Jul 23rd, 2017 Archives

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Beware! Bit2Moon has stopped paying! Do not invest there!

Hello all! I hope the weekend has been going well for you all so far. Not a great deal of news to report so far today, about average for a Sunday in the height of the summer I guess. Suits me fine anyway, I’m just sitting back and enjoying the train ride to Aachen in Germany where I’ll be spending the next couple of days from my own summer vacation before moving south to The Black Forest. I’ll take advantage of the free time plus the peace and quiet of the journey to get some work done, always one of my favourite things about international railway travel in Europe. So, the main focus of today’s article is a new program to the MNO Standard List called Bit2Moon. This is a BitCoin only program with an open-ended perpetual style term, that is to say once you join Bit2Moon they will continue paying you for how ever long you choose to remain a member. And when I say “choose” to remain a member, that’s the crucial point. Because unlike a lot of other perpetual programs Bit2Moon allows members to claim back their principal and leave when they want. I’ll explain how all that works as we go, first let’s just stick to the basics and see if you think you might have room for Bit2Moon in your portfolios.
Starting as usual with the investment plans, this part is pretty easy. Bit2Moon only have one, so you either like it or you don’t. As I said already, this is a BitCoin only program, so that’s how I’m going to describe the plans. Using dollars would be pointless, as not only would the exchange rates be obsolete by the time you read this review, the information wouldn’t really be fair or accurate in the first place anyway. However as I do understand a lot of people are more accustomed to “thinking in dollars” rather than BitCoin, I’ll just point out that the current exchange rate at the time of writing is that one BTC is just short of $2,700, and the minimum cost of joining Bit2Moon is 0.001BTC or just over $2.50. Please don’t take those figures as “official” by any means, they’re just a rough template to give a very broad idea of what you might make from Bit2Moon. You’d really have to check the exchange rates yourself from day to day for a more accurate picture.

As long as that’s clear then, like I said Bit2Moon require a minimum investment of 0.001BTC to join. Interest payments are then calculated by the hour. The rate being offered is 0.1% per hour. This continues for an open-ended term, i.e. no expiry date. You are free to withdraw your earnings as often as you like, even every hour as you earn them if that’s what you want. It’s basically just a question of personal strategy then regarding what you are looking for from Bit2Moon. As a monitor I have both a personal and professional interest in remaining a member of the program until it eventually collapses, that may or may not be what you are looking for from it though. Just to give an idea of what you can potentially earn from Bit2Moon by remaining a member, hourly payments can ultimately bring you 2.4% profit per day, 16.8% profit per week, or longer term 72% profit per month. Very achievable figures there in HYIP terms, though all depending on a consistent inflow of cash and not too many investors all asking for their principals back on the same day. If that scenario can be maintained, Bit2Moon could have quite a successful run, though of course the key word here is of course “if”. Just do your own calculations depending on what it is you are hoping to take from the program to get an idea of what your own personal timeline might be, because there are literally as many possible strategies as there are potential investors.

Payment options we already know – it’s BitCoin only and unlikely to change. So let’s instead take a moment to discuss the investment and withdrawal process in Bit2Moon. Joining is quite a simple matter, just visit the Bit2Moon homepage, hit the big red “launch” button, and follow the instructions from there. This will allow you to either register a new account or sign-in to your existing one if you are already a member. To make your first investment just send the amount you wish to spend via BTC, wait for the payment to be confirmed in Blockchain, and is then in your Bit2Moon account. You can then choose to set your own compounding level by sliding the little scale you will see in the middle of the screen forwards and back to set the right amount for you.

Interest payouts should be instant, something you would of course expect to be the everyday norm when it comes to any program offering hourly interest payments. They’re not exactly instant in the normal sense, given that Bit2Moon has to connect to the Blockchain network which can take a few minutes, but once the request is submitted everything should then proceed quite quickly. Just be aware that there’s a minimum withdrawal policy in place of 0.0001 BTC so smaller spending investors please take note. A full list of deposits and withdrawals are available to view in real time on the Bit2Moon Stats page.

