Beware! Respectativa has stopped paying! Do not invest there!
Hi everyone! I know it’s not expected that many people feel so cheery on a Monday morning, but I just can’t help myself today. I hope it’s as nice a day where you are as it is for me on the early morning train to the Black Forest city of Freiburg where my summer vacation continues for a few days. Watching the vineyards and the medieval castles in the forested hill tops along the river Rhine from the train window on a sunny morning is as entertaining as anything I’ve seen on Netflix. It’s more than just that however, it’s also been a bright start to the new business week with all the programs on the MNO monitor still performing well and a hugely promising new addition. It’s a Standard listed program called Respectativa, and it’s gotten off to an excellent start. No surprise really, from the feedback I’ve been getting from readers it seems an almost universal conclusion from experienced investors that Respectativa looks a promising and enticing program for sure, and most likely organized by an admin who knows what he’s doing. The litmus test for me as a monitor though is do I see a good mix of realistic profitability with sustainability in the program’s investment plans, and with Respectativa I would have to say yes. In the hands of the right professional (always an unknown quantity in the HYIP industry!) there’s every chance of this one going for several cycles. So let’s take a look at some of the finer points and see if you think there might be some room for Respectativa in your own portfolios.
So, where to begin? The investment plans are usually a good start I guess, that’s probably the main thing that interests you about the program. Respectativa have two classic style plans, short/mid term, with one making daily interest payments and the other making a single payment on expiry. Both are quite affordable to join, and both have certain advantages over each other. I’ll start with the daily payments option as I know from experience it will almost certainly prove the more popular, but remember there’s nothing to stop you from splitting your investment between both of Respectativa‘s plans if you feel so inclined. Before I get to the numbers though there is one very important point you need to be clear about in Respectativa before going any further. The investment plans appear to be designed to help the program last and maintain slow and steady growth over a long period of time. They are not however as profitable as you might think at first glance. This is because you have to pay a 2% withdrawal fee which is automatically deducted from every single request you make, but might nevertheless be sustainable for the long term. Do keep this in mind when deciding whether to join the program or not.
The Moon Plan as it’s so colorfully named runs for a term of 12 calendar days and will set you back a minimum of just $25 to join. Interest rates will depend on the size of your principal, however most of you will fall into the first category. Respectativa are offering 12% per calendar day to anyone investing up to a $5,000 maximum. That adds up to 144% in total by the time the term comes to an end. With Respectativa including your principal as part of those payments, it’s your own money back plus 44% net profit.
To put that into simple monetary terms then, let’s say you want to join this plan with a $100 deposit. You should expect Respectativa to repay you $12 each day for the following 12 days. That allows you to earn back your own initial hundred after nine days (i.e. you break even) and complete the term with $144, or $44 net profit including your principal. As with most HYIPs Respectativa will naturally try to entice bigger amounts of money from you with higher interest rates. For the record then the rate goes up to 12.5% per day for deposits between $5,001 and $10,000 (giving a net profit of 50%) and 13% daily if you invest from $10,001 to $100,000 (56% net profit).
Keeping up the adventurous theme, Respectativa‘s other option is called The Jupiter Plan. It’s a shorter term plan this time, with a running time of just 7 calendar days. You can join for just $10 this time, the main difference being the admin offers just one single payout to investors on expiry. All deposits up to an upper limit of $2,500 are paid 118% back on expiry, principal included, or 18% net profit. So for example let’s say the same $100 investment here would get you back $118 on expiry, or $18 net profit for joining Respectativa plus your own initial hundred which was yours to begin with. So we can see here the pros of this plan is that it allows you to profit a lot faster, the cons are that the profit is smaller and you take an additional risk by not making daily withdrawals. The choice is yours based on what your own strategy and priorities. For the record, Respectativa are offering slightly more competitive rates of 120% on expiry if you are spending between $2,501 and $5,000, and 122% on expiry if your deposit is between $5,000 and a maximum limit of $50,000.
