10/08/2017. NewTechRoad Review and Daily News from the HYIP Industry
Beware! NewTechRoad has stopped paying! Do not invest there!
Hello everyone! Welcome back to the MNO blog – the oldest, biggest and most trusted online resource dedicated solely to the subject of HYIP investments in the world. There was lots of interesting news stories to report over the last three days to catch up on tonight so keep reading until the news section for that, as well an introduction of a new program that just upgraded from Basic to Premium listing last night. Just as exciting however is a brand new addition to the MNO monitor‘s Premium List from yesterday called NewTechRoad. You might remember it was introduced in my last blog post after already being online for about a week. The interesting thing about NewTechRoad road is the level of flexibility given to members as regarding the investment term. They have quite an unusual feature for a medium term program but I’ll explain more about this as we go. What this has meant in practical terms for some of the first NewTechRoad investors is that they have found themselves in profit a lot faster than you might have thought from looking at the program initially. So let’s see what they are all about and whether you think you might have room in your portfolios for NewTechRoad.
Starting things off as usual then with the investment plans, NewTechRoad only has one, but don’t let that deceive you. At first glance it has a fixed term limit, however it’s really up to the individual investor to determine the true length, though it doesn’t go past a fixed length maximum limit (unless you decide to re-invest). The thing is that you are allowed to leave before the fixed expiry date, but if you don’t and prefer to stay an active member then NewTechRoad will gradually increase your interest payments in installments.
Let’s look at the numbers. Stripping things back to the most basic level, you will need a $20 minimum to join NewTechRoad. There is only one plan, and it runs for a term of 30 calendar days. Your initial interest payment is 2.1% per day. That’s for the first five days, at which point NewTechRoad offer you a get-out-early clause. You are now free to request your principal back in full, meaning your first batch of payments add up to 10.5% in net profits. As I said, a few people may well have already accepted this offer and are no longer active members. But what about those people who want to remain and keep earning? NewTechRoad have the perfect enticement to get you to stay with them by increasing your interest rate to 2.3% for the following five days after that. That would add an extra 11.5% to your accumulating profits, which at this point would be 22% were you to take the early withdrawal option.
I suppose you can already see the pattern that’s developing here, right? Rather than reward bigger and bigger deposits with higher interest rates like most HYIPs do, NewTechRoad go down a different path of rewarding longer term loyalty. So if you have now stayed a member of the program for the first ten days, your interest rate will again improve to 2.5% for the next five days, taking you up to day 15 and the mid-way point of the term. Payments for this five day section come to 12.5%, so add this to your previous earnings and you now have a pretty substantial figure of 34.5% total net profit if you are going to withdraw your principal and leave NewTechRoad permanently at this point.
If you are happy with the performance of NewTechRoad up to this point and are happy to continue earning, the next stage of the plan sees them pay you back 2.7% every day for the next five days (13.5%), taking you up to day 20 of the 30 day term, and maximum earnings of 48% so far were you now to leave.
The remaining ten days of the term see NewTechRoad up their offer to 3% per day until the final expiry date. This particular stretch should add up to 30% by itself, and when added to what you’ve already withdrawn up to that point should give a final net profit of 78%, assuming you have of course stayed with NewTechRoad for the full duration. Your principal should now be returned, allowing you to re-invest for a full or partial term as you see fit. Remember also that if you do wish to leave the program early you don’t necessarily have to wait for the interest rates to change, you are free to do so at any point after the initial five day lock-in period expires. By the way, the maximum investment limit is capped at $20,000.
After that I can’t honestly give a practical example of what a typical investment might look like. It really is a case of there being as many possible outcomes as there are investors. All I can do is give you the numbers and you can work out for yourselves what you want to do with NewTechRoad after that. I can only add a few words of instruction for what to do when you eventually feel the time is right for you to take your principal back from NewTechRoad. There’s nothing to it really, simply scroll down to the Active Deposits tab, click the drop-down menu to see the list, and push the Return Deposit button. Don’t worry if you are new to the program and don’t see this at first, it’s only activated after the first five days.
The level of flexibility allowed by NewTechRoad will certainly go down well with many experienced investors who like to be more in charge of their deposits and choose their own release dates depending on personal circumstances and investment strategies. At the same time the gradually growing interest rates allow investors to be rewarded for their loyalty.
