Beware! CastleInvestment has stopped paying! Do not invest there!
Hello everybody! I hope you’re all keeping well after the weekend. This is already shaping up to be a very busy week on MNO, because as well as the regular news updates to get through I also have another brand new addition to my monitor’s Standard List. More about that in the news section, for now I want to focus on CastleInvestment. This is another brand new program that is very unconventional in its organization but in a good way I think. CastleInvestment offers a good deal of flexibility and choice compared to much of the competition as I shall try to explain, even though it may not look this way at first glance. So let’s get started and see if you like them or not.
There are two investment plans to choose from in CastleInvestment, called The Regular Plan and The Premium Plan. Both are short to medium term, but that’s where the similarity ends as they really are quite different. I’ll start with The Regular Plan as it’s the more conventional of the two and the easier to explain. Basically CastleInvestment require a $15 minimum to join. The term is 25 calendar days, about three and a half weeks, during which CastleInvestment are offering their members 6% interest per day. This adds up to 150% by the time the term comes to an end. With CastleInvestment including your principal as part of these payments, that’s your own money back plus 50% net profit. The same rules apply to all deposits regardless of size, up to the $50,000 maximum limit set by the CastleInvestment admin.
If we take a simple practical example to see how that might look in monetary terms then, let’s suppose you made a $100 deposit here. Every day for the following 25 days CastleInvestment should then return $6 to you. You reach the break-even point, that is to say earn back an amount equivalent to your initial investment therefore making it impossible to lose money, after 17 days. Everything you get from that point onwards is pure net profit, hopefully adding up to $150 in total on receipt of the final payment. CastleInvestment include your original hundred as part of the payments, so that’s $100 which belongs to you anyway plus $50 net profit as your reward for joining.
Things change quite a bit for the second plan. I don’t want to say The Premium Plan is any better or worse than The Regular Plan, but it will cost you a $250 minimum to join so its kinda aimed at the serious industry players. The term this time runs for 250 hours, or about ten and a half days. The significance of this obviously is that CastleInvestment are offering members hourly interest payments. The rate is 0.5% per hour, adding up to 12% each full day and 125% in total by the end of the term. Again CastleInvestment have included your principal as part of the payments, so it’s your own money back plus 25% net profit. The maximum investment allowed in this plan is capped at $25,000.
So let’s look at another simple example for this plan and say you made the minimum $250 investment. How would that work out? All things going according to plan, that should get you back $1.25 every hour for the plan’s duration. That adds up to $30 for each full day, and $312.50 in total by the end. So with CastleInvestment including your original $250 as part of that, you get $62.50 in net profit. The break-even point is after 200 hours, which is just over 8 days.
As you can see, both plans clearly have certain advantages and drawbacks over the other. Whereas The Regular Plan is ultimately the more profitable, it’s The Premium Plan that’s just that little bit safer, getting you to the break-even point faster and giving you more chance to claw back more of your investment should something go wrong before expiry. On the other hand CastleInvestment charge you a lot more money for this service, so I guess it’s really a case of each investor identifying his own priorities. Personally I’m in The Premium Plan, but professionally speaking that’s partially down to it making it easier for me to monitor CastleInvestment more accurately. It’s a personal matter of course but as long as you can comfortably afford the $250 it’s also the plan I’d recommend for you. Reason being that over two cycles you can get the same profit in a faster time than just one cycle of The Regular Plan. If the money is an issue for you however and you are on a tighter budget then best play it safe.
If either of those two plans appeals to you then the next thing you will need to know is what are your payment options. Well, first of all I should just point out that, even if this is going to be obvious to most experienced players, at the core of any program offering hourly payments as CastleInvestment does is instant payouts. The minimum withdrawal is $1 so smaller investors please take note, but as long as you have that amount just log in to your CastleInvestment account area, place your withdrawal request, and the money should be with you in under a minute. As for the actual payment handlers themselves, it’s an acceptable if somewhat predictable list with PerfectMoney, Payeer, and AdvCash as the more conventional style service providers, and BitCoin for those who prefer direct transactions without needing to go through exchangers.
If we take a look at the CastleInvestment site from a more technical point of view, a lot of regular HYIP industry players will spot that it’s running off a licensed script from GoldCoders. This has been an ever popular choice among both HYIP admins and investors alike for many years now, and with good reason. It’s a dependable product, and generally unless it gets over modified is always easy to navigate and customer friendly. CastleInvestment is hosted on a dedicated server by DDoSGuard, one the leaders in the HYIP industry, who are also providing protection from DDoS attacks should any occur. A superior Green Bar Extended Validation certificate issued by Comodo is also there to guarantee a secure connection for safer browsing and transactions. You’ll also notice an introductory video as well giving some background information on the CastleInvestment home page. This has also been embedded on the MNOVision page so you can watch it there too.