The plans are OK as you can see, longer term industry players will have seen similar used many times over the years in the industry to some degree of success so that much isn’t really for much debate. Where Respectativa trumps the competition though is in the extensive choice of payment methods available for investors. Not only do they work with such anonymous payment processors as PerfectMoney, Payeer, and AdvCash if you still prefer the more conventional third party payment handlers, they also take popular digital currencies like BitCoin, LiteCoin, Ethereum, and Ethereum Classic if you would rather bypass those in favour of direct payments and withdrawals. But the most impressive option is undoubtedly Payza which is not very common when it comes to HYIPs, but is always a welcome sign for experienced investors and usually attracts more attention from bigger spending players. Withdrawal requests are handled manually by the admin and so will have to be submitted from inside your Respectativa members account area. Once done you will then be required to allow anything up to a further 24 hours for all transactions to be completed.
Moving on now to some of the more technical aspects of the Respectativa website such as design and account security, everything seems up to a more than acceptable standard and no corners were cut. First of all the script will be recognizable to most regular industry players. It’s under licence from GoldCoders so as you might expect comes with all the hallmark features we’ve come to expect, with a user friendly interface and always easy to navigate. Stats from the most recent customer payouts can be viewed on the Respectativa home page. For an additional layer of protection for members accounts the Respectativa website is further secured by a superior Green Bar Extended Validation SSL certificate by GeoTrust for safer browsing and transactions. Furthermore Respectativa is protected from possible malicious attacks by DDoSGuard who keep the site on a dedicated server. And finally the program’s domain name is registered for five years in advance – not a difficult or an expensive thing to do, but undoubtedly showing the admin’s experience in the field.
Any further questions for the admin or account related issues should first be checked on the Respectativa FAQ page. It’s quite extensive and might help to clear up many of your questions without the need to resort to support tickets. If that doesn’t clear things up for you there are a number of other options. Mainly these are either to contact the Respectativa admin directly via the listed e-mail address, or to simply fill in your details on the online customer support form and submit it through the website’s contact page. There’s a postal address in the UK which, as always, I suggest you ignore as it’s unlikely to be much more than a virtual serviced office for registration purposes. You can try the accompanying telephone number if you wish though, if you expect someone may actually answer you. Maybe of more practical use to most of you are the social media profiles, where you can find Respectativa on Facebook and Twitter. I believe a regional representative program is also in the pipeline, so get in touch with the Respetativa admin if this is something that might be of interest to you.
That covers just about everything for now I think. Just in case anyone is still interested in such things, for the record Respectativa claims various business interests in such fields as, and I’m quoting them directly here, “cryptocurrencies, stocks and shares, real estate, and startups”. Experienced investors of course know all about this and won’t pay it much attention to begin with. But for the benefit of anyone new to the world of HYIPs and thinking there might be some substance to these claims, let me just remind you that even if a word of this was true it still can’t possibly guarantee profitability or even the safety of your deposit. So remember to follow the most basic rules of personal safety in the HYIP industry at all times, which are to consider all investments as a form of high risk gambling, always stay within a sensible spending limit you can afford to lose and comfortably earn back from other income sources if things go wrong, and if joining Respectativa at all then try and keep them as a smaller part of a wider more diverse portfolio.
So, if you’ve had a chance to think it over and have made any decisions regarding Respectativa, I hope you won’t mind sharing your thoughts with your fellow MNO readers. Is this a program that appeals to you, or maybe you have a more “take it or leave it” attitude? Please take a moment to vote in the following poll, which remember is at all times anonymous and untraceable. I think the results will prove more interesting later on as we see how the program develops, showing not just how many people had the correct gut instinct to play or pass, but also does Respectativa meet the standards investors demand of admins before committing to join. The question is:

No one can deny the fact that LaserOnline (reviewed here) is currently one of the most popular programs on MNO, growing at laser speed if you will. And not without good reason – all the withdrawals from the only investment plan paying 12% for 12 business days are processed automatically by the script at the exact moment the countdown timer reaches zero. The new invention made possible by LaserOnline running off a totally custom-made script has found fans among investors who know exactly when they’re going to be paid to their Payza, PerfectMoney, Payeer, BitCoin, or AdvCash accounts. By the way, the minimum to invest in LaserOnline is a very affordable $50 for Payza investors and $5 for any other anonymous processors, so you don’t need to break the bank in order to try your luck like so many other experienced investors did already. I must say that all those who joined LaserOnline at the start when it appeared on MNO immediately after its official launch exactly a month ago have taken back a 44% net profit on their investments and if they reinvested their money or chose to go for a second cycle it was possible for them to double their money already. The success of LaserOnline among MNO readers and the positive response has been nothing short of phenomenal so far and I know that the high pace the program has been growing at will help the admin to maintain stable timely payouts and to ensure its long-term success in the HYIP industry overall where LaserOnline is fast emerging as a possible leader.