If you think it might be worth a shot therefore the next thing we should look at are your payment options. As far as the more conventional methods go it’s fairly standard, with NewTechRoad using PerfectMoney, Payeer, and AdvCash. When it comes to the more direct digital alternatives though you can use BitCoin and also Ethereum which is emerging as a strong competitor in a field dominated by BitCoin for so long. Whatever option you prefer, just remember it’s very important to make sure your e-currency accounts are specified in the Settings section of your members area. The reason for this is that withdrawals are usually processed instantly, and therefore you have to give your details to the script before requesting a withdrawal. Log in to your account and submit your request as normal, and the money should be with you in under a minute. Something important you will need to remember is a six digit PIN which will be assigned to you by the script after you sign up. This will be sent to your e-mail address, and is required for all future withdrawals from NewTechRoad. Keep it safe because you won’t be paid without it!
Moving on to some of the more technical aspects of the NewTechRoad website now such as design and security, the program runs off its own unique script which was developed especially for their own individual requirements. This is always a welcome sign and it allows the admin to change and improve things as the program’s needs change without relying on others. At the same time it’s not overly complicated and is user friendly and easy to navigate throughout. Another welcome feature is that the entire NewTechRoad website is multilingual. At the time of writing you can choose from eight languages in the drop-down menu located in the top right-hand corner. As for a hosting provider, the NewTechRoad is kept on a dedicated server with DDoS protection from Koddos. For an extra layer of security you will also see that NewTechRoad features the superior Green Bar Extended Validation SSL certificate from Comodo for safer browsing and more secure transactions.
Any further questions? If you think I missed anything in this review or have any account related issues you might need the admin to look into then you have a number of available options. Start as always with the FAQ, it deals with most of the obvious questions. There’s also a built-in Live Chat widget so try and find an operator there next. If someone is online they may be able to deal with your query in real time. If not, then contact the NewTechRoad admin directly at the listed e-mail addresses. There’s a postal address in the UK which is safe to say can probably be ignored as part of the program’s company registration process, generally these things are entirely genuine places but used only as virtual hosted workspaces and not where you find anyone connected with running NewTechRoad physically located. The address comes with a telephone number though, so if you think someone might answer then feel free to try it out.
Claims of any real business activity are relating to how NewTechRoad takes plastic waste products and recycles them into building materials. Certainly nothing that an experienced HYIP investor would take seriously but just for the newbies, don’t go looking for anything you can independently research and verify. NewTechRoad are to be treated as any other high risk HYIP, no better and no worse, though as short to mid term programs go I have to commend them on organizing something good here, and there is definitely a demand in the market for what they are selling right now that isn’t really being met elsewhere. Nevertheless you are strongly advised to stay well under a sensible spending limit you can both afford to lose if things go wrong and also easily earn back from other income sources. And if you do decide to join NewTechRoad then try and keep them as a smaller part of a wider more diverse portfolio.
Just before we move on to the news section I want to finish up with NewTechRoad, at least for today anyway, by asking what readers think of it. You can weigh up the pros and cons of joining, and decide whether it’s a risk you think worth taking. I hope then that you won’t mind answering the following opinion poll question, which is as always 100% anonymous and only takes a second to complete. Thanks to everyone who votes, as it will make interesting reading maybe not today but several weeks from now when we look back on NewTechRoad and see how it has developed by then:

I will start today’s news by introducing ChainGroupService, a program that’s already been paying for a couple of weeks. The admin made the right decision to upgrade his program from Basic to Premium listing on MNO last night. ChainGroupService works off a very curious premise of having only one investment plan which pays you 0.2% daily for 500 calendar days which only returns you 100% on your investment by the end of the term while handing you your principal back in about seventeen (!) months time. If that offer doesn’t look too appealing don’t fret – as there are a few other much more profitable investment plans available for ChainGroupService‘s members. However, note that these plans are presented as a third-party offers which ChainGroupService itself claim no direct connection with and handle the investors’ money as an escrow service. That is why it’s important to understand that investments in the more profitable plans are only covered by the so-called “compensation fund” and in case of the third-party fund failure your losses will only be partially covered. If you still don’t get the idea do not worry as I will do my best to explain it in the upcoming review of ChainGroupService on Sunday. Anyway, what you need to know about the more profitable plans at the moment is that they are all offering variable daily returns starting from 0.1% and potentially up to 10%, they have different compounding rules and different options for early principal withdrawal. In order to make a deposit the first thing you need to do is to fund your account in ChainGroupService with at least $5 via PerfectMoney, Payeer, AdvCash, or its equivalent in various cryptocurrencies handled by the Coinpayments interface by clicking the “Load” button in your account. Once your account is credited you then may choose from the five investment offers you can see on the “Stats and Trade Groups list” page and from there make an investment into the plan of your choice. Then you just withdraw your profit as usual and note that everything you withdraw will be subject to a 0.5% handling fee automatically deducted from the final sum you should receive into your e-currency account within 24 hours. Make sure you fully read and understand the terms of service provided on the ChainGroupService website as it makes sense to be aware of possible risks and know the rules of the game, as there might be some unexpected fines and surprises in your account if you don’t follow them.
