in garlands, in shop windows, churches, everywhere. During this remarkable period in the calendar provided little rest from work. This is an excellent opportunity to recuperate, to be fed with new energy and enthusiasm to get back to work. We also can not take advantage of such a great period for rest and 21st December 2016 to 10th January 2017 Company Edelweiss 5 goes to the planned vacation. During this time, the accrual on all deposits will be made of 0.5% on the day. Withdrawals will be resumed immediately after the holidays. However, the referral commission will be paid in a regular mode. Company Customer Service will work only on weekdays from 10 am to 5 pm (GMT + 1). We congratulate you on the upcoming holidays. We wish you prosperity and welfare, the successful development and professional growth in the coming 2017.

Having said that and having moved Edelweiss5 to Problem status on the MNO monitor, it would be totally unfair on my part not to give the program another chance to redeem itself (although it will be a very hard thing to do, provided the admin is still online by January 10). However, no one who reads MNO and is in his right mind would invest there under my link, as all problematic program links are automatically redirected to the MNO monitor, so people could see the real status and not throw your money away. Again, I might be wrong by saying it’s a total scam already which would not resume payouts in three weeks, but all my previous experience in the HYIP industry tells me Edelweiss5 is a scam. So please do not invest there any longer, and I will give you a shout in mid-January if anything changes in regards to payments from Edelweiss5 which I would be very pleased to report.


Although Payza is currently accepted by only two programs on the MNO monitor – Zinc7 and BandeiraCorp – I believe we’ll see more quality programs appearing in the new year that would choose to work with them. Really, any such rare program that gets Payza‘s approval is already cause for excitement among potential HYIP investors who rightfully put more trust in the admins working with that payment processor. Due to Payza‘s financial restrictions and strict verification of business account holders they have become a paradise for HYIP investors who usually get paid longer to Payza even when a HYIP scams and stands a chance to recoup at least some of their money in a dispute, and at the same time a nightmare for some HYIP admins who in many cases just give up if unable to fulfil all the necessary requirements to have their payment button approved. But did you know before today that not only payment buttons can be used for making deposits in the approved business accounts in a HYIP, but also the regular internet sales companies can use their shopping carts to make the shopping experience for their clients more relaxed and convenient. That is especially important when we talk of the traditionally busy Christmas and New Year sales, and Payza can be used for integrating shopping carts on any business website easy enough. How to do so? Read the latest blog post from Payza to find out more:

New Payza Resource Helps You Integrate Shopping Carts on Your Website
Find all the Shopping Carts that integrate with Payza in one convenient guide
There is a new resource in the Payza Reference Center that provides merchants with a list of all the shopping cart modules you can integrate on your website to help process Payza online payments. This software makes it easy for your customers to select multiple products on your website and then proceed to checkout.
Our new Shopping Cart Modules resource provides an overview of the most popular shopping cart software tools our members integrate within their online stores. We divide our list of shopping cart checkouts into two categories: Payza-supported Shopping Cart Modules and Third-Party Shopping carts.
What you’ll find in the guide
The first section lists the Supported Shopping Cart Modules and currently includes seven modules. Payza can assist you with integration support for all of these shopping carts. That means if you run into any issues integrating one of these shopping carts with your website, you can contact our Customer Support Team for assistance and they will be happy to help you.
For each supported cart, you will find a link to download the module, along with a brief description of the shopping cart.
The second section also lists shopping carts that can be integrated with Payza, however the modules for these carts must be downloaded directly from the shopping cart developer. They will still function with Payza and can be used to process Payza online payments, however, if you need assistance installing the module you will need to contact the developer directly, Payza Customer Support would not be able to assist you.
The links provided in this section will take you to the developer website where you can download the Payza integration module provided by he developer.
Let us know about other shopping carts
Have you designed an amazing shopping cart, software or platform that supports Payza? Do you know about a product you think we should include in our roster of business tools? Let us know by email at and we will share these tools with the Payza Business community.


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 72 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: –
From MNO Premium listZinc7RightRiseArdexFundsBandeiraCorp, RazzletonSoftmeetBitBeyondPetroleumMexeer.
From MNO Standard listPalmills.
From MNO Basic list: XaboDowerly.

That’s all from for blog tonight, guys. I hope you’re doing well and despite the Christmas preparations are also enjoying investing and earning in the biggest and most profitable opportunities you can only find in the HYIP industry. Actually, all the best investment programs can be seen on the MNO monitor and I’m sure that once the industry gets back to normal next year we will see more additions coming our way that will enable you to further diversify your investment portfolio. Meanwhile, enjoy your profits from the already well-established programs you can find on Paying status on the MNO monitor and see you all in a couple of days with more news!

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