The only time where this procedure changes slightly is when it comes to the return of your principal. Your allowed to withdraw this in full with the subtraction of a 5% fee by the admin. So remember that’s 5% taken from your profits, so it won’t be until into the third day that you have earned a profit that you will actually get to keep. So when you are ready to leave, log in to your Bit2Moon members area and look for the button marked “overview” on the left side of the page to look at your main back office/account area. There you will see the button “release deposit” which you need to click. For security reasons all this button will do is send an automated e-mail to the address you used when joining. This e-mail contains an activation link which you will need to click in order to release your deposit. This by itself does not actually pay you by the way, it simply releases your deposit into your Bit2Moon account. From there you just make a regular withdrawal as always, and remember that it will be 5% less than what you initially invested. As you’re allowed to request your principal back at any time, keep an eye on the current BitCoin exchange rate, so it might be possible for you to withdraw some extra added USD value on your invested BTC if the rate improves.

Moving on now to some of the more technical aspects of the Bit2Moon website, simply put I can only say that it looks as good as anything else around at the moment. Certainly at least the equal of the majority of the programs out there competing for your money anyway, and better than many. The website is secured by a superior Green Bar SSL-certificate from Comodo to allow for safer browsing of Bit2Moon and more secure transactions. I see that Bit2Moon is hosted on a dedicated server with tech support and protection from any malicious attacks provided by DDoS-Guard whose reputation in the industry is fairly well established by now. What really catches the eye right from the first visit though is the script. It’s unique and custom made especially for the program’s individual needs. As you can see from the review so far and probably if you’ve spent any time on the Bit2Moon website, there’s nothing complicated about the program so as you can imagine navigating the website and managing your account is all very simple and straight forward as well. Bit2Moon is even incorporated in the UK which doesn’t resolve the issue of trust as it’s an easy thing to do without any questions being asked, but at least gives the program a facade of respectability for newbies, and who knows, might even help the cash flow. It doesn’t hurt the program anyway.

If you have any further questions for the Bit2Moon admin that you think I missed in this review or any account related issues you need to have dealt with, the main point of contact is the online support form. Fill in your details on the website’s contacts page and submit. Just make sure you give a thorough read of the FAQ page first before composing any lengthy messages. There’s a postal address that goes with the company registration in the UK, which as always I suggest you ignore as a virtual hosted workspace and not where you will find anyone connected with Bit2Moon physically located.

Officially their line of business is described as trading in cryptocurrencies. “Taking BitCoin to the moon” to quote the texts. As with every other online HYIP this isn’t anything you can independently research and verify for yourself, and even if it were true it still can’t guarantee it always has to be profitable. But as most of you know what you are doing and are OK with the risk you take in this industry then I can only remind you to be sensible. Spend an amount you can comfortably afford to lose and easily earn back from other income sources, and if joining Bit2Moon then do try and keep them as a smaller part of a wider more diverse portfolio.

Just before we leave Bit2Moon for today and move on to the news section I hope you won’t mind sharing your own thoughts on the program, if you have any, with your fellow MNO readers. Please give your own first impression of the program by answering the following opinion poll, which hopefully will show more interesting results later in the coming weeks as Bit2Moon grows and develops into something more substantial than what we see today. So:

Will you make an active deposit in Bit2Moon?

View Results

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Investors are definitely enjoying the recently introduced fully automated payouts from CastleInvestment when you don’t even need to login into your account to get paid from the 6% for 25 days or 0.5% hourly for 250 hours plans. It’s especially convenient if like myself you joined the hourly paying plan which just completed its first investment cycle earlier today, but even in the daily paying plan it should be appreciated. Even with fully automated payouts sent directly to your PerfectMoney, Payeer, AdvCash, and BitCoin accounts you still need to treat CastleInvestment as a regular HYIP with all the usual risks and possible rewards. So although the latest newsletter from the admin contains a link to a trading report that doesn’t mean that CastleInvestment will run forever. It will eventually fold just like every other program, but for now just enjoy the ride. CastleInvestment was reviewed first here:

CFIL Trade Report (17 JULY – 22 JULY) !!
Hello. Wonderful greetings from CFIL.
First of all, We want to thank you for being part of the CFIL and Today we are very glad because people are liking CFIL and joining it.
Now We are sharing the weekly trading report of CFIL, Please click the link given below:- http://docdro.id/Kcq5cIx
Our business will continue being in good because of our loyal and supportive members.
Keep moving forward with CFIL. !!
Your feedback is very important for us !!
**Please share your experience with everyone and post your payments proofs in social media like Facebook groups and Twitters..!!
Like CFIL Facebook Page:- https://www.facebook.com/CastleFinancialInvestment
Join CFIL official Facebook Group & share your reviews:- https://www.facebook.com/groups/castlefinancial/
**If you have any questions or issues, then you can contact us through livechat, facebook chat, skype chat or support mail..