Any further questions for the CastleInvestment admin? If there’s anything you think I might have missed out on in this review or any account related issues you need to have dealt with then there’s a couple of ways to get in touch. The first stop for information is always the FAQ page of course, so naturally you need to check that out before pursuing anything else. CastleInvestment have a built-in Live Chat widget which you’ll notice at the bottom right hand corner of the page. It’s not a 24/7 service, but check it first before composing any lengthy e-mails as if there’s an operator online they might be able to help you out in real time. If that doesn’t help matters then you can get in touch by either filling in your details on the online support form and submitting it through the CastleInvestment website, or by simply e-mailing them directly yourself at one of the listed addresses there. A postal address in the UK where CastleInvestment claim registration can of course safely be ignored as no more than a virtual hosted office at best and not where you would find anyone connected with the program physically located. Of more practical use to most online investors anyway would be the likes of social media profiles where you can find CastleInvestment on Facebook, plus using Skype as a Live Chat alternative.
On the business side of things, just in case anyone is interested, CastleInvestment claim to be involved with the trading of crypto-currencies. OK, not exactly a first for the HYIP industry and as usual there’s not a great deal of evidence on hand that you can independently research. And again just for the sake of newbies, remember that even if any of this turned out to be true then there still isn’t anything that can guarantee it ever necessarily has to be profitable. Best use some common sense then as you should with anything you find in the HYIP industry, and treat it as a form of high risk gambling. Set yourself a sensible spending limit that you can comfortably afford to lose if things go wrong, and easily recoup from other income sources. And if joining CastleInvestment at all then make more effective use of them by keeping it part of a wider more diverse portfolio.
If you are already familiar with CastleInvestment then or have already made a decision on what you think of them, I hope you won’t mind sharing your thoughts with your fellow readers. I would appreciate it if you would please take a second to answer the following opinion poll, and remember it will be completely 100% anonymous at all times. I think it will be extremely interesting to refer back to in the coming weeks and months once the degree of success obtained by CastleInvestment becomes apparent. The question is:

I want to start by introducing a program called CryptoSolutions which was added to the Standard List on MNO over the weekend. By no means a new site, it’s been officially online since April 2016, but it’s all smoke and mirrors to distract investors from the simple fact that CryptoSolutions is a classic case of a “sleeper” – a program deliberately launched with next to no design and unappealing investment plans with a simple idea of building a good reputation over many months in hibernation mode. That’s just what CryptoSolutions did for the first year online and just a week ago changed investment plans as well to make them look as they are now, with the website design has probably improved as well. The current investment plans are outlined in the latest news update, so I guess it will just save me time if you read the newsletter below before moving on to the other details:
“Updating of the investment offers.
Dear visitors and clients of the CryptoSolutions PTY Limited company.
Our management together with an investment and financial experts have developed the new concept of investing, which has found its reflection in the company’s new investment offers which are available now to our clients in full volume.
To study in more detail our new investing concept and new investment solutions you can read it right here.
Crypto 1 1.5% Daily For 30 Days, investment amount from $10 to $1000; referral reward is 6%
Crypto 2 200% After 7 Days, investment amount from $10 to $100000; referral reward is 2%
Crypto 3 500% After 15 Days, investment amount from $10 to $100000; referral reward is 3%
Crypto 4 1100% After 30 Days, investment amount from $10 to $100000; referral reward is 7%
Crypto 5 2000% After 50 Days, investment amount from $10 to $100000; referral reward is 9%
Crypto 6 3000% After 75 Days, investment amount from $10 to $100000; referral reward is 10%
Special Offer 5000% After 100 Days, investment amount from $200 to $2000; referral reward is 15%
VIP FOR ADVANCED 1000% After 25 Days, Investment amount from $50000 to $100000; referral reward is 10%
We pay your attention to that fact, that the amount of partner reward which has been provided advantage for deposits of your referrals according to the new investing concept, has received differentiation depending on of what investment offer has made the deposit your this or that referral.
We steadily develops and we give the chance to develop to our clients together with us.
Use the new opportunities to the fullest today and start to get even more profit with our company together.”
Although the investment plans described in this newsletter are not that far from reality there are some important omissions I should clarify. First, there are actually two daily paying plans both with a $10 minimum to invest, but for different investment terms – 30 calendar days or 500 calendar days. You can choose between those two if you prefer daily payouts and wouldn’t like to risk losing the whole principal, as with the other investment plans from CryptoSolutions paying once on expiry. These plans have many variations and your profit will depend on the amount you spend, apart from the two ridiculously high-paying plans to be avoided offering 5,000% after 100 calendar days and 1,000% after 25 calendar days. So, all the other plans you can choose from start from a $10 minimum pay 111%-207% after 7 days, 125%-500% after 15 days, 155%-1100% after 30 days, 200%-2000% after 50 days, 300%-3000% after 75 days. You see, there is quite a lot of choice, but all paying once on expiry plans are a matter of taste and won’t appeal to a wider range of investors. That’s why CryptoSolutions need the claim of successfully running for over a year – to attract larger funds (which may or may not happen – remains to be seen). There’s a standard list of accepted currencies with PerfectMoney, Payeer, BitCoin, and AdvCash are all accepted. Withdrawals from your account have to be requested and are paid manually within 12 hours, though the administration does reserve the right to extend this timeframe to 48 hours in some exceptional cases. My first payment was processed yesterday within a few hours, so I guess they will stick to the schedule, at least over the first stages of growth after the re-design.