All in all, the website looks very original deliberately sacrificing fancy design in favour of overwhelmingly comprehensive information with lots of points not generally applicable to online HYIPs. At first glance it looks like the admin is trying to present ChainGroupService as something out of the ordinary, while also protecting his program from complaints by introducing allegedly third-party operated investment plans which I will have a detailed look at in the upcoming review. It’s clear that lots of preparations have been made before the official launch, as the domain name is registered until 2026, a totally new custom-made script was developed, and an SSL secured by Comodo website hosted on a dedicated server with support and protection provided by CloudFlare. The program definitely looks original, but whether such originality will help ChainGroupService to become a long term hit in the HYIP industry only time will tell. MNO will let you know about all future developments worth mentioning on my blog, and of course stay tuned for the upcoming review on Sunday!
I’m fully aware that many investors of LaserOnline which currently occupies the #1 position on the MNO Premium List (read its full review here) were very concerned when the website went offline for maintenance and was unstable when it returned. That prevented some from checking their balances and making additional deposits or withdrawals, but this was really necessary to implement some of the extra features on the website. I must say that I was in constant contact with the admin of LaserOnline who kept me updated at all times while the site was affected and made assurances that no downtime would affect the payouts to members. I remind you that by investing in LaserOnline you can earn 12% per every business day (Monday to Friday) which you can then request and be paid within a maximum timeframe of 24 (for smaller withdrawals) to 48 business hours (for larger withdrawals). You will see a timer counting down until you are paid, though some additional time may be added if your scheduled payout falls on Saturday or Sunday when payouts are not processed. It wasn’t expected to take so long, but it’s ultimately essential that it be done. LaserOnline was originally expected to be offline for very short periods of time while new features were implemented in the script, but with such a complicated mechanism as a popular HYIP with many hundreds of investors sometimes things go awry, and we can only be patient. That’s what happened to LaserOnline and despite concerns expressed by some investors used to being scammed in HYIPs in a click of the fingers everything eventually ended well. As of today all the functions have been restored, members getting their payments, and can make additional deposits as usual. Here’s the message from LaserOnline‘s Facebook page from when the site was inaccessible (keep reading for more comments after that though):
“LaserOnline website in Maintenance
Dear Users, LaserOnline platform is getting updated with some latest advancement and, some extra integration of new yet convincing features for you all. Soon the website will be available back ASAP as always, however, continuity of upgrade & addition of new feature is likely bit of a habit at LaserOnline and, maintenance or down time like these might happen or take place in future (if there is any upgrade/tech advancement).
We highly appreciate your patience in this meantime.”
So, what kind of new features have been introduced on LaserOnline you might ask? Well, for starters they’ve got the most detailed statistics available on a specially created page. After you made a withdrawal request you will be shown exactly for how long you have to wait before your payment is processed in automated mode by the custom made script. Also more cryptocurrencies will be accepted later today as you can see in your account area, but they are still inactive at the time of writing. In addition to everyone’s favourite BitCoin the new options will include Ethereum, Monero, LiteCoin, and Dash. They join Payza, PerfectMoney, Payeer, and AdvCash. Thus, LaserOnline becomes more appealing to those who trade in the crypto currency market which will potentially help expand their horizons and last for much longer. Well, forty days on MNO is already a pretty impressive result for a program paying 12% for 12 business days, but I truly hope that despite any possible hiccups on the way LaserOnline will be able to maintain its leadership on the HYIP market for a long time to come. And that in turn will benefit the general good shape of the HYIP industry which according to the latest results of the poll on the TalkBack page is seen as growing by almost three quarters of my readers. Below is the latest official update taken from the LaserOnline Facebook page:
“Hello, to all the Laser Fans around the globe!
Your kind patience has helped us bring many new additions to the platform, such as our Statistic transaction area (https://laser.online/statistics) which now show up real time updated data of the platform user performances leader statistics in (top registrations, grossing & biggest paychecks, team statistics (Latest Ref earner, Average Ref Bonus weekly, Biggest one-time ref bon
Filed under Daily News, Reviews by on Aug 10th, 2017.