Another secret of the program’s runaway success is its talented development team, constantly working on ways to improve the customer experience. For instance, most recently we have seen a fully mobile-friendly version of the website which from now on will ensure a better browsing experience for those accessing LaserOnline from mobile phones and tablets. Another small but noteworthy improvement is the ability to see the balances available on each payment processor directly from the main page in your member’s area. And I’m sure there are many other such small things that are in constant development and will be announced in due course to help members. After all, only a program that can adapt and improve has the best chance advance. And it’s absolutely no surprise for me personally that the total amount of deposits in LaserOnline is now approaching an incredible $900K. After all, from MNO alone several thousand dollars has been invested and even more withdrawn. I have even become an official representative of LaserOnline for the UK where I permanently reside – something which I don’t normally do to keep my impartial and unbiased views, but I made an exception this once.
One of the major topics in the latest newsletter from LaserOnline is the speculation surrounding BitCoin and what may or may not happen it tomorrow. The admin ensured everyone that unlike many other HYIPs taking a more cautious approach and suspending operations with BitCoin for some time, LaserOnline investors would not have any issues or delays in that regard with both deposits and withdrawals proceeding as usual. Of course, to make sure everything is back to normal with BitCoin you can always keep your money in LaserOnline and make a reinvestment instead of taking the money out which holds quite a bit of uncertainty at the moment. One thing I believe has to be mentioned – LaserOnline is an exemplary example of the HYIP industry bringing profits to thousands of happy investors during the first month online. I hope it continues into August and beyond as well:
Hello, to all the LaserOnline fans around the globe!
We are gearing up! You heard that right! with constant updates, impressive feedback and our developer’s countless hours being spend wisely on some amazing tech advancement at LaserOnline. We are glad to be able to connect with such a supportive and mature audience that helps us daily to make this platform a better place than ever. We are constantly working with all of your requests and publishing a weekly newsletter block every week – #Laser_Statistic! so it is here as always. We are absolutely sure that our platform statistic report will become massive in numbers in coming time and as it is timely proven if you simply compare our first week statistics to this latest ones, and results are truly staggering! however till now we have a little less than a million dollars in deposits, to be specific numerically $855,628.84 dollars deposited and over 3149 platform users within just 4 weeks! less than a month in fact and It is very important for all the participants to see and share the native results of our community. Current total worth of Bitcoin Secure Fund is up to $129,210.21. Learn more about BSF at FAQ
Speaking about the Bitcoin buzz, remember the heated Hard Fork debates that took place two months ago? They’re going on again and the countdown to the Soft fork has been launched and with concern towards same, we received many requests from users about the clarification on this matter. So, let’s get straight to it without further ado,
Q: Is there any danger or any hurdles for LO platform users while Bitcoin network upgrades?
A: Not really, unlike the most Bitcoin based or affiliated platforms, we’re not going to suspend any Bitcoin deposit and withdrawals. You are however, free to choose whether you want to request a withdrawal or keep it into your LaserOnline desktop available funds (tips: reinvestment is a great option) in this meantime.
We can strongly assure and confirm that our users are absolutely safe in this network incremental (Fork or not – vice versa) process and our Platform wouldn’t take any actions before assuring our total consistency. Our platform transactions will furnish smoothly and, regardless of anything will not affect any of our users or their accounts in any other way. Please be rest assured as you are dealing with one of world’s best in class and top inline management team, i.e. LaserOnline Platform!
It’s time for YOU to live the life you dream. Stay laser-focused on your financial success with LaserOnline Always!
#Laser_Statistic #laseronline #bitcoin #laser_technology #ethereum #litecoin #dashcoin #crytpcurrency #invest#income
Get started with LaserOnline today!
Find LaserOnline at social media:
Having questions or doubts? Visit our extensive FAQ section:”.