With about a dozen language versions added already, ControlFinance is undoubtedly a champion when it comes to targeting the international markets. The latest version was a professional translation to Japanese which the admin explained in a newsletter earlier today:

News – Our website is available in Japanese.
Hello. Our website materials are now available in Japanese. Cryptocurrencies are spreading geographically as more and more countries are legalizing the Bitcoin. We are following this trend and we try to give every customer easy access to information.

ControlFinance (reviewed here) remains the only program on the MNO monitor where not only will your withdrawal requests be processed instantly, but you also have an option to be paid to a different e-currency than the one you joined with. That can be done with no fees in the internal exchanger in your ControlFinance member’s area. The program has been online for almost two months now and accepts PerfectMoney, Payeer, BitCoin, and AdvCash while paying a 1% to 1.5% fixed daily return for an unlimited term and no option to withdraw your principal. So, it will still take some time before we see the first members of ControlFinance in the profit zone, and if it survives until autumn has a good chance to grow and attract more investors.


Staying broadly on the subject of new language versions of ControlFinance, I was wondering how much importance investors attach to this. That was the question in the last MNO TalkBack opinion poll, specifically “How important are multilingual website translations in HYIPs?” The majority of my readers voted “They are very important for attracting more members from various countries” as voiced by 46% of you. This may very well hope to promote a program in new markets with fewer English speakers, attract more funds and eventually make the program more competitive. However, the next two answers were split with 27% of the vote each going to “They are not important to members, but will still get money for admins” and “They are not important at all and will not influence program’s lifespan”. That point of view is held by many who may not necessarily believe in the admin’s best intentions. Some HYIP admins sometime claim to have multiple translations when in reality all they have is a Google translator widget which quite frankly is rubbish. So, any such claims of adding more languages to the websites should be treated with a pinch of salt, but as so many programs are doing it, it should be of some kind of importance when it comes to HYIP investors, or HYIP admins themselves.

The next question I want to ask on MNO TalkBack is about the general state of things in the HYIP industry at the moment. I don’t know about you, but I myself have clearly noticed a surge in investment activity over the last few weeks, compared to previous months which were very slow. I believe that the HYIP industry is in the early stage of recovery now, but I would like to hear your opinions on the subject as well and see if they coincide with my own. So, here’s the new question and possible answers on the MNO TalkBack page which you can vote in over the next week:

In your opinion, over the last few weeks things in the HYIP industry:
– Got better.
– Stayed the same.
– Got worse.

As usual, thanks in advance for your votes and the final results will be drawn in about a week or so.


Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 60 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: –
From MNO Premium list: TrafficHeapLaserOnlineFexFund,
From MNO Standard list: Bit2MoonYkke.
From MNO Basic list: InvestellectCryptoGolden.

That’s it for tonight, guys. I’ll probably skip posting tomorrow as I’m going to explore Aachen and surrounding countryside where you can walk between three different countries – Belgium, Germany, and Netherlands – at the same time. I’ll still keep you updated on the latest events in the HYIP industry, so keep your eyes peeled for any possible status changes or new additions to the MNO monitor – the most expensive monitor in the HYIP industry for a reason – to weed out fast scams and concentrate on the promotion of only the most elite programs from experienced administrators. I’ll stick to my policy of fewer but better programs, and the recent two weeks with no scams just proves me right about this. In order not to miss anything important please subscribe to the MNO daily news here, or follow MNO on Telegram, Facebook, or Twitter where all the important updates are always posted and much quicker than on other similar resources. After all, being the most reputable HYIP blog and monitor online with over ten years experience in the field is something I can share. Have a nice week ahead and talk to you all in a couple of days! MNO – For Money Lovers!

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