When it comes to the security I must say the admin of CryptoSolutions doesn’t cut corners. He opted for SSL EV certificate and hosting on a dedicated and DDoS-protected server from Koddos. The domain name is registered for five years in advance and the site itself runs off a licensed GoldCoders script which will give a familiar look to experienced investors. However the standard of English is poor with lots of grammar mistakes on the website which is kind of weird for a company claiming to be registered in Australia. Well, anyway, there is a certificate on display, but nothing indicating that it’s anything other than to make investors feel safer than they should. In any case, some proper pages from the website even contains “borrowed” texts from the H&M chain of clothing stores website, so I would suggest just treating it as the regular HYIP that it is. That doesn’t mean you can’t profit from CryptoSolutions, just use your head and common sense and invest in more reasonable investment plans, which I will try to identify in the upcoming review of the program to be posted on MNO by the end of the week.
Payza has become a multi-national global payment solution that seems to have penetrated even the most remote corners of the world. Being at the forefront of the payment processor industry it’s no surprise that Payza has become the first one to fully embrace BitCoin and other so-called altcoins allowing verified members to take full advantage of funding and withdrawing money via Payza. Apart from BitCoin the main advantages of using Payza for investing in HYIPs are the low fees for funding and withdrawing money from your Payza account using BitCoin, bank wires and transfers, and even credit cards. No third party handlers need be involved if you don’t want them, and there are so many options unheard of in other payment processors. No wonder then that Payza remains the currency of choice for experienced investors, especially considering the option to file a dispute in case of a scam. At the moment three programs on MNO use Payza – BandeiraCorp (reviewed here), TrafficHeap (reviewed here), and LaserOnline (reviewed here). It’s no coincidence they are all included in the current Top Five most popular programs on MNO list (click here to vote for your favourite). I’d certainly like to encourage more HYIP admins to take payments by Payza on board and reach a totally different level when it comes to investments. I know most admins might find the whole verification process for approval of a Payza payment button tiresome and complicated, but it’s definitely worth it to attract bigger spending players. By the way, just recently an interview with the Payza CEO was published and can be also be viewed on the Business Reporter website here. Below are some excerpts from it if you don’t have time to watch the full video version:
“Interview at Telegraph Studios with Payza CEO, Firoz Patel
Business Reporter has an exclusive interview with Payza EVP (now CEO) Firoz Patel about e-commerce and the future of payments. Patel spoke to Alastair Greener at the Telegraph Studios for Business Reporter’s Future of Payments campaign.
From the interview: Patel has an “expertise in opening and developing new markets, especially in countries with emerging economies” which gives him a “unique insight into the challenges facing these populations.”
Today, Patel states, many developing countries are experiencing an “economic revitalisation” as it’s time to put the old aside and make room for the new. Lately there has been more focus on empowering local communities and to get business owners to participate in the digital economy, and many are now realising that it’s time to “join the global marketplace”.
However, according to Patel there is a challenge in “providing local tools that are compatible with international payment networks”. Payza is proud to be a global online payment processor that provides ways to facilitate international payment. Payza partners with local financial institutions and works with regulators to “facilitate payments between local customers and cross-border merchants.”
“Payza blends traditional payment options, such as credit cards and bank accounts, with new technologies such as mobile money and cryptocurrencies.” People are today looking for faster and easier methods of payments and Payza is pleased to say that one of our top priorities is to provide exactly this to our customers. “With more variety of payments systems coming on the market, it’s becoming very cumbersome for people to have or maintain many different facilities. They just want something more like a one-stop shop”, says Firoz Patel.
Watch the interview and read the full article on the Telegraph website: Payza’s Firoz Patel on e-commerce and the future of payments.”
Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 60 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: –
From MNO Premium list: TrafficHeap, FexFund, LaserOnline,
BandeiraCorp, FatFunds, AurumBank, CastleInvestment,
ControlFinance, AlpexTrade, RolyInvestment, FxLTD (the first payments received).
From MNO Standard list: Ykke, CryptoSolutions (the first payments received).
From MNO Basic list: CryptoGolden.
That’s it for today. I’ll be back on Wednesday with a full review of FxLTD that has been already moved to Paying status on the MNO monitor. I’ll also have any important news updates that you will need to be aware of. You wouldn’t want to miss anything important, would you? Then simply follow MNO on Telegram, Facebook, or Twitter for the latest updates or subscribe to the daily news here to receive all the news to your email address on a regular basis. Make yourself heard by voting on the importance of multi-lingual translations in HYIP websites on the MNO TalkBack page, as the results will be drawn at the end of the week. It’s too close to call now as every opinion seems to be getting an almost equal amount of votes – click here to vote. See you soon on MNO – For Money Lovers!
Filed under Daily News, Reviews by on Jul 17th, 2017. Comment.
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