While the admin of LaserOnline assured investors that any upcoming BitCoin forks or other events wouldn’t affect deposits or withdrawals, other programs working exclusively with BitCoin (take RolyInvestment for instance) cannot be so sure. Fearing being somehow negatively affected by the upcoming event that will take place in BitCoin tomorrow the administration of RolyInvestment made a decision to suspend all operations including account interest crediting, deposits, and withdrawals for two days. Work is expected to resume on August 2nd, and meanwhile investors are asked and advised to remain patient and wait for the outcome of Segwit2x. Hopefully, it won’t affect anything too badly and the active members of RolyInvestment will keep enjoying their monthly variable 21% to 35% profits in a couple of days once again. I’ll keep an eye on the situation meanwhile and will keep Paying status on the MNO monitor, as new deposits cannot be made either. I guess it would be fair to give RolyInvestment (reviewed here) a chance to prove everything is running smoothly once again so I’ll report more on that in due course. Watch out for more updates on RolyInvestment (hopefully positive ones!) in a few days time. Here’s the official news from the administration:
“Investment – News – Segwit2x
Dear investors, partners and friends
We are pleased to announce that the development of our company is expected to be outstanding and very stable. Many innovations and specials are under development. In the future, we can count on much more support to deliver more professional results.
Lately we have had a lot of questions about dealing with Soft- and Hardforks on the Bitcoin Blockchain as well as on the topic Segwit2x
We would like to allow each individual to look a little behind the scenes and to learn a part of the company strategy.
Much of the companies in the Bitcoin industry have decided to stop their services by second August to prevent possible losses of their customers’ bitcoins. So also our partner companies and brokers. In order to grant our investors a guarantee of their deposits, any trading, investment and disbursement will be made from 2017/07/31 to 2017/08/02.
ROLYINVESTMENT sees itself in the obligation to protect the assets of each individual employee. To ensure the security of the money of our customers, deposits, returns and disbursements will be deactivated until August 2nd, as there will be no trading on our part.
During this time, we will prepare our software for the fork and as soon as we can confirm and ensure that transactions can be carried out safely, we will continue our activities as usual from 2017/08/02.
If you have further questions please don’t hesitate to contact our Customer Service Team. Thank you.”
The admin of CastleInvestment seems to have chosen to follow suit when announcing the suspension of all BitCoin withdrawals from now until August 5th. I honestly do not understand why it was necessary to make such a decision and put BitCoin withdrawals on hold for so long, especially considering that deposits via BitCoin will continue as usual. According to the latest newsletter transactions to other payment systems won’t be affected at all so you can still be able to enjoy instant withdrawals to PerfectMoney, Payeer, and AdvCash on either plan available to CastleInvestment members – 0.1% hourly for 250 hours or 6% daily for 25 calendar days. The good thing is the admin of CastleInvestment also promised to add Payza soon, and the thing that other payment processors remain unaffected by that decision also inspired confidence that once the admin is sure the BitCoin network is stable he will resume working with it. Of course the move might raise some eyebrows, especially from those using BitCoin, but at the moment nothing can be done in that regard and I will keep CastleInvestment (reviewed here) on Paying status on the MNO monitor provided withdrawals to other payment processors continue as promised. Below is the latest news on that plus other news CastleInvestment posted earlier on Saturday:
Greetings to all; we appreciate you for choosing us.
****Very important notice!!!
We are informing you that from now we are stopping BITCOIN service due to the upcoming hard fork because Bitcoin service is closed worldwide by August 4, We are looking to reopen it on 5th of August once everything settle down but it may be extended if the process takes longer. This has to be done and you shouldn’t make any BITCOIN transactions during the hard fork period for your own safety.
We’re sorry for any inconvenience.
But other processors will work as usual.
Please do not panic all is well and keep working as usual.
Thank you for understanding and please inform your team as well.
“CFIL – Have a wonderful Saturday !!
Good Morning !!
Greetings to all; we appreciate you for choosing us.
Have a wonderful Saturday & a Refreshing weekend!!!
Wake up Each Day & Be Thankful for Life. May the good times and treasures of the present become the golden memories of tomorrow.
Happy Earning, Relax & Have Fun!!
If you don’t have money to deposit? No problem, We will cover you. Share your referral link to potential investors, friends and family to earn solid 6% referral commission.
**Please do not forget to give your feedback. Your feedback is very important for us !!
**Please share your experience with everyone and post your payments proofs in social media like Facebook groups and Twitters..!!
Like CFIL Facebook Page:-
Join CFIL official Facebook Group & share your reviews:-
**If you have any questions or issues, then you can contact us through livechat, facebook chat, skype chat or support mail.
ControlFinance (reviewed here) remains among the most stable programs on the MNO monitor, paying instantly to PerfectMoney, Payeer, BitCoin, and AdvCash with the option to withdraw to a different processor than what you joined with. As ControlFinance only pays 1% to 1.5% daily for an open ended term and no principal back, it will take lots of patience and nerves of steel before seeing a profit. So even though ControlFinance has been running for more than two months now it’s still not enough to prove their value, as the even the first investors won’t profit until autumn. In any case, ControlFinance keeps its slow and steady growth and the admin adds more and more language versions on a weekly basis. While the actual importance of having lots of professionally translated versions of a HYIP website can be disputed, no one can argue that it adds to the program’s appeal among a certain more demanding category of investors. The Spanish speaking market may not be that extensive when it comes to the HYIP industry, but if you add big Spanish speaking communities as prospective members of ControlFinance from North and South America you might find the decision to add a Spanish language version of the website well worth the effort. Here is what the admin had to say about it:
“News – Our website is available in Spanish
Our website materials are now available in Spanish. Cryptocurrencies are spreading geographically as more and more countries are legalizing the Bitcoin. We are following this trend and we try to give every customer easy access to information.”
I’ll finish for today with the results of the poll from the MNO TalkBack page which ran for the last week. With the HYIP industry now looking much stronger than before and the arrival of the next giant program LaserOnline things are looking bright not only for myself, but for the vast majority of my readers as well. About 77% of the voters agreed with my point that over the few weeks in the HYIP industry things got better, another 21% think that they stayed the same, and only a tiny percentage of 2% believe things have gotten worse. I totally understand the high spirits people are now feeling after a fruitless several months with only a handful of good programs. July in this regard seems very different from the previous months and in my opinion marks a turning point in the HYIP industry which is certainly on its way to full recovery and flourishing once more in the autumn. I guess with the cherry-picked programs here on MNO many of you already felt the taste of things to come and are enjoying profits from the most elite online investment programs run by the brightest admins – the only kind you can see here on MNO.
That being said, I have another burning question that you may wish to voice your opinion on. I’m talking about the recently scandal involving one of the biggest cryptocurrency exchange sites, BTC-E. Its Russian owner was detained in Greece at the request of US authorities and indicted for the crimes of money laundering going into billions of dollars and for which he will most definitely enjoy a life sentence in prison. Such a huge event in the BitCoin world was already named as the main reason for the recent collapse of FexFund which paid for over three months. Nobody saw it happening, of course, and that is why some HYIP admins are totally unprepared and lost money there. I’m sure that some investors who kept money in the now closed BTC-E suffered some financial losses too. So, I believe it’s time to ask what readers think will be the outcome of all this.
In your opinion, how will the closure of BTC-E affect the HYIP industry in general?
– It will have no effect on it and things will keep getting better as predicted.
– It will have some effect and will lead to a few programs scamming prematurely.
– It will have a huge negative effect and will cause a big wave of scams very soon.
As usual, I would like to thank you in advance for voting in the poll on the MNO TalkBack page. Results will most probably be posted by next week. Thanks for staying active and voting here, guys!
Here is the list of the programs from my monitor that paid me for the last 60 hours:
From MNO Sticky list: –
From MNO Premium list: TrafficHeap, LaserOnline, FatFunds,
CastleInvestment, FxLTD, CryptoSolutions,
ControlFinance, AlpexTrade.
From MNO Standard list: Ykke, Respectativa.
From MNO Basic list: Investellect, CryptoGolden, CorePlus, CryptoCenter.
That’s it for today, guys. I’ll be back in a couple of days with more news and events from the biggest and the most elite programs in the industry on the MNO monitor and will perhaps even introduce something new to my list. Don’t miss anything important so always remember to follow MNO on Telegram, Facebook, and Twitter, and subscribe for the daily news to be delivered directly to your email address here! Stay tuned and connect with MNO – For Money Lovers!
Filed under Daily News, Reviews by on Jul 31st, 2017. 7 Comments.
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